Merge branch 'master' into mtak

Thomas Göttgens 2024-03-10 13:15:03 +01:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
commit bce29e1927
Nie znaleziono w bazie danych klucza dla tego podpisu
ID klucza GPG: B5690EEEBB952194
28 zmienionych plików z 1114 dodań i 211 usunięć

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@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
name: Push commit to schema registry
contents: read
@ -11,10 +14,10 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v3
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Setup Buf
uses: bufbuild/buf-setup-action@v1.18.0
uses: bufbuild/buf-setup-action@v1.26.1
github_token: ${{ github.token }}

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
name: Create tag
contents: write
@ -18,7 +21,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v3
uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0
- id: version
@ -47,7 +50,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Create release
uses: ncipollo/release-action@v1.12.0
uses: ncipollo/release-action@v1.13.0
name: Meshtastic Protobufs ${{ steps.version.outputs.NEW_VERSION }}
tag: ${{ steps.version.outputs.NEW_VERSION }}
@ -55,7 +58,7 @@ jobs:
token: ${{ github.token }}
- name: Setup Buf
uses: bufbuild/buf-setup-action@v1
uses: bufbuild/buf-setup-action@v1.26.1
github_token: ${{ github.token }}

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@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
name: Nightly
- cron: 0 8 * * 1-5
workflow_dispatch: {}
name: Trunk Check Upload
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Trunk Check
uses: trunk-io/trunk-action@v1
trunk-token: ${{ secrets.TRUNK_TOKEN }}

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
name: Push new version to schema registry
contents: read
@ -11,10 +14,10 @@ jobs:
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v3
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Setup Buf
uses: bufbuild/buf-setup-action@v1
uses: bufbuild/buf-setup-action@v1.26.1
github_token: ${{ github.token }}

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
name: pull-request
contents: read
on: pull_request
@ -6,18 +10,18 @@ jobs:
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v3
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Setup Buf
uses: bufbuild/buf-setup-action@v1
uses: bufbuild/buf-setup-action@v1.26.1
github_token: ${{ github.token }}
- name: Lint
uses: bufbuild/buf-lint-action@v1
uses: bufbuild/buf-lint-action@v1.0.3
- name: Push to schema registry
uses: bufbuild/buf-push-action@v1
uses: bufbuild/buf-push-action@v1.1.1
buf_token: ${{ secrets.BUF_TOKEN }}
draft: ${{ github.ref_name != 'master'}}

.trunk/.gitignore vendored
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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@

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@ -1,25 +1,28 @@
version: 0.1
version: 1.10.0
version: 1.16.2
- id: trunk
ref: v0.0.17
ref: v1.2.5
- checkov@2.4.9
- trivy@0.45.1
- trufflehog@3.57.0
- yamllint@1.32.0
- buf-lint@1.20.0
- buf-breaking@1.20.0
- actionlint@1.6.24
- markdownlint@0.34.0
- prettier@2.8.8
- gitleaks@8.16.3
- buf-lint@1.26.1
- buf-breaking@1.26.1
- actionlint@1.6.26
- markdownlint@0.37.0
- prettier@3.0.3
- gitleaks@8.18.0
- git-diff-check
- python@3.10.8
- go@1.19.5
- go@1.21.0
- node@18.12.1

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@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
*AdminMessage.set_canned_message_module_messages max_size:201
*AdminMessage.get_canned_message_module_messages_response max_size:201
*AdminMessage.delete_file_request max_size:201
*AdminMessage.set_ringtone_message max_size:231
*AdminMessage.get_ringtone_response max_size:231
*HamParameters.call_sign max_size:8
*HamParameters.short_name max_size:6
*NodeRemoteHardwarePinsResponse.node_remote_hardware_pins max_count:16

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@ -109,6 +109,26 @@ message AdminMessage {
@ -211,6 +231,17 @@ message AdminMessage {
NodeRemoteHardwarePinsResponse get_node_remote_hardware_pins_response = 20;
* Enter (UF2) DFU mode
* Only implemented on NRF52 currently
bool enter_dfu_mode_request = 21;
* Delete the file by the specified path from the device
string delete_file_request = 22;
* Set the owner for this node
@ -245,6 +276,11 @@ message AdminMessage {
string set_ringtone_message = 37;
* Remove the node by the specified node-num from the NodeDB on the device
uint32 remove_by_nodenum = 38;
* Begins an edit transaction for config, module config, owner, and channel settings changes
* This will delay the standard *implicit* save to the file system and subsequent reboot behavior until committed (commit_edit_settings)

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
*Contact.callsign max_size:120
*Contact.device_callsign max_size:120
*Status.battery int_size:8
*PLI.course int_size:16
*GeoChat.message max_size:200
* max_size:120

