"""Core ActivityPub classes.""" import logging import json import weakref from datetime import datetime from enum import Enum from .errors import BadActivityError from .errors import UnexpectedActivityTypeError from .errors import Error from .errors import NotFromOutboxError # from .errors import ActivityNotFoundError # from .urlutils import check_url from .collection import parse_collection from .backend import Backend from typing import List from typing import Optional from typing import Dict from typing import Any from typing import Union from typing import Type logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) UninitializedBackendError = Error("a backend must be initialized") # Helper/shortcut for typing ObjectType = Dict[str, Any] ObjectOrIDType = Union[str, ObjectType] CTX_AS = "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams" CTX_SECURITY = "https://w3id.org/security/v1" AS_PUBLIC = "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public" COLLECTION_CTX = [ "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", "https://w3id.org/security/v1", {"Hashtag": "as:Hashtag", "sensitive": "as:sensitive"}, ] # Will be used to keep track of all the defined activities _ACTIVITY_CLS: Dict["ActivityType", Type["BaseActivity"]] = {} BACKEND: Optional[Backend] = None def use_backend(backend_instance): global BACKEND BACKEND = backend_instance class ActivityType(Enum): """Supported activity `type`.""" ANNOUNCE = "Announce" BLOCK = "Block" LIKE = "Like" CREATE = "Create" UPDATE = "Update" PERSON = "Person" ORDERED_COLLECTION = "OrderedCollection" ORDERED_COLLECTION_PAGE = "OrderedCollectionPage" COLLECTION_PAGE = "CollectionPage" COLLECTION = "Collection" NOTE = "Note" ACCEPT = "Accept" REJECT = "Reject" FOLLOW = "Follow" DELETE = "Delete" UNDO = "Undo" IMAGE = "Image" TOMBSTONE = "Tombstone" def parse_activity( payload: ObjectType, expected: Optional[ActivityType] = None ) -> "BaseActivity": t = ActivityType(payload["type"]) if expected and t != expected: raise UnexpectedActivityTypeError( f'expected a {expected.name} activity, got a {payload["type"]}' ) if t not in _ACTIVITY_CLS: raise BadActivityError(f'unsupported activity type {payload["type"]}') activity = _ACTIVITY_CLS[t](**payload) return activity def _to_list(data: Union[List[Any], Any]) -> List[Any]: """Helper to convert fields that can be either an object or a list of objects to a list of object.""" if isinstance(data, list): return data return [data] def clean_activity(activity: ObjectType) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Clean the activity before rendering it. - Remove the hidden bco and bcc field """ for field in ["bto", "bcc"]: if field in activity: del (activity[field]) if activity["type"] == "Create" and field in activity["object"]: del (activity["object"][field]) return activity def _get_actor_id(actor: ObjectOrIDType) -> str: """Helper for retrieving an actor `id`.""" if isinstance(actor, dict): return actor["id"] return actor class _ActivityMeta(type): """Metaclass for keeping track of subclass.""" def __new__(meta, name, bases, class_dict): cls = type.__new__(meta, name, bases, class_dict) # Ensure the class has an activity type defined if name != "BaseActivity" and not cls.ACTIVITY_TYPE: raise ValueError(f"class {name} has no ACTIVITY_TYPE") # Register it _ACTIVITY_CLS[cls.ACTIVITY_TYPE] = cls return cls class BaseActivity(object, metaclass=_ActivityMeta): """Base class for ActivityPub activities.""" ACTIVITY_TYPE: Optional[ ActivityType ] = None # the ActivityTypeEnum the class will represent OBJECT_REQUIRED = False # Whether the object field is required or note ALLOWED_OBJECT_TYPES: List[ActivityType] = [] ACTOR_REQUIRED = ( True ) # Most of the object requires an actor, so this flag in on by default def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: # noqa: C901 if not self.ACTIVITY_TYPE: raise Error("should never happen") if kwargs.get("type") and kwargs.pop("type") != self.ACTIVITY_TYPE.value: raise UnexpectedActivityTypeError( f"Expect the type to be {self.ACTIVITY_TYPE.value!r}" ) # Initialize the dict that will contains all the activity fields self._data: Dict[str, Any] = {"type": self.ACTIVITY_TYPE.value} logger.debug(f"initializing a {self.ACTIVITY_TYPE.value} activity: {kwargs!r}") # A place to set ephemeral data self.__ctx: Any = {} # The id may not be present for new activities if "id" in kwargs: self._data["id"] = kwargs.pop("id") if self.ACTIVITY_TYPE != ActivityType.PERSON and self.ACTOR_REQUIRED: actor = kwargs.get("actor") if actor: kwargs.pop("actor") actor = self._validate_person(actor) self._data["actor"] = actor elif self.ACTIVITY_TYPE == ActivityType.NOTE: if "attributedTo" not in kwargs: raise BadActivityError(f"Note is missing attributedTo") else: raise BadActivityError("missing actor") if self.OBJECT_REQUIRED and "object" in kwargs: obj = kwargs.pop("object") if isinstance(obj, str): # The object is a just a reference the its ID/IRI # FIXME(tsileo): fetch the ref self._data["object"] = obj else: if not self.ALLOWED_OBJECT_TYPES: raise UnexpectedActivityTypeError("unexpected