stm32/mpbthciport: Allow a board to hook BT HCI poll functions.

Signed-off-by: Damien George <>
Damien George 2021-10-13 18:37:48 +11:00
rodzic 5f2f9044ff
commit 69522822de
3 zmienionych plików z 30 dodań i 6 usunięć

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@ -66,6 +66,18 @@
#define MICROPY_BOARD_USBD_CDC_RX_EVENT usbd_cdc_rx_event_callback
// Called to poll Bluetooth HCI now.
// Default function defined in mpbthciport.h.
#define MICROPY_BOARD_BT_HCI_POLL_NOW mp_bluetooth_hci_poll_now_default
// Called to poll Bluetooth HCI after the given timeout.
// Default function defined in mpbthciport.h.
#define MICROPY_BOARD_BT_HCI_POLL_IN_MS mp_bluetooth_hci_poll_in_ms_default
// Constants to return from boardctrl_run_boot_py, boardctrl_run_main_py.
enum {

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@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ STATIC void mp_bluetooth_hci_start_polling(void) {
void mp_bluetooth_hci_poll_in_ms(uint32_t ms) {
void mp_bluetooth_hci_poll_in_ms_default(uint32_t ms) {
soft_timer_reinsert(&mp_bluetooth_hci_soft_timer, ms);
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ STATIC MP_DEFINE_CONST_FUN_OBJ_1(run_events_scheduled_task_obj, run_events_sched
// Called periodically (systick) or directly (e.g. UART RX IRQ) in order to
// request that processing happens ASAP in the scheduler.
void mp_bluetooth_hci_poll_now(void) {
void mp_bluetooth_hci_poll_now_default(void) {
if (!events_task_is_scheduled) {
events_task_is_scheduled = mp_sched_schedule(MP_OBJ_FROM_PTR(&run_events_scheduled_task_obj), mp_const_none);
if (!events_task_is_scheduled) {
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ void mp_bluetooth_hci_poll_now(void) {
void mp_bluetooth_hci_poll_now(void) {
void mp_bluetooth_hci_poll_now_default(void) {
pendsv_schedule_dispatch(PENDSV_DISPATCH_BLUETOOTH_HCI, mp_bluetooth_hci_poll);

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@ -26,12 +26,24 @@
#include "boardctrl.h"
// Initialise the HCI subsystem (should be called once, early on).
void mp_bluetooth_hci_init(void);
// Poll the HCI now, or after a certain timeout.
void mp_bluetooth_hci_poll_now(void);
void mp_bluetooth_hci_poll_in_ms(uint32_t ms);
// Default implementations of poll functions (a board can override them).
void mp_bluetooth_hci_poll_now_default(void);
void mp_bluetooth_hci_poll_in_ms_default(uint32_t ms);
// Call this to poll the HCI now.
static inline void mp_bluetooth_hci_poll_now(void) {
// Call this to poll the HCI after a certain timeout.
static inline void mp_bluetooth_hci_poll_in_ms(uint32_t ms) {
// Must be provided by the stack bindings (e.g. mpnimbleport.c or mpbtstackport.c).
// Request new data from the uart and pass to the stack, and run pending events/callouts.