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# writer.py Implements the Writer class.
# V0.35 Peter Hinch Sept 2020 Fast rendering option for color displays
# Handles colour, upside down diplays, word wrap and tab stops
# Released under the MIT License (MIT). See LICENSE.
# Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Peter Hinch
# A Writer supports rendering text to a Display instance in a given font.
# Multiple Writer instances may be created, each rendering a font to the
# same Display object.
# Timings based on a 20 pixel high proportional font, run on a pyboard V1.0.
# Using CWriter's slow rendering: _printchar 9.5ms typ, 13.5ms max.
# Using Writer's fast rendering: _printchar 115μs min 480μs typ 950μs max.
# CWriter on Pyboard D SF2W at standard clock rate
# Fast method 500-600μs typical, up to 1.07ms on larger fonts
# Revised fast method 691μs avg, up to 2.14ms on larger fonts
# Slow method 2700μs typical, up to 11ms on larger fonts
import framebuf
from uctypes import bytearray_at, addressof
fast_mode = True
from framebuf_utils import render
except ImportError: # May be running in GUI. Try relative import.
from .framebuf_utils import render
except ImportError:
fast_mode = False
except ValueError:
fast_mode = False
print('Ignoring framebuf_utils.mpy: compiled for incorrect architecture.')
class DisplayState():
def __init__(self):
self.text_row = 0
self.text_col = 0
self.usd = False
def _get_id(device):
if not isinstance(device, framebuf.FrameBuffer):
raise ValueError('Device must be derived from FrameBuffer.')
return id(device)
# Basic Writer class for monochrome displays
class Writer():
state = {} # Holds a display state for each device
def set_textpos(device, row=None, col=None):
devid = _get_id(device)
if devid not in Writer.state:
Writer.state[devid] = DisplayState()
s = Writer.state[devid] # Current state
if row is not None:
if row < 0 or row >= device.height:
raise ValueError('row is out of range')
s.text_row = device.height - 1 - row if s.usd else row
if col is not None:
if col < 0 or col >= device.width:
raise ValueError('col is out of range')
s.text_col = device.width -1 - col if s.usd else col
return s.text_row, s.text_col
def __init__(self, device, font, verbose=True):
self.devid = _get_id(device)
self.device = device
if self.devid not in Writer.state:
Writer.state[self.devid] = DisplayState()
self.font = font
self.usd = Writer.state[self.devid].usd
# Allow to work with reverse or normal font mapping
if font.hmap():
self.map = framebuf.MONO_HMSB if font.reverse() else framebuf.MONO_HLSB
raise ValueError('Font must be horizontally mapped.')
if verbose:
fstr = 'Orientation: Horizontal. Reversal: {}. Width: {}. Height: {}.'
print(fstr.format(font.reverse(), device.width, device.height))
print('Start row = {} col = {}'.format(self._getstate().text_row, self._getstate().text_col))
self.screenwidth = device.width # In pixels
self.screenheight = device.height
self.bgcolor = 0 # Monochrome background and foreground colors
self.fgcolor = 1
self.row_clip = False # Clip or scroll when screen full
self.col_clip = False # Clip or new line when row is full
self.wrap = True # Word wrap
self.cpos = 0
self.tab = 4
self.glyph = None # Current char
self.char_height = 0
self.char_width = 0
def _getstate(self):
return Writer.state[self.devid]
def _newline(self):
s = self._getstate()
height = self.font.height()
if self.usd:
s.text_row -= height
s.text_col = self.screenwidth - 1
margin = s.text_row - height
y = 0
s.text_row += height
s.text_col = 0
margin = self.screenheight - (s.text_row + height)
y = self.screenheight + margin
if margin < 0:
if not self.row_clip:
if self.usd:
margin = -margin
self.device.scroll(0, margin)
self.device.fill_rect(0, y, self.screenwidth, abs(margin), self.bgcolor)
s.text_row += margin
def set_clip(self, row_clip=None, col_clip=None, wrap=None):
if row_clip is not None:
self.row_clip = row_clip
if col_clip is not None:
self.col_clip = col_clip
if wrap is not None:
self.wrap = wrap
return self.row_clip, self.col_clip, self.wrap
def height(self): # Property for consistency with device
return self.font.height()
def printstring(self, string, invert=False):
