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# MicroPython LoRa synchronous modem driver
# MIT license; Copyright (c) 2023 Angus Gratton
# LoRa is a registered trademark or service mark of Semtech Corporation or its affiliates.
import machine
import time
class SyncModem:
# Mixin-like base class that provides synchronous modem send and recv
# functions
# Don't instantiate this class directly, instantiate one of the 'AsyncXYZ'
# modem classes defined in the lora module.
# These are intended for simple applications. They block the caller until
# the modem operation is complete, and don't support interleaving send
# and receive.
def _after_init(self):
pass # Needed for AsyncModem but not SyncModem
def send(self, packet, tx_at_ms=None):
# Send the given packet (byte sequence),
# and return once transmission of the packet is complete.
# Returns a timestamp (result of time.ticks_ms()) when the packet
# finished sending.
# If the caller specified a timestamp to start transmission at, wait until
# that time before triggering the send
if tx_at_ms is not None:
time.sleep_ms(max(0, time.ticks_diff(tx_at_ms, time.ticks_ms())))
will_irq = self.start_send() # ... and go!
# sleep for the expected send time before checking if send has ended
time.sleep_ms(self.get_time_on_air_us(len(packet)) // 1000)
tx = True
while tx is True:
tx = self.poll_send()
return tx
def recv(self, timeout_ms=None, rx_length=0xFF, rx_packet=None):
# Attempt to a receive a single LoRa packet, timeout after timeout_ms milliseconds
# or wait indefinitely if no timeout is supplied (default).
# Returns an instance of RxPacket or None if the radio timed out while receiving.
# Optional rx_length argument is only used if lora_cfg["implict_header"] == True
# (not the default) and holds the length of the payload to receive.
# Optional rx_packet argument can be an existing instance of RxPacket
# which will be reused to save allocations, but only if the received packet
# is the same length as the rx_packet packet. If the length is different, a
# new RxPacket instance is allocated and returned.
will_irq = self.start_recv(timeout_ms, False, rx_length)
rx = True
while rx is True:
rx = self.poll_recv(rx_packet)
return rx or None
def _sync_wait(self, will_irq):
# For synchronous usage, block until an interrupt occurs or we time out
if will_irq:
for n in range(100):
# machine.idle() wakes up very often, so don't actually return
# unless _radio_isr ran already. The outer for loop is so the
# modem is still polled occasionally to
# avoid the possibility an IRQ was lost somewhere.
# None of this is very efficient, power users should either use
# async or call the low-level API manually with better
# port-specific sleep configurations, in order to get the best
# efficiency.
if self.irq_triggered():