import staticmaps import math import random import io import re from PIL import Image from nio import AsyncClient, UploadResponse from base_plugin import BasePlugin from matrix_utils import connect_matrix from meshtastic_utils import connect_meshtastic def anonymize_location(lat, lon, radius=1000): # Generate random offsets for latitude and longitude lat_offset = random.uniform(-radius / 111320, radius / 111320) lon_offset = random.uniform( -radius / (111320 * math.cos(lat)), radius / (111320 * math.cos(lat)) ) # Apply the offsets to the location coordinates new_lat = lat + lat_offset new_lon = lon + lon_offset return new_lat, new_lon def get_map(locations, zoom=None, image_size=None, radius=10000): """ Anonymize a location to 10km by default """ context = staticmaps.Context() context.set_tile_provider(staticmaps.tile_provider_OSM) context.set_zoom(zoom) for location in locations: new_location = anonymize_location( lat=float(location["lat"]), lon=float(location["lon"]), radius=radius, ) radio = staticmaps.create_latlng(new_location[0], new_location[1]) context.add_object(staticmaps.Marker(radio, size=10)) # render non-anti-aliased png if image_size: return context.render_pillow(image_size[0], image_size[1]) else: return context.render_pillow(1000, 1000) async def upload_image(client: AsyncClient, image: Image.Image) -> UploadResponse: buffer = io.BytesIO(), format="PNG") image_data = buffer.getvalue() response, maybe_keys = await client.upload( io.BytesIO(image_data), content_type="image/png", filename="location.png", filesize=len(image_data), ) return response async def send_room_image( client: AsyncClient, room_id: str, upload_response: UploadResponse ): response = await client.room_send( room_id=room_id, message_type="", content={"msgtype": "m.image", "url": upload_response.content_uri, "body": ""}, ) async def send_image(client: AsyncClient, room_id: str, image: Image.Image): response = await upload_image(client=client, image=image) await send_room_image(client, room_id, upload_response=response) class Plugin(BasePlugin): plugin_name = "map" async def handle_meshtastic_message( self, packet, formatted_message, longname, meshnet_name ): return async def handle_room_message(self, room, event, full_message): matrix_client = await connect_matrix() meshtastic_client = connect_meshtastic() pattern = r"^.*:(?: !map(?: zoom=(\d+))?(?: size=(\d+),(\d+))?)?$" match = re.match(pattern, full_message) if match: zoom = image_size =, 3) try: zoom = int(zoom) except: zoom = 8 if zoom < 0 or zoom > 30: zoom = 8 try: image_size = (int(image_size[0]), int(image_size[1])) except: image_size = (1000, 1000) if image_size[0] > 1000 or image_size[1] > 1000: image_size = (1000, 1000) locations = [] for node, info in meshtastic_client.nodes.items(): if "position" in info and "latitude" in info["position"]: locations.append( { "lat": info["position"]["latitude"], "lon": info["position"]["longitude"], } ) pillow_image = get_map( locations=locations, zoom=zoom, image_size=image_size ) await send_image(matrix_client, room.room_id, pillow_image)