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@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package meshtastic;
option csharp_namespace = "Meshtastic.Protobufs";
option go_package = "";
option java_outer_classname = "ATAKProtos";
option java_package = "com.geeksville.mesh";
option swift_prefix = "";
* Packets for the official ATAK Plugin
message TAKPacket
* Are the payloads strings compressed for LoRA transport?
bool is_compressed = 1;
* The contact / callsign for ATAK user
Contact contact = 2;
* The group for ATAK user
Group group = 3;
* The status of the ATAK EUD
Status status = 4;
* The payload of the packet
oneof payload_variant {
* TAK position report
PLI pli = 5;
* ATAK GeoChat message
GeoChat chat = 6;
* ATAK GeoChat message
message GeoChat {
* The text message
string message = 1;
* Uid recipient of the message
optional string to = 2;
* ATAK Group
* <__group role='Team Member' name='Cyan'/>
message Group {
* Role of the group member
MemberRole role = 1;
* Team (color)
* Default Cyan
Team team = 2;
enum Team {
* Unspecifed
Unspecifed_Color = 0;
* White
White = 1;
* Yellow
Yellow = 2;
* Orange
Orange = 3;
* Magenta
Magenta = 4;
* Red
Red = 5;
* Maroon
Maroon = 6;
* Purple
Purple = 7;
* Dark Blue
Dark_Blue = 8;
* Blue
Blue = 9;
* Cyan
Cyan = 10;
* Teal
Teal = 11;
* Green
Green = 12;
* Dark Green
Dark_Green = 13;
* Brown
Brown = 14;
* Role of the group member
enum MemberRole {
* Unspecifed
Unspecifed = 0;
* Team Member
TeamMember = 1;
* Team Lead
TeamLead = 2;
* Headquarters
HQ = 3;
* Airsoft enthusiast
Sniper = 4;
* Medic
Medic = 5;
* ForwardObserver
ForwardObserver = 6;
* Radio Telephone Operator
RTO = 7;
* Doggo
K9 = 8;
* ATAK EUD Status
* <status battery='100' />
message Status {
* Battery level
uint32 battery = 1;
* ATAK Contact
* <contact endpoint='' phone='+12345678' callsign='FALKE'/>
message Contact {
* Callsign
string callsign = 1;
* Device callsign
string device_callsign = 2;
* IP address of endpoint in integer form ( default)
// fixed32 enpoint_address = 3;
* Port of endpoint (4242 default)
// uint32 endpoint_port = 4;
* Phone represented as integer
* Terrible practice, but we really need the wire savings
// uint32 phone = 4;
* Position Location Information from ATAK
message PLI {
* The new preferred location encoding, multiply by 1e-7 to get degrees
* in floating point
sfixed32 latitude_i = 1;
* The new preferred location encoding, multiply by 1e-7 to get degrees
* in floating point
sfixed32 longitude_i = 2;
* Altitude (ATAK prefers HAE)
int32 altitude = 3;
* Speed
uint32 speed = 4;
* Course in degrees
uint32 course = 5;

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@ -81,6 +81,21 @@ message ChannelSettings {
* If true, messages seen on the internet will be forwarded to the local mesh.
bool downlink_enabled = 6;
* Per-channel module settings.
ModuleSettings module_settings = 7;
* This message is specifically for modules to store per-channel configuration data.
message ModuleSettings {
* Bits of precision for the location sent in position packets.
uint32 position_precision = 1;

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
*NetworkConfig.wifi_ssid max_size:33
*NetworkConfig.wifi_psk max_size:64
*NetworkConfig.wifi_psk max_size:65
*NetworkConfig.ntp_server max_size:33
*NetworkConfig.rsyslog_server max_size:33
@ -11,4 +11,4 @@
*LoRaConfig.coding_rate int_size:8
*LoRaConfig.channel_num int_size:16
*PowerConfig.device_battery_ina_address int_size:8
*PowerConfig.device_battery_ina_address int_size:8

