docs: Use vfs module instead of os.

Signed-off-by: Damien George <>
Damien George 2024-02-02 13:51:18 +11:00
rodzic 7d28789544
commit 4c56b39051
12 zmienionych plików z 65 dodań i 65 usunięć

Wyświetl plik

@ -650,15 +650,15 @@ SD card
See :ref:`machine.SDCard <machine.SDCard>`. ::
import machine, os
import machine, os, vfs
# Slot 2 uses pins sck=18, cs=5, miso=19, mosi=23
sd = machine.SDCard(slot=2)
os.mount(sd, '/sd') # mount
vfs.mount(sd, '/sd') # mount
os.listdir('/sd') # list directory contents
os.umount('/sd') # eject
vfs.umount('/sd') # eject

Wyświetl plik

@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ more info regarding the pins which can be remapped to be used with a SD card.
Example usage::
from machine import SD
import os
import vfs
# clk cmd and dat0 pins must be passed along with
# their respective alternate functions
sd = machine.SD(pins=('GP10', 'GP11', 'GP15'))
os.mount(sd, '/sd')
vfs.mount(sd, '/sd')
# do normal file operations

Wyświetl plik

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ vary from platform to platform.
The class implements the block protocol defined by :class:`vfs.AbstractBlockDev`.
This allows the mounting of an SD card to be as simple as::
os.mount(machine.SDCard(), "/sd")
vfs.mount(machine.SDCard(), "/sd")
The constructor takes the following parameters:

Wyświetl plik

@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ Miscellaneous functions
.. function:: mount(device, mountpoint, *, readonly=False, mkfs=False)
.. note:: This function is deprecated. Mounting and unmounting devices should
be performed by :meth:`os.mount` and :meth:`os.umount` instead.
be performed by :meth:`vfs.mount` and :meth:`vfs.umount` instead.
Mount a block device and make it available as part of the filesystem.
``device`` must be an object that provides the block protocol. (The

Wyświetl plik

@ -443,27 +443,27 @@ SD card
See :ref:`machine.SDCard <machine.SDCard>`::
import machine, os
import machine, os, vfs
sd = machine.SDCard()
fs = os.VfsFat(sd)
os.mount(fs, "/sd") # mount
fs = vfs.VfsFat(sd)
vfs.mount(fs, "/sd") # mount
os.listdir('/sd') # list directory contents
os.umount('/sd') # eject
vfs.umount('/sd') # eject
Note: The 1011 and 1015 based boards do not support the ``machine.SDCard``
class. For these, the SPI based driver ```` from the MicroPython drivers
can be used. When using it, you have to overdrive the CS pin of the SPI hardware
module. Example::
import os, sdcard, machine
import vfs, sdcard, machine
cs_pin = "D10"
spi = machine.SPI(0) # SPI0 with cs at Pin "D10" used for SDCARD
cs = machine.Pin(cs_pin, machine.Pin.OUT, value=1)
sd = sdcard.SDCard(spi, cs)
vfs = os.VfsFat(sd)
os.mount(vfs, "/sdcard")
fs = vfs.VfsFat(sd)
vfs.mount(fs, "/sdcard")
OneWire driver

Wyświetl plik

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ If needed, you can prevent the use of the SD card by creating an empty file
called ``/flash/SKIPSD``. If this file exists when the pyboard boots
up then the SD card will be skipped and the pyboard will always boot from the
internal filesystem (in this case the SD card won't be mounted but you can still
mount and use it later in your program using ``os.mount``).
mount and use it later in your program using ``vfs.mount``).
(Note that on older versions of the board, ``/flash`` is called ``0:/`` and ``/sd``
is called ``1:/``).

Wyświetl plik

@ -108,11 +108,11 @@ RAM using a ``bytearray``::
It can be used as follows::
import os
import vfs
bdev = RAMBlockDev(512, 50)
os.mount(bdev, '/ramdisk')
vfs.mount(bdev, '/ramdisk')
An example of a block device that supports both the simple and extended
interface (i.e. both signatures and behaviours of the
@ -150,11 +150,11 @@ interface (i.e. both signatures and behaviours of the
As it supports the extended interface, it can be used with :class:`littlefs
import os
import vfs
bdev = RAMBlockDev(512, 50)
os.mount(bdev, '/ramdisk')
vfs.mount(bdev, '/ramdisk')
Once mounted, the filesystem (regardless of its type) can be used as it
normally would be used from Python code, for example::
@ -197,16 +197,16 @@ recommended to use littlefs instead.
To format the entire flash using FAT::
# ESP8266 and ESP32
import os
os.mount(bdev, '/')
import vfs
vfs.mount(bdev, '/')
# STM32
import os, pyb
os.mount(pyb.Flash(start=0), '/flash')
import os, vfs, pyb
vfs.mount(pyb.Flash(start=0), '/flash')
@ -222,16 +222,16 @@ resistant to filesystem corruption.
To format the entire flash using littlefs v2::
# ESP8266 and ESP32
import os
os.mount(bdev, '/')
import vfs
vfs.mount(bdev, '/')
# STM32
import os, pyb
os.mount(pyb.Flash(start=0), '/flash')
import os, vfs, pyb
vfs.mount(pyb.Flash(start=0), '/flash')
A littlefs filesystem can be still be accessed on a PC over USB MSC using the
@ -264,14 +264,14 @@ block devices spanning a subset of the flash device.
For example, to configure the first 256kiB as FAT (and available over USB MSC),
and the remainder as littlefs::
import os, pyb
import os, vfs, pyb
p1 = pyb.Flash(start=0, len=256*1024)
p2 = pyb.Flash(start=256*1024)
os.mount(p1, '/flash')
os.mount(p2, '/data')
vfs.mount(p1, '/flash')
vfs.mount(p2, '/data')
This might be useful to make your Python files, configuration and other
@ -282,9 +282,9 @@ failure, etc.
The partition at offset ``0`` will be mounted automatically (and the filesystem
type automatically detected), but you can add::
import os, pyb
import vfs, pyb
p2 = pyb.Flash(start=256*1024)
os.mount(p2, '/data')
vfs.mount(p2, '/data')
to ```` to mount the data partition.
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ define an arbitrary partition layout.
At boot, the partition named "vfs" will be mounted at ``/`` by default, but any
additional partitions can be mounted in your ```` using::
import esp32, os
import esp32, vfs
p = esp32.Partition.find(esp32.Partition.TYPE_DATA, label='foo')
os.mount(p, '/foo')
vfs.mount(p, '/foo')

