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# MicroPython asyncio module, for use with webassembly port
# MIT license; Copyright (c) 2019-2024 Damien P. George
from time import ticks_ms as ticks, ticks_diff, ticks_add
import sys, js, jsffi
# Import TaskQueue and Task from built-in C code.
from _asyncio import TaskQueue, Task
# Exceptions
class CancelledError(BaseException):
class TimeoutError(Exception):
# Used when calling Loop.call_exception_handler.
_exc_context = {"message": "Task exception wasn't retrieved", "exception": None, "future": None}
# Sleep functions
# "Yield" once, then raise StopIteration
class SingletonGenerator:
def __init__(self):
self.state = None
self.exc = StopIteration()
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
if self.state is not None:
_task_queue.push(cur_task, self.state)
self.state = None
return None
self.exc.__traceback__ = None
raise self.exc
# Pause task execution for the given time (integer in milliseconds, uPy extension)
# Use a SingletonGenerator to do it without allocating on the heap
def sleep_ms(t, sgen=SingletonGenerator()):
if cur_task is None:
# Support top-level asyncio.sleep, via a JavaScript Promise.
return jsffi.async_timeout_ms(t)
assert sgen.state is None
sgen.state = ticks_add(ticks(), max(0, t))
return sgen
# Pause task execution for the given time (in seconds)
def sleep(t):
return sleep_ms(int(t * 1000))
# Main run loop
asyncio_timer = None
class ThenableEvent:
def __init__(self, thenable):
self.result = None # Result of the thenable
self.waiting = None # Task waiting on completion of this thenable
def set(self, value):
# Thenable/Promise is fulfilled, set result and schedule any waiting task.
self.result = value
if self.waiting:
self.waiting = None
def remove(self, task):
self.waiting = None
# async
def wait(self):
# Set the calling task as the task waiting on this thenable.
self.waiting = cur_task
# Set calling task's data to this object so it can be removed if needed.
cur_task.data = self
# Wait for the thenable to fulfill.
# Return the result of the thenable.
return self.result
# Ensure the awaitable is a task
def _promote_to_task(aw):
return aw if isinstance(aw, Task) else create_task(aw)
def _schedule_run_iter(dt):
global asyncio_timer
if asyncio_timer is not None:
asyncio_timer = js.setTimeout(_run_iter, dt)
def _run_iter():
global cur_task
excs_all = (CancelledError, Exception) # To prevent heap allocation in loop
excs_stop = (CancelledError, StopIteration) # To prevent heap allocation in loop
while True:
# Wait until the head of _task_queue is ready to run
t = _task_queue.peek()
if t:
# A task waiting on _task_queue; "ph_key" is time to schedule task at
dt = max(0, ticks_diff(t.ph_key, ticks()))
# No tasks can be woken so finished running
cur_task = None
if dt > 0:
# schedule to call again later
cur_task = None
# Get next task to run and continue it
t = _task_queue.pop()
cur_task = t
# Continue running the coroutine, it's responsible for rescheduling itself
exc = t.data
if not exc:
# If the task is finished and on the run queue and gets here, then it
# had an exception and was not await'ed on. Throwing into it now will
# raise StopIteration and the code below will catch this and run the
# call_exception_handler function.
t.data = None
except excs_all as er:
# Check the task is not on any event queue
assert t.data is None
# This task is done.
if t.state:
# Task was running but is now finished.
waiting = False
if t.state is True:
# "None" indicates that the task is complete and not await'ed on (yet).
t.state = None
elif callable(t.state):
# The task has a callback registered to be called on completion.
t.state(t, er)
t.state = False
waiting = True
# Schedule any other tasks waiting on the completion of this task.
while t.state.peek():
waiting = True
# "False" indicates that the task is complete and has been await'ed on.
t.state = False
if not waiting and not isinstance(er, excs_stop):
# An exception ended this detached task, so queue it for later
# execution to handle the uncaught exception if no other task retrieves
# the exception in the meantime (this is handled by Task.throw).
# Save return value of coro to pass up to caller.
t.data = er
elif t.state is None:
# Task is already finished and nothing await'ed on the task,
# so call the exception handler.
# Save exception raised by the coro for later use.
t.data = exc
# Create exception context and call the exception handler.
_exc_context["exception"] = exc
_exc_context["future"] = t
# Create and schedule a new task from a coroutine.
def create_task(coro):
if not hasattr(coro, "send"):
raise TypeError("coroutine expected")
t = Task(coro, globals())
return t
# Event loop wrapper
cur_task = None
class Loop:
_exc_handler = None
def create_task(coro):
return create_task(coro)
def close():
def set_exception_handler(handler):
Loop._exc_handler = handler
def get_exception_handler():
return Loop._exc_handler
def default_exception_handler(loop, context):
print(context["message"], file=sys.stderr)
print("future:", context["future"], "coro=", context["future"].coro, file=sys.stderr)
sys.print_exception(context["exception"], sys.stderr)
def call_exception_handler(context):
(Loop._exc_handler or Loop.default_exception_handler)(Loop, context)
def get_event_loop():
return Loop
def current_task():
if cur_task is None:
raise RuntimeError("no running event loop")
return cur_task
def new_event_loop():
global _task_queue
_task_queue = TaskQueue() # TaskQueue of Task instances.
return Loop
# Initialise default event loop.