import sys, time try: import select, termios except ImportError: termios = None select = None import msvcrt, signal class ConsolePosix: def __init__(self): self.infd = sys.stdin.fileno() self.infile = sys.stdin.buffer self.outfile = sys.stdout.buffer if hasattr(self.infile, "raw"): self.infile = self.infile.raw if hasattr(self.outfile, "raw"): self.outfile = self.outfile.raw self.orig_attr = termios.tcgetattr(self.infd) def enter(self): # attr is: [iflag, oflag, cflag, lflag, ispeed, ospeed, cc] attr = termios.tcgetattr(self.infd) attr[0] &= ~( termios.BRKINT | termios.ICRNL | termios.INPCK | termios.ISTRIP | termios.IXON ) attr[1] = 0 attr[2] = attr[2] & ~(termios.CSIZE | termios.PARENB) | termios.CS8 attr[3] = 0 attr[6][termios.VMIN] = 1 attr[6][termios.VTIME] = 0 termios.tcsetattr(self.infd, termios.TCSANOW, attr) def exit(self): termios.tcsetattr(self.infd, termios.TCSANOW, self.orig_attr) def waitchar(self, pyb_serial): # TODO pyb_serial might not have fd[self.infd, pyb_serial.fd], [], []) def readchar(self): res =[self.infd], [], [], 0) if res[0]: return else: return None def write(self, buf): self.outfile.write(buf) class ConsoleWindows: KEY_MAP = { b"H": b"A", # UP b"P": b"B", # DOWN b"M": b"C", # RIGHT b"K": b"D", # LEFT b"G": b"H", # POS1 b"O": b"F", # END b"Q": b"6~", # PGDN b"I": b"5~", # PGUP b"s": b"1;5D", # CTRL-LEFT, b"t": b"1;5C", # CTRL-RIGHT, b"\x8d": b"1;5A", # CTRL-UP, b"\x91": b"1;5B", # CTRL-DOWN, b"w": b"1;5H", # CTRL-POS1 b"u": b"1;5F", # CTRL-END b"\x98": b"1;3A", # ALT-UP, b"\xa0": b"1;3B", # ALT-DOWN, b"\x9d": b"1;3C", # ALT-RIGHT, b"\x9b": b"1;3D", # ALT-LEFT, b"\x97": b"1;3H", # ALT-POS1, b"\x9f": b"1;3F", # ALT-END, b"S": b"3~", # DEL, b"\x93": b"3;5~", # CTRL-DEL b"R": b"2~", # INS b"\x92": b"2;5~", # CTRL-INS b"\x94": b"Z", # Ctrl-Tab = BACKTAB, } def __init__(self): self.ctrl_c = 0 def _sigint_handler(self, signo, frame): self.ctrl_c += 1 def enter(self): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self._sigint_handler) def exit(self): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) def inWaiting(self): return 1 if self.ctrl_c or msvcrt.kbhit() else 0 def waitchar(self, pyb_serial): while not (self.inWaiting() or pyb_serial.inWaiting()): time.sleep(0.01) def readchar(self): if self.ctrl_c: self.ctrl_c -= 1 return b"\x03" if msvcrt.kbhit(): ch = msvcrt.getch() while ch in b"\x00\xe0": # arrow or function key prefix? if not msvcrt.kbhit(): return None ch = msvcrt.getch() # second call returns the actual key code try: ch = b"\x1b[" + self.KEY_MAP[ch] except KeyError: return None return ch def write(self, buf): buf = buf.decode() if isinstance(buf, bytes) else buf sys.stdout.write(buf) sys.stdout.flush() # for b in buf: # if isinstance(b, bytes): # msvcrt.putch(b) # else: # msvcrt.putwch(b) if termios: Console = ConsolePosix VT_ENABLED = True else: Console = ConsoleWindows # Windows VT mode ( >= win10 only) # import ctypes, os from ctypes import wintypes kernel32 = ctypes.WinDLL("kernel32", use_last_error=True) ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER = 0x0057 ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING = 0x0004 def _check_bool(result, func, args): if not result: raise ctypes.WinError(ctypes.get_last_error()) return args LPDWORD = ctypes.POINTER(wintypes.DWORD) kernel32.GetConsoleMode.errcheck = _check_bool kernel32.GetConsoleMode.argtypes = (wintypes.HANDLE, LPDWORD) kernel32.SetConsoleMode.errcheck = _check_bool kernel32.SetConsoleMode.argtypes = (wintypes.HANDLE, wintypes.DWORD) def set_conout_mode(new_mode, mask=0xFFFFFFFF): # don't assume StandardOutput is a console. # open CONOUT$ instead fdout ="CONOUT$", os.O_RDWR) try: hout = msvcrt.get_osfhandle(fdout) old_mode = wintypes.DWORD() kernel32.GetConsoleMode(hout, ctypes.byref(old_mode)) mode = (new_mode & mask) | (old_mode.value & ~mask) kernel32.SetConsoleMode(hout, mode) return old_mode.value finally: os.close(fdout) # def enable_vt_mode(): mode = mask = ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING try: set_conout_mode(mode, mask) VT_ENABLED = True except WindowsError: VT_ENABLED = False