
199 wiersze
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Ethereum blockchain transaction pool crawler.
go run main.go -blockchain ethereum -interval 1
package cmd
import (
settings ""
humbug ""
// Generate humbug client
func humbugClient(sessionID string, clientID string, humbugToken string) (*humbug.HumbugReporter, error) {
consent := humbug.CreateHumbugConsent(humbug.True)
reporter, err := humbug.CreateHumbugReporter(consent, clientID, sessionID, humbugToken)
return reporter, err
// Split list of reports on nested lists
func generateChunks(xs []humbug.Report, chunkSize int) [][]humbug.Report {
if len(xs) == 0 {
return nil
divided := make([][]humbug.Report, (len(xs)+chunkSize-1)/chunkSize)
prev := 0
i := 0
till := len(xs) - chunkSize
for prev < till {
next := prev + chunkSize
divided[i] = xs[prev:next]
prev = next
divided[i] = xs[prev:]
return divided
// Fetch list of transactions form Ethereum TxPool
func PollTxpoolContent(gethClient *rpc.Client, interval int, reporter *humbug.HumbugReporter, blockchain string) {
currentTransactions := make(map[common.Hash]bool)
// Structure of the map:
// {pending | queued} -> "from" address -> nonce -> Transaction
var result map[string]map[string]map[uint64]*Transaction
for {
log.Println("Checking pending transactions in node")
gethClient.Call(&result, "txpool_content")
pendingTransactions := result["pending"]
// Mark all transactions from previous iteration as false
cacheSizeCounter := 0
for transactionHash := range currentTransactions {
currentTransactions[transactionHash] = false
log.Printf("Size of pending transactions cache at the beginning: %d\n", cacheSizeCounter)
reports := []humbug.Report{}
// Iterate over fetched result
addedTransactionsCounter := 0
for fromAddress, transactionsByNonce := range pendingTransactions {
for nonce, transaction := range transactionsByNonce {
pendingTx := PendingTransaction{From: fromAddress, Nonce: nonce, Transaction: transaction}
// Check if transaction already exist in our currentTransactions list and pass this transaction
transactionHash := transaction.Hash
_, transactionProcessed := currentTransactions[transactionHash]
if !transactionProcessed {
contents, jsonErr := json.Marshal(pendingTx)
if jsonErr != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error marshalling pending transaction to JSON:\n%v\n", pendingTx)
ReportTitle := fmt.Sprintf("%s: Pending transaction: ", strings.Title(blockchain)) + transactionHash.String()
ReportTags := []string{
"hash:" + transactionHash.String(),
"from_address:" + fromAddress,
fmt.Sprintf("to_address:%s", pendingTx.Transaction.To),
fmt.Sprintf("gas_price:%d", pendingTx.Transaction.GasPrice.ToInt()),
fmt.Sprintf("max_priority_fee_per_gas:%d", pendingTx.Transaction.MaxPriorityFeePerGas.ToInt()),
fmt.Sprintf("max_fee_per_gas:%d", pendingTx.Transaction.MaxFeePerGas.ToInt()),
fmt.Sprintf("gas:%d", pendingTx.Transaction.Gas),
fmt.Sprintf("value:%d", transaction.Value.ToInt()),
fmt.Sprintf("crawl_type:%s_txpool", blockchain),
report := humbug.Report{
Title: ReportTitle,
Content: string(contents),
Tags: ReportTags,
reports = append(reports, report)
currentTransactions[transactionHash] = true
// TODO(kompotkot): Passing txs is wrong solution, but for end user
// it is similar like this txs even not passed through this node.
if len(reports) < 10000 {
reportChunks := generateChunks(reports, 500)
for _, chunk := range reportChunks {
log.Printf("Published chunk with: %d/%d reports\n", len(chunk), addedTransactionsCounter)
time.Sleep(time.Duration(interval) * time.Second)
// Clean the slice out of disappeared transactions
droppedTransactionsCounter := 0
for transactionHash, justProcessed := range currentTransactions {
if !justProcessed {
delete(currentTransactions, transactionHash)
// TODO(kompotkot): Add humbug andpoint to modify entry tags as
// "processed" transaction
log.Printf("Dropped transactions: %d\n", droppedTransactionsCounter)
log.Printf("Sleeping for %d seconds\n", interval)
time.Sleep(time.Duration(interval) * time.Second)
} else {
log.Printf("Too many transactions: %d, passing them...\n", addedTransactionsCounter)
func InitTxPool() {
var accessID string
var blockchain string
var intervalSeconds int
flag.StringVar(&accessID, "access-id", "", "Access ID for Moonstream node balancer")
flag.StringVar(&blockchain, "blockchain", "", "Blockchain to crawl")
flag.IntVar(&intervalSeconds, "interval", 1, "Number of seconds to wait between RPC calls to query the transaction pool (default: 1)")
switch blockchain {
case "ethereum", "polygon":
log.Printf("%s blockchain\n", strings.Title(blockchain))
panic(fmt.Sprintln("Invalid blockchain provided"))
MOONSTREAM_IPC_PATH := settings.GetIpcPath(blockchain)
sessionID := uuid.New().String()
// Humbug crash client to collect errors
crashReporter, err := humbugClient(sessionID, "moonstream-crawlers", settings.HUMBUG_REPORTER_CRAWLERS_TOKEN)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid Humbug Crash configuration: %s", err.Error()))
defer func() {
message := recover()
if message != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error: %s\n", message)
// Set connection with Ethereum blockchain via geth
gethClient, err := rpc.Dial(MOONSTREAM_IPC_PATH)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Could not connect to geth: %s", err.Error()))
if accessID != "" {
gethClient.SetHeader("X-Node-Balancer-Access-Id", accessID)
gethClient.SetHeader("X-Node-Balancer-Data-Source", "blockchain")
defer gethClient.Close()
// Humbug client to be able write data in Bugout journal
reporter, err := humbugClient(sessionID, settings.HUMBUG_TXPOOL_CLIENT_ID, settings.HUMBUG_TXPOOL_TOKEN)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid Humbug configuration: %s", err.Error()))
PollTxpoolContent(gethClient, intervalSeconds, reporter, blockchain)