Add software watchdog timer.

Peter Hinch 2019-01-27 10:24:21 +00:00
rodzic a8107c798e
commit 3b4977bd2e
3 zmienionych plików z 120 dodań i 0 usunięć

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@ -22,6 +22,13 @@ program to access shared data in a manner which ensures data integrity.
Access the simpler of the Pyboard's watchdog timers.
# software watchdog (soft_wdt)
A software watchdog timer with a fixed or variable timeout. Supports temporary
suspension and permanent cancellation. The latter can be useful when debugging
code to prevent a machine reboot when the application fails, terminates or is
interrupted with ctrl-c. See code and comments in
# reverse
Fast reverse a bytearray in Arm Thumb assembler.

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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
# A software watchdog timer
# Supports fixed or variable time period.
# Supports temporary suspension and permanent cancellation.
# Copyright (c) Peter Hinch 2019
# Released under the MIT licence.
from machine import Timer, reset
from micropython import const
WDT_SUSPEND = const(-1)
WDT_CANCEL = const(-2)
WDT_CB = const(-3)
def wdt(secs=0):
timer = Timer(-1)
timer.init(period=1000, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=lambda t:wdt_feed())
cnt = secs
run = False # Disable until 1st feed
def inner(feed=WDT_CB):
nonlocal cnt, run, timer
if feed > 0: # Call with variable timeout
cnt = feed
run = True
elif feed == 0: # Fixed timeout
cnt = secs
run = True
elif feed < 0: # WDT control/callback
if feed == WDT_SUSPEND:
run = False # Temporary suspension
elif feed == WDT_CANCEL:
timer.deinit() # Permanent cancellation
elif feed == WDT_CB and run: # Timer callback and is running.
cnt -= 1
if cnt <= 0:
return inner
wdt_feed = wdt(2) # Modify this for preferred default period (secs)

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@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
# swdt_tests Test/demo scripts for soft_wdt
# Copyright (c) Peter Hinch 2019
# Released under the MIT licence.
import utime
from soft_wdt import wdt_feed, WDT_CANCEL, WDT_SUSPEND
# Exception trapping and cancellation are invaluable when debugging code: put
# cancellation in the finally block of a try statement so that the hardware
# doesn't reset when code terminates either naturally or in response to an
# error or ctrl-c interrupt.
# Normal operation. Illustrates exception trapping. You can interrupt this with
# ctrl-c
def normal():
for x in range(10, 0, -1):
print('nunning', x)
wdt_feed(5) # Hold off for 5s
print('Should reset in 5s')
except KeyboardInterrupt:
wdt_feed(WDT_CANCEL) # Should never execute
# Suspend and resume
def suspend():
for x in range(10, 0, -1):
print('nunning', x)
wdt_feed(5) # Hold off for 5s
for x in range(5, 0, -1):
print('suspended', x)
for x in range(5, 0, -1):
print('nunning', x)
wdt_feed(5) # Hold off for 5s
print('Should reset in 5s')
wdt_feed(WDT_CANCEL) # Should never execute
# Default period
def default():
for x in range(10, 0, -1):
print('nunning', x)
wdt_feed(5) # Hold off for 5s
wdt_feed(0) # Use default period
print('Should reset in 2s')
wdt_feed(WDT_CANCEL) # Should never execute
# Cancellation
def cancel():
for x in range(10, 0, -1):
print('nunning', x)
wdt_feed(5) # Hold off for 5s
print('Pause 10s: should not reset in 5s')
print('WDT is permanently cancelled.')