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Accessing SparkFun's 16x2 SerLCD - RGB Text via i2c
Author: Wolf Paulus wolf@paulus.com
MIT license; Copyright (c) 2022 wolfpaulus.com
from micropython import const
from utime import sleep_ms
import pybox_i2c as i2c
import pybox_ct as ct
_DEFAULT_ADDRESS = const(0x72)
_LCD_ENTRYMODESET = const(0x04)
_LCD_DISPLAYON = const(0x04)
_LCD_DISPLAYOFF = const(0x00)
_LCD_CURSORON = const(0x02)
_LCD_CURSOROFF = const(0x00)
_LCD_BLINKON = const(0x01)
_LCD_BLINKOFF = const(0x00)
_LCD_ENTRYRIGHT = const(0x00)
_LCD_ENTRYLEFT = const(0x02)
_LCD_SETDDRAMADDR = const(0x80)
_LCD_RETURNHOME = const(0x02)
_SPECIAL_COMMAND = const(0xFE) # Magic number for sending a special command
_SETTING_COMMAND = const(0x7C) # Command to change settings: baud, lines, width,..
_SET_RGB_COMMAND = const(0x2B) # Command to set backlight RGB value
_ENABLE_SYSTEM_MESSAGE_DISPLAY = const(0x2E) # Command to enable system messages being displayed
_DISABLE_SYSTEM_MESSAGE_DISPLAY = const(0x2F) # Command to disable system messages being displayed
_ENABLE_SPLASH_DISPLAY = const(0x30) # Command to enable splash screen at power on
_DISABLE_SPLASH_DISPLAY = const(0x31) # Command to disable splash screen at power on
_SAVE_CURRENT_DISPLAY_AS_SPLASH = const(0x0A) # Command to save current text on display as splash
_CLEAR_COMMAND = const(0x2D) # Command to clear and home the display
_CONTRAST_COMMAND = const(0x18) # Command to change the contrast setting
_MAX_ROWS = const(2)
_MAX_COLUMNS = const(16)
def special_command(command, count=1) -> None:
Send one (or multiple) special commands to the display. Used by other functions.
:param command: Command to send (a single byte)
:param count: Number of times to send the command (if ommited, then default is once)
:return: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False.
:rtype: bool
for i in range(count):
i2c.write_cmd(address, _SPECIAL_COMMAND, command)
def command(command) -> None:
Send one setting command to the display. Used by other functions.
:param command: Command to send (a single byte)
:return: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False.
:rtype: bool
i2c.write_cmd(address, _SETTING_COMMAND, command)
def is_connected() -> bool:
Determine if a device is connected to the system.
:return: True if the device is connected, otherwise False.
:rtype: bool
return i2c.is_device_connected(address)
def enable_system_messages() -> None:
Enable system messages
:return: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False.
def disable_system_messages() -> None:
Disable system messages
:return: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False.
def enable_splash() -> None:
Enable splash screen at power on
:return: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False.
def disable_splash() -> None:
Disable splash screen at power on
:return: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False.
def save_splash() -> None:
Save the current display as the splash. Saves whatever is currently being displayed into EEPROM
This will be displayed at next power on as the splash screen
:return: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False.
def set_backlight(r: int, g: int, b: int) -> None:
Set backlight with no LCD messages or delays
:param r: red backlight value 0-255
:param g: green backlight value 0-255
:param b: blue backlight value 0-255
:return: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False.
# create a block of data bytes to send to the screen
# This will include the SET_RGB_COMMAND, and three bytes of backlight values
block = [0, 1, 2, 3]
block[0] = _SET_RGB_COMMAND # command
block[1] = r
block[2] = g
block[3] = b
# send the complete bytes (address, settings command , rgb command , red byte, green byte, blue byte)
i2c.write_block(_DEFAULT_ADDRESS, _SETTING_COMMAND, block)
def display():
Turn the display on quickly.
:return: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False.
global displayControl
displayControl |= _LCD_DISPLAYON
return special_command(_LCD_DISPLAYCONTROL | displayControl)
def no_display() -> None:
Turn the display off quickly.
