
282 wiersze
9.8 KiB

webassembly: Add JavaScript proxying, and js and jsffi modules. This commit improves the webassembly port by adding: - Proxying of Python objects to JavaScript with a PyProxy type that lives on the JavaScript side. PyProxy implements JavaScript Proxy traps such as has, get, set and ownKeys, to make Python objects have functionality on the JavaScript side. - Proxying of JavaScript objects to Python with a JsProxy type that lives on the Python side. JsProxy passes through calls, attributes, subscription and iteration from Python to JavaScript. - A top-level API on the JavaScript side to construct a MicroPython interpreter instance via `loadMicroPython()`. That function returns an object that can be used to execute Python code, access the Python globals dict, access the Emscripten filesystem, and other things. This API is based on the API provided by Pyodide (https://pyodide.org/). As part of this, the top-level file is changed from `micropython.js` to `micropython.mjs`. - A Python `js` module which can be used to access all JavaScript-side symbols, for example the DOM when run within a browser. - A Python `jsffi` module with various helper functions like `create_proxy()` and `to_js()`. - A dedenting lexer which automatically dedents Python source code if every non-empty line in that source starts with a common whitespace prefix. This is very helpful when Python source code is indented within a string within HTML or JavaScript for formatting reasons. Signed-off-by: Damien George <damien@micropython.org>
2023-05-31 01:45:34 +00:00
* This file is part of the MicroPython project, http://micropython.org/
* The MIT License (MIT)
* Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Damien P. George
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// Number of static entries at the start of proxy_js_ref.
webassembly: Add JavaScript proxying, and js and jsffi modules. This commit improves the webassembly port by adding: - Proxying of Python objects to JavaScript with a PyProxy type that lives on the JavaScript side. PyProxy implements JavaScript Proxy traps such as has, get, set and ownKeys, to make Python objects have functionality on the JavaScript side. - Proxying of JavaScript objects to Python with a JsProxy type that lives on the Python side. JsProxy passes through calls, attributes, subscription and iteration from Python to JavaScript. - A top-level API on the JavaScript side to construct a MicroPython interpreter instance via `loadMicroPython()`. That function returns an object that can be used to execute Python code, access the Python globals dict, access the Emscripten filesystem, and other things. This API is based on the API provided by Pyodide (https://pyodide.org/). As part of this, the top-level file is changed from `micropython.js` to `micropython.mjs`. - A Python `js` module which can be used to access all JavaScript-side symbols, for example the DOM when run within a browser. - A Python `jsffi` module with various helper functions like `create_proxy()` and `to_js()`. - A dedenting lexer which automatically dedents Python source code if every non-empty line in that source starts with a common whitespace prefix. This is very helpful when Python source code is indented within a string within HTML or JavaScript for formatting reasons. Signed-off-by: Damien George <damien@micropython.org>
2023-05-31 01:45:34 +00:00
// These constants should match the constants in proxy_c.c.
const PROXY_KIND_MP_INT = 3;
const PROXY_KIND_MP_STR = 5;
webassembly: Add JavaScript proxying, and js and jsffi modules. This commit improves the webassembly port by adding: - Proxying of Python objects to JavaScript with a PyProxy type that lives on the JavaScript side. PyProxy implements JavaScript Proxy traps such as has, get, set and ownKeys, to make Python objects have functionality on the JavaScript side. - Proxying of JavaScript objects to Python with a JsProxy type that lives on the Python side. JsProxy passes through calls, attributes, subscription and iteration from Python to JavaScript. - A top-level API on the JavaScript side to construct a MicroPython interpreter instance via `loadMicroPython()`. That function returns an object that can be used to execute Python code, access the Python globals dict, access the Emscripten filesystem, and other things. This API is based on the API provided by Pyodide (https://pyodide.org/). As part of this, the top-level file is changed from `micropython.js` to `micropython.mjs`. - A Python `js` module which can be used to access all JavaScript-side symbols, for example the DOM when run within a browser. - A Python `jsffi` module with various helper functions like `create_proxy()` and `to_js()`. - A dedenting lexer which automatically dedents Python source code if every non-empty line in that source starts with a common whitespace prefix. This is very helpful when Python source code is indented within a string within HTML or JavaScript for formatting reasons. Signed-off-by: Damien George <damien@micropython.org>
2023-05-31 01:45:34 +00:00
