Damien George 45ead11f96 ssl: Use "from tls import *" to be compatible with axtls.
axtls doesn't define all the CERT_xxx constants, nor the MBEDTLS_VERSION

This change means that `tls.SSLContext` is imported into the module, but
that's subsequently overridden by the class definition in this module.

Signed-off-by: Damien George <damien@micropython.org>
2024-03-28 17:44:37 +11:00
__future__ __future__: Add "annotations". 2023-10-04 12:53:52 +11:00
abc all: Replace metadata.txt with manifest.py. 2022-09-05 17:50:28 +10:00
argparse all: Standardise x.y.z versioning for all packages. 2023-07-23 11:48:57 +10:00
base64 base64: Implement custom maketrans and translate methods. 2023-12-20 12:26:13 +11:00
binascii all: Standardise x.y.z versioning for all packages. 2023-07-23 11:48:57 +10:00
bisect all: Standardise x.y.z versioning for all packages. 2023-07-23 11:48:57 +10:00
cmd all: Standardise x.y.z versioning for all packages. 2023-07-23 11:48:57 +10:00
collections collections: Rename collections.* to collections-*. 2022-09-13 14:31:24 +10:00
collections-defaultdict all: Standardise x.y.z versioning for all packages. 2023-07-23 11:48:57 +10:00
collections-deque collections: Rename collections.* to collections-*. 2022-09-13 14:31:24 +10:00
contextlib all: Standardise x.y.z versioning for all packages. 2023-07-23 11:48:57 +10:00
copy copy: Bump patch version. 2023-07-23 11:48:29 +10:00
curses.ascii all: Standardise x.y.z versioning for all packages. 2023-07-23 11:48:57 +10:00
datetime all: Remove __version__ from .py files. 2023-07-21 17:15:00 +10:00
errno all: Replace metadata.txt with manifest.py. 2022-09-05 17:50:28 +10:00
fnmatch fnmatch: Fix compatibility with ure -> re. 2023-07-21 17:19:43 +10:00
functools all: Replace metadata.txt with manifest.py. 2022-09-05 17:50:28 +10:00
gzip gzip: Fix recursion error in open() function. 2024-02-29 14:54:24 +11:00
hashlib hashlib: Refactor, split, and optimise. 2023-07-20 23:28:08 +10:00
hashlib-core all: Standardise x.y.z versioning for all packages. 2023-07-23 11:48:57 +10:00
hashlib-sha224 all: Standardise x.y.z versioning for all packages. 2023-07-23 11:48:57 +10:00
hashlib-sha256 all: Standardise x.y.z versioning for all packages. 2023-07-23 11:48:57 +10:00
hashlib-sha384 all: Standardise x.y.z versioning for all packages. 2023-07-23 11:48:57 +10:00
hashlib-sha512 all: Standardise x.y.z versioning for all packages. 2023-07-23 11:48:57 +10:00
heapq all: Replace metadata.txt with manifest.py. 2022-09-05 17:50:28 +10:00
hmac hmac: Fix passing in a string for digestmod argument. 2024-02-07 12:45:03 +11:00
html all: Standardise x.y.z versioning for all packages. 2023-07-23 11:48:57 +10:00
inspect all: Replace metadata.txt with manifest.py. 2022-09-05 17:50:28 +10:00
io all: Standardise x.y.z versioning for all packages. 2023-07-23 11:48:57 +10:00
itertools all: Replace metadata.txt with manifest.py. 2022-09-05 17:50:28 +10:00
keyword keyword: Add manifest file. 2023-07-21 16:58:48 +10:00
locale all: Replace metadata.txt with manifest.py. 2022-09-05 17:50:28 +10:00
logging logging: Bump minor version. 2023-07-23 11:48:46 +10:00
operator all: Replace metadata.txt with manifest.py. 2022-09-05 17:50:28 +10:00
os all: Standardise x.y.z versioning for all packages. 2023-07-23 11:48:57 +10:00
os-path os-path: Implement os.path.isfile(). 2023-12-20 14:46:57 +11:00
pathlib pathlib: Add initial pathlib implementation. 2022-11-17 14:26:33 +11:00
pickle all: Standardise x.y.z versioning for all packages. 2023-07-23 11:48:57 +10:00
pkg_resources all: Replace metadata.txt with manifest.py. 2022-09-05 17:50:28 +10:00
pkgutil all: Replace metadata.txt with manifest.py. 2022-09-05 17:50:28 +10:00
pprint all: Replace metadata.txt with manifest.py. 2022-09-05 17:50:28 +10:00
quopri all: Replace metadata.txt with manifest.py. 2022-09-05 17:50:28 +10:00
random all: Standardise x.y.z versioning for all packages. 2023-07-23 11:48:57 +10:00
shutil shutil: Add unit tests for shutil. 2022-11-11 13:04:16 +11:00
ssl ssl: Use "from tls import *" to be compatible with axtls. 2024-03-28 17:44:37 +11:00
stat all: Replace metadata.txt with manifest.py. 2022-09-05 17:50:28 +10:00
string all: Replace metadata.txt with manifest.py. 2022-09-05 17:50:28 +10:00
struct all: Replace metadata.txt with manifest.py. 2022-09-05 17:50:28 +10:00
tarfile tarfile: Rename from utarfile. 2023-07-23 11:41:44 +10:00
tarfile-write tarfile-write: Fix permissions when adding to archive. 2024-02-09 10:43:05 +11:00
tempfile tempfile: Add manifest.py file at version 0.0.1. 2022-11-11 13:05:04 +11:00
textwrap all: Standardise x.y.z versioning for all packages. 2023-07-23 11:48:57 +10:00
threading all: Standardise x.y.z versioning for all packages. 2023-07-23 11:48:57 +10:00
time time: Add README to explain the purpose of the time extension library. 2023-12-20 12:05:35 +11:00
traceback all: Standardise x.y.z versioning for all packages. 2023-07-23 11:48:57 +10:00
types types: Add manifest file. 2023-07-21 16:58:48 +10:00
unittest unittest-discover: Print results when no tests are found/run. 2023-03-27 12:06:04 +11:00
unittest-discover unittest-discover: Print results when no tests are found/run. 2023-03-27 12:06:04 +11:00
uu uu: Fix dependency on os-path. 2022-09-28 00:58:35 +10:00
venv venv: Add a command-line package for creating virtual environments. 2022-11-09 12:52:03 +11:00
warnings all: Replace metadata.txt with manifest.py. 2022-09-05 17:50:28 +10:00
zlib zlib: Add zlib module. 2023-07-25 18:19:51 +10:00
README.md top: Update top-level docs. 2022-12-16 17:16:03 +11:00


CPython Standard Library

The packages in this directory aim to provide compatible implementations of modules from the Python Standard Library, with the goal of allowing existing Python code to run un-modified on MicroPython.


Many packages are implemented in pure Python, often based on the original CPython implementation. (e.g. collections.defaultdict)

Some packages are based on or extend from the built-in "micro" modules in the MicroPython firmware, providing additional functionality that didn't need to be written in C (e.g. collections, socket, struct).

Future plans (ideas for contributors):

  • Add README.md to each library explaining compatibility and limitations.