lib/stm32lib: Update library to get L1 v1.10.3, and some other fixes.

Changes in this new library version are:
- Add L1 HAL at v1.10.3.
- H7_HAL/rcc_ex: Add SPI45 to HAL_RCCEx_GetPeriphCLKFreq.
- L4_HAL/gpio_ex: Add #define for GPIO_AF14_TIM2 on L4P5/L4Q5.
- F4_HAL/i2c: Fix I2C frequency calculation macros.
- L1_HAL/utils: Fix compile error when USE_HAL_DRIVER is defined.
yn386 2022-09-19 17:55:51 +09:00 zatwierdzone przez Damien George
rodzic 30e50ab195
commit ae0b0e7018
2 zmienionych plików z 2 dodań i 2 usunięć

.gitmodules vendored
Wyświetl plik

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
[submodule "lib/stm32lib"]
path = lib/stm32lib
url =
branch = work-F0-1.9.0+F4-1.16.0+F7-1.7.0+G4-1.3.0+H7-1.6.0+L0-1.11.2+L4-1.17.0+WB-1.10.0+WL-1.1.0
branch = work-F0-1.9.0+F4-1.16.0+F7-1.7.0+G0-1.5.1+G4-1.3.0+H7-1.6.0+L0-1.11.2+L1-1.10.3+L4-1.17.0+WB-1.10.0+WL-1.1.0
[submodule "lib/nrfx"]
path = lib/nrfx
url =

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit eb80f0126e50687aac966f4c39a2b5a5deffbe78
Subproject commit a9f8fee7bb0cb4ac1b4ff719b6b5b285f613f352