py/objarray: Implement more/less comparisons for array.

stijn 2021-05-10 16:40:51 +02:00 zatwierdzone przez Damien George
rodzic 57365d8557
commit 09be0c083c
3 zmienionych plików z 53 dodań i 5 usunięć

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@ -258,12 +258,13 @@ STATIC mp_obj_t array_unary_op(mp_unary_op_t op, mp_obj_t o_in) {
STATIC int typecode_for_comparison(int typecode) {
STATIC int typecode_for_comparison(int typecode, bool *is_unsigned) {
if (typecode == BYTEARRAY_TYPECODE) {
typecode = 'B';
if (typecode <= 'Z') {
typecode += 32; // to lowercase
*is_unsigned = true;
return typecode;
@ -322,7 +323,11 @@ STATIC mp_obj_t array_binary_op(mp_binary_op_t op, mp_obj_t lhs_in, mp_obj_t rhs
return mp_const_false;
mp_buffer_info_t lhs_bufinfo;
mp_buffer_info_t rhs_bufinfo;
array_get_buffer(lhs_in, &lhs_bufinfo, MP_BUFFER_READ);
@ -333,11 +338,13 @@ STATIC mp_obj_t array_binary_op(mp_binary_op_t op, mp_obj_t lhs_in, mp_obj_t rhs
// The type doesn't matter: array/bytearray/str/bytes all have the same buffer layout, so
// just check if the typecodes are compatible; for testing equality the types should have the
// same code except for signedness, and not be floating point because nan never equals nan.
// For > and < the types should be the same and unsigned.
// Note that typecode_for_comparison always returns lowercase letters to save code size.
// No need for (& TYPECODE_MASK) here: xxx_get_buffer already takes care of that.
const int lhs_code = typecode_for_comparison(lhs_bufinfo.typecode);
const int rhs_code = typecode_for_comparison(rhs_bufinfo.typecode);
if (lhs_code == rhs_code && lhs_code != 'f' && lhs_code != 'd') {
bool is_unsigned = false;
const int lhs_code = typecode_for_comparison(lhs_bufinfo.typecode, &is_unsigned);
const int rhs_code = typecode_for_comparison(rhs_bufinfo.typecode, &is_unsigned);
if (lhs_code == rhs_code && lhs_code != 'f' && lhs_code != 'd' && (op == MP_BINARY_OP_EQUAL || is_unsigned)) {
return mp_obj_new_bool(mp_seq_cmp_bytes(op, lhs_bufinfo.buf, lhs_bufinfo.len, rhs_bufinfo.buf, rhs_bufinfo.len));
// mp_obj_equal_not_equal treats returning MP_OBJ_NULL as 'fall back to pointer comparison'

Wyświetl plik

@ -66,3 +66,24 @@ print(X('b', [0x61, 0x62, 0x63]) == b'abc')
print(X('b', [0x61, 0x62, 0x63]) != b'abc')
print(X('b', [0x61, 0x62, 0x63]) == array.array('b', [0x61, 0x62, 0x63]))
print(X('b', [0x61, 0x62, 0x63]) != array.array('b', [0x61, 0x62, 0x63]))
# other comparisons
for typecode in ["B", "H", "I", "L", "Q"]:
a = array.array(typecode, [1, 1])
print(a < a)
print(a <= a)
print(a > a)
print(a >= a)
al = array.array(typecode, [1, 0])
ab = array.array(typecode, [1, 2])
print(a < al)
print(a <= al)
print(a > al)
print(a >= al)
print(a < ab)
print(a <= ab)
print(a > ab)
print(a >= ab)

Wyświetl plik

@ -27,6 +27,26 @@ print(bytearray([1]) == b"1")
print(b"1" == bytearray([1]))
print(bytearray() == bytearray())
b1 = bytearray([1, 2, 3])
b2 = bytearray([1, 2, 3])
b3 = bytearray([1, 3])
print(b1 == b2)
print(b2 != b3)
print(b1 <= b2)
print(b1 <= b3)
print(b1 < b3)
print(b1 >= b2)
print(b3 >= b2)
print(b3 > b2)
print(b1 != b2)
print(b2 == b3)
print(b1 > b2)
print(b1 > b3)
print(b1 >= b3)
print(b1 < b2)
print(b3 < b2)
print(b3 <= b2)
# comparison with other type should return False
print(bytearray() == 1)