import hashlib import json from itertools import chain import logging from typing import List, Optional, Dict, Any from enum import Enum import uuid import boto3 # type: ignore from import ( BugoutSearchResults, BugoutSearchResult, BugoutResource, BugoutResources, ) from bugout.journal import SearchOrder from bugout.exceptions import BugoutResponseException from ens.utils import is_valid_ens_name # type: ignore from eth_utils.address import is_address # type: ignore from moonstreamdb.models import EthereumLabel from slugify import slugify # type: ignore from sqlalchemy import text from sqlalchemy.orm import Session from web3 import Web3 from web3._utils.validation import validate_abi from . import data from .middleware import MoonstreamHTTPException from .reporter import reporter from .settings import ( BUGOUT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, ETHERSCAN_SMARTCONTRACTS_BUCKET, MOONSTREAM_ADMIN_ACCESS_TOKEN, MOONSTREAM_APPLICATION_ID, MOONSTREAM_DATA_JOURNAL_ID, MOONSTREAM_S3_SMARTCONTRACTS_ABI_BUCKET, MOONSTREAM_S3_SMARTCONTRACTS_ABI_PREFIX, MOONSTREAM_MOONWORM_TASKS_JOURNAL, ) from .settings import bugout_client as bc logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) blockchain_by_subscription_id = { "ethereum_blockchain": "ethereum", "polygon_blockchain": "polygon", "ethereum_smartcontract": "ethereum", "polygon_smartcontract": "polygon", } class StatusAPIException(Exception): """ Raised during checking Moonstream API statuses. """ class NameNormalizationException(Exception): """ Raised on actions when slugify can't normalize name. """ class ResourceQueryFetchException(Exception): """ Exception in queries API """ class LabelNames(Enum): ETHERSCAN_SMARTCONTRACT = "etherscan_smartcontract" COINMARKETCAP_TOKEN = "coinmarketcap_token" ERC721 = "erc721" def get_contract_source_info( db_session: Session, contract_address: str ) -> Optional[data.EthereumSmartContractSourceInfo]: label = ( db_session.query(EthereumLabel) .filter(EthereumLabel.address == contract_address) .filter(EthereumLabel.label == LabelNames.ETHERSCAN_SMARTCONTRACT.value) .one_or_none() ) if label is None: return None object_uri = label.label_data["object_uri"] key = object_uri.split("s3://etherscan-smart-contracts/")[1] s3 = boto3.client("s3") bucket = ETHERSCAN_SMARTCONTRACTS_BUCKET try: raw_obj = s3.get_object(Bucket=bucket, Key=key) obj_data = json.loads(raw_obj["Body"].read().decode("utf-8"))["data"] contract_source_info = data.EthereumSmartContractSourceInfo( name=obj_data["ContractName"], source_code=obj_data["SourceCode"], compiler_version=obj_data["CompilerVersion"], abi=obj_data["ABI"], ) return contract_source_info except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to load smart contract {object_uri}") reporter.error_report(e) return None def get_ens_name(web3: Web3, address: str) -> Optional[str]: try: checksum_address = web3.toChecksumAddress(address) except: raise ValueError(f"{address} is invalid ethereum address is passed") try: ens_name = return ens_name except Exception as e: reporter.error_report(e, ["web3", "ens"]) logger.error( f"Cannot get ens name for address {checksum_address}. Probably node is down" ) raise e def get_ens_address(web3: Web3, name: str) -> Optional[str]: if not is_valid_ens_name(name): raise ValueError(f"{name} is not valid ens name") try: ens_checksum_address = web3.ens.address(name) if ens_checksum_address is not None: ordinary_address = ens_checksum_address.lower() return ordinary_address return None except Exception as e: reporter.error_report(e, ["web3", "ens"]) logger.error(f"Cannot get ens address for name {name}. Probably node is down") raise e def get_ethereum_address_info( db_session: Session, web3: Web3, address: str ) -> Optional[data.EthereumAddressInfo]: if not is_address(address): raise ValueError(f"Invalid ethereum address : {address}") address_info = data.EthereumAddressInfo(address=address) try: address_info.ens_name = get_ens_name(web3, address) except: pass etherscan_address_url = f"{address}" etherscan_token_url = f"{address}" blockchain_com_url = f"{address}" coinmarketcap_label: Optional[EthereumLabel] = ( db_session.query(EthereumLabel) .filter(EthereumLabel.address == address) .filter(EthereumLabel.label == LabelNames.COINMARKETCAP_TOKEN.value) .order_by(text("created_at desc")) .limit(1) .one_or_none() ) if coinmarketcap_label is not None: address_info.token = data.EthereumTokenDetails( name=coinmarketcap_label.label_data["name"], symbol=coinmarketcap_label.label_data["symbol"], external_url=[ coinmarketcap_label.label_data["coinmarketcap_url"], etherscan_token_url, blockchain_com_url, ], ) # Checking for smart contract etherscan_label: Optional[EthereumLabel] = ( db_session.query(EthereumLabel) .filter(EthereumLabel.address == address) .filter(EthereumLabel.label == LabelNames.ETHERSCAN_SMARTCONTRACT.value) .order_by(text("created_at desc")) .limit(1) .one_or_none() ) if etherscan_label is not None: address_info.smart_contract = data.EthereumSmartContractDetails( name=etherscan_label.label_data["name"], external_url=[etherscan_address_url, blockchain_com_url], ) # Checking for NFT # Checking for smart contract erc721_label: Optional[EthereumLabel] = ( db_session.query(EthereumLabel) .filter(EthereumLabel.address == address) .filter(EthereumLabel.label == LabelNames.ERC721.value) .order_by(text("created_at desc")) .limit(1) .one_or_none() ) if erc721_label is not None: address_info.nft = data.EthereumNFTDetails( name=erc721_label.label_data.get("name"), symbol=erc721_label.label_data.get("symbol"), total_supply=erc721_label.label_data.get("totalSupply"), external_url=[etherscan_token_url, blockchain_com_url], ) return address_info def get_address_labels( db_session: Session, start: int, limit: int, addresses: Optional[str] = None ) -> data.AddressListLabelsResponse: """ Attach labels to addresses. """ if addresses is not None: addresses_list = addresses.split(",") addresses_obj = addresses_list[start : start + limit] else: addresses_obj = [] addresses_response = data.AddressListLabelsResponse(addresses=[]) for address in addresses_obj: labels_obj = ( db_session.query(EthereumLabel) .filter(EthereumLabel.address == address) .all() ) addresses_response.addresses.append( data.AddressLabelsResponse( address=address, labels=[ data.AddressLabelResponse( label=label.label, label_data=label.label_data ) for label in labels_obj ], ) ) return addresses_response def create_onboarding_resource( token: uuid.UUID, resource_data: Dict[str, Any] = { "type": data.USER_ONBOARDING_STATE, "steps": { "welcome": 0, "subscriptions": 0, "stream": 0, }, "is_complete": False, }, ) -> BugoutResource: resource = bc.create_resource( token=token, application_id=MOONSTREAM_APPLICATION_ID, resource_data=resource_data, timeout=BUGOUT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, ) return resource def check_api_status(): crawl_types_timestamp: Dict[str, Any] = { "ethereum_txpool": None, "ethereum_trending": None, } for crawl_type in crawl_types_timestamp.keys(): try: search_results: BugoutSearchResults = token=MOONSTREAM_ADMIN_ACCESS_TOKEN, journal_id=MOONSTREAM_DATA_JOURNAL_ID, query=f"tag:crawl_type:{crawl_type}", limit=1, content=False, timeout=10.0, order=SearchOrder.DESCENDING, ) if len(search_results.results) == 1: crawl_types_timestamp[crawl_type] = search_results.results[0].created_at except Exception: raise StatusAPIException( f"Unable to get status for crawler with type: {crawl_type}" ) return crawl_types_timestamp def json_type(evm_type: str) -> type: if evm_type.startswith(("uint", "int")): return int elif evm_type.startswith("bytes") or evm_type == "string" or evm_type == "address": return str elif evm_type == "bool": return