import uuid from typing import Any, Dict, Union import requests try: from .aws.bucket import upload_to_aws_s3_bucket except Exception as e: pass from .data import ( APISpec, AuthType, Method, MoonstreamQueries, MoonstreamQuery, MoonstreamQueryResultUrl, OutputType, ) from .exceptions import MoonstreamResponseException, MoonstreamUnexpectedResponse from .settings import MOONSTREAM_API_URL, MOONSTREAM_REQUEST_TIMEOUT ENDPOINT_PING = "/ping" ENDPOINT_VERSION = "/version" ENDPOINT_NOW = "/now" ENDPOINT_QUERIES = "/queries" ENDPOINTS = [ ENDPOINT_PING, ENDPOINT_VERSION, ENDPOINT_NOW, ENDPOINT_QUERIES, ] def moonstream_endpoints(url: str) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Creates a dictionary of Moonstream API endpoints at the given Moonstream API URL. """ if not (url.startswith("http://") or url.startswith("https://")): url = f"http://{url}" normalized_url = url.rstrip("/") return {endpoint: f"{normalized_url}{endpoint}" for endpoint in ENDPOINTS} class Moonstream: """ A Moonstream client configured to communicate with a given Moonstream API server. """ def __init__(self, moonstream_api_url: str = MOONSTREAM_API_URL): """ Initializes a Moonstream API client. Arguments: url - Moonstream API URL. By default this points to the production Moonstream API at, but you can replace it with the URL of any other Moonstream API instance. """ endpoints = moonstream_endpoints(moonstream_api_url) self.api = APISpec(url=moonstream_api_url, endpoints=endpoints) def _call( self, method: Method, url: str, timeout: float = MOONSTREAM_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, **kwargs, ): try: response = requests.request( method.value, url=url, timeout=timeout, **kwargs ) response.raise_for_status() except Exception as e: raise MoonstreamUnexpectedResponse(str(e)) return response.json() def ping(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Checks that you have a connection to the Moonstream API. """ result = self._call(method=Method.GET, url=self.api.endpoints[ENDPOINT_PING]) return result def version(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Gets the Moonstream API version information from the server. """ result = self._call(method=Method.GET, url=self.api.endpoints[ENDPOINT_VERSION]) return result def create_query( self, token: Union[str, uuid.UUID], query: str, name: str, public: bool = False, auth_type: AuthType = AuthType.bearer, timeout: float = MOONSTREAM_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, ) -> MoonstreamQuery: """ Creates new query. """ json = { "query": query, "name": name, "public": public, } headers = { "Authorization": f"{auth_type.value} {token}", } response = self._call( method=Method.POST, url=f"{self.api.endpoints[ENDPOINT_QUERIES]}/", headers=headers, json=json, timeout=timeout, ) return MoonstreamQuery( id=response["id"], journal_url=response["journal_url"], name=response["title"], query=response["content"], tags=response["tags"], created_at=response["created_at"], updated_at=response["updated_at"], ) def list_queries( self, token: Union[str, uuid.UUID], auth_type: AuthType = AuthType.bearer, timeout: float = MOONSTREAM_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, ) -> MoonstreamQueries: """ Returns list of all queries available to user. """ headers = { "Authorization": f"{auth_type.value} {token}", } response = self._call( method=Method.GET, url=f"{self.api.endpoints[ENDPOINT_QUERIES]}/list", headers=headers, timeout=timeout, ) return MoonstreamQueries( queries=[ MoonstreamQuery( id=query["entry_id"], name=query["name"], query_type=query["type"], user=query["user"], user_id=query["user_id"], ) for query in response ] ) def exec_query( self, token: Union[str, uuid.UUID], name: str, params: Dict[str, Any] = {}, auth_type: AuthType = AuthType.bearer, timeout: float = MOONSTREAM_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, ) -> MoonstreamQueryResultUrl: """ Executes queries and upload data to external storage. """ headers = { "Authorization": f"{auth_type.value} {token}", } json = { "params": params, } response = self._call( method=Method.POST, url=f"{self.api.endpoints[ENDPOINT_QUERIES]}/{name}/update_data", headers=headers, json=json, timeout=timeout, ) return MoonstreamQueryResultUrl(url=response["url"]) def download_query_results( self, url: str, output_type: OutputType = OutputType.JSON, timeout: float = MOONSTREAM_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, **kwargs, ) -> Any: """ Fetch results of query from url. """ try: response = requests.request( Method.GET.value, url=url, timeout=timeout, **kwargs ) response.raise_for_status() except Exception as e: raise Exception(str(e)) output = response if output_type == OutputType.JSON: output = response.json() return output def upload_query_results( self, data: str, bucket: str, key: str, metadata: Dict[str, Any] = {} ) -> str: """ Uploads data to AWS S3 bucket. Requirements: "pip install -e .[aws]" with "boto3" module. """ try: url = upload_to_aws_s3_bucket( data=data, bucket=bucket, key=key, metadata=metadata ) except Exception as e: raise Exception(str(e)) return url def delete_query( self, token: Union[str, uuid.UUID], name: str, auth_type: AuthType = AuthType.bearer, timeout: float = MOONSTREAM_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, ) -> uuid.UUID: """ Deletes query specified by name. """ headers = { "Authorization": f"{auth_type.value} {token}", } response = self._call( method=Method.DELETE, url=f"{self.api.endpoints[ENDPOINT_QUERIES]}/{name}", headers=headers, timeout=timeout, ) return response["id"]