webassembly: Add JavaScript proxying, and js and jsffi modules. This commit improves the webassembly port by adding: - Proxying of Python objects to JavaScript with a PyProxy type that lives on the JavaScript side. PyProxy implements JavaScript Proxy traps such as has, get, set and ownKeys, to make Python objects have functionality on the JavaScript side. - Proxying of JavaScript objects to Python with a JsProxy type that lives on the Python side. JsProxy passes through calls, attributes, subscription and iteration from Python to JavaScript. - A top-level API on the JavaScript side to construct a MicroPython interpreter instance via `loadMicroPython()`. That function returns an object that can be used to execute Python code, access the Python globals dict, access the Emscripten filesystem, and other things. This API is based on the API provided by Pyodide (https://pyodide.org/). As part of this, the top-level file is changed from `micropython.js` to `micropython.mjs`. - A Python `js` module which can be used to access all JavaScript-side symbols, for example the DOM when run within a browser. - A Python `jsffi` module with various helper functions like `create_proxy()` and `to_js()`. - A dedenting lexer which automatically dedents Python source code if every non-empty line in that source starts with a common whitespace prefix. This is very helpful when Python source code is indented within a string within HTML or JavaScript for formatting reasons. Signed-off-by: Damien George <damien@micropython.org>
2023-05-31 01:45:34 +00:00
class PythonError extends Error {
constructor(exc_type, exc_details) {
this.name = "PythonError";
this.type = exc_type;
function proxy_js_init() {
globalThis.proxy_js_ref = [globalThis, undefined];
globalThis.proxy_js_ref_next = PROXY_JS_REF_NUM_STATIC;
globalThis.pyProxyFinalizationRegistry = new FinalizationRegistry(
(cRef) => {
Module.ccall("proxy_c_free_obj", "null", ["number"], [cRef]);
// js_obj cannot be undefined
function proxy_js_add_obj(js_obj) {
// Search for the first free slot in proxy_js_ref.
while (proxy_js_ref_next < proxy_js_ref.length) {
if (proxy_js_ref[proxy_js_ref_next] === undefined) {
// Free slot found, reuse it.
const id = proxy_js_ref_next;
proxy_js_ref[id] = js_obj;
return id;
// No free slots, so grow proxy_js_ref by one (append at the end of the array).
const id = proxy_js_ref.length;
proxy_js_ref[id] = js_obj;
proxy_js_ref_next = proxy_js_ref.length;
return id;
webassembly: Add JavaScript proxying, and js and jsffi modules. This commit improves the webassembly port by adding: - Proxying of Python objects to JavaScript with a PyProxy type that lives on the JavaScript side. PyProxy implements JavaScript Proxy traps such as has, get, set and ownKeys, to make Python objects have functionality on the JavaScript side. - Proxying of JavaScript objects to Python with a JsProxy type that lives on the Python side. JsProxy passes through calls, attributes, subscription and iteration from Python to JavaScript. - A top-level API on the JavaScript side to construct a MicroPython interpreter instance via `loadMicroPython()`. That function returns an object that can be used to execute Python code, access the Python globals dict, access the Emscripten filesystem, and other things. This API is based on the API provided by Pyodide (https://pyodide.org/). As part of this, the top-level file is changed from `micropython.js` to `micropython.mjs`. - A Python `js` module which can be used to access all JavaScript-side symbols, for example the DOM when run within a browser. - A Python `jsffi` module with various helper functions like `create_proxy()` and `to_js()`. - A dedenting lexer which automatically dedents Python source code if every non-empty line in that source starts with a common whitespace prefix. This is very helpful when Python source code is indented within a string within HTML or JavaScript for formatting reasons. Signed-off-by: Damien George <damien@micropython.org>
2023-05-31 01:45:34 +00:00
function proxy_call_python(target, argumentsList) {
let args = 0;
// Strip trailing "undefined" arguments.
while (
argumentsList.length > 0 &&
argumentsList[argumentsList.length - 1] === undefined
) {
if (argumentsList.length > 0) {
// TODO use stackAlloc/stackRestore?
args = Module._malloc(argumentsList.length * 3 * 4);
for (const i in argumentsList) {
args + i * 3 * 4,
const value = Module._malloc(3 * 4);
["number", "number", "number", "pointer"],
[target, argumentsList.length, args, value],
if (argumentsList.length > 0) {
const ret = proxy_convert_mp_to_js_obj_jsside_with_free(value);
if (ret instanceof PyProxyThenable) {
// In Python when an async function is called it creates the
// corresponding "generator", which must then be executed at
// the top level by an asyncio-like scheduler. In JavaScript
// the semantics for async functions is that they are started
// immediately (their non-async prefix code is executed immediately)
// and only if they await do they return a Promise to delay the
// execution of the remainder of the function.
