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# MicroPython aioble module
# MIT license; Copyright (c) 2021 Jim Mussared
from micropython import const
from collections import deque
import uasyncio as asyncio
import struct
import bluetooth
from .core import ble, GattError, register_irq_handler
from .device import DeviceConnection
_IRQ_GATTC_READ_DONE = const(16)
_IRQ_GATTC_NOTIFY = const(18)
_CCCD_UUID = const(0x2902)
_CCCD_NOTIFY = const(1)
_CCCD_INDICATE = const(2)
_FLAG_READ = const(0x0002)
_FLAG_WRITE_NO_RESPONSE = const(0x0004)
_FLAG_WRITE = const(0x0008)
_FLAG_NOTIFY = const(0x0010)
_FLAG_INDICATE = const(0x0020)
# Forward IRQs directly to static methods on the type that handles them and
# knows how to map handles to instances. Note: We copy all uuid and data
# params here for safety, but a future optimisation might be able to avoid
# these copies in a few places.
def _client_irq(event, data):
conn_handle, start_handle, end_handle, uuid = data
conn_handle, start_handle, end_handle, bluetooth.UUID(uuid)
elif event == _IRQ_GATTC_SERVICE_DONE:
conn_handle, status = data
ClientDiscover._discover_done(conn_handle, status)
conn_handle, end_handle, value_handle, properties, uuid = data
conn_handle, end_handle, value_handle, properties, bluetooth.UUID(uuid)
conn_handle, status = data
ClientDiscover._discover_done(conn_handle, status)
conn_handle, dsc_handle, uuid = data
ClientDiscover._discover_result(conn_handle, dsc_handle, bluetooth.UUID(uuid))
conn_handle, status = data
ClientDiscover._discover_done(conn_handle, status)
elif event == _IRQ_GATTC_READ_RESULT:
conn_handle, value_handle, char_data = data
ClientCharacteristic._read_result(conn_handle, value_handle, bytes(char_data))
elif event == _IRQ_GATTC_READ_DONE:
conn_handle, value_handle, status = data
ClientCharacteristic._read_done(conn_handle, value_handle, status)
elif event == _IRQ_GATTC_WRITE_DONE:
conn_handle, value_handle, status = data
ClientCharacteristic._write_done(conn_handle, value_handle, status)
elif event == _IRQ_GATTC_NOTIFY:
conn_handle, value_handle, notify_data = data
ClientCharacteristic._on_notify(conn_handle, value_handle, bytes(notify_data))
elif event == _IRQ_GATTC_INDICATE:
conn_handle, value_handle, indicate_data = data
ClientCharacteristic._on_indicate(conn_handle, value_handle, bytes(indicate_data))
register_irq_handler(_client_irq, None)
# Async generator for discovering services, characteristics, descriptors.
class ClientDiscover:
def __init__(self, connection, disc_type, parent, timeout_ms, *args):
self._connection = connection
# Each result IRQ will append to this.
self._queue = []
# This will be set by the done IRQ.
self._status = None
# Tell the generator to process new events.
self._event = asyncio.ThreadSafeFlag()
# Must implement the _start_discovery static method. Instances of this
# type are returned by __anext__.
self._disc_type = disc_type
# This will be the connection for a service discovery, and the service for a characteristic discovery.
self._parent = parent
# Timeout for the discovery process.
# TODO: Not implemented.
self._timeout_ms = timeout_ms
# Additional arguments to pass to the _start_discovery method on disc_type.
self._args = args
async def _start(self):
if self._connection._discover:
# TODO: cancel existing? (e.g. perhaps they didn't let the loop run to completion)
raise ValueError("Discovery in progress")
# Tell the connection that we're the active discovery operation (the IRQ only gives us conn_handle).
self._connection._discover = self
# Call the appropriate ubluetooth.BLE method.
self._disc_type._start_discovery(self._parent, *self._args)
def __aiter__(self):
return self
async def __anext__(self):
if self._connection._discover != self:
# Start the discovery if necessary.
await self._start()
# Keep returning items from the queue until the status is set by the
# done IRQ.
while True:
while self._queue:
return self._disc_type(self._parent, *self._queue.pop())
if self._status is not None:
self._connection._discover = None
raise StopAsyncIteration
# Wait for more results to be added to the queue.
await self._event.wait()
# Tell the active discovery instance for this connection to add a new result
# to the queue.
def _discover_result(conn_handle, *args):
if connection := DeviceConnection._connected.get(conn_handle, None):
if discover := connection._discover:
# Tell the active discovery instance for this connection that it is complete.
def _discover_done(conn_handle, status):
if connection := DeviceConnection._connected.get(conn_handle, None):
if discover := connection._discover:
