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# The MIT License (MIT)
# Copyright (c) 2016 Robert Hammelrath
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# Some parts of the software are a port of code provided by Rinky-Dink Electronics, Henning Karlsen,
# with the following copyright notice:
## Copyright (C)2015 Rinky-Dink Electronics, Henning Karlsen. All right reserved
## This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license.
## Please see the included documents for further information.
# Class supporting TFT LC-displays with a parallel Interface
# First example: Controller SSD1963 with a 4.3" or 7" display
# The minimal connection is:
# X1..X8 for data, Y9 for /Reset, Y10 for /RD, Y11 for /WR and Y12 for /RS
# Then LED must be hard tied to Vcc and /CS to GND.
import pyb, stm
from uctypes import addressof
import TFT_io
# define constants
RESET = const(1 << 10) ## Y9
RD = const(1 << 11) ## Y10
WR = const(0x01) ## Y11
D_C = const(0x02) ## Y12
LED = const(1 << 8) ## Y3
POWER = const(1 << 9) ## Y4
## CS is not used and must be hard tied to GND
PORTRAIT = const(1)
LANDSCAPE = const(0)
class TFT:
def __init__(self, controller = "SSD1963", lcd_type = "LB04301", orientation = LANDSCAPE, v_flip = False, h_flip = False):
self.tft_init(controller, lcd_type, orientation, v_flip, h_flip)
def tft_init(self, controller = "SSD1963", lcd_type = "LB04301", orientation = LANDSCAPE, v_flip = False, h_flip = False):
# For convenience, define X1..X1 and Y9..Y12 as output port using thy python functions.
# X1..X8 will be redefind on the fly as Input by accessing the MODER control registers
# when needed. Y9 is treate seperately, since it is used for Reset, which is done at python level
# since it need long delays anyhow, 5 and 15 ms vs. 10 µs.
# Set TFT general defaults
self.controller = controller
self.lcd_type = lcd_type
self.orientation = orientation
self.v_flip = v_flip # flip vertical
self.h_flip = h_flip # flip horizontal
self.c_flip = 0 # flip blue/red
self.rc_flip = 0 # flip row/column
self.setColor((255, 255, 255)) # set FG color to white as can be.
self.setBGColor((0, 0, 0)) # set BG to black
# special treat for BG LED
self.pin_led = pyb.Pin("Y3", pyb.Pin.OUT_PP)
self.led_tim = pyb.Timer(4, freq=500)
self.led_ch = self.led_tim.channel(3, pyb.Timer.PWM, pin=self.pin_led)
self.led_ch.pulse_width_percent(0) # led off
self.pin_led.value(0) ## switch BG LED off
# special treat for Power Pin
self.pin_power = pyb.Pin("Y4", pyb.Pin.OUT_PP)
self.pin_power.value(1) ## switch Power on
# this may have to be moved to the controller specific section
if orientation == PORTRAIT:
self.setXY = TFT_io.setXY_P
self.drawPixel = TFT_io.drawPixel_P
self.setXY = TFT_io.setXY_L
self.drawPixel = TFT_io.drawPixel_L
self.swapbytes = TFT_io.swapbytes
self.swapcolors = TFT_io.swapcolors
# ----------
for pin_name in ["X1", "X2", "X3", "X4", "X5", "X6", "X7", "X8",
"Y10", "Y11", "Y12"]:
pin = pyb.Pin(pin_name, pyb.Pin.OUT_PP) # set as output
pin.value(1) ## set high as default
# special treat for Reset
self.pin_reset = pyb.Pin("Y9", pyb.Pin.OUT_PP)
