Dominika 2020-07-25 03:27:25 +02:00
commit 07891c9778
2 zmienionych plików z 48 dodań i 0 usunięć

13 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# mBank mobile app deadname remover
On the main screen of the mighty mBank mobile app, there's a huge text welcoming the user to the app. It isn't problematic for most, but what if your name has changed, but it's legally still the old one? Well, this shell script to the rescue!
## Instructions
1. Get mBank's `base.apk` from your device - it usually sits somewhere in `/data/app/*/base.apk`
2. Run the script with the APK as a parameter, and your real name as the second one - `./ base.apk Laura`
3. Transfer the patched APK back to your device
4. Uninstall the old application from your device - this is needed, as Android won't let you install a self-signed application over another application
5. Install the APK, pair the app with mBank
6. ???
7. Profit!

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
if [[ $# -lt 2 ]]; then
echo "usage: $0 <mbank_apk> <your desired name(s)>"
exit 0
apk=$(realpath $1)
mkdir mbank
cd mbank
[[ ! -f "apktool.jar" ]] && wget -O apktool.jar
[[ ! -f "signapk.jar" ]] && wget -O signapk.jar
java -jar apktool.jar d $apk -o base
strings_file_en=$(grep -Rl "Hello, %s" base/res/*)
strings_file_pl=$(grep -Rl "Witaj, %s" base/res/*)
sed -i "s/Hello, \%s/Hello, $2/" $strings_file_en
sed -i "s/Witaj, \%s/Witaj, $2/" $strings_file_pl
if [[ ! -f "crypto.crt" || ! -f "key.pk8" ]]; then
openssl genrsa -out crypto.key 1024
openssl req -new -key crypto.key -out crypto.csr -subj "/C=PL/ST=Warsaw/L=Warsaw/O=Paweł Tanajno Rigcz Hawajska+ hacker collective"
openssl x509 -req -days 9999 -in crypto.csr -signkey crypto.key -out crypto.crt
cat crypto.key crypto.crt > certificate.pem
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -outform DER -in certificate.pem -inform PEM -out key.pk8 -nocrypt
rm crypto.key crypto.csr certificate.pem
java -jar apktool.jar b base -o out.apk
java -jar signapk.jar crypto.crt key.pk8 out.apk out_signed.apk
rm -R mbank/base
echo "IMPORTANT NOTE: please store crypto.crt and key.pk8 in a safe place - you'll need them to sign the app after any updates."
echo "OUTPUT FILE: mbank/out_signed.apk"