discover._status = status
# Represents a single service supported by a connection. Do not construct this
# class directly, instead use `async for service in connection.services([uuid])` or
# `await connection.service(uuid)`.
class ClientService:
def __init__(self, connection, start_handle, end_handle, uuid):
self.connection = connection
# Used for characteristic discovery.
self._start_handle = start_handle
self._end_handle = end_handle
# Allows comparison to a known uuid.
self.uuid = uuid
def __str__(self):
return "Service: {} {} {}".format(self._start_handle, self._end_handle, self.uuid)
# Search for a specific characteristic by uuid.
async def characteristic(self, uuid, timeout_ms=2000):
result = None
# Make sure loop runs to completion.
async for characteristic in self.characteristics(uuid, timeout_ms):
if not result and characteristic.uuid == uuid:
# Keep first result.
result = characteristic
return result
# Search for all services (optionally by uuid).
# Use with `async for`, e.g.
# async for characteristic in service.characteristics():
# Note: must allow the loop to run to completion.
def characteristics(self, uuid=None, timeout_ms=2000):
return ClientDiscover(self.connection, ClientCharacteristic, self, timeout_ms, uuid)
# For ClientDiscover
def _start_discovery(connection, uuid=None):
ble.gattc_discover_services(connection._conn_handle, uuid)
class BaseClientCharacteristic:
def __init__(self, value_handle, properties, uuid):
# Used for read/write/notify ops.
self._value_handle = value_handle
# Which operations are supported.
self.properties = properties
# Allows comparison to a known uuid.
self.uuid = uuid
if properties & _FLAG_READ:
# Fired for each read result and read done IRQ.
self._read_event = None
self._read_data = None
# Used to indicate that the read is complete.
self._read_status = None
if (properties & _FLAG_WRITE) or (properties & _FLAG_WRITE_NO_RESPONSE):
# Fired for the write done IRQ.
self._write_event = None
# Used to indicate that the write is complete.
self._write_status = None
# Register this value handle so events can find us.
def _register_with_connection(self):
self._connection()._characteristics[self._value_handle] = self
# Map an incoming IRQ to an registered characteristic.
def _find(conn_handle, value_handle):
if connection := DeviceConnection._connected.get(conn_handle, None):
if characteristic := connection._characteristics.get(value_handle, None):
return characteristic
# IRQ for a characteristic that we weren't expecting. e.g.
# notification when we're not waiting on notified().
# TODO: This will happen on btstack, which doesn't give us
# value handle for the done event.
return None
def _check(self, flag):
if not (self.properties & flag):
raise ValueError("Unsupported")
# Issue a read to the characteristic.
async def read(self, timeout_ms=1000):
# Make sure this conn_handle/value_handle is known.
# This will be set by the done IRQ.
self._read_status = None
# This will be set by the result and done IRQs. Re-use if possible.
self._read_event = self._read_event or asyncio.ThreadSafeFlag()
# Issue the read.
ble.gattc_read(self._connection()._conn_handle, self._value_handle)
with self._connection().timeout(timeout_ms):
# The event will be set for each read result, then a final time for done.
while self._read_status is None:
await self._read_event.wait()
if self._read_status != 0:
raise GattError(self._read_status)
return self._read_data
# Map an incoming result IRQ to a registered characteristic.
def _read_result(conn_handle, value_handle, data):
if characteristic := ClientCharacteristic._find(conn_handle, value_handle):
characteristic._read_data = data
# Map an incoming read done IRQ to a registered characteristic.
def _read_done(conn_handle, value_handle, status):
if characteristic := ClientCharacteristic._find(conn_handle, value_handle):
characteristic._read_status = status
async def write(self, data, response=None, timeout_ms=1000):
# If the response arg is unset, then default it to true if we only support write-with-response.
if response is None:
p = self.properties
response = (p & _FLAG_WRITE) and not (p & _FLAG_WRITE_NO_RESPONSE)
if response:
# Same as read.
self._write_status = None
self._write_event = self._write_event or asyncio.ThreadSafeFlag()
# Issue the write.
ble.gattc_write(self._connection()._conn_handle, self._value_handle, data, response)
if response:
with self._connection().timeout(timeout_ms):
# The event will be set for the write done IRQ.
await self._write_event.wait()
if self._write_status != 0:
raise GattError(self._write_status)
# Map an incoming write done IRQ to a registered characteristic.
def _write_done(conn_handle, value_handle, status):
if characteristic := ClientCharacteristic._find(conn_handle, value_handle):
