# benchmark.py Simple benchmark for umqtt.simple # Assumes simple.py (from micropython-lib) is copied to ESP8266 # Outcome with mosquitto running on a Raspberry Pi on wired network, # Wemos D1 Mini running on WiFi: echo received in max 154 ms min 27 ms import ubinascii from simple import MQTTClient from machine import unique_id from time import sleep, ticks_ms, ticks_diff SERVER = "" CLIENT_ID = ubinascii.hexlify(unique_id()) TOPIC = b"led" QOS = 1 t = 0 maxt = 0 mint = 5000 def sub_cb(topic, msg): global t, maxt, mint dt = ticks_diff(t, ticks_ms()) print('echo received in {} ms'.format(dt)) print((topic, msg)) maxt = max(maxt, dt) mint = min(mint, dt) def main(quit=True): global t c = MQTTClient(CLIENT_ID, SERVER) # Subscribed messages will be delivered to this callback c.set_callback(sub_cb) c.connect() c.subscribe(TOPIC, qos = QOS) print("Connected to %s, subscribed to %s topic" % (SERVER, TOPIC)) n = 0 pubs = 0 try: while 1: n += 1 if not n % 100: t = ticks_ms() c.publish(TOPIC, str(pubs).encode('UTF8'), retain = False, qos = QOS) c.wait_msg() pubs += 1 if not pubs % 100: print('echo received in max {} ms min {} ms'. format(maxt, mint)) if quit: return sleep(0.05) c.check_msg() finally: c.disconnect()