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@ -18,48 +18,83 @@ message Config {
enum Role {
* Client device role
* Description: App connected or stand alone messaging device.
* Technical Details: Default Role
* Client Mute device role
* Same as a client except packets will not hop over this node, does not contribute to routing packets for mesh.
* Description: Device that does not forward packets from other devices.
* Router device role.
* Mesh packets will prefer to be routed over this node. This node will not be used by client apps.
* The wifi/ble radios and the oled screen will be put to sleep.
* Description: Infrastructure node for extending network coverage by relaying messages. Visible in Nodes list.
* Technical Details: Mesh packets will prefer to be routed over this node. This node will not be used by client apps.
* The wifi radio and the oled screen will be put to sleep.
* This mode may still potentially have higher power usage due to it's preference in message rebroadcasting on the mesh.
* Router Client device role
* Mesh packets will prefer to be routed over this node. The Router Client can be used as both a Router and an app connected Client.
* Description: Combination of both ROUTER and CLIENT. Not for mobile devices.
* Repeater device role
* Mesh packets will simply be rebroadcasted over this node. Nodes configured with this role will not originate NodeInfo, Position, Telemetry
* Description: Infrastructure node for extending network coverage by relaying messages with minimal overhead. Not visible in Nodes list.
* Technical Details: Mesh packets will simply be rebroadcasted over this node. Nodes configured with this role will not originate NodeInfo, Position, Telemetry
* or any other packet type. They will simply rebroadcast any mesh packets on the same frequency, channel num, spread factor, and coding rate.
* Tracker device role
* Position Mesh packets will be prioritized higher and sent more frequently by default.
* Description: Broadcasts GPS position packets as priority.
* Technical Details: Position Mesh packets will be prioritized higher and sent more frequently by default.
* When used in conjunction with power.is_power_saving = true, nodes will wake up,
* send position, and then sleep for position.position_broadcast_secs seconds.
* Sensor device role
* Telemetry Mesh packets will be prioritized higher and sent more frequently by default.
* Description: Broadcasts telemetry packets as priority.
* Technical Details: Telemetry Mesh packets will be prioritized higher and sent more frequently by default.
* When used in conjunction with power.is_power_saving = true, nodes will wake up,
* send environment telemetry, and then sleep for telemetry.environment_update_interval seconds.
* Description: Optimized for ATAK system communication and reduces routine broadcasts.
* Technical Details: Used for nodes dedicated for connection to an ATAK EUD.
* Turns off many of the routine broadcasts to favor CoT packet stream
* from the Meshtastic ATAK plugin -> IMeshService -> Node
TAK = 7;
* Description: Device that only broadcasts as needed for stealth or power savings.
* Technical Details: Used for nodes that "only speak when spoken to"
* Turns all of the routine broadcasts but allows for ad-hoc communication
* Still rebroadcasts, but with local only rebroadcast mode (known meshes only)
* Can be used for clandestine operation or to dramatically reduce airtime / power consumption
* Description: Broadcasts location as message to default channel regularly for to assist with device recovery.
* Technical Details: Used to automatically send a text message to the mesh
* with the current position of the device on a frequent interval:
* "I'm lost! Position: lat / long"
* Description: Enables automatic TAK PLI broadcasts and reduces routine broadcasts.
* Technical Details: Turns off many of the routine broadcasts to favor ATAK CoT packet stream
* and automatic TAK PLI (position location information) broadcasts.
* Uses position module configuration to determine TAK PLI broadcast interval.
@ -83,6 +118,12 @@ message Config {
* Only rebroadcasts message on the nodes local primary / secondary channels.
* Ignores observed messages from foreign meshes like LOCAL_ONLY,
* but takes it step further by also ignoring messages from nodenums not in the node's known list (NodeDB)
@ -134,6 +175,11 @@ message Config {
* Clients should then limit available configuration and administrative options inside the user interface
bool is_managed = 9;
* Disables the triple-press of user button to enable or disable GPS
bool disable_triple_click = 10;
@ -142,8 +188,9 @@ message Config {
message PositionConfig {
* Bit field of boolean configuration options, indicating which optional
* fields to include when assembling POSITION messages
* Longitude and latitude are always included (also time if GPS-synced)
* fields to include when assembling POSITION messages.
* Longitude, latitude, altitude, speed, heading, and DOP
* are always included (also time if GPS-synced)
* NOTE: the more fields are included, the larger the message will be -
* leading to longer airtime and a higher risk of packet loss
@ -208,6 +255,23 @@ message Config {
SPEED = 0x0200;
enum GpsMode {
* GPS is present but disabled
* GPS is present and enabled
* GPS is not present on the device
* We should send our position this often (but only if it has changed significantly)
* Defaults to 15 minutes
@ -229,7 +293,7 @@ message Config {
* Is GPS enabled for this node?
bool gps_enabled = 4;
bool gps_enabled = 4[deprecated = true];
* How often should we try to get GPS position (in seconds)
@ -239,12 +303,9 @@ message Config {
uint32 gps_update_interval = 5;
* How long should we try to get our position during each gps_update_interval attempt? (in seconds)
* Or if zero, use the default of 30 seconds.
* If we don't get a new gps fix in that time, the gps will be put into sleep until the next gps_update_rate
* window.
* Deprecated in favor of using smart / regular broadcast intervals as implicit attempt time
uint32 gps_attempt_time = 6;
uint32 gps_attempt_time = 6 [deprecated = true];
* Bit field of boolean configuration options for POSITION messages
@ -268,9 +329,19 @@ message Config {
uint32 broadcast_smart_minimum_distance = 10;
* The minumum number of seconds (since the last send) before we can send a position to the mesh if position_broadcast_smart_enabled
* The minimum number of seconds (since the last send) before we can send a position to the mesh if position_broadcast_smart_enabled
uint32 broadcast_smart_minimum_interval_secs = 11;
* (Re)define PIN_GPS_EN for your board.
uint32 gps_en_gpio = 12;
* Set where GPS is enabled, disabled, or not present
GpsMode gps_mode = 13;
@ -306,14 +377,6 @@ message Config {
uint32 wait_bluetooth_secs = 4;
* Mesh Super Deep Sleep Timeout Seconds
* While in Light Sleep if this value is exceeded we will lower into super deep sleep
* for sds_secs (default 1 year) or a button press
* 0 for default of two hours, MAXUINT for disabled
uint32 mesh_sds_timeout_secs = 5;
* Super Deep Sleep Seconds
* While in Light Sleep if mesh_sds_timeout_secs is exceeded we will lower into super deep sleep
@ -668,6 +731,21 @@ message Config {
* Ukraine 868mhz
UA_868 = 15;
* Malaysia 433mhz
MY_433 = 16;
* Malaysia 919mhz
MY_919 = 17;
* Singapore 923mhz
SG_923 = 18;
@ -765,6 +843,7 @@ message Config {
* Maximum number of hops. This can't be greater than 7.
* Default of 3
* Attempting to set a value > 7 results in the default
uint32 hop_limit = 8;
@ -820,6 +899,11 @@ message Config {
* in ignore_incoming will have packets they send dropped on receive (by router.cpp)
repeated uint32 ignore_incoming = 103;
* If true, the device will not process any packets received via LoRa that passed via MQTT anywhere on the path towards it.
bool ignore_mqtt = 104;
message BluetoothConfig {
@ -868,4 +952,4 @@ message Config {
LoRaConfig lora = 6;
BluetoothConfig bluetooth = 7;

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@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
# FIXME pick a higher number someday? or do dynamic alloc in nanopb?
*DeviceState.node_db max_count:80
*DeviceState.node_db_lite max_count:80
*DeviceState.node_db_lite max_count:100
# FIXME - max_count is actually 32 but we save/load this as one long string of preencoded MeshPacket bytes - not a big array in RAM
*DeviceState.receive_queue max_count:1
@ -16,4 +15,5 @@
*DeviceState.node_remote_hardware_pins max_count:12
* int_size:8
* int_size:8
*NodeInfoLite.hops_away int_size:8