characteristic._write_status = status
# Represents a single characteristic supported by a service. Do not construct
# this class directly, instead use `async for characteristic in
# service.characteristics([uuid])` or `await service.characteristic(uuid)`.
class ClientCharacteristic(BaseClientCharacteristic):
def __init__(self, service, end_handle, value_handle, properties, uuid):
self.service = service
self.connection = service.connection
# Used for descriptor discovery. If available, otherwise assume just
# past the value handle (enough for two descriptors without risking
# going into the next characteristic).
self._end_handle = end_handle if end_handle > value_handle else value_handle + 2
super().__init__(value_handle, properties, uuid)
if properties & _FLAG_NOTIFY:
# Fired when a notification arrives.
self._notify_event = asyncio.ThreadSafeFlag()
# Data for the most recent notification.
self._notify_queue = deque((), 1)
if properties & _FLAG_INDICATE:
# Same for indications.
self._indicate_event = asyncio.ThreadSafeFlag()
self._indicate_queue = deque((), 1)
def __str__(self):
return "Characteristic: {} {} {} {}".format(
self._end_handle, self._value_handle, self.properties, self.uuid
def _connection(self):
return self.service.connection
# Search for a specific descriptor by uuid.
async def descriptor(self, uuid, timeout_ms=2000):
result = None
# Make sure loop runs to completion.
async for descriptor in self.descriptors(timeout_ms):
if not result and descriptor.uuid == uuid:
# Keep first result.
result = descriptor
return result
# Search for all services (optionally by uuid).
# Use with `async for`, e.g.
# async for descriptor in characteristic.descriptors():
# Note: must allow the loop to run to completion.
def descriptors(self, timeout_ms=2000):
return ClientDiscover(self.connection, ClientDescriptor, self, timeout_ms)
# For ClientDiscover
def _start_discovery(service, uuid=None):
# Helper for notified() and indicated().
async def _notified_indicated(self, queue, event, timeout_ms):
# Ensure that events for this connection can route to this characteristic.
# If the queue is empty, then we need to wait. However, if the queue
# has a single item, we also need to do a no-op wait in order to
# clear the event flag (because the queue will become empty and
# therefore the event should be cleared).
if len(queue) <= 1:
with self._connection().timeout(timeout_ms):
await event.wait()
# Either we started > 1 item, or the wait completed successfully, return
# the front of the queue.
return queue.popleft()
# Wait for the next notification.
# Will return immediately if a notification has already been received.
async def notified(self, timeout_ms=None):
return await self._notified_indicated(self._notify_queue, self._notify_event, timeout_ms)
def _on_notify_indicate(self, queue, event, data):
# If we've gone from empty to one item, then wake something
# blocking on `await char.notified()` (or `await char.indicated()`).
wake = len(queue) == 0
# Append the data. By default this is a deque with max-length==1, so it
# replaces. But if capture is enabled then it will append.
if wake:
# Queue is now non-empty. If something is waiting, it will be
# worken. If something isn't waiting right now, then a future
# caller to `await char.written()` will see the queue is
# non-empty, and wait on the event if it's going to empty the
# queue.
# Map an incoming notify IRQ to a registered characteristic.
def _on_notify(conn_handle, value_handle, notify_data):
if characteristic := ClientCharacteristic._find(conn_handle, value_handle):
characteristic._notify_queue, characteristic._notify_event, notify_data
# Wait for the next indication.
# Will return immediately if an indication has already been received.
async def indicated(self, timeout_ms=None):
return await self._notified_indicated(
self._indicate_queue, self._indicate_event, timeout_ms
# Map an incoming indicate IRQ to a registered characteristic.
def _on_indicate(conn_handle, value_handle, indicate_data):
if characteristic := ClientCharacteristic._find(conn_handle, value_handle):
characteristic._indicate_queue, characteristic._indicate_event, indicate_data
# Write to the Client Characteristic Configuration to subscribe to
# notify/indications for this characteristic.
async def subscribe(self, notify=True, indicate=False):
# Ensure that the generated notifications are dispatched in case the app
# hasn't awaited on notified/indicated yet.
if cccd := await self.descriptor(bluetooth.UUID(_CCCD_UUID)):
await cccd.write(struct.pack("<H", _CCCD_NOTIFY * notify + _CCCD_INDICATE * indicate))
raise ValueError("CCCD not found")
# Represents a single descriptor supported by a characteristic. Do not construct
# this class directly, instead use `async for descriptors in
# characteristic.descriptors([uuid])` or `await characteristic.descriptor(uuid)`.
class ClientDescriptor(BaseClientCharacteristic):
def __init__(self, characteristic, dsc_handle, uuid):
self.characteristic = characteristic
super().__init__(dsc_handle, _FLAG_READ | _FLAG_WRITE_NO_RESPONSE, uuid)
def __str__(self):
return "Descriptor: {} {} {}".format(self._value_handle, self.properties, self.uuid)
def _connection(self):
return self.characteristic.service.connection
# For ClientDiscover
def _start_discovery(characteristic, uuid=None):