docs/renesas-ra: Add pin drive keyword argument description.

Signed-off-by: Takeo Takahashi <>
Takeo Takahashi 2022-06-23 22:29:00 +09:00 zatwierdzone przez Damien George
rodzic 2f2fd36713
commit af100b7029
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@ -110,6 +110,24 @@ Use the :ref:`machine.Pin <machine.Pin>` class::
Pin id is available corresponding to the RA MCU's pin name which are Pin.cpu.P106 and 'P106'. The RA MCU has many feature's pins. However, there are some cases that pin feature is fixed or not connected by the board. Please confirm the board manual for the pin mapping.
The following *drive* keyword argument are available if the port drive capability of the Pin is supported by the MCU::
Pin.DRIVE_0: Low drive
Pin.DRIVE_1: Middle drive
Pin.DRIVE_2: Middle drive for I2C Fast-mode
Pin.DRIVE_3: High drive
The *alt* keyword argument is not supported.
The following functions are not supported::
Pin.irq(priority=) # priority keyword argument is not supported
Pin.irq(wake=) # wake keyword argument is not supported
Pin.irq(hard=) # hard keyword argument is ignored because hardware interrupt is used
UART (serial bus)