[metadata] name = NanoVNASaver author = Rune B. Broberg author_email= NanoVNA-Saver@users.noreply.github.com license = GNU GPL V3 license_files = LICENSE, description = GUI for the NanoVNA and derivates long_description = file: README.md url = https://github.com/NanoVNA-Saver/nanovna-saver version = attr: NanoVNASaver.About.VERSION platforms= all [options] # do not use "find_namespace:" because this may recursively include "build" packages = find: install_requires= pyserial>=3.5 PyQt5>=5.15.0 numpy>=1.21.1 scipy>=1.7.1 Cython>=0.29.24 python_requires = >=3.8, <4 [options.entry_points] console_scripts = NanoVNASaver = NanoVNASaver.__main__:main # without this option the rpm-build includes also the "test" directory [options.packages.find] exclude = test