// Emulate the JavaScript behaviour here by resolving the Python
// async function. We assume that the caller who gets this
// return is JavaScript.
return Promise.resolve(ret);
return ret;
webassembly: Add JavaScript proxying, and js and jsffi modules. This commit improves the webassembly port by adding: - Proxying of Python objects to JavaScript with a PyProxy type that lives on the JavaScript side. PyProxy implements JavaScript Proxy traps such as has, get, set and ownKeys, to make Python objects have functionality on the JavaScript side. - Proxying of JavaScript objects to Python with a JsProxy type that lives on the Python side. JsProxy passes through calls, attributes, subscription and iteration from Python to JavaScript. - A top-level API on the JavaScript side to construct a MicroPython interpreter instance via `loadMicroPython()`. That function returns an object that can be used to execute Python code, access the Python globals dict, access the Emscripten filesystem, and other things. This API is based on the API provided by Pyodide (https://pyodide.org/). As part of this, the top-level file is changed from `micropython.js` to `micropython.mjs`. - A Python `js` module which can be used to access all JavaScript-side symbols, for example the DOM when run within a browser. - A Python `jsffi` module with various helper functions like `create_proxy()` and `to_js()`. - A dedenting lexer which automatically dedents Python source code if every non-empty line in that source starts with a common whitespace prefix. This is very helpful when Python source code is indented within a string within HTML or JavaScript for formatting reasons. Signed-off-by: Damien George <damien@micropython.org>
2023-05-31 01:45:34 +00:00
function proxy_convert_js_to_mp_obj_jsside(js_obj, out) {
let kind;
if (js_obj === undefined) {
} else if (js_obj === null) {
webassembly: Add JavaScript proxying, and js and jsffi modules. This commit improves the webassembly port by adding: - Proxying of Python objects to JavaScript with a PyProxy type that lives on the JavaScript side. PyProxy implements JavaScript Proxy traps such as has, get, set and ownKeys, to make Python objects have functionality on the JavaScript side. - Proxying of JavaScript objects to Python with a JsProxy type that lives on the Python side. JsProxy passes through calls, attributes, subscription and iteration from Python to JavaScript. - A top-level API on the JavaScript side to construct a MicroPython interpreter instance via `loadMicroPython()`. That function returns an object that can be used to execute Python code, access the Python globals dict, access the Emscripten filesystem, and other things. This API is based on the API provided by Pyodide (https://pyodide.org/). As part of this, the top-level file is changed from `micropython.js` to `micropython.mjs`. - A Python `js` module which can be used to access all JavaScript-side symbols, for example the DOM when run within a browser. - A Python `jsffi` module with various helper functions like `create_proxy()` and `to_js()`. - A dedenting lexer which automatically dedents Python source code if every non-empty line in that source starts with a common whitespace prefix. This is very helpful when Python source code is indented within a string within HTML or JavaScript for formatting reasons. Signed-off-by: Damien George <damien@micropython.org>
2023-05-31 01:45:34 +00:00
} else if (typeof js_obj === "boolean") {
Module.setValue(out + 4, js_obj, "i32");
} else if (typeof js_obj === "number") {
if (Number.isInteger(js_obj)) {
Module.setValue(out + 4, js_obj, "i32");
} else {
// double must be stored to an address that's a multiple of 8
const temp = (out + 4) & ~7;
Module.setValue(temp, js_obj, "double");
const double_lo = Module.getValue(temp, "i32");
const double_hi = Module.getValue(temp + 4, "i32");
Module.setValue(out + 4, double_lo, "i32");
Module.setValue(out + 8, double_hi, "i32");
} else if (typeof js_obj === "string") {
const len = Module.lengthBytesUTF8(js_obj);
const buf = Module._malloc(len + 1);
Module.stringToUTF8(js_obj, buf, len + 1);
Module.setValue(out + 4, len, "i32");
Module.setValue(out + 8, buf, "i32");
} else if (
js_obj instanceof PyProxy ||
(typeof js_obj === "function" && "_ref" in js_obj) ||
js_obj instanceof PyProxyThenable
) {
Module.setValue(out + 4, js_obj._ref, "i32");