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@ -32,12 +32,6 @@ message DeviceState {
User owner = 3;
* Deprecated in 2.1.x
* Old node_db. See NodeInfoLite node_db_lite
repeated NodeInfo node_db = 4 [deprecated = true];
* Received packets saved for delivery to the phone
@ -81,7 +75,7 @@ message DeviceState {
repeated NodeRemoteHardwarePin node_remote_hardware_pins = 13;
* New lite version of NodeDB to decrease
* New lite version of NodeDB to decrease memory footprint
repeated NodeInfoLite node_db_lite = 14;
@ -122,6 +116,16 @@ message NodeInfoLite {
* local channel index we heard that node on. Only populated if its not the default channel.
uint32 channel = 7;
* True if we witnessed the node over MQTT instead of LoRA transport
bool via_mqtt = 8;
* Number of hops away from us this node is (0 if adjacent)
uint32 hops_away = 9;

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@ -111,10 +111,25 @@ message LocalModuleConfig {
ModuleConfig.NeighborInfoConfig neighbor_info = 11;
* The part of the config that is specific to the Ambient Lighting module
ModuleConfig.AmbientLightingConfig ambient_lighting = 12;
* The part of the config that is specific to the Detection Sensor module
ModuleConfig.DetectionSensorConfig detection_sensor = 13;
* Paxcounter Config
ModuleConfig.PaxcounterConfig paxcounter = 14;
* A version integer used to invalidate old save files when we make
* incompatible changes This integer is set at build time and is private to
* NodeDB.cpp in the device code.
uint32 version = 8;

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@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
*Data.payload max_size:237
* int_size:8
*NodeInfo.hops_away int_size:8
# Big enough for
*MyNodeInfo.firmware_version max_size:18
@ -26,6 +27,7 @@
*MeshPacket.encrypted max_size:256
*MeshPacket.payload_variant anonymous_oneof:true
*MeshPacket.hop_limit int_size:8
*MeshPacket.hop_start int_size:8
* int_size:8
*QueueStatus.res int_size:8
@ -44,7 +46,6 @@
# max_size:40
# or fixed_length or fixed_count, or max_count
#This value may want to be a few bytes smaller to compensate for the parent fields.
* max_size:237
@ -53,4 +54,8 @@
*NeighborInfo.neighbors max_count:10
*DeviceMetadata.firmware_version max_size:18
*DeviceMetadata.firmware_version max_size:18
*MqttClientProxyMessage.topic max_size:60
* max_size:435
*MqttClientProxyMessage.text max_size:435