# Reset the device
self.pin_reset.value(1) ## do a hard reset
self.pin_reset.value(0) ## Low
self.pin_reset.value(1) ## set high again
# Now initialiize the LCD
# This is for the SSD1963 controller and two specific LCDs. More may follow.
# Data taken from the SSD1963 data sheet, SSD1963 Application Note and the LCD Data sheets
if controller == "SSD1963": # 1st approach for 480 x 272
TFT_io.tft_cmd_data(0xe2, bytearray(b'\x1d\x02\x54'), 3) # PLL multiplier, set PLL clock to 100M
# N=0x2D for 6.5MHz, 0x1D for 10MHz crystal
# PLLClock = Crystal * (Mult + 1) / (Div + 1)
# The intermediate value Crystal * (Mult + 1) must be between 250MHz and 750 MHz
TFT_io.tft_cmd_data(0xe0, bytearray(b'\x01'), 1) # PLL Enable
TFT_io.tft_cmd_data(0xe0, bytearray(b'\x03'), 1)
TFT_io.tft_cmd(0x01) # software reset
# Settings for the LCD
# The LCDC_FPR depends on PLL clock and the reccomended LCD Dot clock DCLK
# LCDC_FPR = (DCLK * 1048576 / PLLClock) - 1
# The other settings are less obvious, since the definitions of the SSD1963 data sheet and the
# LCD data sheets differ. So what' common, even if the names may differ:
# HDP Horizontal Panel width (also called HDISP, Thd). The value store in the register is HDP - 1
# VDP Vertical Panel Width (also called VDISP, Tvd). The value stored in the register is VDP - 1
# HT Total Horizontal Period, also called HP, th... The exact value does not matter
# VT Total Vertical Period, alco called VT, tv, .. The exact value does not matter
# HPW Width of the Horizontal sync pulse, also called HS, thpw.
# VPW Width of the Vertical sync pulse, also called VS, tvpw
# Front Porch (HFP and VFP) Time between the end of display data and the sync pulse
# Back Porch (HBP and VBP Time between the start of the sync pulse and the start of display data.
# HT = FP + HDP + BP and VT = VFP + VDP + VBP (sometimes plus sync pulse width)
# Unfortunately, the controller does not use these front/back porch times, instead it uses an starting time
# in the front porch area and defines (see also figures in chapter 13.3 of the SSD1963 data sheet)
# HPS Time from that horiz. starting point to the start of the horzontal display area
# LPS Time from that horiz. starting point to the horizontal sync pulse
# VPS Time from the vert. starting point to the first line
# FPS Time from the vert. starting point to the vertical sync pulse
# So the following relations must be held:
# HT > HDP + HPS
# HPS >= HPW + LPS
# HPS = Back Porch - LPS, or HPS = Horizontal back Porch
# VT > VDP + VPS
# VPS >= VPW + FPS
# VPS = Back Porch - FPS, or VPS = Vertical back Porch
# LPS or FPS may have a value of zero, since the length of the front porch is detemined by the
# other figures
# The best is to start with the recomendations of the lCD data sheet for Back porch, grab a
# sync pulse with and the determine the other, such that they meet the relations. Typically, these
# values allow for some ambuigity.
if lcd_type == "LB04301": # Size 480x272, 4.3", 24 Bit, 4.3"
# Value Min Typical Max
# DotClock 5 MHZ 9 MHz 12 MHz
# HT (Hor. Total 490 531 612
# HDP (Hor. Disp) 480
# HBP (back porch) 8 43
# HFP (Fr. porch) 2 8
# HPW (Hor. sync) 1
# VT (Vert. Total) 275 288 335
# VDP (Vert. Disp) 272
# VBP (back porch) 2 12
# VFP (fr. porch) 1 4
# VPW (vert. sync) 1 10
# This table in combination with the relation above leads to the settings:
# HPS = 43, HPW = 8, LPS = 0, HT = 531
# VPS = 14, VPW = 10, FPS = 0, VT = 288
self.disp_x_size = 479
self.disp_y_size = 271
TFT_io.tft_cmd_data_AS(0xe6, bytearray(b'\x01\x70\xa3'), 3) # PLL setting for PCLK
# (9MHz * 1048576 / 100MHz) - 1 = 94371 = 0x170a3
TFT_io.tft_cmd_data_AS(0xb0, bytearray( # # LCD SPECIFICATION
[0x20, # 24 Color bits, HSync/VSync low, No Dithering
0x00, # TFT mode
self.disp_x_size >> 8, self.disp_x_size & 0xff, # physical Width of TFT
self.disp_y_size >> 8, self.disp_y_size & 0xff, # physical Height of TFT
0x00]), 7) # Last byte only required for a serial TFT
TFT_io.tft_cmd_data_AS(0xb4, bytearray(b'\x02\x13\x00\x2b\x08\x00\x00\x00'), 8)
# HSYNC, Set HT 531 HPS 43 HPW=Sync pulse 8 LPS 0
TFT_io.tft_cmd_data_AS(0xb6, bytearray(b'\x01\x20\x00\x0e\x0a\x00\x00'), 7)
# VSYNC, Set VT 288 VPS 14 VPW 10 FPS 0
TFT_io.tft_cmd_data_AS(0x36, bytearray([(orientation & 1) << 5 | (h_flip & 1) << 1 | (v_flip) & 1]), 1)
