DS3231 driver added

Peter Hinch 2016-01-06 09:39:06 +00:00
rodzic 4ffb7e68c4
commit eea1614115
2 zmienionych plików z 115 dodań i 0 usunięć

DS3231/ds3231_pb.py 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
# Pyboard driver for DS3231 precison real time clock.
# Adapted from WiPy driver at https://github.com/scudderfish/uDS3231
# Includes routine to calibrate the Pyboard's RTC from the DS3231
# Adapted by Peter Hinch, Jan 2016
import utime, pyb
DS3231_I2C_ADDR = 104
class DS3231Exception(OSError):
rtc = pyb.RTC()
def now(): # Return the current time from the RTC in secs and millisecs from year 2000
secs = utime.time()
ms = 1000*(255 -rtc.datetime()[7]) >> 8
if ms < 50: # Might have just rolled over
secs = utime.time()
return secs, ms
# Driver for DS3231 accurate RTC module (+- 1 min/yr) needs adapting for Pyboard
# source https://github.com/scudderfish/uDS3231
def bcd2dec(bcd):
return (((bcd & 0b11110000)>>4)*10 + (bcd & 0b00001111))
def dec2bcd(dec):
t = dec // 10
o = dec - t * 10
return (t << 4) + o
class DS3231:
def __init__(self, side = 'X'):
side = side.lower()
if side == 'x':
bus = 1
elif side == 'y':
bus = 2
raise ValueError('Side must be "X" or "Y"')
self.ds3231 = pyb.I2C(bus, mode=pyb.I2C.MASTER, baudrate=400000)
if DS3231_I2C_ADDR not in self.ds3231.scan():
raise DS3231Exception("DS3231 not found on I2C bus at %d" % DS3231_I2C_ADDR)
def get_time(self, set_rtc = False):
data = self.ds3231.mem_read(7, DS3231_I2C_ADDR, 0)
if data[2] & 0x40:
hh=bcd2dec(data[2] & 0x1f)
if data[2] & 0x20:
hh += 12
hh = bcd2dec(data[2])
wday = data[3]
DD = bcd2dec(data[4])
MM = bcd2dec(data[5] & 0x1f)
YY = bcd2dec(data[6])
if data[5] & 0x80:
YY += 2000
YY += 1900
if set_rtc:
rtc.datetime((YY, MM, DD, wday, hh, mm, ss, 0))
return (YY, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss, wday -1, 0) # Time from DS3231 in time.time() format (less yday)
def save_time(self):
(YY, MM, DD, wday, hh, mm, ss, subsecs) = rtc.datetime()
self.ds3231.mem_write(dec2bcd(ss), DS3231_I2C_ADDR, 0)
self.ds3231.mem_write(dec2bcd(mm), DS3231_I2C_ADDR, 1)
self.ds3231.mem_write(dec2bcd(hh), DS3231_I2C_ADDR, 2) # Sets to 24hr mode
self.ds3231.mem_write(dec2bcd(wday), DS3231_I2C_ADDR, 3) # 1 == Monday, 7 == Sunday
self.ds3231.mem_write(dec2bcd(DD), DS3231_I2C_ADDR, 4)
if YY >= 2000:
self.ds3231.mem_write(dec2bcd(MM) | 0b10000000, DS3231_I2C_ADDR, 5)
self.ds3231.mem_write(dec2bcd(YY-2000), DS3231_I2C_ADDR, 6)
self.ds3231.mem_write(dec2bcd(MM), DS3231_I2C_ADDR, 5)
self.ds3231.mem_write(dec2bcd(YY-1900), DS3231_I2C_ADDR, 6)
def delta(self):
return utime.time() - utime.mktime(self.get_time()) # No. of secs RTC leads DS3231
def await_transition(self):
data = self.ds3231.mem_read(7, DS3231_I2C_ADDR, 0)
ss= data[0]
while ss == data[0]:
data = self.ds3231.mem_read(7, DS3231_I2C_ADDR, 0) # Aawait a seconds transition
# Get calibration factor for Pyboard RTC. Note that the DS3231 doesn't have millisecond resolution so we
# wait for a seconds transition to emulate it.
# This function returns the required calibration factor for the RTC (approximately the no. of ppm the
# RTC lags the DS3231).
# For accurate results the delay should be at least 120 seconds. Longer is better.
# Note calibration factor is not saved on power down unless an RTC backup battery is used. An option is
# to store the calibration factor on disk and issue rtc.calibration(factor) on boot.
def getcal(self, seconds):
self.save_time() # Set DS3231 from RTC
rtcstart = now()
dsstart = utime.mktime(self.get_time())
pyb.delay(seconds * 1000)
rtcend = now()
dsend = utime.mktime(self.get_time())
dsdelta = (dsend - dsstart) *1000
rtcdelta = rtcend[0] * 1000 + rtcend[1] - rtcstart[0] * 1000 - rtcstart[1]
ppm = (1000000* (rtcdelta - dsdelta))/dsdelta
return -ppm/0.954
def calibrate(self, seconds):

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@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ access shared data in a manner which ensures data integrity.
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