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@ -37,9 +37,8 @@ message Position {
* This is usually not sent over the mesh (to save space), but it is sent
* from the phone so that the local device can set its RTC If it is sent over
* the mesh (because there are devices on the mesh without GPS), it will only
* be sent by devices which has a hardware GPS clock.
* from the phone so that the local device can set its time if it is sent over
* the mesh (because there are devices on the mesh without GPS or RTC).
* seconds since 1970
fixed32 time = 4;
@ -204,6 +203,11 @@ message Position {
* detect lost updates if needed
uint32 seq_number = 22;
* Indicates the bits of precision set by the sending node
uint32 precision_bits = 23;
@ -305,6 +309,16 @@ enum HardwareModel {
* B&Q Consulting Nano G2 Ultra:
* LoRAType device:
* B&Q Consulting Station Edition G1:
@ -315,6 +329,31 @@ enum HardwareModel {
RAK11310 = 26;
* Makerfabs SenseLoRA Receiver (RP2040 + RFM96)
SENSELORA_RP2040 = 27;
* Makerfabs SenseLoRA Industrial Monitor (ESP32-S3 + RFM96)
* Canary Radio Company - CanaryOne:
* Waveshare RP2040 LoRa -
RP2040_LORA = 30;
* B&Q Consulting Station G2:
STATION_G2 = 31;
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Less common/prototype boards listed here (needs one more byte over the air)
@ -397,6 +436,69 @@ enum HardwareModel {
RPI_PICO = 47;
* Heltec Wireless Tracker with ESP32-S3 CPU, built-in GPS, and TFT
* Newer V1.1, version is written on the PCB near the display.
* Heltec Wireless Paper with ESP32-S3 CPU and E-Ink display
* LilyGo T-Deck with ESP32-S3 CPU, Keyboard and IPS display
T_DECK = 50;
* LilyGo T-Watch S3 with ESP32-S3 CPU and IPS display
T_WATCH_S3 = 51;
* Bobricius Picomputer with ESP32-S3 CPU, Keyboard and IPS display
* Heltec HT-CT62 with ESP32-C3 CPU and SX1262 LoRa
HELTEC_HT62 = 53;
* EBYTE SPI LoRa module and ESP32-S3
EBYTE_ESP32_S3 = 54;
* Waveshare ESP32-S3-PICO with PICO LoRa HAT and 2.9inch e-Ink
ESP32_S3_PICO = 55;
* CircuitMess Chatter 2 LLCC68 Lora Module and ESP32 Wroom
* Lora module can be swapped out for a Heltec RA-62 which is "almost" pin compatible
* with one cut and one jumper Meshtastic works
CHATTER_2 = 56;
* Heltec Wireless Paper, With ESP32-S3 CPU and E-Ink display
* Older "V1.0" Variant, has no "version sticker"
* E-Ink model is DEPG0213BNS800
* Tab on the screen protector is RED
* Flex connector marking is FPC-7528B
* Heltec Wireless Tracker with ESP32-S3 CPU, built-in GPS, and TFT
* Older "V1.0" Variant
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Reserved ID For developing private Ports. These will show up in live traffic sparsely, so we can use a high number. Keep it within 8 bits.
@ -468,6 +570,11 @@ message User {
* Also, "long_name" should be their licence number.
bool is_licensed = 6;
* Indicates that the user's role in the mesh
Config.DeviceConfig.Role role = 7;
@ -674,6 +781,36 @@ message Waypoint {
fixed32 icon = 8;
* This message will be proxied over the PhoneAPI for the client to deliver to the MQTT server
message MqttClientProxyMessage {
* The MQTT topic this message will be sent /received on
string topic = 1;
* The actual service envelope payload or text for mqtt pub / sub
oneof payload_variant {
* Bytes
bytes data = 2;
* Text
string text = 3;
* Whether the message should be retained (or not)
bool retained = 4;
* A packet envelope sent/received over the mesh
* only payload_variant is sent in the payload portion of the LORA packet.
@ -695,9 +832,9 @@ message MeshPacket {
* to make sure that critical packets are sent ASAP.
* In the case of meshtastic that means we want to send protocol acks as soon as possible
* (to prevent unneeded retransmissions), we want routing messages to be sent next,
* then messages marked as reliable and finally background packets like periodic position updates.
* then messages marked as reliable and finally 'background' packets like periodic position updates.
* So I bit the bullet and implemented a new (internal - not sent over the air)
* field in MeshPacket called priority.
* field in MeshPacket called 'priority'.
* And the transmission queue in the router object is now a priority queue.
enum Priority {
@ -764,13 +901,11 @@ message MeshPacket {
* The sending node number.
* Note: Our crypto implementation uses this field as well.
* See [crypto](/docs/overview/encryption) for details.
* FIXME - really should be fixed32 instead, this encoding only hurts the ble link though.
fixed32 from = 1;
* The (immediatSee Priority description for more details.y should be fixed32 instead, this encoding only
* hurts the ble link though.
* The (immediate) destination for this packet
fixed32 to = 2;
@ -815,8 +950,6 @@ message MeshPacket {
* any ACK or the completion of a mesh broadcast flood).
* Note: Our crypto implementation uses this id as well.
* See [crypto](/docs/overview/encryption) for details.
* FIXME - really should be fixed32 instead, this encoding only
* hurts the ble link though.
fixed32 id = 6;
@ -870,7 +1003,18 @@ message MeshPacket {
* Describe if this message is delayed
Delayed delayed = 13;
Delayed delayed = 13 [deprecated = true];
* Describes whether this packet passed via MQTT somewhere along the path it currently took.
bool via_mqtt = 14;
* Hop limit with which the original packet started. Sent via LoRa using three bits in the unencrypted header.
* When receiving a packet, the difference between hop_start and hop_limit gives how many hops it traveled.
uint32 hop_start = 15;
@ -972,6 +1116,16 @@ message NodeInfo {
* local channel index we heard that node on. Only populated if its not the default channel.
uint32 channel = 7;
* True if we witnessed the node over MQTT instead of LoRA transport
bool via_mqtt = 8;
* Number of hops away from us this node is (0 if adjacent)
uint32 hops_away = 9;
@ -1029,7 +1183,7 @@ enum CriticalErrorCode {
* We detected that the main CPU voltage dropped below the minumum acceptable value
* We detected that the main CPU voltage dropped below the minimum acceptable value
@ -1055,102 +1209,17 @@ message MyNodeInfo {
uint32 my_node_num = 1;
* Deprecated in 2.1.x (Source from device_metadata)
* Note: This flag merely means we detected a hardware GPS in our node.
* Not the same as UserPreferences.location_sharing
bool has_gps = 2 [deprecated = true];
* Deprecated in 2.1.x
* The maximum number of 'software' channels that can be set on this node.
uint32 max_channels = 3 [deprecated = true];
* Deprecated in 2.1.x (Source from device_metadata)
* 0.0.5 etc...
string firmware_version = 4 [deprecated = true];
* An error message we'd like to report back to the mothership through analytics.
* It indicates a serious bug occurred on the device, the device coped with it,
* but we still want to tell the devs about the bug.
* This field will be cleared after the phone reads MyNodeInfo
* (i.e. it will only be reported once)
* a numeric error code to go with error message, zero means no error
CriticalErrorCode error_code = 5 [deprecated = true];
* A numeric error address (nonzero if available)
uint32 error_address = 6 [deprecated = true];
* The total number of errors this node has ever encountered
* (well - since the last time we discarded preferences)
uint32 error_count = 7 [deprecated = true];
* The total number of reboots this node has ever encountered
* (well - since the last time we discarded preferences)
uint32 reboot_count = 8;
* Deprecated in 2.1.x
* Calculated bitrate of the current channel (in Bytes Per Second)
float bitrate = 9 [deprecated = true];
* Deprecated in 2.1.x
* How long before we consider a message abandoned and we can clear our
* caches of any messages in flight Normally quite large to handle the worst case
* message delivery time, 5 minutes.
* Formerly called FLOOD_EXPIRE_TIME in the device code
uint32 message_timeout_msec = 10 [deprecated = true];
* The minimum app version that can talk to this device.
* Phone/PC apps should compare this to their build number and if too low tell the user they must update their app
uint32 min_app_version = 11;
* Deprecated in 2.1.x (Only used on device to keep track of utilization)
* 24 time windows of 1hr each with the airtime transmitted out of the device per hour.
repeated uint32 air_period_tx = 12 [deprecated = true];
* Deprecated in 2.1.x (Only used on device to keep track of utilization)
* 24 time windows of 1hr each with the airtime of valid packets for your mesh.
repeated uint32 air_period_rx = 13 [deprecated = true];
* Deprecated in 2.1.x (Source from DeviceMetadata instead)
* Is the device wifi capable?
bool has_wifi = 14 [deprecated = true];
* Deprecated in 2.1.x (Source from DeviceMetrics telemetry payloads)
* Utilization for the current channel, including well formed TX, RX and malformed RX (aka noise).
float channel_utilization = 15 [deprecated = true];
* Deprecated in 2.1.x (Source from DeviceMetrics telemetry payloads)
* Percent of airtime for transmission used within the last hour.
float air_util_tx = 16 [deprecated = true];
@ -1320,6 +1389,11 @@ message FromRadio {
* Device metadata message
DeviceMetadata metadata = 13;
* MQTT Client Proxy Message (device sending to client / phone for publishing to MQTT)
MqttClientProxyMessage mqttClientProxyMessage = 14;
@ -1361,6 +1435,11 @@ message ToRadio {
XModem xmodemPacket = 5;
* MQTT Client Proxy Message (for client / phone subscribed to MQTT sending to device)
MqttClientProxyMessage mqttClientProxyMessage = 6;
@ -1391,10 +1470,15 @@ message NeighborInfo {
* Field to pass neighbor info for the next sending cycle
uint32 last_sent_by_id = 2;
* Broadcast interval of the represented node (in seconds)
uint32 node_broadcast_interval_secs = 3;
* The list of out edges from this node
repeated Neighbor neighbors = 3;
repeated Neighbor neighbors = 4;
@ -1410,6 +1494,18 @@ message Neighbor {
* SNR of last heard message
float snr = 2;
* Reception time (in secs since 1970) of last message that was last sent by this ID.
* Note: this is for local storage only and will not be sent out over the mesh.
fixed32 last_rx_time = 3;
* Broadcast interval of this neighbor (in seconds).
* Note: this is for local storage only and will not be sent out over the mesh.
uint32 node_broadcast_interval_secs = 4;

