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# ds3231_gen.py General purpose driver for DS3231 precison real time clock.
# Author: Peter Hinch
# Copyright Peter Hinch 2023 Released under the MIT license.
# Rewritten from datasheet to support alarms. Sources studied:
# WiPy driver at https://github.com/scudderfish/uDS3231
# https://github.com/notUnique/DS3231micro
# Assumes date > Y2K and 24 hour clock.
import time
import machine
_ADDR = const(104)
EVERY_SECOND = 0x0F # Exported flags
EVERY_DAY = 0x80
rtc = machine.RTC()
print("Warning: machine module does not support the RTC.")
rtc = None
class Alarm:
def __init__(self, device, n):
self._device = device
self._i2c = device.ds3231
self.alno = n # Alarm no.
self.offs = 7 if self.alno == 1 else 0x0B # Offset into address map
self.mask = 0
def _reg(self, offs : int, buf = bytearray(1)) -> int: # Read a register
self._i2c.readfrom_mem_into(_ADDR, offs, buf)
return buf[0]
def enable(self, run):
flags = self._reg(0x0E) | 4 # Disable square wave
flags = (flags | self.alno) if run else (flags & ~self.alno & 0xFF)
self._i2c.writeto_mem(_ADDR, 0x0E, flags.to_bytes(1, "little"))
def __call__(self): # Return True if alarm is set
return bool(self._reg(0x0F) & self.alno)
def clear(self):
flags = (self._reg(0x0F) & ~self.alno) & 0xFF
self._i2c.writeto_mem(_ADDR, 0x0F, flags.to_bytes(1, "little"))
def set(self, when, day=0, hr=0, min=0, sec=0):
if when not in (0x0F, 0x0E, 0x0C, 0x80, 0x40, 0):
raise ValueError("Invalid alarm specifier.")
self.mask = when
if when == EVERY_WEEK:
day += 1 # Setting a day of week
self._device.set_time((0, 0, day, hr, min, sec, 0, 0), self)
class DS3231:
def __init__(self, i2c):
self.ds3231 = i2c
self.alarm1 = Alarm(self, 1)
self.alarm2 = Alarm(self, 2)
if _ADDR not in self.ds3231.scan():
raise RuntimeError(f"DS3231 not found on I2C bus at {_ADDR}")
def get_time(self, data=bytearray(7)):
def bcd2dec(bcd): # Strip MSB
return ((bcd & 0x70) >> 4) * 10 + (bcd & 0x0F)
self.ds3231.readfrom_mem_into(_ADDR, 0, data)
ss, mm, hh, wday, DD, MM, YY = [bcd2dec(x) for x in data]
YY += 2000
# Time from DS3231 in time.localtime() format (less yday)
result = YY, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss, wday - 1, 0
return result
# Output time or alarm data to device
# args: tt A datetime tuple. If absent uses localtime.
# alarm: An Alarm instance or None if setting time
def set_time(self, tt=None, alarm=None):
# Given BCD value return a binary byte. Modifier:
# Set MSB if any of bit(1..4) or bit 7 set, set b6 if mod[6]
def gbyte(dec, mod=0):
tens, units = divmod(dec, 10)
n = (tens << 4) + units
n |= 0x80 if mod & 0x0F else mod & 0xC0
return n.to_bytes(1, "little")
YY, MM, mday, hh, mm, ss, wday, yday = time.localtime() if tt is None else tt
mask = 0 if alarm is None else alarm.mask
offs = 0 if alarm is None else alarm.offs
if alarm is None or alarm.alno == 1: # Has a seconds register
self.ds3231.writeto_mem(_ADDR, offs, gbyte(ss, mask & 1))
offs += 1
self.ds3231.writeto_mem(_ADDR, offs, gbyte(mm, mask & 2))
offs += 1
self.ds3231.writeto_mem(_ADDR, offs, gbyte(hh, mask & 4)) # Sets to 24hr mode
offs += 1
if alarm is not None: # Setting an alarm - mask holds MS 2 bits
self.ds3231.writeto_mem(_ADDR, offs, gbyte(mday, mask))
else: # Setting time
self.ds3231.writeto_mem(_ADDR, offs, gbyte(wday + 1)) # 1 == Monday, 7 == Sunday
offs += 1
self.ds3231.writeto_mem(_ADDR, offs, gbyte(mday)) # Day of month
offs += 1
self.ds3231.writeto_mem(_ADDR, offs, gbyte(MM, 0x80)) # Century bit (>Y2K)
offs += 1
self.ds3231.writeto_mem(_ADDR, offs, gbyte(YY - 2000))
def temperature(self):
def twos_complement(input_value: int, num_bits: int) -> int:
mask = 2 ** (num_bits - 1)
return -(input_value & mask) + (input_value & ~mask)
t = self.ds3231.readfrom_mem(_ADDR, 0x11, 2)
i = t[0] << 8 | t[1]
return twos_complement(i >> 6, 10) * 0.25
def __str__(self, buf=bytearray(0x13)): # Debug dump of device registers
self.ds3231.readfrom_mem_into(_ADDR, 0, buf)
s = ""
for n, v in enumerate(buf):
s = f"{s}0x{n:02x} 0x{v:02x} {v >> 4:04b} {v & 0xF :04b}\n"
if not (n + 1) % 4:
s = f"{s}\n"
return s