
215 wiersze
7.5 KiB

import Store from 'electron-store';
// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies
import electron from 'electron';
import { join, dirname } from 'path';
import { pathExists } from 'fs-extra';
import { KeyBinding, Config } from '../../types.js';
import logger from './logger.js';
import { isWindows } from './util.js';
const { app } = electron;
const defaultKeyBindings: KeyBinding[] = [
{ keys: 'plus', action: 'addSegment' },
{ keys: 'space', action: 'togglePlayResetSpeed' },
{ keys: 'k', action: 'togglePlayNoResetSpeed' },
{ keys: 'j', action: 'reducePlaybackRate' },
{ keys: 'shift+j', action: 'reducePlaybackRateMore' },
{ keys: 'l', action: 'increasePlaybackRate' },
{ keys: 'shift+l', action: 'increasePlaybackRateMore' },
{ keys: 'z', action: 'timelineToggleComfortZoom' },
{ keys: ',', action: 'seekPreviousFrame' },
{ keys: '.', action: 'seekNextFrame' },
{ keys: 'c', action: 'captureSnapshot' },
{ keys: 'i', action: 'setCutStart' },
{ keys: 'o', action: 'setCutEnd' },
{ keys: 'backspace', action: 'removeCurrentSegment' },
{ keys: 'd', action: 'cleanupFilesDialog' },
{ keys: 'b', action: 'splitCurrentSegment' },
{ keys: 'r', action: 'increaseRotation' },
{ keys: 'g', action: 'goToTimecode' },
{ keys: 'left', action: 'seekBackwards' },
{ keys: 'ctrl+left', action: 'seekBackwardsPercent' },
{ keys: 'command+left', action: 'seekBackwardsPercent' },
{ keys: 'alt+left', action: 'seekBackwardsKeyframe' },
{ keys: 'shift+left', action: 'jumpCutStart' },
{ keys: 'right', action: 'seekForwards' },
{ keys: 'ctrl+right', action: 'seekForwardsPercent' },
{ keys: 'command+right', action: 'seekForwardsPercent' },
{ keys: 'alt+right', action: 'seekForwardsKeyframe' },
{ keys: 'shift+right', action: 'jumpCutEnd' },
{ keys: 'ctrl+home', action: 'jumpTimelineStart' },
{ keys: 'ctrl+end', action: 'jumpTimelineEnd' },
{ keys: 'pageup', action: 'jumpFirstSegment' },
{ keys: 'up', action: 'jumpPrevSegment' },
{ keys: 'ctrl+up', action: 'timelineZoomIn' },
{ keys: 'command+up', action: 'timelineZoomIn' },
{ keys: 'shift+up', action: 'batchPreviousFile' },
{ keys: 'ctrl+shift+up', action: 'batchOpenPreviousFile' },
{ keys: 'pagedown', action: 'jumpLastSegment' },
{ keys: 'down', action: 'jumpNextSegment' },
{ keys: 'ctrl+down', action: 'timelineZoomOut' },
{ keys: 'command+down', action: 'timelineZoomOut' },
{ keys: 'shift+down', action: 'batchNextFile' },
{ keys: 'ctrl+shift+down', action: 'batchOpenNextFile' },
{ keys: 'shift+enter', action: 'batchOpenSelectedFile' },
// https://github.com/mifi/lossless-cut/issues/610
{ keys: 'ctrl+z', action: 'undo' },
{ keys: 'command+z', action: 'undo' },
{ keys: 'ctrl+shift+z', action: 'redo' },
{ keys: 'command+shift+z', action: 'redo' },
{ keys: 'ctrl+c', action: 'copySegmentsToClipboard' },
{ keys: 'command+c', action: 'copySegmentsToClipboard' },
{ keys: 'f', action: 'toggleFullscreenVideo' },
{ keys: 'enter', action: 'labelCurrentSegment' },
{ keys: 'e', action: 'export' },
{ keys: 'shift+/', action: 'toggleKeyboardShortcuts' },
{ keys: 'escape', action: 'closeActiveScreen' },
{ keys: 'alt+up', action: 'increaseVolume' },
{ keys: 'alt+down', action: 'decreaseVolume' },
const defaults: Config = {
captureFormat: 'jpeg',
customOutDir: undefined,
keyframeCut: true,
autoMerge: false,
autoDeleteMergedSegments: true,
segmentsToChaptersOnly: false,
enableSmartCut: false,
timecodeFormat: 'timecodeWithDecimalFraction',
invertCutSegments: false,
autoExportExtraStreams: true,
exportConfirmEnabled: true,
askBeforeClose: false,
enableAskForImportChapters: true,
enableAskForFileOpenAction: true,