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@ -18,3 +18,11 @@
*RemoteHardwareConfig.available_pins max_count:4
* max_size:15
*RemoteHardwarePin.gpio_pin int_size:8
*AmbientLightingConfig.current int_size:8
* int_size:8
* int_size:8
* int_size:8
*DetectionSensorConfig.monitor_pin int_size:8
* max_size:20

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@ -68,6 +68,36 @@ message ModuleConfig {
* This is useful if you want to use a single MQTT server for multiple meshtastic networks and separate them via ACLs
string root = 8;
* If true, we can use the connected phone / client to proxy messages to MQTT instead of a direct connection
bool proxy_to_client_enabled = 9;
* If true, we will periodically report unencrypted information about our node to a map via MQTT
bool map_reporting_enabled = 10;
* Settings for reporting information about our node to a map via MQTT
MapReportSettings map_report_settings = 11;
* Settings for reporting unencrypted information about our node to a map via MQTT
message MapReportSettings {
* How often we should report our info to the map (in seconds)
uint32 publish_interval_secs = 1;
* Bits of precision for the location sent (default of 32 is full precision).
uint32 position_precision = 2;
@ -106,6 +136,57 @@ message ModuleConfig {
uint32 update_interval = 2;
* Detection Sensor Module Config
message DetectionSensorConfig {
* Whether the Module is enabled
bool enabled = 1;
* Interval in seconds of how often we can send a message to the mesh when a state change is detected
uint32 minimum_broadcast_secs = 2;
* Interval in seconds of how often we should send a message to the mesh with the current state regardless of changes
* When set to 0, only state changes will be broadcasted
* Works as a sort of status heartbeat for peace of mind
uint32 state_broadcast_secs = 3;
* Send ASCII bell with alert message
* Useful for triggering ext. notification on bell
bool send_bell = 4;
* Friendly name used to format message sent to mesh
* Example: A name "Motion" would result in a message "Motion detected"
* Maximum length of 20 characters
string name = 5;
* GPIO pin to monitor for state changes
uint32 monitor_pin = 6;
* Whether or not the GPIO pin state detection is triggered on HIGH (1)
* Otherwise LOW (0)
bool detection_triggered_high = 7;
* Whether or not use INPUT_PULLUP mode for GPIO pin
* Only applicable if the board uses pull-up resistors on the pin
bool use_pullup = 8;
* Audio Config for codec2 voice
@ -161,6 +242,23 @@ message ModuleConfig {
uint32 i2s_sck = 7;
* Config for the Paxcounter Module
message PaxcounterConfig {
* Enable the Paxcounter Module
bool enabled = 1;
* Interval in seconds of how often we should try to send our
* metrics to the mesh
uint32 paxcounter_update_interval = 2;
* Serial Config
@ -326,6 +424,12 @@ message ModuleConfig {
* and/or beep for 60 seconds
uint32 nag_timeout = 14;
* When true, enables devices with native I2S audio output to use the RTTTL over speaker like a buzzer
* T-Watch S3 and T-Deck for example have this capability
bool use_i2s_as_buzzer = 15;
@ -423,6 +527,24 @@ message ModuleConfig {
* air quality metrics to the mesh
uint32 air_quality_interval = 7;
* Interval in seconds of how often we should try to send our
* air quality metrics to the mesh
bool power_measurement_enabled = 8;
* Interval in seconds of how often we should try to send our
* air quality metrics to the mesh
uint32 power_update_interval = 9;
* Interval in seconds of how often we should try to send our
* air quality metrics to the mesh
bool power_screen_enabled = 10;
@ -542,6 +664,38 @@ message ModuleConfig {
bool send_bell = 11;
Ambient Lighting Module - Settings for control of onboard LEDs to allow users to adjust the brightness levels and respective color levels.
Initially created for the RAK14001 RGB LED module.
message AmbientLightingConfig {
* Sets LED to on or off.
bool led_state = 1;
* Sets the current for the LED output. Default is 10.
uint32 current = 2;
* Sets the red LED level. Values are 0-255.
uint32 red = 3;
* Sets the green LED level. Values are 0-255.
uint32 green = 4;
* Sets the blue LED level. Values are 0-255.
uint32 blue = 5;
@ -595,11 +749,26 @@ message ModuleConfig {
NeighborInfoConfig neighbor_info = 10;
AmbientLightingConfig ambient_lighting = 11;
TakConfig tak = 11;
DetectionSensorConfig detection_sensor = 12;
PaxcounterConfig paxcounter = 13;
TakConfig tak = 14;