# rotation/ flip, etc., t.b.d.
elif lcd_type == "AT070TN92": # Size 800x480, 7", 18 Bit, lower color bits ignored
# Value Min Typical Max
# DotClock 26.4 MHz 33.3 MHz 46.8 MHz
# HT (Hor. Total 862 1056 1200
# HDP (Hor. Disp) 800
# HBP (back porch) 46 46 46
# HFP (Fr. porch) 16 210 254
# HPW (Hor. sync) 1 40
# VT (Vert. Total) 510 525 650
# VDP (Vert. Disp) 480
# VBP (back porch) 23 23 23
# VFP (fr. porch) 7 22 147
# VPW (vert. sync) 1 20
# This table in combination with the relation above leads to the settings:
# HPS = 46, HPW = 8, LPS = 0, HT = 1056
# VPS = 23, VPW = 10, VPS = 0, VT = 525
self.disp_x_size = 799
self.disp_y_size = 479
TFT_io.tft_cmd_data_AS(0xe6, bytearray(b'\x05\x53\xf6'), 3) # PLL setting for PCLK
# (33.3MHz * 1048576 / 100MHz) - 1 = 349174 = 0x553f6
TFT_io.tft_cmd_data_AS(0xb0, bytearray( # # LCD SPECIFICATION
[0x00, # 18 Color bits, HSync/VSync low, No Dithering/FRC
0x00, # TFT mode
self.disp_x_size >> 8, self.disp_x_size & 0xff, # physical Width of TFT
self.disp_y_size >> 8, self.disp_y_size & 0xff, # physical Height of TFT
0x00]), 7) # Last byte only required for a serial TFT
TFT_io.tft_cmd_data_AS(0xb4, bytearray(b'\x04\x1f\x00\x2e\x08\x00\x00\x00'), 8)
# HSYNC, Set HT 1056 HPS 46 HPW 8 LPS 0
TFT_io.tft_cmd_data_AS(0xb6, bytearray(b'\x02\x0c\x00\x17\x08\x00\x00'), 7)
# VSYNC, Set VT 525 VPS 23 VPW 08 FPS 0
TFT_io.tft_cmd_data_AS(0x36, bytearray([(orientation & 1) << 5 | (h_flip & 1) << 1 | (v_flip) & 1]), 1)
# rotation/ flip, etc., t.b.d.
print("Wrong Parameter lcd_type: ", lcd_type)
TFT_io.tft_cmd_data_AS(0xBA, bytearray(b'\x0f'), 1) # GPIO[3:0] out 1
TFT_io.tft_cmd_data_AS(0xB8, bytearray(b'\x07\x01'), 1) # GPIO3=input, GPIO[2:0]=output
TFT_io.tft_cmd_data_AS(0xf0, bytearray(b'\x00'), 1) # Pixel data Interface 8 Bit
TFT_io.tft_cmd(0x29) # Display on
TFT_io.tft_cmd_data_AS(0xbe, bytearray(b'\x06\xf0\x01\xf0\x00\x00'), 6)
# Set PWM for B/L
TFT_io.tft_cmd_data_AS(0xd0, bytearray(b'\x0d'), 1) # Set DBC: enable, agressive
print("Wrong Parameter controller: ", controller)
# Set character printing defaults
self.text_font = None
self.setTextStyle(self.color, self.BGcolor, 0, None, 0)
# Init done. clear Screen and switch BG LED on
self.text_x = self.text_y = self.text_yabs = 0
self.clrSCR() # clear the display
# self.backlight(100) ## switch BG LED on
# Return screen dimensions
def getScreensize(self):
if self.orientation == LANDSCAPE:
return (self.disp_x_size + 1, self.disp_y_size + 1)
return (self.disp_y_size + 1, self.disp_x_size + 1)
# set backlight brightness
def backlight(self, percent):
percent = max(0, min(percent, 100))
self.led_ch.pulse_width_percent(percent) # set LED
# switch power on/off
def power(self, onoff):
if onoff:
self.pin_power.value(True) ## switch power on or off
# set the tft flip modes
def set_tft_mode(self, v_flip = False, h_flip = False, c_flip = False, orientation = LANDSCAPE):
self.v_flip = v_flip # flip vertical
self.h_flip = h_flip # flip horizontal
self.c_flip = c_flip # flip blue/red
self.orientation = orientation # LANDSCAPE/PORTRAIT
bytearray([(self.orientation << 5) |(self.c_flip << 3) | (self.h_flip & 1) << 1 | (self.v_flip) & 1]), 1)
