# Test L2CAP COC send/recv. # Sends a sequence of varying-sized payloads from central->peripheral, and # verifies that the other device sees the same data, then does the same thing # peripheral->central. from micropython import const import time, machine, bluetooth, random TIMEOUT_MS = 1000 _IRQ_CENTRAL_CONNECT = const(1) _IRQ_CENTRAL_DISCONNECT = const(2) _IRQ_PERIPHERAL_CONNECT = const(7) _IRQ_PERIPHERAL_DISCONNECT = const(8) _IRQ_L2CAP_ACCEPT = const(22) _IRQ_L2CAP_CONNECT = const(23) _IRQ_L2CAP_DISCONNECT = const(24) _IRQ_L2CAP_RECV = const(25) _IRQ_L2CAP_SEND_READY = const(26) _L2CAP_MTU = const(450) _L2CAP_PSM = const(22) _PAYLOAD_LEN = const(_L2CAP_MTU - 50) _PAYLOAD_LEN_STEP = -23 _NUM_PAYLOADS = const(16) _RANDOM_SEED = 22 waiting_events = {} def irq(event, data): if event == _IRQ_CENTRAL_CONNECT: conn_handle, addr_type, addr = data print("_IRQ_CENTRAL_CONNECT") waiting_events[event] = conn_handle elif event == _IRQ_CENTRAL_DISCONNECT: print("_IRQ_CENTRAL_DISCONNECT") elif event == _IRQ_PERIPHERAL_CONNECT: conn_handle, addr_type, addr = data print("_IRQ_PERIPHERAL_CONNECT") waiting_events[event] = conn_handle elif event == _IRQ_PERIPHERAL_DISCONNECT: print("_IRQ_PERIPHERAL_DISCONNECT") elif event == _IRQ_L2CAP_ACCEPT: conn_handle, cid, psm, our_mtu, peer_mtu = data print("_IRQ_L2CAP_ACCEPT", psm, our_mtu, peer_mtu) waiting_events[event] = (conn_handle, cid, psm) elif event == _IRQ_L2CAP_CONNECT: conn_handle, cid, psm, our_mtu, peer_mtu = data print("_IRQ_L2CAP_CONNECT", psm, our_mtu, peer_mtu) waiting_events[event] = (conn_handle, cid, psm, our_mtu, peer_mtu) elif event == _IRQ_L2CAP_DISCONNECT: conn_handle, cid, psm, status = data print("_IRQ_L2CAP_DISCONNECT", psm, status) elif event == _IRQ_L2CAP_RECV: conn_handle, cid = data elif event == _IRQ_L2CAP_SEND_READY: conn_handle, cid, status = data if event not in waiting_events: waiting_events[event] = None def wait_for_event(event, timeout_ms): t0 = time.ticks_ms() while time.ticks_diff(time.ticks_ms(), t0) < timeout_ms: if event in waiting_events: return waiting_events.pop(event) machine.idle() raise ValueError("Timeout waiting for {}".format(event)) def send_data(ble, conn_handle, cid): buf = bytearray(_PAYLOAD_LEN) mv = memoryview(buf) print("l2cap_send", _NUM_PAYLOADS, _PAYLOAD_LEN) for i in range(_NUM_PAYLOADS): n = _PAYLOAD_LEN + i * _PAYLOAD_LEN_STEP for j in range(n): buf[j] = random.randint(0, 255) if not ble.l2cap_send(conn_handle, cid, mv[:n]): wait_for_event(_IRQ_L2CAP_SEND_READY, TIMEOUT_MS) def recv_data(ble, conn_handle, cid): buf = bytearray(_PAYLOAD_LEN) recv_bytes = 0 recv_correct = 0 expected_bytes = ( _PAYLOAD_LEN * _NUM_PAYLOADS + _PAYLOAD_LEN_STEP * _NUM_PAYLOADS * (_NUM_PAYLOADS - 1) // 2 ) print("l2cap_recvinto", expected_bytes) while recv_bytes < expected_bytes: wait_for_event(_IRQ_L2CAP_RECV, TIMEOUT_MS) while True: n = ble.l2cap_recvinto(conn_handle, cid, buf) if n == 0: break recv_bytes += n for i in range(n): if buf[i] == random.randint(0, 255): recv_correct += 1 return recv_bytes, recv_correct # Acting in peripheral role. def instance0(): multitest.globals(BDADDR=ble.config("mac")) print("gap_advertise") ble.gap_advertise(20_000, b"\x02\x01\x06\x04\xffMPY") multitest.next() try: # Wait for central to connect to us. conn_handle = wait_for_event(_IRQ_CENTRAL_CONNECT, TIMEOUT_MS) print("l2cap_listen") ble.l2cap_listen(_L2CAP_PSM, _L2CAP_MTU) conn_handle, cid, psm = wait_for_event(_IRQ_L2CAP_ACCEPT, TIMEOUT_MS) conn_handle, cid, psm, our_mtu, peer_mtu = wait_for_event(_IRQ_L2CAP_CONNECT, TIMEOUT_MS) random.seed(_RANDOM_SEED) recv_bytes, recv_correct = recv_data(ble, conn_handle, cid) send_data(ble, conn_handle, cid) wait_for_event(_IRQ_L2CAP_DISCONNECT, TIMEOUT_MS) print("received", recv_bytes, recv_correct) # Wait for the central to disconnect. wait_for_event(_IRQ_CENTRAL_DISCONNECT, TIMEOUT_MS) finally: ble.active(0) # Acting in central role. def instance1(): multitest.next() try: # Connect to peripheral and then disconnect. print("gap_connect") ble.gap_connect(*BDADDR) conn_handle = wait_for_event(_IRQ_PERIPHERAL_CONNECT, TIMEOUT_MS) print("l2cap_connect") ble.l2cap_connect(conn_handle, _L2CAP_PSM, _L2CAP_MTU) conn_handle, cid, psm, our_mtu, peer_mtu = wait_for_event(_IRQ_L2CAP_CONNECT, TIMEOUT_MS) random.seed(_RANDOM_SEED) send_data(ble, conn_handle, cid) recv_bytes, recv_correct = recv_data(ble, conn_handle, cid) # Disconnect channel. print("l2cap_disconnect") ble.l2cap_disconnect(conn_handle, cid) wait_for_event(_IRQ_L2CAP_DISCONNECT, TIMEOUT_MS) print("received", recv_bytes, recv_correct) # Disconnect from peripheral. print("gap_disconnect:", ble.gap_disconnect(conn_handle)) wait_for_event(_IRQ_PERIPHERAL_DISCONNECT, TIMEOUT_MS) finally: ble.active(0) ble = bluetooth.BLE() ble.active(1) ble.irq(irq)