# word wrapping. Assumes words separated by single space.
while True:
lines = string.split('\n', 1)
s = lines[0]
if s:
self._printline(s, invert)
if len(lines) == 1:
string = lines[1]
def _printline(self, string, invert):
rstr = None
if self.wrap and self.stringlen(string) > self.screenwidth:
pos = 0
lstr = string[:]
while self.stringlen(lstr) > self.screenwidth:
pos = lstr.rfind(' ')
lstr = lstr[:pos].rstrip()
if pos > 0:
rstr = string[pos + 1:]
string = lstr
for char in string:
self._printchar(char, invert)
if rstr is not None:
self._printline(rstr, invert) # Recurse
def stringlen(self, string):
l = 0
for char in string:
l += self._charlen(char)
return l
def _charlen(self, char):
if char == '\n':
char_width = 0
_, _, char_width = self.font.get_ch(char)
return char_width
def _get_char(self, char, recurse):
if not recurse: # Handle tabs
if char == '\n':
self.cpos = 0
elif char == '\t':
nspaces = self.tab - (self.cpos % self.tab)
if nspaces == 0:
nspaces = self.tab
while nspaces:
nspaces -= 1
self._printchar(' ', recurse=True)
self.glyph = None # All done
self.glyph = None # Assume all done
if char == '\n':
glyph, char_height, char_width = self.font.get_ch(char)
s = self._getstate()
if self.usd:
if s.text_row - char_height < 0:
if self.row_clip:
if s.text_col - char_width < 0:
if self.col_clip:
if s.text_row + char_height > self.screenheight:
if self.row_clip:
if s.text_col + char_width > self.screenwidth:
if self.col_clip:
self.glyph = glyph
self.char_height = char_height
self.char_width = char_width
# Method using blitting. Efficient rendering for monochrome displays.
# Tested on SSD1306. Invert is for black-on-white rendering.
def _printchar(self, char, invert=False, recurse=False):
s = self._getstate()
self._get_char(char, recurse)
if self.glyph is None:
return # All done
buf = bytearray(self.glyph)
if invert:
for i, v in enumerate(buf):
buf[i] = 0xFF & ~ v
fbc = framebuf.FrameBuffer(buf, self.char_width, self.char_height, self.map)
self.device.blit(fbc, s.text_col, s.text_row)
s.text_col += self.char_width
self.cpos += 1
def tabsize(self, value=None):
if value is not None:
self.tab = value
return self.tab
def setcolor(self, *_):
return self.fgcolor, self.bgcolor
# Writer for colour displays or upside down rendering
class CWriter(Writer):
def invert_display(device, value=True):
devid = id(device)
if devid not in Writer.state:
Writer.state[devid] = DisplayState()
Writer.state[devid].usd = value
def __init__(self, device, font, fgcolor=None, bgcolor=None, verbose=True):
super().__init__(device, font, verbose)
if bgcolor is not None: # Assume monochrome.
self.bgcolor = bgcolor
if fgcolor is not None:
self.fgcolor = fgcolor
self.def_bgcolor = self.bgcolor
self.def_fgcolor = self.fgcolor
fm = fast_mode and not self.usd
self._printchar = self._pchfast if fm else self._pchslow
verbose and print('Render {} using fast mode'.format('is' if fm else 'not'))
def _pchfast(self, char, invert=False, recurse=False):
s = self._getstate()
self._get_char(char, recurse)
if self.glyph is None:
return # All done
buf = bytearray_at(addressof(self.glyph), len(self.glyph))
fbc = framebuf.FrameBuffer(buf, self.char_width, self.char_height, self.map)
fgcolor = self.bgcolor if invert else self.fgcolor
bgcolor = self.fgcolor if invert else self.bgcolor
render(self.device, fbc, s.text_col, s.text_row, fgcolor, bgcolor)
s.text_col += self.char_width
self.cpos += 1
def _pchslow(self, char, invert=False, recurse=False):
s = self._getstate()
self._get_char(char, recurse)
if self.glyph is None:
return # All done
char_height = self.char_height
char_width = self.char_width
div, mod = divmod(char_width, 8)
gbytes = div + 1 if mod else div # No. of bytes per row of glyph
device = self.device
fgcolor = self.bgcolor if invert else self.fgcolor
bgcolor = self.fgcolor if invert else self.bgcolor
usd = self.usd
drow = s.text_row # Destination row
wcol = s.text_col # Destination column of character start
for srow in range(char_height): # Source row
for scol in range(char_width): # Source column
# Destination column: add/subtract writer column
if usd:
dcol = wcol - scol
dcol = wcol + scol
gbyte, gbit = divmod(scol, 8)
if gbit == 0: # Next glyph byte
data = self.glyph[srow * gbytes + gbyte]
pixel = fgcolor if data & (1 << (7 - gbit)) else bgcolor
device.pixel(dcol, drow, pixel)
drow += -1 if usd else 1
if drow >= self.screenheight or drow < 0:
s.text_col += -char_width if usd else char_width
self.cpos += 1
def setcolor(self, fgcolor=None, bgcolor=None):
if fgcolor is None and bgcolor is None:
self.fgcolor = self.def_fgcolor
self.bgcolor = self.def_bgcolor
if fgcolor is not None:
self.fgcolor = fgcolor
if bgcolor is not None:
self.bgcolor = bgcolor
return self.fgcolor, self.bgcolor