# rotation/ flip, etc., t.b.d.
# get the tft flip modes
def get_tft_mode(self):
return (self.v_flip, self.h_flip, self.c_flip, self.orientation) #
# set the color used for the draw commands
def setColor(self, fgcolor):
self.color = fgcolor
self.colorvect = bytearray(self.color) # prepare byte array
# Set BG color used for the draw commands
def setBGColor(self, bgcolor):
self.BGcolor = bgcolor
self.BGcolorvect = bytearray(self.BGcolor) # prepare byte array
self.BMPcolortable = bytearray([self.BGcolorvect[2], # create colortable
self.BGcolorvect[1], self.BGcolorvect[0],0,
self.colorvect[2], self.colorvect[1], self.colorvect[0],0])
# get the color used for the draw commands
def getColor(self):
return self.color
# get BG color used for
def getBGColor(self):
return self.BGcolor
# Draw a single pixel at location x, y with color
# Rather slow at 40µs/Pixel
def drawPixel_py(self, x, y, color):
self.setXY(x, y, x, y)
TFT_io.displaySCR_AS(color, 1) #
# clear screen, set it to BG color.
def clrSCR(self, color = None):
if color is None:
colorvect = self.BGcolorvect
colorvect = bytearray(color)
TFT_io.fillSCR_AS(colorvect, (self.disp_x_size + 1) * (self.disp_y_size + 1))
self.setScrollArea(0, self.disp_y_size + 1, 0)
# reset the address range to fullscreen
def clrXY(self):
if self.orientation == LANDSCAPE:
self.setXY(0, 0, self.disp_x_size, self.disp_y_size)
self.setXY(0, 0, self.disp_y_size, self.disp_x_size)
# Draw a line from x1, y1 to x2, y2 with the color set by setColor()
# Straight port from the UTFT Library at Rinky-Dink Electronics
def drawLine(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, color = None):
if y1 == y2:
self.drawHLine(x1, y1, x2 - x1 + 1, color)
elif x1 == x2:
self.drawVLine(x1, y1, y2 - y1 + 1, color)
if color is None:
colorvect = self.colorvect
colorvect = bytearray(color)
dx, xstep = (x2 - x1, 1) if x2 > x1 else (x1 - x2, -1)
dy, ystep = (y2 - y1, 1) if y2 > y1 else (y1 - y2, -1)
col, row = x1, y1
if dx < dy:
t = - (dy >> 1)
while True:
self.drawPixel(col, row, colorvect)
if row == y2:
row += ystep
t += dx
if t >= 0:
col += xstep
t -= dy
t = - (dx >> 1)
while True:
self.drawPixel(col, row, colorvect)
if col == x2:
col += xstep
t += dy
if t >= 0:
row += ystep
t -= dx
# Draw a horizontal line with 1 Pixel width, from x,y to x + l - 1, y
# Straight port from the UTFT Library at Rinky-Dink Electronics
def drawHLine(self, x, y, l, color = None): # draw horiontal Line
if color is None:
colorvect = self.colorvect
colorvect = bytearray(color)
if l < 0: # negative length, swap parameters
l = -l
x -= l
self.setXY(x, y, x + l - 1, y) # set display window
TFT_io.fillSCR_AS(colorvect, l)
# Draw a vertical line with 1 Pixel width, from x,y to x, y + l - 1
# Straight port from the UTFT Library at Rinky-Dink Electronics
def drawVLine(self, x, y, l, color = None): # draw horiontal Line
if color is None:
colorvect = self.colorvect
colorvect = bytearray(color)
if l < 0: # negative length, swap parameters
l = -l
y -= l
self.setXY(x, y, x, y + l - 1) # set display window
TFT_io.fillSCR_AS(colorvect, l)
# Draw rectangle from x1, y1, to x2, y2
# Straight port from the UTFT Library at Rinky-Dink Electronics
def drawRectangle(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, color = None):
if x1 > x2:
x1, x2 = x2, x1
if y1 > y2:
y1, y2 = y2, y1
self.drawHLine(x1, y1, x2 - x1 + 1, color)
self.drawHLine(x1, y2, x2 - x1 + 1, color)
self.drawVLine(x1, y1, y2 - y1 + 1, color)
self.drawVLine(x2, y1, y2 - y1 + 1, color)
# Fill rectangle
# Almost straight port from the UTFT Library at Rinky-Dink Electronics
def fillRectangle(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, color=None):
if x1 > x2:
