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:mod:`suntime` -- sunrise and sunset time
.. module:: suntime
:synopsis: sunrise and sunset time
This library provides an approximated calculation of sunrise and sunset time.
It contains two classes, :class:`Sundatetime` and :class:`Suntime`, which
differ from the input and output data types.
Class :class:`Sundatetime`
The following class makes use of module :mod:`datetime` for expressing input
date and output time.
.. class:: Sundatetime(latitude, longitude, altitude=0)
Arguments *latitude* and *longitude* are floats representing the
coordinates of a place on Earth. *altitude* is an integer number for
observer's elevation in meters.
.. method:: Sundatetime.calc_sunrise_sunset(date)
Calculate the sunrise and sunset for the given date. *date* must be an
*aware* `datetime.datetime` object in the range [2000-01-01; 2100-01-01).
Time information is ignored, whereas time zone ``tzinfo`` is used to
provide meaningful output. The results are cached in :data:`sunrise` and
:data:`sunset` .
.. method:: Sundatetime.is_daytime(now)
Argument *now* is an *aware* `datetime.datetime` object representing a
point in time. A boolean value is returned whether Sun is above/below the
horizon or not, ``None`` when data are meaningless.
.. method:: Sundatetime.is_sunrise(now)
Argument *now* is an *aware* `datetime.datetime` object representing a
point in time. A boolean value is returned whether *now* matches
sunrise/sunset time or not, ``None`` when data are meaningless.
The following instance variables are accessible:
.. data:: Sundatetime.latitude
Float numbers for coordinates on Earth.
.. data:: Sundatetime.altitude
Elevation in meters for observations above the sea horizon. It corrects
for both apparent dip and terrestrial refraction.
.. data:: Sundatetime.sunrise
They hold ``None`` when an instance is created, an *aware*
`datetime.datetime` after :meth:`calc_sunrise_sunset` is called.
.. note::
:data:`sunrise` may occur before 00:00 and :data:`sunset` after 23:59
on calculated *date*. See :ref:`unexpected-results`.
Class :class:`Suntime`
The following class makes use of plain integers for expressing input date and
output time.
.. class:: Suntime(latitude, longitude, altitude=0, timezone=0)
Arguments *latitude* and *longitude* are floats representing the
coordinates of a place on Earth. *altitude* is an integer number for
observer's elevation in meters. *timezone* is an integer holding the
timezone offset from UTC in minutes. The results are cached in
:data:`sunrise` and :data:`sunset`.
.. method:: Suntime.calc_sunrise_sunset(year, month, day, dst=0)
Calculate the sunrise and sunset for the given year, month and day.
*year* must be in the range [2000; 2100). *dst* is an integer holding the
offset in minute (usually 60) that accounts for Daylight Saving Time.
.. method:: Suntime.is_daytime(now)
Argument *now* is an integer holding the number of minutes since midnight.
A boolean value is returned whether Sun is above/below the horizon or not,
``None`` when data are meaningless.
.. method:: Suntime.is_sunrise(now)
Argument *now* is an an integer holding the number of minutes since midnight.
A boolean value is returned whether *now* matches sunrise/sunset time or not,
``None`` when data are meaningless.
The following instance variables are accessible:
.. data:: Suntime.latitude
Float numbers for coordinates on Earth.
.. data:: Suntime.altitude
Elevation in meters for observations above the sea horizon. It corrects
for both apparent dip and terrestrial refraction.
.. data:: Suntime.sunrise
It holds ``None`` when an instance is created, an integer for the
difference in minutes since 00:00 after :meth:`calc_sunrise_sunset`
is called.
.. note::
``sunrise`` may be negative and ``sunset`` may be greater than 1439
(24 hours). See :ref:`unexpected-results`.
.. _unexpected-results:
Unexpected results
:class:`Sundatetime` may return unexpected results: :data:`Sundatetime.sunrise`
may come before 00:00 and/or :data:`Sundatetime.sunset` may come after 23:59.
Similarly, :class:`Suntime` may return a negative :data:`Suntime.sunrise`
and/or a :data:`Suntime.sunset` greater or equal to 1440 (24 hours).
Assuming ``date`` is the current date and ``now`` is the current time,
the conditions which may lead to unexpected results are:
* *incorrect time zone*: *date*'s time zone is not consistent with provided
*longitude*. Suitable values for *timezone* and *dst* should be provided.
