# parse2d.py Parse args for item access dunder methods for a 2D array. # Released under the MIT License (MIT). See LICENSE. # Copyright (c) 2023 Peter Hinch # Called from __getitem__ or __setitem__ args is a 1-tuple. The single item may be an int or a # slice for 1D access. Or it may be a 2-tuple for 2D access. Items in the 2-tuple may be ints # or slices in any combination. # As a generator it returns offsets into the underlying 1D array or list. def do_args(args, nrows, ncols): # Given a slice and a maximum address return start and stop addresses (or None on error) # Step value must be 1, hence does not support start > stop (used with step < 0) def do_slice(sli, nbytes): step = sli.step if sli.step is not None else 1 start = sli.start if sli.start is not None else 0 stop = sli.stop if sli.stop is not None else nbytes start = min(start if start >= 0 else max(nbytes + start, 0), nbytes) stop = min(stop if stop >= 0 else max(nbytes + stop, 0), nbytes) ok = (start < stop and step > 0) or (start > stop and step < 0) return (start, stop, step) if ok else None # Caller should check def ivalid(n, nmax): # Validate an integer arg, handle -ve args n = n if n >= 0 else nmax + n if n < 0 or n > nmax - 1: raise IndexError("Index out of range") return n def fail(n): raise IndexError("Invalid index", n) ncells = nrows * ncols n = args[0] if isinstance(n, int): # Index into 1D array yield ivalid(n, ncells) elif isinstance(n, slice): # Slice of 1D array cells = do_slice(n, ncells) if cells is not None: for cell in range(*cells): yield cell elif isinstance(n, tuple): # or isinstance(n, list) old versions of grid if len(n) != 2: fail(n) row = n[0] # May be slice if isinstance(row, int): row = ivalid(row, nrows) col = n[1] if isinstance(col, int): col = ivalid(col, ncols) if isinstance(row, int) and isinstance(col, int): yield row * ncols + col elif isinstance(row, slice) and isinstance(col, int): rows = do_slice(row, nrows) if rows is not None: for row in range(*rows): yield row * ncols + col elif isinstance(row, int) and isinstance(col, slice): cols = do_slice(col, ncols) if cols is not None: for col in range(*cols): yield row * ncols + col elif isinstance(row, slice) and isinstance(col, slice): rows = do_slice(row, nrows) cols = do_slice(col, ncols) if cols is not None and rows is not None: for row in range(*rows): for col in range(*cols): yield row * ncols + col else: fail(n) else: fail(n)