Encoders: document algorithm.

Peter Hinch 2022-03-31 19:01:20 +01:00
rodzic 8496edf9a0
commit b5dbfd6d03
2 zmienionych plików z 46 dodań i 0 usunięć

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@ -165,3 +165,49 @@ These were written for encoders producing logic outputs. For switches, adapt
the pull definition to provide a pull up or pull down as required, or provide
physical resistors. This is my preferred solution as the internal resistors on
most platforms have a rather high value.
# Algorithm
Discussions on the MicroPython forum demonstrate a degree of confusion about
the merits of different decoding algorithms and about contact debouncing. These
notes aim to clarify the issues and to provide an explanation for the approach
used in my code samples.
Incremental encoders produce two signals `x` and `y`. Possible state changes
are shown in this state diagram.
The truth table includes the previous (`xp` and `yp`) and current (`x` and `y`)
values of the signals. It includes all logically possible cobinations of these
signals. These include cases where no change occurs (marked `n`) and cases
which are physically impossible (`x`). The latter arise because both signals
cannot change state simultaneously.
Decoding these four bits is a problem of combinatorial logic. All such problems
may be solved by using the bits as addresses of a lookup table. In this case
there would be two output bits signifying increment, decrement or do nothing.
However, simplifications are possible if changes of `x` and `y` trigger
The truth table may then be split into two, one catering for cases where `x`
has changed, and the other for `y` changes. The illegal cases are discarded and
the "no change" cases will not trigger an interrupt. All cases in these tables
cause a change in position and inspection shows that the direction is the
`exclusive or` of the current `x` and `y` values, with opposite polarity for
the `x` and `y` interrupts.
## Debouncing
Contact bounce or vibration effects cause an oscillating signal on one line.
The state diagram shows that this is logically indistinguishable from a
physical movement of the encoder backwards and forwards across one transition
point. Consequently any valid decoding algorithm will register a change in
position of one LSB forwards and backwards. There is no systematic drift, just
one LSB of positional uncertainty.
## Algorithm quality
All valid solutions to a combinatorial logic problem are equivalent. The only
ways in which one solution can be considered "better" than another are in
qualities such as performance and code size.

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