See example #3 (Novosibirsk) below.
* *Sun is up all day*: close to the poles, Sun never sets in summer/winter
time. For this dates, ``is_daytime()`` holds true for the whole ``date``.
Note that the following holds true: ``sunrise ≤ now < sunset``.
* *Sun is down all day*: close to the poles, Sun never raises in summer/winter
time. For this dates, ``is_nighttime()`` holds true for the whole ``date``.
Note that the following holds false: ``sunrise < sunset``.
* *Sun sets after midnight*: close to the poles, Sun may sets after
23:59. In this case, ``is_daytime()`` and ``is_nighttime()`` behave as
expected. The following condition is true: ``sunrise ≤ now ≤ 23:59 < sunset``.
Examples of usage
A typical use case is::
import datetime, suntime, time
class Cet(datetime.timezone):
# See `datetime` documentation
# initialization
CET = Cet()
Rome = suntime.Sundatetime(42.5966460, 12.4360233)
Rome.calc_sunrise_sunset(datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1, tzinfo=CET))
# main loop (every minute or more)
now = datetime.datetime(*time.localtime()[:5], tzinfo=CET)
if (now.date() > Rome.sunset.date()):
The following script shows sunrise and sunset time for several places and dates::
# place: latitude longitude
pl1 = ( 42.5966460, 12.4360233) # Rome
pl2 = ( 51.1627938,-122.9593616) # Vancouver
pl3 = (-33.9252192, 18.4240762) # CapeTown
pl4 = ( 55.1574890, 82.8547661) # Novosibirsk
pl5 = ( 78.6560170, 16.3447384) # Pyramiden
pl6 = pl5
pl7 = (-77.7817838, 166.4561470) # McMurdo
pl8 = pl7
# date: YY MM DD sunrise sunset
dt1 = (2000, 1, 1) # 7:37 16:49 - https://www.timeanddate.com/sun/italy/rome?month=1&year=2000
dt2 = (2014, 10, 3) # 7:15 18:46 - https://www.timeanddate.com/sun/canada/vancouver?month=10&year=2014
dt3 = (2016, 12, 21) # 5:32 19:57 - https://www.timeanddate.com/sun/south-africa/cape-town?month=12&year=2016
dt4 = (2021, 4, 24) # 6:04 20:50 - https://www.timeanddate.com/sun/russia/novosibirsk?month=4&year=2021
dt5 = (2040, 8, 25) # up all day - https://www.timeanddate.com/sun/@2729216?month=8&year=2033
dt6 = (2040, 8, 26) # 00:09
# 1:45 23:41 - https://www.timeanddate.com/sun/@2729216?month=8&year=2040
dt7 = (2033, 8, 10) # down all day - https://www.timeanddate.com/sun/antarctica/mcmurdo?month=8&year=2033
dt8 = (2033, 10, 21) # 3:00 24:13 - https://www.timeanddate.com/sun/antarctica/mcmurdo?month=10&year=2033
# timezone offsets and DSTs (in hours)
tz1 = ( 1, 0)
tz2 = (-8, 1)
tz3 = ( 2, 0)
tz4 = ( 0, 0) # wrong; it generates negative hour because actual timezone is (7, 0)
tz5 = ( 1, 1)
tz6 = ( 1, 1)
tz7 = (13,-1)
tz8 = (13, 0)
The following snippet of code makes use of class :class:`Sundatetime`::
from suntime import Sundatetime
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
class Tz(timezone):
def __init__(self, hours, dst=0):
self._dst = dst
def dst(self, dt):
return timedelta(hours=self._dst) if self.isdst(dt) else timedelta(0)
def isdst(self, dt):
return self._dst != 0
sd1 = Sundatetime(*pl1)