:return: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False.
global displayControl
displayControl &= _LCD_DISPLAYON
special_command(_LCD_DISPLAYCONTROL | displayControl)
def blink() -> None:
Turn the blink cursor on.
:return: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False.
global displayControl
displayControl |= _LCD_BLINKON
special_command(_LCD_DISPLAYCONTROL | displayControl)
def no_blink() -> None:
Turn the blink cursor off.
:return: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False.
global displayControl
displayControl &= ~_LCD_BLINKON
special_command(_LCD_DISPLAYCONTROL | displayControl)
def cursor() -> None:
Turn the underline cursor on.
:return: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False.
global displayControl
displayControl |= _LCD_CURSORON
special_command(_LCD_DISPLAYCONTROL | displayControl)
def no_cursor() -> None:
Turn the underline cursor off.
:return: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False.
global displayControl
displayControl &= ~_LCD_CURSORON
special_command(_LCD_DISPLAYCONTROL | displayControl)
def set_cursor(col, row) -> None:
Set the cursor position to a particular column and row.
:param col: The column postion (0-19)
:param row: The row postion (0-3)
:return: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False.
row_offsets = [0x00, 0x40, 0x14, 0x54]
# keep variables in bounds
row = max(0, row) # row cannot be less than 0
row = min(row, (_MAX_ROWS - 1)) # row cannot be greater than max rows
# construct the cursor "command"
command = _LCD_SETDDRAMADDR | (col + row_offsets[row])
# send the complete bytes (special command + command)
def set_contrast(contrast) -> None:
Set the contrast of the LCD screen (0-255)
:param contrast: The new contrast value (0-255)
:return: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False.
# To set the contrast we need to send 3 bytes:
# (3) contrast value
# To do this, we are going to use writeBlock(),
# so we need our "block of bytes" to include
# CONTRAST_COMMAND and contrast value
block = [_CONTRAST_COMMAND, contrast]
# send the complete bytes (address, settings command , contrast command, contrast value)
i2c.write_block(address, _SETTING_COMMAND, block)
def home() -> None:
Send the home command to the display.
This returns the cursor to return to the beginning of the display,
without clearing the display.
:return: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False.
def clear_screen() -> None:
Sends the command to clear the screen
:return: Returns true if the I2C write was successful, otherwise False.
print("", "") # this should unregister potentially running scroll tasks
set_backlight(255, 255, 255)
def print(row0: str = None, row1: str = None) -> None:
Outputs the given rows.
If a provided row in None, its current content will remain, i.e. use "" to clear that row's content
If a provided row's content is longer than the display, the content will scroll
Only a not scrolling row will be immediately updated
:param row0
:param row1
:return: None
global scrolling
update = row0 is not None or row1 is not None
if update:
content = [row0, row1]
for r in range(_MAX_ROWS):
if content[r] is not None:
if len(content[r]) > _MAX_COLUMNS: # add a gap for scrolling
content_buffer[r] = content[r] + 3 * " "
else: # fill the row
content_buffer[r] = content[r] + (_MAX_COLUMNS - len(content[r])) * " "
longest = max([len(content_buffer[0]), len(content_buffer[1])])
if longest > _MAX_COLUMNS: # need_to_scroll
if not scrolling:
scrolling = True
ct.register((print, scroll_speed))
elif scrolling:
ct.unregister((print, scroll_speed))
scrolling = False
s = ""
for r in range(_MAX_ROWS):
if len(content_buffer[r]) > _MAX_COLUMNS and not update: # scroll content
if chr(126) not in content_buffer[r]: # move 1st char to the end
content_buffer[r] = content_buffer[r][1:] + content_buffer[r][0]
else: # (->) in str .. move last char to the start
content_buffer[r] = content_buffer[r][-1] + content_buffer[r][0:-1]
s += content_buffer[r][:_MAX_COLUMNS]
i2c.write_bytes(address, bytes(s, "utf-8"))
if update:
content_buffer = [" " * _MAX_COLUMNS, " " * _MAX_COLUMNS]
scrolling = False
scroll_speed = 350 # 250 .. 450 looks OK
special_command(_LCD_DISPLAYCONTROL | displayControl)
special_command(_LCD_ENTRYMODESET | displayMode)