x1, x2 = x2, x1
if y1 > y2:
y1, y2 = y2, y1
self.setXY(x1, y1, x2, y2) # set display window
if color:
TFT_io.fillSCR_AS(bytearray(color), (x2 - x1 + 1) * (y2 - y1 + 1))
TFT_io.fillSCR_AS(self.colorvect, (x2 - x1 + 1) * (y2 - y1 + 1))
# Draw smooth rectangle from x1, y1, to x2, y2
# Straight port from the UTFT Library at Rinky-Dink Electronics
def drawClippedRectangle(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, color = None):
if x1 > x2:
x1, x2 = x2, x1
if y1 > y2:
y1, y2 = y2, y1
if (x2-x1) > 4 and (y2-y1) > 4:
if color is None:
colorvect = self.colorvect
colorvect = bytearray(color)
self.drawPixel(x1 + 2,y1 + 1, colorvect)
self.drawPixel(x1 + 1,y1 + 2, colorvect)
self.drawPixel(x2 - 2,y1 + 1, colorvect)
self.drawPixel(x2 - 1,y1 + 2, colorvect)
self.drawPixel(x1 + 2,y2 - 1, colorvect)
self.drawPixel(x1 + 1,y2 - 2, colorvect)
self.drawPixel(x2 - 2,y2 - 1, colorvect)
self.drawPixel(x2 - 1,y2 - 2, colorvect)
self.drawHLine(x1 + 3, y1, x2 - x1 - 5, colorvect)
self.drawHLine(x1 + 3, y2, x2 - x1 - 5, colorvect)
self.drawVLine(x1, y1 + 3, y2 - y1 - 5, colorvect)
self.drawVLine(x2, y1 + 3, y2 - y1 - 5, colorvect)
# Fill smooth rectangle from x1, y1, to x2, y2
# Straight port from the UTFT Library at Rinky-Dink Electronics
def fillClippedRectangle(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, color = None):
if x1 > x2:
t = x1; x1 = x2; x2 = t
if y1 > y2:
t = y1; y1 = y2; y2 = t
if (x2-x1) > 4 and (y2-y1) > 4:
for i in range(((y2 - y1) // 2) + 1):
if i == 0:
self.drawHLine(x1 + 3, y1 + i, x2 - x1 - 5, color)
self.drawHLine(x1 + 3, y2 - i, x2 - x1 - 5, color)
elif i == 1:
self.drawHLine(x1 + 2, y1 + i, x2 - x1 - 3, color)
self.drawHLine(x1 + 2, y2 - i, x2 - x1 - 3, color)
elif i == 2:
self.drawHLine(x1 + 1, y1 + i, x2 - x1 - 1, color)
self.drawHLine(x1 + 1, y2 - i, x2 - x1 - 1, color)
self.drawHLine(x1, y1 + i, x2 - x1 + 1, color)
self.drawHLine(x1, y2 - i, x2 - x1 + 1, color)
# draw a circle at x, y with radius
# Straight port from the UTFT Library at Rinky-Dink Electronics
def drawCircle(self, x, y, radius, color = None):
if color is None:
colorvect = self.colorvect
colorvect = bytearray(color)
f = 1 - radius
ddF_x = 1
ddF_y = -2 * radius
x1 = 0
y1 = radius
self.drawPixel(x, y + radius, colorvect)
self.drawPixel(x, y - radius, colorvect)
self.drawPixel(x + radius, y, colorvect)
self.drawPixel(x - radius, y, colorvect)
while x1 < y1:
if f >= 0:
y1 -= 1
ddF_y += 2
f += ddF_y
x1 += 1
ddF_x += 2
f += ddF_x
self.drawPixel(x + x1, y + y1, colorvect)
self.drawPixel(x - x1, y + y1, colorvect)
self.drawPixel(x + x1, y - y1, colorvect)
self.drawPixel(x - x1, y - y1, colorvect)
self.drawPixel(x + y1, y + x1, colorvect)
self.drawPixel(x - y1, y + x1, colorvect)
self.drawPixel(x + y1, y - x1, colorvect)
self.drawPixel(x - y1, y - x1, colorvect)
# fill a circle at x, y with radius
# Straight port from the UTFT Library at Rinky-Dink Electronics
# Instead of calculating x = sqrt(r*r - y*y), it searches the x
# for r*r = x*x + x*x
def fillCircle(self, x, y, radius, color = None):
r_square = radius * radius * 4
for y1 in range (-(radius * 2), 1):
y_square = y1 * y1
for x1 in range (-(radius * 2), 1):
if x1*x1+y_square <= r_square:
x1i = x1 // 2
y1i = y1 // 2
self.drawHLine(x + x1i, y + y1i, 2 * (-x1i), color)
self.drawHLine(x + x1i, y - y1i, 2 * (-x1i), color)
