import logging from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, cast from import Bugout from import BugoutResource from moonstreamdb.blockchain import ( AvailableBlockchainType, get_block_model, get_label_model, get_transaction_model, ) from sqlalchemy import and_, or_, text from sqlalchemy.orm import Query, Session from .. import data from ..stream_boundaries import validate_stream_boundary from ..stream_queries import StreamQuery logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.WARN) allowed_tags = ["tag:erc721"] default_time_interval_seconds: int = 5 * 60 # 200 transactions per block, 4 blocks per minute. estimated_events_per_time_interval: float = 5 * 800 @dataclass class Filters: """ ethereum_blockchain event filters act as a disjunction over queries specifying a from address or a to address. """ from_addresses: List[str] = field(default_factory=list) to_addresses: List[str] = field(default_factory=list) labels: List[str] = field(default_factory=list) class TransactionsProvider: def __init__( self, event_type: str, blockchain: AvailableBlockchainType, description: str, streamboaundary_range_limit: int, ): self.event_type = event_type self.blockchain = blockchain self.description = description self.valid_period_seconds = streamboaundary_range_limit def validate_subscription( self, subscription_resource_data: data.SubscriptionResourceData, event_type ) -> Tuple[bool, List[str]]: """ Checks that the subscription represents a valid subscription to an Ethereum address. NOTE: Currently, this function only checks that the address is a nonempty string. """ errors: List[str] = [] if subscription_resource_data.address == "": errors.append("address is empty") if subscription_resource_data.subscription_type_id != event_type: errors.append( f"Invalid subscription_type ({subscription_resource_data.subscription_type_id}). Expected: {event_type}." ) if errors: return False, errors return True, errors def stream_boundary_validator( self, stream_boundary: data.StreamBoundary ) -> data.StreamBoundary: """ Stream boundary validator for the transactions provider. Checks that stream boundaries do not exceed periods of greater than 2 hours. Raises an error for invalid stream boundaries, else returns None. """ valid_period_seconds = self.valid_period_seconds _, stream_boundary = validate_stream_boundary( stream_boundary, valid_period_seconds, raise_when_invalid=True ) return stream_boundary def default_filters(self, subscriptions: List[BugoutResource]) -> Filters: """ Default filter strings for the given list of subscriptions. """ filters = Filters() for subscription in subscriptions: subscription_address = cast( Optional[str], subscription.resource_data.get("address") ) if subscription_address is not None: if subscription_address in allowed_tags: filters.labels.append(subscription_address.split(":")[1]) else: filters.from_addresses.append(subscription_address) filters.to_addresses.append(subscription_address) else: logger.warn( f"Could not find subscription address for subscription with resource id: {}" ) return filters def parse_filters( self, query: StreamQuery, user_subscriptions: Dict[str, List[BugoutResource]], ) -> Optional[Filters]: """ Passes raw filter strings into a Filters object which is used to construct a database query for ethereum transactions. Filter syntax is: - "from:
" - specifies that we want to include all transactions with "
" as a source - "to:
" - specifies that we want to include all transactions with "
" as a destination - "
" - specifies that we want to include all transactions with "
" as a source AND all transactions with "
