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# MicroPython aiohttp library
# MIT license; Copyright (c) 2023 Carlos Gil
# adapted from https://github.com/danni/uwebsockets
# and https://github.com/miguelgrinberg/microdot/blob/main/src/microdot_asyncio_websocket.py
import asyncio
import random
import json as _json
import binascii
import re
import struct
from collections import namedtuple
URL_RE = re.compile(r"(wss|ws)://([A-Za-z0-9-\.]+)(?:\:([0-9]+))?(/.+)?")
URI = namedtuple("URI", ("protocol", "hostname", "port", "path")) # noqa: PYI024
def urlparse(uri):
"""Parse ws:// URLs"""
match = URL_RE.match(uri)
if match:
protocol = match.group(1)
host = match.group(2)
port = match.group(3)
path = match.group(4)
if protocol == "wss":
if port is None:
port = 443
elif protocol == "ws":
if port is None:
port = 80
raise ValueError("Scheme {} is invalid".format(protocol))
return URI(protocol, host, int(port), path)
class WebSocketMessage:
def __init__(self, opcode, data):
self.type = opcode
self.data = data
class WSMsgType:
TEXT = 1
ERROR = 258
class WebSocketClient:
CONT = 0
TEXT = 1
PING = 9
PONG = 10
def __init__(self, params):
self.params = params
self.closed = False
self.reader = None
self.writer = None
async def connect(self, uri, ssl=None, handshake_request=None):
uri = urlparse(uri)
assert uri
if uri.protocol == "wss":
if not ssl:
ssl = True
await self.handshake(uri, ssl, handshake_request)
def _parse_frame_header(cls, header):
byte1, byte2 = struct.unpack("!BB", header)
# Byte 1: FIN(1) _(1) _(1) _(1) OPCODE(4)
fin = bool(byte1 & 0x80)
opcode = byte1 & 0x0F
# Byte 2: MASK(1) LENGTH(7)
mask = bool(byte2 & (1 << 7))
length = byte2 & 0x7F
return fin, opcode, mask, length
def _process_websocket_frame(self, opcode, payload):
if opcode == self.TEXT:
payload = payload.decode()
elif opcode == self.BINARY:
elif opcode == self.CLOSE:
# raise OSError(32, "Websocket connection closed")
return opcode, payload
elif opcode == self.PING:
return self.PONG, payload
elif opcode == self.PONG: # pragma: no branch
return None, None
return None, payload
def _encode_websocket_frame(cls, opcode, payload):
if opcode == cls.TEXT:
payload = payload.encode()
length = len(payload)
fin = mask = True
# Frame header
# Byte 1: FIN(1) _(1) _(1) _(1) OPCODE(4)
byte1 = 0x80 if fin else 0
byte1 |= opcode
# Byte 2: MASK(1) LENGTH(7)
byte2 = 0x80 if mask else 0
if length < 126: # 126 is magic value to use 2-byte length header
byte2 |= length
frame = struct.pack("!BB", byte1, byte2)
elif length < (1 << 16): # Length fits in 2-bytes
byte2 |= 126 # Magic code
frame = struct.pack("!BBH", byte1, byte2, length)
elif length < (1 << 64):
byte2 |= 127 # Magic code
frame = struct.pack("!BBQ", byte1, byte2, length)
raise ValueError
# Mask is 4 bytes
mask_bits = struct.pack("!I", random.getrandbits(32))
frame += mask_bits
payload = bytes(b ^ mask_bits[i % 4] for i, b in enumerate(payload))
return frame + payload
async def handshake(self, uri, ssl, req):
headers = {}
_http_proto = "http" if uri.protocol != "wss" else "https"
url = f"{_http_proto}://{uri.hostname}:{uri.port}{uri.path or '/'}"
key = binascii.b2a_base64(bytes(random.getrandbits(8) for _ in range(16)))[:-1]
headers["Host"] = f"{uri.hostname}:{uri.port}"
headers["Connection"] = "Upgrade"
headers["Upgrade"] = "websocket"
headers["Sec-WebSocket-Key"] = key
headers["Sec-WebSocket-Version"] = "13"
headers["Origin"] = f"{_http_proto}://{uri.hostname}:{uri.port}"
self.reader, self.writer = await req(
header = await self.reader.readline()
header = header[:-2]
assert header.startswith(b"HTTP/1.1 101 "), header
while header:
header = await self.reader.readline()
header = header[:-2]
async def receive(self):
while True:
opcode, payload = await self._read_frame()
send_opcode, data = self._process_websocket_frame(opcode, payload)
if send_opcode: # pragma: no cover
await self.send(data, send_opcode)
if opcode == self.CLOSE:
self.closed = True
return opcode, data
elif data: # pragma: no branch
return opcode, data
async def send(self, data, opcode=None):
frame = self._encode_websocket_frame(
opcode or (self.TEXT if isinstance(data, str) else self.BINARY), data
await self.writer.drain()
async def close(self):
if not self.closed: # pragma: no cover
self.closed = True
await self.send(b"", self.CLOSE)
async def _read_frame(self):
header = await self.reader.read(2)
if len(header) != 2: # pragma: no cover
# raise OSError(32, "Websocket connection closed")
opcode = self.CLOSE
payload = b""
return opcode, payload
fin, opcode, has_mask, length = self._parse_frame_header(header)
if length == 126: # Magic number, length header is 2 bytes
(length,) = struct.unpack("!H", await self.reader.read(2))
elif length == 127: # Magic number, length header is 8 bytes
(length,) = struct.unpack("!Q", await self.reader.read(8))
if has_mask: # pragma: no cover
mask = await self.reader.read(4)
payload = await self.reader.read(length)
if has_mask: # pragma: no cover
payload = bytes(x ^ mask[i % 4] for i, x in enumerate(payload))
return opcode, payload
class ClientWebSocketResponse:
def __init__(self, wsclient):
self.ws = wsclient
def __aiter__(self):
return self
async def __anext__(self):
msg = WebSocketMessage(*await self.ws.receive())
# print(msg.data, msg.type) # DEBUG
if (not msg.data and msg.type == self.ws.CLOSE) or self.ws.closed:
raise StopAsyncIteration
return msg
async def close(self):
await self.ws.close()
async def send_str(self, data):
if not isinstance(data, str):
raise TypeError("data argument must be str (%r)" % type(data))
await self.ws.send(data)
async def send_bytes(self, data):
if not isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray, memoryview)):
raise TypeError("data argument must be byte-ish (%r)" % type(data))
await self.ws.send(data)
async def send_json(self, data):
await self.send_str(_json.dumps(data))
async def receive_str(self):
msg = WebSocketMessage(*await self.ws.receive())
if msg.type != self.ws.TEXT:
raise TypeError(f"Received message {msg.type}:{msg.data!r} is not str")
return msg.data
async def receive_bytes(self):
msg = WebSocketMessage(*await self.ws.receive())
if msg.type != self.ws.BINARY:
raise TypeError(f"Received message {msg.type}:{msg.data!r} is not bytes")
return msg.data
async def receive_json(self):
data = await self.receive_str()
return _json.loads(data)
class _WSRequestContextManager:
def __init__(self, client, request_co):
self.reqco = request_co
self.client = client
async def __aenter__(self):
return await self.reqco
async def __aexit__(self, *args):
await self.client._reader.aclose()
return await asyncio.sleep(0)