# Draw a bitmap at x,y with size sx, sy
# mode determines the type of expected data
# mode = 1: The data contains 1 bit per pixel, mapped to fg/bg color
# unless a colortable is provided
# mode = 2: The data contains 2 bit per pixel; a colortable with 4 entries must be provided
# mode = 4: The data contains 4 bit per pixel;
# a colortable with 16 entries must be provided
# mode = 8: The data contains 8 bit per pixel;
# a colortable with 256 entries must be provided
# mode = 16: The data must contain 2 packed bytes/pixel red/green/blue in 565 format
# mode = 24: The data must contain 3 bytes/pixel red/green/blue
def drawBitmap(self, x, y, sx, sy, data, mode = 24, colortable = None):
self.setXY(x, y, x + sx - 1, y + sy - 1)
if mode == 24:
TFT_io.displaySCR_AS(data, sx * sy)
elif mode == 16:
TFT_io.displaySCR565_AS(data, sx * sy)
elif mode == 1:
if colortable is None:
colortable = self.BMPcolortable # create colortable
TFT_io.displaySCR_bmp(data, sx*sy, 1, colortable)
elif mode == 2:
if colortable is None:
TFT_io.displaySCR_bmp(data, sx*sy, 2, colortable)
elif mode == 4:
if colortable is None:
TFT_io.displaySCR_bmp(data, sx*sy, 4, colortable)
elif mode == 8:
if colortable is None:
TFT_io.displaySCR_bmp(data, sx*sy, 8, colortable)
# set scroll area to the region between the first and last line
def setScrollArea(self, tfa, vsa, bfa):
TFT_io.tft_cmd_data_AS(0x33, bytearray( #set scrolling range
[(tfa >> 8) & 0xff, tfa & 0xff,
(vsa >> 8) & 0xff, vsa & 0xff,
(bfa >> 8) & 0xff, bfa & 0xff]), 6)
self.scroll_tfa = tfa
self.scroll_vsa = vsa
self.scroll_bfa = bfa
x, y = self.getTextPos()
self.setTextPos(x, y) # realign pointers
# get scroll area of the region between the first and last line
def getScrollArea(self):
return self.scroll_tfa, self.scroll_vsa, self.scroll_bfa
# set the line which is displayed first
def setScrollStart(self, lline):
self.scroll_start = lline # store the logical first line
TFT_io.tft_cmd_data_AS(0x37, bytearray([(lline >> 8) & 0xff, lline & 0xff]), 2)
# get the line which is displayed first
def getScrollStart(self):
return self.scroll_start # get the logical first line
# Scroll vsa up/down by a number of pixels
def scroll(self, pixels):
line = ((self.scroll_start - self.scroll_tfa + pixels) % self.scroll_vsa
+ self.scroll_tfa)
self.setScrollStart(line) # set the new line
# Set text position
def setTextPos(self, x, y, clip = False, scroll = True):
self.text_width, self.text_height = self.getScreensize() ## height possibly wrong
self.text_x = x
if self.scroll_tfa <= y < (self.scroll_tfa + self.scroll_vsa): # in scroll area ? check later for < or <=
# correct position relative to scroll start
self.text_y = (y + self.scroll_start - self.scroll_tfa)
if self.text_y >= (self.scroll_tfa + self.scroll_vsa):
self.text_y -= self.scroll_vsa
else: # absolute
self.text_y = y
self.text_yabs = y
# Hint: self.text_yabs = self.text_y - self.scroll_start) % self.scroll_vsa + self.scroll_tfa)
if clip and (self.text_x + clip) < self.text_width:
self.text_width = self.text_x + clip
self.text_scroll = scroll
# Get text position
def getTextPos(self):
return (self.text_x, self.text_yabs)
# Set Text Style
def setTextStyle(self, fgcolor=None, bgcolor=None, transparency=None, font=None, gap=None):
if font is not None:
self.text_font = font
self.text_rows, self.text_cols, nchar, first = font.get_properties() #
if transparency is not None:
self.transparency = transparency
if gap is not None:
self.text_gap = gap
self.text_color = bytearray(0)
if bgcolor is not None:
self.text_bgcolor = bgcolor
if fgcolor is not None:
self.text_fgcolor = fgcolor
if transparency is not None:
self.transparency = transparency
self.text_color = (bytearray(self.text_bgcolor)
+ bytearray(self.text_fgcolor)
+ bytearray([self.transparency]))
if gap is not None:
self.text_gap = gap
# Get Text Style: return (color, bgcolor, font, transpareny, gap)
def getTextStyle(self):
return (self.text_color[3:6], self.text_color[0:3],
self.transparency, self.text_font, self.text_gap)