webassembly: Add JavaScript proxying, and js and jsffi modules. This commit improves the webassembly port by adding: - Proxying of Python objects to JavaScript with a PyProxy type that lives on the JavaScript side. PyProxy implements JavaScript Proxy traps such as has, get, set and ownKeys, to make Python objects have functionality on the JavaScript side. - Proxying of JavaScript objects to Python with a JsProxy type that lives on the Python side. JsProxy passes through calls, attributes, subscription and iteration from Python to JavaScript. - A top-level API on the JavaScript side to construct a MicroPython interpreter instance via `loadMicroPython()`. That function returns an object that can be used to execute Python code, access the Python globals dict, access the Emscripten filesystem, and other things. This API is based on the API provided by Pyodide (https://pyodide.org/). As part of this, the top-level file is changed from `micropython.js` to `micropython.mjs`. - A Python `js` module which can be used to access all JavaScript-side symbols, for example the DOM when run within a browser. - A Python `jsffi` module with various helper functions like `create_proxy()` and `to_js()`. - A dedenting lexer which automatically dedents Python source code if every non-empty line in that source starts with a common whitespace prefix. This is very helpful when Python source code is indented within a string within HTML or JavaScript for formatting reasons. Signed-off-by: Damien George <damien@micropython.org>
2023-05-31 01:45:34 +00:00
} else {
const id = proxy_js_add_obj(js_obj);
webassembly: Add JavaScript proxying, and js and jsffi modules. This commit improves the webassembly port by adding: - Proxying of Python objects to JavaScript with a PyProxy type that lives on the JavaScript side. PyProxy implements JavaScript Proxy traps such as has, get, set and ownKeys, to make Python objects have functionality on the JavaScript side. - Proxying of JavaScript objects to Python with a JsProxy type that lives on the Python side. JsProxy passes through calls, attributes, subscription and iteration from Python to JavaScript. - A top-level API on the JavaScript side to construct a MicroPython interpreter instance via `loadMicroPython()`. That function returns an object that can be used to execute Python code, access the Python globals dict, access the Emscripten filesystem, and other things. This API is based on the API provided by Pyodide (https://pyodide.org/). As part of this, the top-level file is changed from `micropython.js` to `micropython.mjs`. - A Python `js` module which can be used to access all JavaScript-side symbols, for example the DOM when run within a browser. - A Python `jsffi` module with various helper functions like `create_proxy()` and `to_js()`. - A dedenting lexer which automatically dedents Python source code if every non-empty line in that source starts with a common whitespace prefix. This is very helpful when Python source code is indented within a string within HTML or JavaScript for formatting reasons. Signed-off-by: Damien George <damien@micropython.org>
2023-05-31 01:45:34 +00:00
Module.setValue(out + 4, id, "i32");
Module.setValue(out + 0, kind, "i32");
function proxy_convert_js_to_mp_obj_jsside_force_double_proxy(js_obj, out) {
if (
js_obj instanceof PyProxy ||
(typeof js_obj === "function" && "_ref" in js_obj) ||
js_obj instanceof PyProxyThenable
) {
webassembly: Add JavaScript proxying, and js and jsffi modules. This commit improves the webassembly port by adding: - Proxying of Python objects to JavaScript with a PyProxy type that lives on the JavaScript side. PyProxy implements JavaScript Proxy traps such as has, get, set and ownKeys, to make Python objects have functionality on the JavaScript side. - Proxying of JavaScript objects to Python with a JsProxy type that lives on the Python side. JsProxy passes through calls, attributes, subscription and iteration from Python to JavaScript. - A top-level API on the JavaScript side to construct a MicroPython interpreter instance via `loadMicroPython()`. That function returns an object that can be used to execute Python code, access the Python globals dict, access the Emscripten filesystem, and other things. This API is based on the API provided by Pyodide (https://pyodide.org/). As part of this, the top-level file is changed from `micropython.js` to `micropython.mjs`. - A Python `js` module which can be used to access all JavaScript-side symbols, for example the DOM when run within a browser. - A Python `jsffi` module with various helper functions like `create_proxy()` and `to_js()`. - A dedenting lexer which automatically dedents Python source code if every non-empty line in that source starts with a common whitespace prefix. This is very helpful when Python source code is indented within a string within HTML or JavaScript for formatting reasons. Signed-off-by: Damien George <damien@micropython.org>
