.. _mimxrt_quickref: Quick reference for the i.MXRT family ===================================== .. image:: img/teensy_4.1.jpg :alt: Teensy 4.1 board :width: 640px The Teensy 4.1 board. Below is a quick reference for i.MXRT-based boards. If it is your first time working with this board it may be useful to get an overview of the microcontroller: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 general.rst tutorial/intro.rst Installing MicroPython ---------------------- See the corresponding section of tutorial: :ref:`mimxrt_intro`. It also includes a troubleshooting subsection. General board control --------------------- The MicroPython REPL is on the USB port, configured in VCP mode. Tab-completion is useful to find out what methods an object has. Paste mode (ctrl-E) is useful to paste a large slab of Python code into the REPL. The :mod:`machine` module:: import machine machine.freq() # get the current frequency of the CPU Delay and timing ---------------- Use the :mod:`time