playbackVolume: 1,
autoSaveProjectFile: true,
wheelSensitivity: 0.2,
language: undefined,
ffmpegExperimental: false,
preserveMovData: false,
movFastStart: true,
avoidNegativeTs: 'make_zero',
hideNotifications: undefined,
autoLoadTimecode: false,
segmentsToChapters: false,
preserveMetadataOnMerge: false,
simpleMode: true,
outSegTemplate: undefined,
keyboardSeekAccFactor: 1.03,
keyboardNormalSeekSpeed: 1,
treatInputFileModifiedTimeAsStart: true,
treatOutputFileModifiedTimeAsStart: true,
outFormatLocked: undefined,
safeOutputFileName: true,
windowBounds: undefined,
enableAutoHtml5ify: true,
keyBindings: defaultKeyBindings,
customFfPath: undefined,
storeProjectInWorkingDir: true,
enableOverwriteOutput: true,
mouseWheelZoomModifierKey: 'ctrl',
captureFrameMethod: 'videotag', // we don't default to ffmpeg because ffmpeg might choose a frame slightly off
captureFrameQuality: 0.95,
captureFrameFileNameFormat: 'timestamp',
enableNativeHevc: true,
enableUpdateCheck: true,
cleanupChoices: {
trashTmpFiles: true, askForCleanup: true, closeFile: true, cleanupAfterExport: false,
allowMultipleInstances: false,
darkMode: true,
preferStrongColors: false,
outputFileNameMinZeroPadding: 1,
cutFromAdjustmentFrames: 0,
invertTimelineScroll: undefined,
// For portable app: https://github.com/mifi/lossless-cut/issues/645
async function getCustomStoragePath() {
try {
if (!isWindows || process.windowsStore) return undefined;
// https://github.com/mifi/lossless-cut/issues/645#issuecomment-1001363314
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46307797/how-to-get-the-original-path-of-a-portable-electron-app
// https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-builder/blob/master/docs/configuration/nsis.md
const customStorageDir = process.env['PORTABLE_EXECUTABLE_DIR'] || dirname(app.getPath('exe'));
const customConfigPath = join(customStorageDir, 'config.json');
if (await pathExists(customConfigPath)) return customStorageDir;
return undefined;
} catch (err) {
logger.error('Failed to get custom storage path', err);
return undefined;
let store: Store;
export function get<T extends keyof Config>(key: T): Config[T] {
return store.get(key);
export function set<T extends keyof Config>(key: T, val: Config[T]) {
if (val === undefined) store.delete(key);
else store.set(key, val);
export function reset<T extends keyof Config>(key: T) {
set(key, defaults[key]);
async function tryCreateStore({ customStoragePath }: { customStoragePath: string | undefined }) {
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i += 1) {
try {
store = new Store({
...(customStoragePath != null ? { cwd: customStoragePath } : {}),
} catch (err) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 2000));
logger.error('Failed to create config store, retrying', err);
throw new Error('Timed out while creating config store');
export async function init() {
const customStoragePath = await getCustomStoragePath();
if (customStoragePath) logger.info('customStoragePath', customStoragePath);
await tryCreateStore({ customStoragePath });
// migrate old configs:
const enableTransferTimestamps = store.get('enableTransferTimestamps'); // todo remove after a while
if (enableTransferTimestamps != null) {
logger.info('Migrating enableTransferTimestamps');
set('treatOutputFileModifiedTimeAsStart', enableTransferTimestamps ? true : undefined);
const cleanupChoices = store.get('cleanupChoices'); // todo remove after a while
if (cleanupChoices != null && cleanupChoices.closeFile == null) {
logger.info('Migrating cleanupChoices.closeFile');
set('cleanupChoices', { ...cleanupChoices, closeFile: true });