Wyświetl plik

@ -387,15 +387,15 @@ SDCard
The frozen sdcard driver (drivers/sdcard/ is available by connecting microSD card device to hardware SPI0 pins.::
from machine import Pin, SPI
import os, sdcard
import os, vfs, sdcard
spi = SPI(0, baudrate=500000)
cs = Pin.cpu.P103
sd = sdcard.SDCard(spi, cs)
os.mount(sd, '/sd')
vfs.mount(sd, '/sd')
OneWire driver

Wyświetl plik

@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ functions are defined in ``os`` module:
Mounts a block device (like an ``SD`` object) in the specified mount
point. Example::
os.mount(sd, '/sd')
vfs.mount(sd, '/sd')
.. function:: unmount(path)

Wyświetl plik

@ -171,13 +171,13 @@ SD card
See :ref:`machine.SD <machine.SD>`. ::
from machine import SD
import os
import vfs
# clock pin, cmd pin, data0 pin
sd = SD(pins=('GP10', 'GP11', 'GP15'))
# or use default ones for the expansion board
sd = SD()
os.mount(sd, '/sd')
vfs.mount(sd, '/sd')

Wyświetl plik

@ -109,12 +109,12 @@ Disk Access
Use the :ref:`zephyr.DiskAccess <zephyr.DiskAccess>` class to support filesystem::
import os
import vfs
from zephyr import DiskAccess
block_dev = DiskAccess('SDHC') # create a block device object for an SD card
os.VfsFat.mkfs(block_dev) # create FAT filesystem object using the disk storage block
os.mount(block_dev, '/sd') # mount the filesystem at the SD card subdirectory
vfs.VfsFat.mkfs(block_dev) # create FAT filesystem object using the disk storage block
vfs.mount(block_dev, '/sd') # mount the filesystem at the SD card subdirectory
# with the filesystem mounted, files can be manipulated as normal
with open('/sd/hello.txt','w') as f: # open a new file in the directory
@ -126,12 +126,12 @@ Flash Area
Use the :ref:`zephyr.FlashArea <zephyr.FlashArea>` class to support filesystem::
import os
import vfs
from zephyr import FlashArea
block_dev = FlashArea(4, 4096) # creates a block device object in the frdm-k64f flash scratch partition
os.VfsLfs2.mkfs(block_dev) # create filesystem in lfs2 format using the flash block device
os.mount(block_dev, '/flash') # mount the filesystem at the flash subdirectory
vfs.VfsLfs2.mkfs(block_dev) # create filesystem in lfs2 format using the flash block device
vfs.mount(block_dev, '/flash') # mount the filesystem at the flash subdirectory
# with the filesystem mounted, files can be manipulated as normal
with open('/flash/hello.txt','w') as f: # open a new file in the directory

Wyświetl plik

@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ file system to access SD cards via disk access (see below).
Example usage of FatFS with an SD card on the mimxrt1050_evk board::
import os
import vfs
from zephyr import DiskAccess
bdev = zephyr.DiskAccess('SDHC') # create block device object using DiskAccess
os.VfsFat.mkfs(bdev) # create FAT filesystem object using the disk storage block
os.mount(bdev, '/sd') # mount the filesystem at the SD card subdirectory
vfs.VfsFat.mkfs(bdev) # create FAT filesystem object using the disk storage block
vfs.mount(bdev, '/sd') # mount the filesystem at the SD card subdirectory
with open('/sd/hello.txt','w') as f: # open a new file in the directory
f.write('Hello world') # write to the file
print(open('/sd/hello.txt').read()) # print contents of the file
@ -43,11 +43,11 @@ implements the `vfs.AbstractBlockDev` protocol.
Example usage with the internal flash on the reel_board or the rv32m1_vega_ri5cy board::
import os
import vfs
from zephyr import FlashArea
bdev = FlashArea(FlashArea.STORAGE, 4096) # create block device object using FlashArea
os.VfsLfs2.mkfs(bdev) # create Little filesystem object using the flash area block
os.mount(bdev, '/flash') # mount the filesystem at the flash storage subdirectory
vfs.VfsLfs2.mkfs(bdev) # create Little filesystem object using the flash area block
vfs.mount(bdev, '/flash') # mount the filesystem at the flash storage subdirectory
with open('/flash/hello.txt','w') as f: # open a new file in the directory
f.write('Hello world') # write to the file
print(open('/flash/hello.txt').read()) # print contents of the file