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2018-11-30 10:34:35 +00:00
# primitives.py A stripped-down verion of asyn.py with Lock and Event only.
# Save RAM on ESP8266
# Released under the MIT licence.
# Copyright (C) Peter Hinch 2018
import uasyncio as asyncio
class Lock():
def __init__(self, delay_ms=0):
self._locked = False
self.delay_ms = delay_ms
def locked(self):
return self._locked
async def __aenter__(self):
await self.acquire()
return self
async def __aexit__(self, *args):
await asyncio.sleep(0)
async def acquire(self):
while True:
if self._locked:
await asyncio.sleep_ms(self.delay_ms)
self._locked = True
def release(self):
if not self._locked:
raise RuntimeError('Attempt to release a lock which has not been set')
self._locked = False
class Event():
def __init__(self, delay_ms=0):
self.delay_ms = delay_ms
def clear(self):
self._flag = False
self._data = None
def __await__(self):
while not self._flag:
await asyncio.sleep_ms(self.delay_ms)
__iter__ = __await__
def is_set(self):
return self._flag
def set(self, data=None):
self._flag = True
self._data = data
def value(self):
return self._data
class Barrier():
def __init__(self, participants, func=None, args=()):
self._participants = participants
self._func = func
self._args = args
def __await__(self):
if self._at_limit(): # All other threads are also at limit
if self._func is not None:
launch(self._func, self._args)
self._reset(not self._down) # Toggle direction to release others
direction = self._down
while True: # Wait until last waiting thread changes the direction
if direction != self._down:
__iter__ = __await__
def trigger(self):
if self._at_limit(): # All other threads are also at limit
if self._func is not None:
launch(self._func, self._args)
self._reset(not self._down) # Toggle direction to release others
def _reset(self, down):
self._down = down
self._count = self._participants if down else 0
def busy(self):
if self._down:
done = self._count == self._participants
done = self._count == 0
return not done
def _at_limit(self): # Has count reached up or down limit?
limit = 0 if self._down else self._participants
return self._count == limit
def _update(self):
self._count += -1 if self._down else 1
if self._count < 0 or self._count > self._participants:
raise ValueError('Too many tasks accessing Barrier')
# Task Cancellation
StopTask = asyncio.CancelledError # More descriptive name
except AttributeError:
raise OSError('asyn.py requires uasyncio V1.7.1 or above.')
class TaskId():
def __init__(self, taskid):
self.taskid = taskid
def __call__(self):
return self.taskid
# Sleep coro breaks up a sleep into shorter intervals to ensure a rapid
# response to StopTask exceptions
async def sleep(t, granularity=100): # 100ms default
if granularity <= 0:
raise ValueError('sleep granularity must be > 0')
t = int(t * 1000) # ms
if t <= granularity:
await asyncio.sleep_ms(t)
n, rem = divmod(t, granularity)
for _ in range(n):
await asyncio.sleep_ms(granularity)
await asyncio.sleep_ms(rem)
class Cancellable():
task_no = 0 # Generated task ID, index of tasks dict
tasks = {} # Value is [coro, group, barrier] indexed by integer task_no
def _cancel(cls, task_no):
task = cls.tasks[task_no][0]
async def cancel_all(cls, group=0, nowait=False):
tokill = cls._get_task_nos(group)
barrier = Barrier(len(tokill) + 1) # Include this task
for task_no in tokill:
cls.tasks[task_no][2] = barrier
if nowait:
await barrier
def _is_running(cls, group=0):
tasks = cls._get_task_nos(group)
if tasks == []:
return False
for task_no in tasks:
barrier = cls.tasks[task_no][2]
if barrier is None: # Running, not yet cancelled
return True
if barrier.busy():
return True
return False
def _get_task_nos(cls, group): # Return task nos in a group
return [task_no for task_no in cls.tasks if cls.tasks[task_no][1] == group]
def _get_group(cls, task_no): # Return group given a task_no
return cls.tasks[task_no][1]
def _stopped(cls, task_no):
if task_no in cls.tasks:
barrier = cls.tasks[task_no][2]
if barrier is not None: # Cancellation in progress
del cls.tasks[task_no]
def __init__(self, gf, *args, group=0, **kwargs):
task = gf(TaskId(Cancellable.task_no), *args, **kwargs)
if task in self.tasks:
raise ValueError('Task already exists.')
self.tasks[Cancellable.task_no] = [task, group, None]
self.task_no = Cancellable.task_no # For subclass
Cancellable.task_no += 1
self.task = task
def __call__(self):
return self.task
def __await__(self): # Return any value returned by task.
return (yield from self.task)
__iter__ = __await__
# @cancellable decorator
def cancellable(f):
def new_gen(*args, **kwargs):
if isinstance(args[0], TaskId): # Not a bound method
task_id = args[0]
g = f(*args[1:], **kwargs)
else: # Task ID is args[1] if a bound method
task_id = args[1]
args = (args[0],) + args[2:]
g = f(*args, **kwargs)
res = await g
return res
return new_gen