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from pyb import UART
from pyb import ExtInt
from pyb import Pin
from micropyGPS import MicropyGPS
# Global Flag to Start GPS data Processing
new_data = False
# Callback Function
def pps_callback(line):
print("Updated GPS Object...")
global new_data # Use Global to trigger update
new_data = True
print('GPS Interrupt Tester')
# Instantiate the micropyGPS object
my_gps = MicropyGPS()
# Setup the connection to your GPS here
# This example uses UART 3 with RX on pin Y10
# Baudrate is 9600bps, with the standard 8 bits, 1 stop bit, no parity
# Also made the buffer size very large (1000 chars) to accommodate all the characters that stack up
# each second
uart = UART(3, 9600, read_buf_len=1000)
# Create an external interrupt on pin X8
pps_pin = pyb.Pin.board.X8
extint = pyb.ExtInt(pps_pin, pyb.ExtInt.IRQ_FALLING, pyb.Pin.PULL_UP, pps_callback)
# Main Infinite Loop
while 1:
# Do Other Stuff Here.......
# Update the GPS Object when flag is tripped
if new_data:
while uart.any():
my_gps.update(chr(uart.readchar())) # Note the conversion to to chr, UART outputs ints normally
print('UTC Timestamp:', my_gps.timestamp)
print('Date:', my_gps.date_string('long'))
print('Latitude:', my_gps.latitude_string())
print('Longitude:', my_gps.longitude_string())
print('Horizontal Dilution of Precision:', my_gps.hdop)
new_data = False # Clear the flag