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@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
*ServiceEnvelope.packet type:FT_POINTER
*ServiceEnvelope.channel_id type:FT_POINTER
*ServiceEnvelope.gateway_id type:FT_POINTER
*ServiceEnvelope.gateway_id type:FT_POINTER
*MapReport.long_name max_size:40
*MapReport.short_name max_size:5
*MapReport.firmware_version max_size:18
*MapReport.num_online_local_nodes int_size:16

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ syntax = "proto3";
package meshtastic;
import "meshtastic/mesh.proto";
import "meshtastic/config.proto";
option csharp_namespace = "Meshtastic.Protobufs";
option go_package = "";
@ -31,3 +32,75 @@ message ServiceEnvelope {
string gateway_id = 3;
* Information about a node intended to be reported unencrypted to a map using MQTT.
message MapReport {
* A full name for this user, i.e. "Kevin Hester"
string long_name = 1;
* A VERY short name, ideally two characters.
* Suitable for a tiny OLED screen
string short_name = 2;
* Role of the node that applies specific settings for a particular use-case
Config.DeviceConfig.Role role = 3;
* Hardware model of the node, i.e. T-Beam, Heltec V3, etc...
HardwareModel hw_model = 4;
* Device firmware version string
string firmware_version = 5;
* The region code for the radio (US, CN, EU433, etc...)
Config.LoRaConfig.RegionCode region = 6;
* Modem preset used by the radio (LongFast, MediumSlow, etc...)
Config.LoRaConfig.ModemPreset modem_preset = 7;
* Whether the node has a channel with default PSK and name (LongFast, MediumSlow, etc...)
* and it uses the default frequency slot given the region and modem preset.
bool has_default_channel = 8;
* Latitude: multiply by 1e-7 to get degrees in floating point
sfixed32 latitude_i = 9;
* Longitude: multiply by 1e-7 to get degrees in floating point
sfixed32 longitude_i = 10;
* Altitude in meters above MSL
int32 altitude = 11;
* Indicates the bits of precision for latitude and longitude set by the sending node
uint32 position_precision = 12;
* Number of online nodes (heard in the last 2 hours) this node has in its list that were received locally (not via MQTT)
uint32 num_online_local_nodes = 13;

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package meshtastic;
option csharp_namespace = "Meshtastic.Protobufs";
option go_package = "";
option java_outer_classname = "PaxcountProtos";
option java_package = "com.geeksville.mesh";
option swift_prefix = "";
message Paxcount {
* seen Wifi devices
uint32 wifi = 1;
* Seen BLE devices
uint32 ble = 2;
* Uptime in seconds
uint32 uptime = 3;

