# esp-hosted driver This is a MicroPython driver for the Espressif [esp_hosted](https://github.com/espressif/esp-hosted/#readme) communications coprocessor, which allows creating a Wi-Fi and/or Bluetooth interface from MicroPython to a separate connected ESP32 compatible device running the `esp_hosted` firmware. ## Building Enable this driver by setting `MICROPY_PY_NETWORK_ESP_HOSTED` to 1 in your Makefile. If `MICROPY_PY_BLUETOOTH` is set then the Bluetooth host driver will also be built. In addition to normal MicroPython build requirements, building this driver requires the [protocol buffer compiler](https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf#protobuf-compiler-installation) (protoc) to be installed. On Debian/Ubuntu, it can be installed by running: ``` sudo apt-get install protobuf-compiler ```