bool else: raise ValueError(f"Cannot convert to python type {evm_type}") def dashboards_abi_validation( dashboard_subscription: data.DashboardMeta, abi: Any, s3_path: str, ): """ Validate current dashboard subscription : with contract abi on S3 """ # maybe its over but not found beter way abi_functions = { item["name"]: {inputs["name"]: inputs["type"] for inputs in item["inputs"]} for item in abi if item["type"] == "function" } if not dashboard_subscription.all_methods: for method in dashboard_subscription.methods: if method["name"] not in abi_functions: # Method not exists logger.error( f"Error on dashboard resource validation method:{method['name']}" f" of subscription: {dashboard_subscription.subscription_id}" f"does not exists in Abi {s3_path}" ) raise MoonstreamHTTPException(status_code=400) if method.get("filters") and isinstance(method["filters"], dict): for input_argument_name, value in method["filters"].items(): if input_argument_name not in abi_functions[method["name"]]: # Argument not exists logger.error( f"Error on dashboard resource validation type argument: {input_argument_name} of method:{method['name']} " f" of subscription: {dashboard_subscription.subscription_id} has incorrect" f"does not exists in Abi {s3_path}" ) raise MoonstreamHTTPException(status_code=400) if not isinstance( value, json_type(abi_functions[method["name"]][input_argument_name]), ): # Argument has incorrect type logger.error( f"Error on dashboard resource validation type argument: {input_argument_name} of method:{method['name']} " f" of subscription: {dashboard_subscription.subscription_id} has incorrect type {type(value)}" f" when {abi_functions[method['name']][input_argument_name]} required." ) raise MoonstreamHTTPException(status_code=400) abi_events = { item["name"]: {inputs["name"]: inputs["type"] for inputs in item["inputs"]} for item in abi if item["type"] == "event" } if not dashboard_subscription.all_events: for event in if event["name"] not in abi_events: logger.error( f"Error on dashboard resource validation event:{event['name']}" f" of subscription: {dashboard_subscription.subscription_id}" f"does not exists in Abi {s3_path}" ) raise MoonstreamHTTPException(status_code=400) if event.get("filters") and isinstance(event["filters"], dict): for input_argument_name, value in event["filters"].items(): if input_argument_name not in abi_events[event["name"]]: # Argument not exists logger.error( f"Error on dashboard resource validation type argument: {input_argument_name} of method:{event['name']} " f" of subscription: {dashboard_subscription.subscription_id} has incorrect" f"does not exists in Abi {s3_path}" ) raise MoonstreamHTTPException(status_code=400) if not isinstance( value, json_type(abi_events[event["name"]][input_argument_name]), ): logger.error( f"Error on dashboard resource validation type argument: {input_argument_name} of method:{event['name']} " f" of subscription: {dashboard_subscription.subscription_id} has incorrect type {type(value)}" f" when {abi_events[event['name']][input_argument_name]} required." ) raise MoonstreamHTTPException(status_code=400) return True def validate_abi_json(abi: Any) -> None: """ Transform string to json and run validation """ try: validate_abi(abi) except ValueError as e: raise MoonstreamHTTPException(status_code=400, detail=e) except: raise MoonstreamHTTPException( status_code=400, detail="Error on abi valiadation." ) def upload_abi_to_s3( resource: BugoutResource, abi: str, update: Dict[str, Any], ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Uploading ABI to s3 bucket. Return object for updating resource. """ s3_client = boto3.client("s3") bucket = MOONSTREAM_S3_SMARTCONTRACTS_ABI_BUCKET result_bytes = abi.encode("utf-8") result_key = f"{MOONSTREAM_S3_SMARTCONTRACTS_ABI_PREFIX}/{blockchain_by_subscription_id[resource.resource_data['subscription_type_id']]}/abi/{resource.resource_data['address']}/{}/abi.json" s3_client.put_object( Body=result_bytes, Bucket=bucket, Key=result_key, ContentType="application/json", Metadata={"Moonstream": "Abi data"}, ) update["abi"] = True update["bucket"] = MOONSTREAM_S3_SMARTCONTRACTS_ABI_BUCKET update["s3_path"] = result_key return update def get_all_entries_from_search( journal_id: str, search_query: str, limit: int, token: str ) -> List[BugoutSearchResult]: """ Get all required entries from journal using search interface """ offset = 0 results: List[BugoutSearchResult] = [] try: existing_metods = token=token, journal_id=journal_id, query=search_query, content=False, timeout=10.0, limit=limit, offset=offset, ) results.extend(existing_metods.results) except Exception as e: reporter.error_report(e) if len(results) != existing_metods.total_results: for offset in range(limit, existing_metods.total_results, limit): existing_metods = token=token, journal_id=journal_id, query=search_query, content=False, timeout=10.0, limit=limit, offset=offset, ) results.extend(existing_metods.results) return results def apply_moonworm_tasks( subscription_type: str, abi: Any, address: str, ) -> None: """ Get list of subscriptions loads abi and apply them as moonworm tasks if it not exist """ entries_pack = [] try: entries = get_all_entries_from_search( journal_id=MOONSTREAM_MOONWORM_TASKS_JOURNAL, search_query=f"tag:address:{address} tag:subscription_type:{subscription_type}", limit=100, token=MOONSTREAM_ADMIN_ACCESS_TOKEN, ) existing_tags = [entry.tags for entry in entries] existing_hashes = [ tag.split(":")[-1] for tag in chain(*existing_tags) if "abi_method_hash" in tag ] abi_hashes_dict = { hashlib.md5(json.dumps(method).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest(): method for method in abi if (method["type"] in ("event", "function")) and (method.get("stateMutability", "") != "view") } for hash in abi_hashes_dict: if hash not in existing_hashes: entries_pack.append( { "title": address, "content": json.dumps(abi_hashes_dict[hash], indent=4), "tags": [ f"address:{address}", f"type:{abi_hashes_dict[hash]['type']}", f"abi_method_hash:{hash}", f"subscription_type:{subscription_type}", f"abi_name:{abi_hashes_dict[hash]['name']}", f"status:active", ], } ) except Exception as e: reporter.error_report(e) if len(entries_pack) > 0: bc.create_entries_pack( token=MOONSTREAM_ADMIN_ACCESS_TOKEN, journal_id=MOONSTREAM_MOONWORM_TASKS_JOURNAL, entries=entries_pack, timeout=15, ) def name_normalization(query_name: str) -> str: """ Sanitize provided query name. """ try: normalized_query_name = slugify( query_name, max_length=50, lowercase=False, separator="_" ) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error in query normalization. Error: {e}") raise NameNormalizationException(f"Can't normalize name:{query_name}") return normalized_query_name def get_query_by_name(query_name: str, token: uuid.UUID) -> str: """ Fetch query_id from Brood resources. """ try: query_name = name_normalization(query_name) except Exception: raise NameNormalizationException("Unable to normalize query name") params = {"type": data.BUGOUT_RESOURCE_QUERY_RESOLVER, "name": query_name} try: resources: BugoutResources = bc.list_resources(token=token, params=params) except BugoutResponseException as e: raise MoonstreamHTTPException(status_code=e.status_code, detail=e.detail) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error get query, error: {str(e)}") raise MoonstreamHTTPException(status_code=500, internal_error=e) available_queries: Dict[str, str] = { resource.resource_data["name"]: resource.resource_data["entry_id"] for resource in resources.resources } if query_name not in available_queries: raise MoonstreamHTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Query not found.") query_id = available_queries[query_name] return query_id