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@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ enum PortNum {
* Deprecated: do not use in new code (formerly called OPAQUE)
* A message sent from a device outside of the mesh, in a form the mesh does not understand
* NOTE: This must be 0, because it is documented in IMeshService.aidl to be so
* ENCODING: binary undefined
@ -34,89 +35,123 @@ enum PortNum {
* A simple UTF-8 text message, which even the little micros in the mesh
* can understand and show on their screen eventually in some circumstances
* even signal might send messages in this form (see below)
* ENCODING: UTF-8 Plaintext (?)
* Reserved for built-in GPIO/example app.
* See remote_hardware.proto/HardwareMessage for details on the message sent/received to this port number
* ENCODING: Protobuf
* The built-in position messaging app.
* Payload is a [Position](/docs/developers/protobufs/api#position) message
* Payload is a Position message.
* ENCODING: Protobuf
* The built-in user info app.
* Payload is a [User](/docs/developers/protobufs/api#user) message
* Payload is a User message.
* ENCODING: Protobuf
* Protocol control packets for mesh protocol use.
* Payload is a [Routing](/docs/developers/protobufs/api#routing) message
* Payload is a Routing message.
* ENCODING: Protobuf
* Admin control packets.
* Payload is a [AdminMessage](/docs/developers/protobufs/api#adminmessage) message
* Payload is a AdminMessage message.
* ENCODING: Protobuf
* Compressed TEXT_MESSAGE payloads.
* ENCODING: UTF-8 Plaintext (?) with Unishox2 Compression
* NOTE: The Device Firmware converts a TEXT_MESSAGE_APP to TEXT_MESSAGE_COMPRESSED_APP if the compressed
* payload is shorter. There's no need for app developers to do this themselves. Also the firmware will decompress
* any incoming TEXT_MESSAGE_COMPRESSED_APP payload and convert to TEXT_MESSAGE_APP.
* Waypoint payloads.
* Payload is a [Waypoint](/docs/developers/protobufs/api#waypoint) message
* Payload is a Waypoint message.
* ENCODING: Protobuf
/* Audio Payloads.
* Audio Payloads.
* Encapsulated codec2 packets. On 2.4 GHZ Bandwidths only for now
* ENCODING: codec2 audio frames
* NOTE: audio frames contain a 3 byte header (0xc0 0xde 0xc2) and a one byte marker for the decompressed bitrate.
* This marker comes from the '' enum minus one.
* Same as Text Message but originating from Detection Sensor Module.
* NOTE: This portnum traffic is not sent to the public MQTT starting at firmware version 2.2.9
* Provides a 'ping' service that replies to any packet it receives.
* Also serves as a small example module.
* Used for the python IP tunnel feature
* ENCODING: IP Packet. Handled by the python API, firmware ignores this one and pases on.
* Paxcounter lib included in the firmware
* ENCODING: protobuf
* Provides a hardware serial interface to send and receive from the Meshtastic network.
* Connect to the RX/TX pins of a device with 38400 8N1. Packets received from the Meshtastic
* network is forwarded to the RX pin while sending a packet to TX will go out to the Mesh network.
* Maximum packet size of 240 bytes.
* Module is disabled by default can be turned on by setting SERIAL_MODULE_ENABLED = 1 in SerialPlugh.cpp.
* ENCODING: binary undefined
* STORE_FORWARD_APP (Work in Progress)
* Maintained by Jm Casler (MC Hamster) :
* ENCODING: Protobuf
* Optional port for messages for the range test module.
* NOTE: This portnum traffic is not sent to the public MQTT starting at firmware version 2.2.9
* Provides a format to send and receive telemetry data from the Meshtastic network.
* Maintained by Charles Crossan (crossan007) :
* ENCODING: Protobuf
@ -124,6 +159,7 @@ enum PortNum {
* Experimental tools for estimating node position without a GPS
* Maintained by Github user a-f-G-U-C (a Meshtastic contributor)
* Project files at
* ENCODING: arrays of int64 fields
ZPS_APP = 68;
@ -132,19 +168,33 @@ enum PortNum {
* as if they did using their LoRa chip.
* Maintained by GitHub user GUVWAF.
* Project files at
* ENCODING: Protobuf (?)
* Provides a traceroute functionality to show the route a packet towards
* a certain destination would take on the mesh.
* ENCODING: Protobuf
* Aggregates edge info for the network by sending out a list of each node's neighbors
* ENCODING: Protobuf
* ATAK Plugin
* Portnum for payloads from the official Meshtastic ATAK plugin
* Provides unencrypted information about a node for consumption by a map via MQTT
* Private applications should use portnums >= 256.
@ -155,6 +205,7 @@ enum PortNum {
* ATAK Forwarder Module
* ENCODING: libcotshrink
@ -162,4 +213,4 @@ enum PortNum {
* Currently we limit port nums to no higher than this value
MAX = 511;

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
*StoreAndForward.text max_size:237

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@ -58,6 +58,16 @@ message StoreAndForward {
* Router sends a text message from its history that was a direct message.
* Router sends a text message from its history that was a broadcast.
* Client is an in error state.
@ -130,12 +140,12 @@ message StoreAndForward {
bool heartbeat = 7;
* Is the heartbeat enabled on the server?
* Maximum number of messages the server will return.
uint32 return_max = 8;
* Is the heartbeat enabled on the server?
* Maximum history window in minutes the server will return messages from.
uint32 return_window = 9;
@ -155,7 +165,8 @@ message StoreAndForward {
uint32 window = 2;
* The window of messages that was used to filter the history client requested
* Index in the packet history of the last message sent in a previous request to the server.
* Will be sent to the client before sending the history and can be set in a subsequent request to avoid getting packets the server already sent to the client.
uint32 last_request = 3;
@ -165,7 +176,7 @@ message StoreAndForward {
message Heartbeat {
* Number of that will be sent to the client
* Period in seconds that the heartbeat is sent out that will be sent to the client
uint32 period = 1;
@ -200,8 +211,8 @@ message StoreAndForward {
Heartbeat heartbeat = 4;
* Empty Payload
* Text from history message.
bool empty = 5;
bytes text = 5;

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@ -53,21 +53,56 @@ message EnvironmentMetrics {
float barometric_pressure = 3;
* Gas resistance in mOhm measured
* Gas resistance in MOhm measured
float gas_resistance = 4;
* Voltage measured
* Voltage measured (To be depreciated in favor of PowerMetrics in Meshtastic 3.x)
float voltage = 5;
* Current measured
* Current measured (To be depreciated in favor of PowerMetrics in Meshtastic 3.x)
float current = 6;
* Power Metrics (voltage / current / etc)
message PowerMetrics {
* Voltage (Ch1)
float ch1_voltage = 1;
* Current (Ch1)
float ch1_current = 2;
* Voltage (Ch2)
float ch2_voltage = 3;
* Current (Ch2)
float ch2_current = 4;
* Voltage (Ch3)
float ch3_voltage = 5;
* Current (Ch3)
float ch3_current = 6;
* Air quality metrics
@ -138,11 +173,7 @@ message AirQualityMetrics {
message Telemetry {
* This is usually not sent over the mesh (to save space), but it is sent
* from the phone so that the local device can set its RTC If it is sent over
* the mesh (because there are devices on the mesh without GPS), it will only
* be sent by devices which has a hardware GPS clock (IE Mobile Phone).
* seconds since 1970
* Seconds since 1970 - or 0 for unknown/unset
fixed32 time = 1;
@ -161,6 +192,11 @@ message Telemetry {
* Air quality metrics
AirQualityMetrics air_quality_metrics = 4;
* Power Metrics
PowerMetrics power_metrics = 5;
@ -237,4 +273,15 @@ enum TelemetrySensorType {
* PM2.5 air quality sensor
PMSA003I = 13;
* INA3221 3 Channel Voltage / Current Sensor
INA3221 = 14;
* BMP085/BMP180 High accuracy temperature and pressure (older Version of BMP280)
BMP085 = 15;