" as a destination If the given StreamQuery induces filters on this provider, returns those filters. Otherwise, returns None indicating that the StreamQuery does not require any data from this provider. """ if query.subscription_types and not any( subtype == self.event_type for subtype in query.subscription_types ): return None provider_subscriptions = user_subscriptions.get(self.event_type) # If the user has no subscriptions to this event type, we do not have to return any data! if not provider_subscriptions: return None parsed_filters = self.default_filters(provider_subscriptions) from_prefix_length = len("from:") to_prefix_length = len("to:") subscribed_addresses = { subscription.resource_data.get("address") for subscription in provider_subscriptions if subscription.resource_data.get("address") is not None } if query.subscriptions: parsed_filters.from_addresses = [] parsed_filters.to_addresses = [] for provider_type, raw_filter in query.subscriptions: if provider_type != self.event_type: continue if raw_filter.startswith("from:"): address = raw_filter[from_prefix_length:] if address in subscribed_addresses: parsed_filters.from_addresses.append(address) elif raw_filter.startswith("to:"): address = raw_filter[to_prefix_length:] if address in subscribed_addresses: parsed_filters.to_addresses.append(address) else: address = raw_filter if address in subscribed_addresses: parsed_filters.from_addresses.append(address) parsed_filters.to_addresses.append(address) if not ( parsed_filters.from_addresses or parsed_filters.to_addresses or parsed_filters.labels ): return None return parsed_filters def query_transactions( self, db_session: Session, stream_boundary: data.StreamBoundary, parsed_filters: Filters, ) -> Query: """ Builds a database query for Ethereum transactions that occurred within the window of time that the given stream_boundary represents and satisfying the constraints of parsed_filters. """ Transactions = get_transaction_model(self.blockchain) Blocks = get_block_model(self.blockchain) Labels = get_label_model(self.blockchain) query = db_session.query( Transactions.hash, Transactions.block_number, Transactions.from_address, Transactions.to_address, Transactions.gas, Transactions.gas_price, Transactions.input, Transactions.nonce, Transactions.value, Blocks.timestamp.label("timestamp"), ).join( Blocks, Transactions.block_number == Blocks.block_number, ) if stream_boundary.include_start: query = query.filter(Blocks.timestamp >= stream_boundary.start_time) else: query = query.filter(Blocks.timestamp > stream_boundary.start_time) if stream_boundary.end_time is not None: if stream_boundary.include_end: query = query.filter(Blocks.timestamp <= stream_boundary.end_time) else: query = query.filter(Blocks.timestamp <= stream_boundary.end_time) # We want to take a big disjunction (OR) over ALL the filters, be they on "from" address or "to" address address_clauses = [] address_clauses.extend( [ Transactions.from_address == address for address in parsed_filters.from_addresses ] + [ Transactions.to_address == address for address in parsed_filters.to_addresses ] ) labels_clause = [] if parsed_filters.labels: label_clause = ( db_session.query(Labels) .filter( or_( *[ Labels.label.contains(label) for label in list(set(parsed_filters.labels)) ] ) ) .exists() ) labels_clause.append(label_clause) subscriptions_clause = address_clauses + labels_clause if subscriptions_clause: query = query.filter(or_(*subscriptions_clause)) return query def ethereum_transaction_event(self, row: Tuple) -> data.Event: """ Parses a result from the result set of a database query for Ethereum transactions with block timestamp into an Event object. """ ( hash, block_number, from_address, to_address, gas, gas_price, input, nonce, value, timestamp, ) = row return data.Event( event_type=self.event_type, event_timestamp=timestamp, event_data={ "hash": hash, "block_number": block_number, "from": from_address, "to": to_address, "gas": gas, "gas_price": gas_price, "input": input, "nonce": nonce, "value": value, }, ) def get_events( self, db_session: Session, bugout_client: Bugout, data_journal_id: str, data_access_token: str, stream_boundary: data.StreamBoundary, query: StreamQuery, user_subscriptions: Dict[str, List[BugoutResource]], ) -> Optional[Tuple[data.StreamBoundary, List[data.Event]]]: """ Returns ethereum_blockchain events for the given addresses in the time period represented by stream_boundary. If the query does not require any data from this provider, returns None. """ stream_boundary = self.stream_boundary_validator(stream_boundary) parsed_filters = self.parse_filters(query, user_subscriptions) if parsed_filters is None: return None ethereum_transactions = self.query_transactions( db_session, stream_boundary, parsed_filters ) ethereum_transactions = ethereum_transactions.order_by(text("timestamp desc")) # TODO(zomglings): Catch the operational error denoting that the statement timed out here # and wrap it in an error that tells the API to return the appropriate 400 response. Currently, # when the statement times out, the API returns a 500 status code to the client, which doesn't # do anything to help them get data from teh backend. # The error message on the API side when the statement times out: # > sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (psycopg2.errors.QueryCanceled) canceling statement due to statement timeout events: List[data.Event] = [ self.ethereum_transaction_event(row) for row in ethereum_transactions ] if (stream_boundary.end_time is None) and events: stream_boundary.end_time = events[0].event_timestamp stream_boundary.include_end = True return stream_boundary, events def latest_events( self, db_session: Session, bugout_client: Bugout, data_journal_id: str, data_access_token: str, query: StreamQuery, num_events: int, user_subscriptions: Dict[str, List[BugoutResource]], ) -> Optional[List[data.Event]]: """ Returns the num_events latest events from the current provider, subject to the constraints imposed by the given filters. If the query does not require any data from this provider, returns None. """ assert num_events > 0, f"num_events ({num_events}) should be positive." stream_boundary = data.StreamBoundary( start_time=0, include_start=True, end_time=None, include_end=False ) parsed_filters = self.parse_filters(query, user_subscriptions) if parsed_filters is None: return None ethereum_transactions = ( self.query_transactions(db_session, stream_boundary, parsed_filters) .order_by(text("timestamp desc")) .limit(num_events) ) return [self.ethereum_transaction_event(row) for row in ethereum_transactions] def next_event( self, db_session: Session, bugout_client: Bugout, data_journal_id: str, data_access_token: str, stream_boundary: data.StreamBoundary, query: StreamQuery, user_subscriptions: Dict[str, List[BugoutResource]], ) -> Optional[data.Event]: """ Returns the earliest event occuring after the given stream boundary corresponding to the given query from this provider. If the query does not require any data from this provider, returns None. """ assert ( stream_boundary.end_time is not None ), "Cannot return next event for up-to-date stream boundary" next_stream_boundary = data.StreamBoundary( start_time=stream_boundary.end_time, include_start=(not stream_boundary.include_end), end_time=None, include_end=False, ) parsed_filters = self.parse_filters(query, user_subscriptions) if parsed_filters is None: return None maybe_ethereum_transaction = ( self.query_transactions(db_session, next_stream_boundary, parsed_filters) .order_by(text("timestamp asc")) .limit(1) ).one_or_none() if maybe_ethereum_transaction is None: return None return self.ethereum_transaction_event(maybe_ethereum_transaction) def previous_event( self, db_session: Session, bugout_client: Bugout, data_journal_id: str, data_access_token: str, stream_boundary: data.StreamBoundary, query: StreamQuery, user_subscriptions: Dict[str, List[BugoutResource]], ) -> Optional[data.Event]: """ Returns the latest event occuring before the given stream boundary corresponding to the given query from this provider. If the query does not require any data from this provider, returns None. """ assert ( stream_boundary.start_time != 0 ), "Cannot return previous event for stream starting at time 0" previous_stream_boundary = data.StreamBoundary( start_time=0, include_start=True, end_time=stream_boundary.start_time, include_end=(not stream_boundary.include_start), ) parsed_filters = self.parse_filters(query, user_subscriptions) if parsed_filters is None: return None maybe_ethereum_transaction = ( self.query_transactions( db_session, previous_stream_boundary, parsed_filters ) .order_by(text("timestamp desc")) .limit(1) ).one_or_none() if maybe_ethereum_transaction is None: return None return self.ethereum_transaction_event(maybe_ethereum_transaction) EthereumTransactions = TransactionsProvider( event_type="ethereum_blockchain", blockchain=AvailableBlockchainType("ethereum"), description="Provider for resiving transactions from Ethereum tables.", streamboaundary_range_limit=2 * 60 * 60, ) PolygonTransactions = TransactionsProvider( event_type="polygon_blockchain", blockchain=AvailableBlockchainType("polygon"), description="Provider for resiving transactions from Polygon tables.", streamboaundary_range_limit=2 * 60 * 60, ) MumbaiTransactions = TransactionsProvider( event_type="mumbai_blockchain", blockchain=AvailableBlockchainType("mumbai"), description="Provider for resiving transactions from Mumbai tables.", streamboaundary_range_limit=2 * 60 * 60, ) AmoyTransactions = TransactionsProvider( event_type="amoy_blockchain", blockchain=AvailableBlockchainType("amoy"), description="Provider for resiving transactions from Amoy tables.", streamboaundary_range_limit=2 * 60 * 60, ) XDaiTransactions = TransactionsProvider( event_type="xdai_blockchain", blockchain=AvailableBlockchainType("xdai"), description="Provider for resiving transactions from XDai tables.", streamboaundary_range_limit=2 * 60 * 60, ) ZkSyncEraTestnetTransactions = TransactionsProvider( event_type="zksync_era_testnet_blockchain", blockchain=AvailableBlockchainType("zksync_era_testnet"), description="Provider for resiving transactions from ZkSync Era testnet tables.", streamboaundary_range_limit=2 * 60 * 60, ) ZkSyncEraTransactions = TransactionsProvider( event_type="zksync_era_blockchain", blockchain=AvailableBlockchainType("zksync_era"), description="Provider for resiving transactions from ZkSync Era tables.", streamboaundary_range_limit=2 * 60 * 60, ) ZkSyncEraSepoliaTransactions = TransactionsProvider( event_type="zksync_era_sepolia_blockchain", blockchain=AvailableBlockchainType("zksync_era_sepolia"), description="Provider for resiving transactions from ZkSync Era Sepolia tables.", streamboaundary_range_limit=2 * 60 * 60, ) ArbitrumNovaTransactions = TransactionsProvider( event_type="arbitrum_nova_blockchain", blockchain=AvailableBlockchainType("arbitrum_nova"), description="Provider for resiving transactions from Arbitrum Nova tables.", streamboaundary_range_limit=2 * 60 * 60, ) ArbitrumSepoliaTransactions = TransactionsProvider( event_type="arbitrum_sepolia_blockchain", blockchain=AvailableBlockchainType("arbitrum_sepolia"), description="Provider for resiving transactions from Arbitrum Sepolia tables.", streamboaundary_range_limit=2 * 60 * 60, ) XaiTransactions = TransactionsProvider( event_type="xai_blockchain", blockchain=AvailableBlockchainType("xai"), description="Provider for resiving transactions from Xai tables.", streamboaundary_range_limit=2 * 60 * 60, ) XaiSepoliaTransactions = TransactionsProvider( event_type="xai_sepolia_blockchain", blockchain=AvailableBlockchainType("xai_sepolia"), description="Provider for resiving transactions from Xai Sepolia tables.", streamboaundary_range_limit=2 * 60 * 60, ) AvalancheTransactions = TransactionsProvider( event_type="avalanche_blockchain", blockchain=AvailableBlockchainType("avalanche"), description="Provider for resiving transactions from Avalanche tables.", streamboaundary_range_limit=2 * 60 * 60, ) AvalancheFujiTransactions = TransactionsProvider( event_type="avalanche_fuji_blockchain", blockchain=AvailableBlockchainType("avalanche_fuji"), description="Provider for resiving transactions from Avalanche Fuji tables.", streamboaundary_range_limit=2 * 60 * 60, ) BlastTransactions = TransactionsProvider( event_type="blast_blockchain", blockchain=AvailableBlockchainType("blast"), description="Provider for resiving transactions from Blast tables.", streamboaundary_range_limit=2 * 60 * 60, ) BlastSepoliaTransactions = TransactionsProvider( event_type="blast_sepolia_blockchain", blockchain=AvailableBlockchainType("blast_sepolia"), description="Provider for resiving transactions from Blast Sepolia tables.", streamboaundary_range_limit=2 * 60 * 60, ) ProofOfPlayApexTransactions = TransactionsProvider( event_type="proofofplay_apex_blockchain", blockchain=AvailableBlockchainType("proofofplay_apex"), description="Provider for resiving transactions from Proof of Play Apex tables.", streamboaundary_range_limit=2 * 60 * 60, )