import asyncio import time import re import certifi import io import ssl from typing import List, Union from nio import ( AsyncClient, AsyncClientConfig, MatrixRoom, RoomMessageText, RoomMessageNotice, UploadResponse, ) from config import relay_config from log_utils import get_logger from plugin_loader import load_plugins from meshtastic_utils import connect_meshtastic from PIL import Image matrix_homeserver = relay_config["matrix"]["homeserver"] matrix_rooms: List[dict] = relay_config["matrix_rooms"] matrix_access_token = relay_config["matrix"]["access_token"] bot_user_id = relay_config["matrix"]["bot_user_id"] bot_user_name = None # Detected upon logon bot_start_time = int( time.time() * 1000 ) # Timestamp when the bot starts, used to filter out old messages logger = get_logger(name="Matrix") matrix_client = None def bot_command(command, payload): return f"{bot_user_name}: !{command}" in payload async def connect_matrix(): global matrix_client global bot_user_name if matrix_client: return matrix_client # Create SSL context using certifi's certificates ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context(cafile=certifi.where()) # Initialize the Matrix client with custom SSL context config = AsyncClientConfig(encryption_enabled=False) matrix_client = AsyncClient( matrix_homeserver, bot_user_id, config=config, ssl=ssl_context ) matrix_client.access_token = matrix_access_token response = await matrix_client.get_displayname(bot_user_id) bot_user_name = response.displayname return matrix_client async def join_matrix_room(matrix_client, room_id_or_alias: str) -> None: """Join a Matrix room by its ID or alias.""" try: if room_id_or_alias.startswith("#"): response = await matrix_client.resolve_room_alias(room_id_or_alias) if not response.room_id: logger.error( f"Failed to resolve room alias '{room_id_or_alias}': {response.message}" ) return room_id = response.room_id else: room_id = room_id_or_alias if room_id not in matrix_client.rooms: response = await matrix_client.join(room_id) if response and hasattr(response, "room_id"):"Joined room '{room_id_or_alias}' successfully") else: logger.error( f"Failed to join room '{room_id_or_alias}': {response.message}" ) else: logger.debug(f"Bot is already in room '{room_id_or_alias}'") except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error joining room '{room_id_or_alias}': {e}") # Send message to the Matrix room async def matrix_relay(room_id, message, longname, meshnet_name): matrix_client = await connect_matrix() try: content = { "msgtype": "m.text", "body": message, "meshtastic_longname": longname, "meshtastic_meshnet": meshnet_name, } await asyncio.wait_for( matrix_client.room_send( room_id=room_id, message_type="", content=content, ), timeout=0.5, )"Sent inbound radio message to matrix room: {room_id}") except asyncio.TimeoutError: logger.error(f"Timed out while waiting for Matrix response") except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error sending radio message to matrix room {room_id}: {e}") def truncate_message( text, max_bytes=227 ): # 227 is the maximum that we can run without an error so far. 228 throws an error. """ Truncate the given text to fit within the specified byte size. :param text: The text to truncate. :param max_bytes: The maximum allowed byte size for the truncated text. :return: The truncated text. """ truncated_text = text.encode("utf-8")[:max_bytes].decode("utf-8", "ignore") return truncated_text # Callback for new messages in Matrix room async def on_room_message( room: MatrixRoom, event: Union[RoomMessageText, RoomMessageNotice] ) -> None: full_display_name = "Unknown user" message_timestamp = event.server_timestamp # We do not relay the past if message_timestamp < bot_start_time: return room_config = None for config in matrix_rooms: if config["id"] == room.room_id: room_config = config break # Only relay supported rooms if not room_config: return text = event.body.strip() longname = event.source["content"].get("meshtastic_longname") meshnet_name = event.source["content"].get("meshtastic_meshnet") suppress = event.source["content"].get("mmrelay_suppress") local_meshnet_name = relay_config["meshtastic"]["meshnet_name"] # Do not process if suppress: return if longname and meshnet_name: full_display_name = f"{longname}/{meshnet_name}" if meshnet_name != local_meshnet_name:"Processing message from remote meshnet: {text}") short_longname = longname[:3] short_meshnet_name = meshnet_name[:4] prefix = f"{short_longname}/{short_meshnet_name}: " text = re.sub( rf"^\[{full_display_name}\]: ", "", text ) # Remove the original prefix from the text text = truncate_message(text) full_message = f"{prefix}{text}" else: # This is a message from a local user, it should be ignored no log is needed return else: display_name_response = await matrix_client.get_displayname(event.sender) full_display_name = display_name_response.displayname or event.sender short_display_name = full_display_name[:5] prefix = f"{short_display_name}[M]: " logger.debug(f"Processing matrix message from [{full_display_name}]: {text}") full_message = f"{prefix}{text}" text = truncate_message(text) truncated_message = f"{prefix}{text}" # Plugin functionality plugins = load_plugins() meshtastic_interface = connect_meshtastic() from meshtastic_utils import logger as meshtastic_logger found_matching_plugin = False for plugin in plugins: if not found_matching_plugin: found_matching_plugin = await plugin.handle_room_message( room, event, full_message ) if found_matching_plugin: logger.debug(f"Processed by plugin {plugin.plugin_name}") meshtastic_channel = room_config["meshtastic_channel"] if found_matching_plugin or event.sender != bot_user_id: if relay_config["meshtastic"]["broadcast_enabled"]: f"Relaying message from {full_display_name} to radio broadcast" ) meshtastic_interface.sendText( text=full_message, channelIndex=meshtastic_channel ) else: logger.debug( f"Broadcast not supported: Message from {full_display_name} dropped." ) async def upload_image( client: AsyncClient, image: Image.Image, filename: str ) -> UploadResponse: buffer = io.BytesIO(), format="PNG") image_data = buffer.getvalue() response, maybe_keys = await client.upload( io.BytesIO(image_data), content_type="image/png", filename=filename, filesize=len(image_data), ) return response async def send_room_image( client: AsyncClient, room_id: str, upload_response: UploadResponse ): response = await client.room_send( room_id=room_id, message_type="", content={"msgtype": "m.image", "url": upload_response.content_uri, "body": ""}, )