# test basic complex number functionality # constructor print(complex(1)) print(complex(1.2)) print(complex(1.2j)) print(complex("1")) print(complex("1.2")) print(complex("1.2j")) print(complex(1, 2)) print(complex(1j, 2j)) # unary ops print(bool(1j)) print(+(1j)) print(-(1 + 2j)) # binary ops print(1j + False) print(1j + True) print(1j + 2) print(1j + 2j) print(1j - 2) print(1j - 2j) print(1j * 2) print(1j * 2j) print(1j / 2) print(1j / (1 + 2j)) ans = 1j ** 2.5; print("%.5g %.5g" % (ans.real, ans.imag)) ans = 1j ** 2.5j; print("%.5g %.5g" % (ans.real, ans.imag)) # builtin abs print(abs(1j)) print("%.5g" % abs(1j + 2)) # convert bignum to complex on rhs ans = 1j + (1 << 70); print("%.5g %.5g" % (ans.real, ans.imag)) # can't convert rhs to complex try: 1j + [] except TypeError: print("TypeError")