import argparse import hashlib import itertools import json import logging import time from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from concurrent.futures._base import TimeoutError from pprint import pprint from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional from uuid import UUID from moonstreamdb.blockchain import AvailableBlockchainType from moonstream.client import Moonstream # type: ignore from web3.middleware import geth_poa_middleware from mooncrawl.moonworm_crawler.crawler import _retry_connect_web3 from ..actions import recive_S3_data_from_query from ..db import PrePing_SessionLocal from ..settings import ( INFURA_PROJECT_ID, NB_CONTROLLER_ACCESS_ID, infura_networks, multicall_contracts, ) from .db import clean_labels, commit_session, view_call_to_label from .Multicall2_interface import Contract as Multicall2 from .web3_util import FunctionSignature, connect logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) client = Moonstream() def execute_query(query: Dict[str, Any], token: str): """ Query task example: { "type": "queryAPI", "query_url": "template_erc721_minting", "blockchain": "mumbai", "params": { "address": "0x230E4e85d4549343A460F5dE0a7035130F62d74C" }, "keys": [ "token_id" ] } """ # get the query url query_url = query["query_url"] # get the blockchain blockchain = query.get("blockchain") # get the parameters params = query["params"] body = {"params": params} if blockchain: body["blockchain"] = blockchain # run query template via moonstream query API data = recive_S3_data_from_query( client=client, token=token, query_name=query_url, custom_body=body, ) # extract the keys as a list keys = query["keys"] # extract the values from the data data = data["data"] if len(data) == 0: return [] result = [] for item in data: if len(keys) == 1: result.append(item[keys[0]]) else: result.append(tuple([item[key] for key in keys])) return result def make_multicall( multicall_method: Any, calls: List[Any], block_timestamp: int, block_number: str = "latest", ) -> Any: multicall_calls = [] for call in calls: try: multicall_calls.append( ( call["address"], call["method"].encode_data(call["inputs"]).hex(), ) ) except Exception as e: logger.error( f'Error encoding data for method {call["method"].name} call: {call}' ) multicall_result = multicall_method(False, calls=multicall_calls).call( block_identifier=block_number ) results = [] # Handle the case with not successful calls for index, encoded_data in enumerate(multicall_result): try: if encoded_data[0]: results.append( { "result": calls[index]["method"].decode_data(encoded_data[1]), "hash": calls[index]["hash"], "method": calls[index]["method"], "address": calls[index]["address"], "name": calls[index]["method"].name, "inputs": calls[index]["inputs"], "call_data": multicall_calls[index][1], "block_number": block_number, "block_timestamp": block_timestamp, "status": encoded_data[0], } ) else: results.append( { "result": calls[index]["method"].decode_data(encoded_data[1]), "hash": calls[index]["hash"], "method": calls[index]["method"], "address": calls[index]["address"], "name": calls[index]["method"].name, "inputs": calls[index]["inputs"], "call_data": multicall_calls[index][1], "block_number": block_number, "block_timestamp": block_timestamp, "status": encoded_data[0], } ) except Exception as e: results.append( { "result": str(encoded_data[1]), "hash": calls[index]["hash"], "method": calls[index]["method"], "address": calls[index]["address"], "name": calls[index]["method"].name, "inputs": calls[index]["inputs"], "call_data": multicall_calls[index][1], "block_number": block_number, "block_timestamp": block_timestamp, "status": encoded_data[0], "error": str(e), } ) logger.error( f"Error decoding data for for method {call['method'].name} call {calls[index]}: {e}." ) # data is not decoded, return the encoded data logger.error(f"Encoded data: {encoded_data}") return results def crawl_calls_level( web3_client, db_session, calls, responces, contracts_ABIs, interfaces, batch_size, multicall_method, block_number, blockchain_type, block_timestamp, max_batch_size=3000, min_batch_size=4, ): calls_of_level = [] for call in calls: if call["generated_hash"] in responces: continue parameters = [] for input in call["inputs"]: if type(input["value"]) in (str, int): if input["value"] not in responces: parameters.append([input["value"]]) else: if input["value"] in contracts_ABIs[call["address"]] and ( contracts_ABIs[call["address"]][input["value"]]["name"] == "totalSupply" ): # hack for totalSupply TODO(Andrey): need add propper support for response parsing parameters.append( list(range(1, responces[input["value"]][0][0] + 1)) ) else: parameters.append(responces[input["value"]]) elif type(input["value"]) == list: parameters.append(input["value"]) else: raise for call_parameters in itertools.product(*parameters): # hack for tuples product if len(call_parameters) == 1 and type(call_parameters[0]) == tuple: call_parameters = call_parameters[0] calls_of_level.append( { "address": call["address"], "method": FunctionSignature( interfaces[call["address"]].get_function_by_name(call["name"]) ), "hash": call["generated_hash"], "inputs": call_parameters, } ) retry = 0 while len(calls_of_level) > 0: make_multicall_result = [] try: call_chunk = calls_of_level[:batch_size] f"Calling multicall2 with {len(call_chunk)} calls at block {block_number}" ) # 1 thead with timeout for hung multicall calls with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) as executor: future = executor.submit( make_multicall, multicall_method, call_chunk, block_timestamp, block_number, ) make_multicall_result = future.result(timeout=20) retry = 0 calls_of_level = calls_of_level[batch_size:]"lenght of task left {len(calls_of_level)}.") batch_size = min(batch_size * 2, max_batch_size) except ValueError as e: # missing trie node logger.error(f"ValueError: {e}, retrying") retry += 1 if "missing trie node" in str(e): time.sleep(4) if retry > 5: raise (e) batch_size = max(batch_size // 4, min_batch_size) except TimeoutError as e: # timeout logger.error(f"TimeoutError: {e}, retrying") retry += 1 if retry > 5: raise (e) batch_size = max(batch_size // 3, min_batch_size) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Exception: {e}") raise (e) time.sleep(2) logger.debug(f"Retry: {retry}") # results parsing and writing to database add_to_session_count = 0 for result in make_multicall_result: db_view = view_call_to_label(blockchain_type, result) db_session.add(db_view) add_to_session_count += 1 if result["hash"] not in responces: responces[result["hash"]] = [] responces[result["hash"]].append(result["result"]) commit_session(db_session)"{add_to_session_count} labels commit to database.") return batch_size def parse_jobs( jobs: List[Any], blockchain_type: AvailableBlockchainType, web3_provider_uri: Optional[str], block_number: Optional[int], batch_size: int, access_id: UUID, moonstream_token: str, ): """ Parse jobs from list and generate web3 interfaces for each contract. """ contracts_ABIs: Dict[str, Any] = {} contracts_methods: Dict[str, Any] = {} calls: Dict[int, Any] = {0: []} responces: Dict[str, Any] = {} if web3_provider_uri is not None: try: f"Connecting to blockchain : {blockchain_type} with custom provider!" ) web3_client = connect(web3_provider_uri) if blockchain_type != AvailableBlockchainType.ETHEREUM: web3_client.middleware_onion.inject(geth_poa_middleware, layer=0) except Exception as e: logger.error( f"Web3 connection to custom provider {web3_provider_uri} failed error: {e}" ) raise (e) else:"Connecting to blockchain: {blockchain_type} with Node balancer.") web3_client = _retry_connect_web3( blockchain_type=blockchain_type, access_id=access_id )"Crawler started connected to blockchain: {blockchain_type}") if block_number is None: block_number = web3_client.eth.get_block("latest").number # type: ignore"Current block number: {block_number}") block_timestamp = web3_client.eth.get_block(block_number).timestamp # type: ignore multicaller = Multicall2( web3_client, web3_client.toChecksumAddress(multicall_contracts[blockchain_type]) ) multicall_method = multicaller.tryAggregate def recursive_unpack(method_abi: Any, level: int = 0) -> Any: """ Generate tree of calls for crawling """ have_subcalls = False ### we add queryAPI to that tree if method_abi["type"] == "queryAPI": # make queryAPI call responce = execute_query(method_abi, token=moonstream_token) # generate hash for queryAPI call generated_hash = hashlib.md5( json.dumps( method_abi, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(",", ": "), ).encode("utf-8") ).hexdigest() # add responce to responces responces[generated_hash] = responce return generated_hash abi = { "inputs": [], "outputs": method_abi["outputs"], "name": method_abi["name"], "type": "function", "stateMutability": "view", } for input in method_abi["inputs"]: if type(input["value"]) in (int, list): abi["inputs"].append(input) elif type(input["value"]) == str: abi["inputs"].append(input) elif type(input["value"]) == dict: if input["value"]["type"] == "function": hash_link = recursive_unpack(input["value"], level + 1) # replace defenition by hash pointing to the result of the recursive_unpack input["value"] = hash_link have_subcalls = True elif input["value"]["type"] == "queryAPI": input["value"] = recursive_unpack(input["value"], level + 1) have_subcalls = True abi["inputs"].append(input) abi["address"] = method_abi["address"] generated_hash = hashlib.md5( json.dumps(abi, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(",", ": ")).encode( "utf-8" ) ).hexdigest() abi["generated_hash"] = generated_hash if have_subcalls: level += 1 if not calls.get(level): calls[level] = [] calls[level].append(abi) else: level = 0 if not calls.get(level): calls[level] = [] calls[level].append(abi) if not contracts_methods.get(job["address"]): contracts_methods[job["address"]] = [] if generated_hash not in contracts_methods[job["address"]]: contracts_methods[job["address"]].append(generated_hash) if not contracts_ABIs.get(job["address"]): contracts_ABIs[job["address"]] = {} contracts_ABIs[job["address"]][generated_hash] = abi return generated_hash for job in jobs: if job["address"] not in contracts_ABIs: contracts_ABIs[job["address"]] = [] recursive_unpack(job, 0) # generate contracts interfaces interfaces = {} for contract_address in contracts_ABIs: # collect abis for each contract abis = [] for method_hash in contracts_methods[contract_address]: abis.append(contracts_ABIs[contract_address][method_hash]) # generate interface interfaces[contract_address] = web3_client.eth.contract( address=web3_client.toChecksumAddress(contract_address), abi=abis ) # reverse call_tree call_tree_levels = sorted(calls.keys(), reverse=True)[:-1] db_session = PrePing_SessionLocal() # run crawling of levels try: # initial call of level 0 all call without subcalls directly moved there"Crawl level: 0. Jobs amount: {len(calls[0])}")"call_tree_levels: {call_tree_levels}") batch_size = crawl_calls_level( web3_client, db_session, calls[0], responces, contracts_ABIs, interfaces, batch_size, multicall_method, block_number, blockchain_type, block_timestamp, ) for level in call_tree_levels:"Crawl level: {level}. Jobs amount: {len(calls[level])}") batch_size = crawl_calls_level( web3_client, db_session, calls[level], responces, contracts_ABIs, interfaces, batch_size, multicall_method, block_number, blockchain_type, block_timestamp, ) finally: db_session.close() def handle_crawl(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None: """ Ability to track states of the contracts. Read all view methods of the contracts and crawl """ with open(args.jobs_file, "r") as f: jobs = json.load(f) blockchain_type = AvailableBlockchainType(args.blockchain) custom_web3_provider = args.custom_web3_provider if args.infura and INFURA_PROJECT_ID is not None: if blockchain_type not in infura_networks: raise ValueError( f"Infura is not supported for {blockchain_type} blockchain type" )"Using Infura!") custom_web3_provider = infura_networks[blockchain_type]["url"] parse_jobs( jobs, blockchain_type, custom_web3_provider, args.block_number, args.batch_size, args.access_id, args.moonstream_token, ) def parse_abi(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None: """ Parse the abi of the contract and save it to the database. """ with open(args.abi_file, "r") as f: abi = json.load(f) output_json = [] for method in abi: # read json and parse only stateMutability equal to view if method.get("stateMutability") and method["stateMutability"] == "view": output_json.append(method) with open(f"view+{args.abi_file}", "w") as f: json.dump(output_json, f) def clean_labels_handler(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None: blockchain_type = AvailableBlockchainType(args.blockchain) web3_client = _retry_connect_web3( blockchain_type=blockchain_type, access_id=args.access_id )"Label cleaner connected to blockchain: {blockchain_type}") block_number = web3_client.eth.get_block("latest").number # type: ignore db_session = PrePing_SessionLocal() try: clean_labels(db_session, blockchain_type, args.blocks_cutoff, block_number) finally: db_session.close() def main() -> None: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.set_defaults(func=lambda _: parser.print_help()) parser.add_argument( "--access-id", default=NB_CONTROLLER_ACCESS_ID, type=UUID, help="User access ID", ) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers() view_state_crawler_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "crawl-jobs", help="continuous crawling the view methods from job structure", # TODO(ANDREY): move tasks to journal ) view_state_crawler_parser.add_argument( "--moonstream-token", "-t", type=str, help="Moonstream token", required=True, ) view_state_crawler_parser.add_argument( "--blockchain", "-b", type=str, help="Type of blovkchain wich writng in database", required=True, ) view_state_crawler_parser.add_argument( "--infura", action="store_true", help="Use infura as web3 provider", ) view_state_crawler_parser.add_argument( "--custom-web3-provider", "-w3", type=str, help="Type of blovkchain wich writng in database", ) view_state_crawler_parser.add_argument( "--block-number", "-N", type=str, help="Block number." ) view_state_crawler_parser.add_argument( "--jobs-file", "-j", type=str, help="Path to json file with jobs", required=True, ) view_state_crawler_parser.add_argument( "--batch-size", "-s", type=int, default=500, help="Size of chunks wich send to Multicall2 contract.", ) view_state_crawler_parser.set_defaults(func=handle_crawl) view_state_cleaner = subparsers.add_parser( "clean-state-labels", help="Clean labels from database", ) view_state_cleaner.add_argument( "--blockchain", "-b", type=str, help="Type of blovkchain wich writng in database", required=True, ) view_state_cleaner.add_argument( "--blocks-cutoff", "-N", required=True, type=int, help="Amount blocks back, after wich data will be remove.", ) view_state_cleaner.set_defaults(func=clean_labels_handler) generate_view_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "parse-abi", help="Parse view methods from the abi file.", ) generate_view_parser.add_argument( "--abi-file", "-a", type=str, help="Path to abi file.", ) generate_view_parser.set_defaults(func=parse_abi) args = parser.parse_args() args.func(args) if __name__ == "__main__": main()