2023-05-31 01:45:34 +00:00
const kind = PROXY_KIND_JS_OBJECT;
const id = proxy_js_add_obj(js_obj);
webassembly: Add JavaScript proxying, and js and jsffi modules. This commit improves the webassembly port by adding: - Proxying of Python objects to JavaScript with a PyProxy type that lives on the JavaScript side. PyProxy implements JavaScript Proxy traps such as has, get, set and ownKeys, to make Python objects have functionality on the JavaScript side. - Proxying of JavaScript objects to Python with a JsProxy type that lives on the Python side. JsProxy passes through calls, attributes, subscription and iteration from Python to JavaScript. - A top-level API on the JavaScript side to construct a MicroPython interpreter instance via `loadMicroPython()`. That function returns an object that can be used to execute Python code, access the Python globals dict, access the Emscripten filesystem, and other things. This API is based on the API provided by Pyodide (https://pyodide.org/). As part of this, the top-level file is changed from `micropython.js` to `micropython.mjs`. - A Python `js` module which can be used to access all JavaScript-side symbols, for example the DOM when run within a browser. - A Python `jsffi` module with various helper functions like `create_proxy()` and `to_js()`. - A dedenting lexer which automatically dedents Python source code if every non-empty line in that source starts with a common whitespace prefix. This is very helpful when Python source code is indented within a string within HTML or JavaScript for formatting reasons. Signed-off-by: Damien George <damien@micropython.org>
2023-05-31 01:45:34 +00:00
Module.setValue(out + 4, id, "i32");
Module.setValue(out + 0, kind, "i32");
} else {
proxy_convert_js_to_mp_obj_jsside(js_obj, out);
function proxy_convert_mp_to_js_obj_jsside(value) {
const kind = Module.getValue(value, "i32");
let obj;
// Exception
const str_len = Module.getValue(value + 4, "i32");
const str_ptr = Module.getValue(value + 8, "i32");
const str = Module.UTF8ToString(str_ptr, str_len);
const str_split = str.split("\x04");
throw new PythonError(str_split[0], str_split[1]);
if (kind === PROXY_KIND_MP_NULL) {
throw new Error("NULL object");
if (kind === PROXY_KIND_MP_NONE) {
// None
obj = null;
webassembly: Add JavaScript proxying, and js and jsffi modules. This commit improves the webassembly port by adding: - Proxying of Python objects to JavaScript with a PyProxy type that lives on the JavaScript side. PyProxy implements JavaScript Proxy traps such as has, get, set and ownKeys, to make Python objects have functionality on the JavaScript side. - Proxying of JavaScript objects to Python with a JsProxy type that lives on the Python side. JsProxy passes through calls, attributes, subscription and iteration from Python to JavaScript. - A top-level API on the JavaScript side to construct a MicroPython interpreter instance via `loadMicroPython()`. That function returns an object that can be used to execute Python code, access the Python globals dict, access the Emscripten filesystem, and other things. This API is based on the API provided by Pyodide (https://pyodide.org/). As part of this, the top-level file is changed from `micropython.js` to `micropython.mjs`. - A Python `js` module which can be used to access all JavaScript-side symbols, for example the DOM when run within a browser. - A Python `jsffi` module with various helper functions like `create_proxy()` and `to_js()`. - A dedenting lexer which automatically dedents Python source code if every non-empty line in that source starts with a common whitespace prefix. This is very helpful when Python source code is indented within a string within HTML or JavaScript for formatting reasons. Signed-off-by: Damien George <damien@micropython.org>
2023-05-31 01:45:34 +00:00
} else if (kind === PROXY_KIND_MP_BOOL) {
// bool
obj = Module.getValue(value + 4, "i32") ? true : false;
} else if (kind === PROXY_KIND_MP_INT) {
// int
obj = Module.getValue(value + 4, "i32");
} else if (kind === PROXY_KIND_MP_FLOAT) {
// float
// double must be loaded from an address that's a multiple of 8