sd1.calc_sunrise_sunset(datetime(*dt1, tzinfo=Tz(*tz1)))
print('>', sd1.sunrise) # 2000-01-01 07:40:00+01:00
print('>', sd1.sunset ) # 2000-01-01 16:47:00+01:00
sd2 = Sundatetime(*pl2)
sd2.calc_sunrise_sunset(datetime(*dt2, tzinfo=Tz(*tz2)))
print('>', sd2.sunrise) # 2014-10-03 07:16:00-08:00
print('>', sd2.sunset ) # 2014-10-03 18:46:00-08:00
print('Cape Town:')
sd3 = Sundatetime(*pl3)
sd3.calc_sunrise_sunset(datetime(*dt3, tzinfo=Tz(*tz3)))
print('>', sd3.sunrise) # 2016-12-21 05:32:00+02:00
print('>', sd3.sunset ) # 2016-12-21 19:57:00+02:00
sd4 = Sundatetime(*pl4)
sd4.calc_sunrise_sunset(datetime(*dt4, tzinfo=Tz(*tz4)))
print('>', sd4.sunrise) # 2021-04-23 23:04:00+00:00
print('>', sd4.sunset ) # 2021-04-24 13:49:00+00:00
sd5 = Sundatetime(*pl5)
sd5.calc_sunrise_sunset(datetime(*dt5, tzinfo=Tz(*tz5)))
print('>', sd5.sunrise) # 2040-08-24 12:57:00+02:00
print('>', sd5.sunset ) # 2040-08-26 12:57:00+02:00
sd6 = Sundatetime(*pl6)
sd6.calc_sunrise_sunset(datetime(*dt6, tzinfo=Tz(*tz6)))
print('>', sd6.sunrise) # 2040-08-26 01:35:00+02:00
print('>', sd6.sunset ) # 2040-08-27 00:18:00+02:00
sd7 = Sundatetime(*pl7)
sd7.calc_sunrise_sunset(datetime(*dt7, tzinfo=Tz(*tz7)))
print('>', sd7.sunrise) # 2033-08-11 13:00:00+12:00
print('>', sd7.sunset ) # 2033-08-09 13:00:00+12:00
sd8 = Sundatetime(*pl8)
sd8.calc_sunrise_sunset(datetime(*dt8, tzinfo=Tz(*tz8)))
print('>', sd8.sunrise) # 2033-10-21 03:06:00+13:00
print('>', sd8.sunset ) # 2033-10-22 00:12:00+13:00
If :mod:`datetime` module is not available, the same input data can feed class
from suntime import Suntime
st1 = Suntime(*pl1, timezone=tz1[0]*60)
st1.calc_sunrise_sunset(*dt1, dst=tz1[1]*60)
print('>', divmod(st1.sunrise, 60)) # (7, 40)
print('>', divmod(st1.sunset , 60)) # (16, 47)
st2 = Suntime(*pl2, timezone=tz2[0]*60)
st2.calc_sunrise_sunset(*dt2, dst=tz2[1]*60)
print('>', divmod(st2.sunrise, 60)) # (7, 16)
print('>', divmod(st2.sunset , 60)) # (18, 46)
st3 = Suntime(*pl3, timezone=tz3[0]*60)
st3.calc_sunrise_sunset(*dt3, dst=tz3[1]*60)
print('Cape Town:')
print('>', divmod(st3.sunrise, 60)) # (5, 32)
print('>', divmod(st3.sunset , 60)) # (19, 57)
st4 = Suntime(*pl4, timezone=tz4[0]*60)
st4.calc_sunrise_sunset(*dt4, dst=tz4[1]*60)
print('>', divmod(st4.sunrise, 60)) # (-1, 4)
print('>', divmod(st4.sunset , 60)) # (13, 49)
st5 = Suntime(*pl5, timezone=tz5[0]*60)
st5.calc_sunrise_sunset(*dt5, dst=tz5[1]*60)
print('>', divmod(st5.sunrise, 60)) # (-12, 57)
print('>', divmod(st5.sunset , 60)) # (36, 57)
st6 = Suntime(*pl6, timezone=tz6[0]*60)
st6.calc_sunrise_sunset(*dt6, dst=tz6[1]*60)
print('>', divmod(st6.sunrise, 60)) # (1, 35)
print('>', divmod(st6.sunset , 60)) # (24, 18)
st7 = Suntime(*pl7, timezone=tz7[0]*60)
st7.calc_sunrise_sunset(*dt7, dst=tz7[1]*60)
print('>', divmod(st7.sunrise, 60)) # (37, 0)
print('>', divmod(st7.sunset , 60)) # (-11, 0)
st8 = Suntime(*pl8, timezone=tz8[0]*60)
st8.calc_sunrise_sunset(*dt8, dst=tz8[1]*60)
print('>', divmod(st8.sunrise, 60)) # (3, 6)
print('>', divmod(st8.sunset , 60)) # (24, 12)