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(C) 2013,2014 AG1LE Mauri Niininen
Removed most static variables to reduce size of .bss segment in order to be able to run in Raspberry Pi.
Added TCL/sqlite3 based testing framework to capture and process CER vs SNR test data.
See test/ and test/sqlite.db
Added GIT version tagging feature bmorse -ver returns the tag+version number
Use git tag -a v0.1.02 -m "Release v0.1.02" to update tag -
Fixed bugs and syncronized with FLDIGI 3.21.77 Bayesian v3 version
Fixed bug in savep.cxx - check if psum is zero before trying to divide by it.
I think is is the root cause of bug mentioned in Sep-26-2013 - Pmax growing to huge values
New release bmorse-0.1.01
Added FFT filtering code from FLDIGI cw.cxx and fftflt.cxx
Converted all files from C to C++.
Found a workaround for P(max) bug - see Sept 26. Adjusting dur[] initialization value from 1000.0 to 9000.0 in proces.cxx worked in most test files so far.
Added more options to enable debugging and testing bmorse decoder while using WAV audio files as source.
Bit filter (-bfv) option does envelope smoothing - 10 msec rise time assumption based on experiences with FLDIGI.
Plot option (-plt) enables piping such as "bmorse -plt <sndfile> | xplot" to visualize the CW envelope.
AGC option (-agc) has fast rise and slow decay in case original signal has very large dynamic range.
AMP option (-amp) allows to multiply envelope signal with a constant.
DUR option (-dur) allows manually to set Bayesian decoder sample duration (used in path.c).
FFT option (-fft) enables either FFT based signal recovery or just low pass filtering.
- FFT has also peak_detection() to find if there are multiple signals in the audio frequency range.
- Parameter "delta" sets peak detection threshold
- Width (-wid) and length (-len) parameters can be used to set FFT size and chunking
Renamed this program as "bmorse" - it stands for Bayesian Morse code decoder.
Built new functionality and options for testing both sound files and text files.
enabled decoding from FLDIGI data feed. clamping x value to 1.0 max as FLDIGI sends values over 20.0 during startup before AGC kicks in.
BUG: P(dah) abruptly goes from near 1.0 down and the bounces back => P(max) jumps to huge values
too long dahs?
BUG: missing word space /pause between words QUICK BROWN when < 30 db SNR ?
FOUND: enabled noise.c processing in morse.c
changed to:
noise_(&x, &rn, &zout);
retstat = proces_(&zout, &rn, &xhat, &px, &elmhat, &spdhat, &imax, &pmax);
much better decoding with low SNR test signals.
run "./morse t test/ | less"
BUG: QUICD and FOB when high 20 dB SNR?
D should be K and B should be X
for some reason last 'dah' following word space gets decoded as 'dit'.
FOUND: Initl.c - line 123 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, // mauri 2013-09-25 bugfix
had 0 instead of 1 in state k=4
2013-SEP-02 Morse decoding works on C++ version. Added decoding struct TREE in transl.c
and logic to translate incoming morse symbols. This is marked as version v01.
2013-SEP-01 Initial version. Original Fortran sources compiled with
gfortran -g *.f
produces a.out executable program.
Based on initial testing the element state estimation works, but translating letters
has still problems. Produces a sequence of letter states but translation to actual
characters produces incorrect letters.
Compilation of C-sources produced by f2c is done with following commands:
gcc -c *.c
gcc *.o -lf2c -lm
produces a.out executable program. The output of both versions of a.out is in
These have minor differences - source still unknown.