const temp = (value + 4) & ~7;
const double_lo = Module.getValue(value + 4, "i32");
const double_hi = Module.getValue(value + 8, "i32");
Module.setValue(temp, double_lo, "i32");
Module.setValue(temp + 4, double_hi, "i32");
obj = Module.getValue(temp, "double");
} else if (kind === PROXY_KIND_MP_STR) {
// str
const str_len = Module.getValue(value + 4, "i32");
const str_ptr = Module.getValue(value + 8, "i32");
obj = Module.UTF8ToString(str_ptr, str_len);
} else if (kind === PROXY_KIND_MP_JSPROXY) {
// js proxy
const id = Module.getValue(value + 4, "i32");
obj = proxy_js_ref[id];
} else {
// obj
const id = Module.getValue(value + 4, "i32");
if (kind === PROXY_KIND_MP_CALLABLE) {
obj = (...args) => {
return proxy_call_python(id, args);
obj._ref = id;
} else if (kind === PROXY_KIND_MP_GENERATOR) {
obj = new PyProxyThenable(id);
webassembly: Add JavaScript proxying, and js and jsffi modules. This commit improves the webassembly port by adding: - Proxying of Python objects to JavaScript with a PyProxy type that lives on the JavaScript side. PyProxy implements JavaScript Proxy traps such as has, get, set and ownKeys, to make Python objects have functionality on the JavaScript side. - Proxying of JavaScript objects to Python with a JsProxy type that lives on the Python side. JsProxy passes through calls, attributes, subscription and iteration from Python to JavaScript. - A top-level API on the JavaScript side to construct a MicroPython interpreter instance via `loadMicroPython()`. That function returns an object that can be used to execute Python code, access the Python globals dict, access the Emscripten filesystem, and other things. This API is based on the API provided by Pyodide (https://pyodide.org/). As part of this, the top-level file is changed from `micropython.js` to `micropython.mjs`. - A Python `js` module which can be used to access all JavaScript-side symbols, for example the DOM when run within a browser. - A Python `jsffi` module with various helper functions like `create_proxy()` and `to_js()`. - A dedenting lexer which automatically dedents Python source code if every non-empty line in that source starts with a common whitespace prefix. This is very helpful when Python source code is indented within a string within HTML or JavaScript for formatting reasons. Signed-off-by: Damien George <damien@micropython.org>
2023-05-31 01:45:34 +00:00
} else {
const target = new PyProxy(id);
obj = new Proxy(target, py_proxy_handler);
globalThis.pyProxyFinalizationRegistry.register(obj, id);
webassembly: Add JavaScript proxying, and js and jsffi modules. This commit improves the webassembly port by adding: - Proxying of Python objects to JavaScript with a PyProxy type that lives on the JavaScript side. PyProxy implements JavaScript Proxy traps such as has, get, set and ownKeys, to make Python objects have functionality on the JavaScript side. - Proxying of JavaScript objects to Python with a JsProxy type that lives on the Python side. JsProxy passes through calls, attributes, subscription and iteration from Python to JavaScript. - A top-level API on the JavaScript side to construct a MicroPython interpreter instance via `loadMicroPython()`. That function returns an object that can be used to execute Python code, access the Python globals dict, access the Emscripten filesystem, and other things. This API is based on the API provided by Pyodide (https://pyodide.org/). As part of this, the top-level file is changed from `micropython.js` to `micropython.mjs`. - A Python `js` module which can be used to access all JavaScript-side symbols, for example the DOM when run within a browser. - A Python `jsffi` module with various helper functions like `create_proxy()` and `to_js()`. - A dedenting lexer which automatically dedents Python source code if every non-empty line in that source starts with a common whitespace prefix. This is very helpful when Python source code is indented within a string within HTML or JavaScript for formatting reasons. Signed-off-by: Damien George <damien@micropython.org>
2023-05-31 01:45:34 +00:00
return obj;
function proxy_convert_mp_to_js_obj_jsside_with_free(value) {
const ret = proxy_convert_mp_to_js_obj_jsside(value);
return ret;
function python_index_semantics(target, index_in) {
let index = index_in;
if (typeof index === "number") {
if (index < 0) {
index += target.length;
if (index < 0 || index >= target.length) {
throw new PythonError("IndexError", "index out of range");
return index;