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#! /usr/bin/python3
# Convert a font C source file to Python source.
# Copyright Peter Hinch 2016
# Released under the MIT licence
# Files created by GLCD Font Creator http://www.mikroe.com/glcd-font-creator/
# The code attempts two ways of deducing font height and width in pixels.
# Files produced by the GLCD Font Creator have a '//GLCD FontSize' comment line which species these.
# This is used if it exists. However some files on the website lack this and have an initial record
# written into the data: this is used if necessary.
# Usage:
# ./CfontToPython -i Arial16x16.c -o arial16x16.py
import argparse
chars_processed = 0
horiz, vert = 0, 0
def process(infile, outfile, sourcefile):
global chars_processed, horiz, vert
phase = 0
header_done = False
for line in infile:
if phase == 0:
start = line.find('//GLCD FontSize')
if start >= 0: # Found the font size: parse line
start = line.find(':')
line = line[start +1:]
operator = line.find('x')
if operator > 0 :
horiz = int(line[ : operator])
vert = int(line[operator +1 :])
print('Header found')
outfile.write('# Code generated by CfontToPython.py\n')
outfile.write('import pyfont\n')
outfile.write("_font = b'")
header_done = True
phase = 1
elif line.find('{') >= 0:
phase = 1
if phase == 1: # Skip to 1st data after '{'
start = line.find('{')
if start >= 0:
line = line[start +1:]
phase = 2
if phase == 2:
if not (line == '' or line.isspace()):
comment = line.find('//')
if comment > 0 :
line = line[:comment]
hexnums = line.split(',')
if header_done: # Ignore manually entered header data
if len(hexnums) > 5:
phase = 3 # Real font data will have many more fields per line
if len(hexnums) <= 5:
nums = [x for x in hexnums if not x.isspace()]
h = nums[1]
v = nums[2]
horiz, vert = int(h, 16), int(v, 16)
print('Header found')
outfile.write('import pyfont\n')
outfile.write("_font = b'")
header_done = True
break # No header data
if phase == 3: # Process data until '}'
end = line.find('}')
if end > 0 :
line = line[:end]
phase = 4
comment = line.find('//')
if comment > 0 :
line = line[:comment]
hexnums = line.split(',')
if hexnums[0] != '':
for hexnum in [x for x in hexnums if not x.isspace()]:
chars_processed += 1
if phase == 4 :
outfile.write('font = pyfont.PyFont(_font, {}, {}, {})'.format(vert, horiz, chars_processed))
print("Characters in font = ", chars_processed)
print(''.join(("File: '", sourcefile, "' is not a valid C font file")))
def load_c(sourcefile, destfile):
with open(sourcefile, 'r') as f:
with open(destfile, 'w') as outfile:
process(f, outfile, sourcefile)
except OSError as err:
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(__file__, description="Convert C font generated by GLCD font creator to Python.\nSample usage:\n ./CfontToPython -i Arial16x16.c -o arial16x16.py")
parser.add_argument("--outfile", "-o", help="Path and name of output file", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--infile", "-i", help="Path and name of C font file", required=True)
args = parser.parse_args()
load_c(args.infile, args.outfile)