# Test ESP32 OTA updates, including automatic roll-back. # Running this test requires firmware with an OTA Partition, such as the GENERIC_OTA "board". # This test also requires patience as it copies the boot partition into the other OTA slot. import machine from esp32 import Partition # start by checking that the running partition table has OTA partitions, 'cause if # it doesn't there's nothing we can test cur = Partition(Partition.RUNNING) cur_name = cur.info()[4] if not cur_name.startswith("ota_"): print("SKIP") raise SystemExit DEBUG = True def log(*args): if DEBUG: print(*args) # replace boot.py with the test code that will run on each reboot import uos try: uos.rename("boot.py", "boot-orig.py") except: pass with open("boot.py", "w") as f: f.write("DEBUG=" + str(DEBUG)) f.write( """ import machine from esp32 import Partition cur = Partition(Partition.RUNNING) cur_name = cur.info()[4] def log(*args): if DEBUG: print(*args) from step import STEP, EXPECT log("Running partition: " + cur_name + " STEP=" + str(STEP) + " EXPECT=" + EXPECT) if cur_name != EXPECT: print("\\x04FAILED: step " + str(STEP) + " expected " + EXPECT + " got " + cur_name + "\\x04") if STEP == 0: log("Not confirming boot ok and resetting back into first") nxt = cur.get_next_update() with open("step.py", "w") as f: f.write("STEP=1\\nEXPECT=\\"" + nxt.info()[4] + "\\"\\n") machine.reset() elif STEP == 1: log("Booting into second partition again") nxt = cur.get_next_update() nxt.set_boot() with open("step.py", "w") as f: f.write("STEP=2\\nEXPECT=\\"" + nxt.info()[4] + "\\"\\n") machine.reset() elif STEP == 2: log("Confirming boot ok and rebooting into same partition") Partition.mark_app_valid_cancel_rollback() with open("step.py", "w") as f: f.write("STEP=3\\nEXPECT=\\"" + cur_name + "\\"\\n") machine.reset() elif STEP == 3: log("Booting into original partition") nxt = cur.get_next_update() nxt.set_boot() with open("step.py", "w") as f: f.write("STEP=4\\nEXPECT=\\"" + nxt.info()[4] + "\\"\\n") machine.reset() elif STEP == 4: log("Confirming boot ok and DONE!") Partition.mark_app_valid_cancel_rollback() import uos uos.remove("step.py") uos.remove("boot.py") uos.rename("boot-orig.py", "boot.py") print("\\nSUCCESS!\\n\\x04\\x04") """ ) def copy_partition(src, dest): log("Partition copy: {} --> {}".format(src.info(), dest.info())) sz = src.info()[3] if dest.info()[3] != sz: raise ValueError("Sizes don't match: {} vs {}".format(sz, dest.info()[3])) addr = 0 blk = bytearray(4096) while addr < sz: if sz - addr < 4096: blk = blk[: sz - addr] if addr & 0xFFFF == 0: # need to show progress to run-tests else it times out print(" ... 0x{:06x}".format(addr)) src.readblocks(addr >> 12, blk) dest.writeblocks(addr >> 12, blk) addr += len(blk) # get things started by copying the current partition into the next slot and rebooting print("Copying current to next partition") nxt = cur.get_next_update() copy_partition(cur, nxt) print("Partition copied, booting into it") nxt.set_boot() # the step.py file is used to keep track of state across reboots # EXPECT is the name of the partition we expect to reboot into with open("step.py", "w") as f: f.write('STEP=0\nEXPECT="' + nxt.info()[4] + '"\n') machine.reset()