# Check, if a new line is to be opened
# if yes, advance, including scrolling, and clear line, if flags is set
# Obsolete?
def printNewline(self, clear = False):
if (self.text_yabs + self.text_rows) >= (self.scroll_tfa + self.scroll_vsa): # does the line fit?
self.scroll(self.text_rows) # no. scroll
else: # Yes, just advance pointers
self.text_yabs += self.text_rows
self.setTextPos(self.text_x, self.text_yabs)
if clear:
self.printClrLine(2) # clear actual line
# Carriage Return
def printCR(self): # clear to end of line
self.text_x = 0
# clear line modes
def printClrLine(self, mode = 0): # clear to end of line/bol/line
if mode == 0:
self.setXY(self.text_x, self.text_y,
self.text_width - 1, self.text_y + self.text_rows - 1) # set display window
TFT_io.fillSCR_AS(self.text_color, (self.text_width - self.text_x + 1) * self.text_rows)
elif mode == 1 and self.text_x > 0:
self.setXY(0, self.text_y,
self.text_x - 1, self.text_y + self.text_rows - 1) # set display window
TFT_io.fillSCR_AS(self.text_color, (self.text_x - 1) * self.text_rows)
elif mode == 2:
self.setXY(0, self.text_y,
self.text_width - 1, self.text_y + self.text_rows - 1) # set display window
TFT_io.fillSCR_AS(self.text_color, self.text_width * self.text_rows)
# clear sreen modes
def printClrSCR(self): # clear Area set by setScrollArea
self.setXY(0, self.scroll_tfa,
self.text_width - 1, self.scroll_tfa + self.scroll_vsa) # set display window
TFT_io.fillSCR_AS(self.text_color, self.text_width * self.scroll_vsa)
self.setTextPos(0, self.scroll_tfa)
# Print string s, returning the length of the printed string in pixels
def printString(self, s, bg_buf=None):
len = 0
for c in s:
cols = self.printChar(c, bg_buf)
if cols == 0: # could not print (any more)
len += cols
return len
# Print string c using the given char bitmap at location x, y, returning the width of the printed char in pixels
def printChar(self, c, bg_buf=None):
# get the charactes pixel bitmap and dimensions
if self.text_font:
fontptr, rows, cols = self.text_font.get_ch(ord(c))
raise AttributeError('No font selected')
pix_count = cols * rows # number of bits in the char
# test char fit
if self.text_x + cols > self.text_width: # does the char fit on the screen?
if self.text_scroll:
self.printCR() # No, then CR
self.printNewline(True) # NL: advance to the next line
return 0
# Retrieve Background data if transparency is required
if self.transparency: # in case of transpareny, the frame buffer content is needed
if not bg_buf: # buffer allocation needed?
bg_buf = bytearray(pix_count * 3) # sigh...
self.setXY(self.text_x, self.text_y, self.text_x + cols - 1, self.text_y + rows - 1) # set area
TFT_io.tft_read_cmd_data_AS(0x2e, bg_buf, pix_count * 3) # read background data
bg_buf = 0 # dummy assignment, since None is not accepted
# Set XY range & print char
self.setXY(self.text_x, self.text_y, self.text_x + cols - 1, self.text_y + rows - 1) # set area
TFT_io.displaySCR_charbitmap(fontptr, pix_count, self.text_color, bg_buf) # display char!
#advance pointer
self.text_x += (cols + self.text_gap)
return cols + self.text_gap