object") if "type" not in obj or ( self.ACTIVITY_TYPE != ActivityType.CREATE and "id" not in obj ): raise BadActivityError("invalid object, missing type") if ActivityType(obj["type"]) not in self.ALLOWED_OBJECT_TYPES: raise UnexpectedActivityTypeError( f'unexpected object type {obj["type"]} (allowed={self.ALLOWED_OBJECT_TYPES!r})' ) self._data["object"] = obj if "@context" not in kwargs: self._data["@context"] = CTX_AS else: self._data["@context"] = kwargs.pop("@context") # @context check if not isinstance(self._data["@context"], list): self._data["@context"] = [self._data["@context"]] if CTX_SECURITY not in self._data["@context"]: self._data["@context"].append(CTX_SECURITY) if isinstance(self._data["@context"][-1], dict): self._data["@context"][-1]["Hashtag"] = "as:Hashtag" self._data["@context"][-1]["sensitive"] = "as:sensitive" else: self._data["@context"].append( {"Hashtag": "as:Hashtag", "sensitive": "as:sensitive"} ) # FIXME(tsileo): keys required for some subclasses? allowed_keys = None try: allowed_keys = self._init(**kwargs) logger.debug("calling custom init") except NotImplementedError: pass if allowed_keys: # Allows an extra to (like for Accept and Follow) kwargs.pop("to", None) if len(set(kwargs.keys()) - set(allowed_keys)) > 0: raise BadActivityError(f"extra data left: {kwargs!r}") else: # Remove keys with `None` value valid_kwargs = {} for k, v in kwargs.items(): if v is None: continue valid_kwargs[k] = v self._data.update(**valid_kwargs) def ctx(self) -> Any: return self.__ctx() def set_ctx(self, ctx: Any) -> None: # FIXME(tsileo): does not use the ctx to set the id to the "parent" when building delete self.__ctx = weakref.ref(ctx) def _init(self, **kwargs) -> Optional[List[str]]: """Optional init callback that may returns a list of allowed keys.""" raise NotImplementedError def __repr__(self) -> str: """Pretty repr.""" return "{}({!r})".format(self.__class__.__qualname__, self._data.get("id")) def __str__(self) -> str: """Returns the ID/IRI when castign to str.""" return str(self._data.get("id", f"[new {self.ACTIVITY_TYPE} activity]")) def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: """Allow to access the object field as regular attributes.""" if self._data.get(name): return self._data.get(name) def _outbox_set_id(self, uri: str, obj_id: str) -> None: """Optional callback for subclasses to so something with a newly generated ID (for outbox activities).""" raise NotImplementedError def outbox_set_id(self, uri: str, obj_id: str) -> None: """Set the ID for a new activity.""" logger.debug(f"setting ID {uri} / {obj_id}") self._data["id"] = uri try: self._outbox_set_id(uri, obj_id) except NotImplementedError: pass def _actor_id(self, obj: ObjectOrIDType) -> str: if isinstance(obj, dict) and obj["type"] == ActivityType.PERSON.value: obj_id = obj.get("id") if not obj_id: raise BadActivityError(f"missing object id: {obj!r}") return obj_id elif isinstance(obj, str): return obj else: raise BadActivityError(f'invalid "actor" field: {obj!r}') def _validate_person(self, obj: ObjectOrIDType) -> str: if BACKEND is None: raise UninitializedBackendError obj_id = self._actor_id(obj) try: actor = BACKEND.fetch_iri(obj_id) except Exception: raise BadActivityError(f"failed to validate actor {obj!r}") if not actor or "id" not in actor: raise BadActivityError(f"invalid actor {actor}") return actor["id"] def get_object(self) -> "BaseActivity": """Returns the object as a BaseActivity instance.""" if BACKEND is None: raise UninitializedBackendError if self.__obj: return self.__obj if isinstance(self._data["object"], dict): p = parse_activity(self._data["object"]) else: obj = BACKEND.fetch_iri(self._data["object"]) if ActivityType(obj.get("type")) not in self.ALLOWED_OBJECT_TYPES: raise UnexpectedActivityTypeError( f'invalid object type {obj.get("type")!r}' ) p = parse_activity(obj) self.__obj: Optional["BaseActivity"] = p return p def reset_object_cache(self) -> None: self.__obj = None def to_dict( self, embed: bool = False, embed_object_id_only: bool = False ) -> ObjectType: """Serializes the activity back to a dict, ready to be JSON serialized.""" data = dict(self._data) if embed: for k in ["@context", "signature"]: if k in data: del (data[k]) if ( data.get("object") and embed_object_id_only and isinstance(data["object"], dict) ): try: data["object"] = data["object"]["id"] except KeyError: raise BadActivityError( f'embedded object {data["object"]!r} should have an id' ) return data def get_actor(self) -> "Person": if BACKEND is None: raise UninitializedBackendError # FIXME(tsileo): cache the actor (same way as get_object) actor = self._data.get("actor") if not actor and self.ACTOR_REQUIRED: # Quick hack for Note objects if self.ACTIVITY_TYPE == ActivityType.NOTE: actor = str(self._data.get("attributedTo")) else: raise BadActivityError(f"failed to fetch actor: {self._data!r}") if not isinstance(actor, (str, dict)): raise BadActivityError(f"invalid actor: {self._data!r}") actor_id = self._actor_id(actor) return Person(**BACKEND.fetch_iri(actor_id)) def _pre_post_to_outbox(self) -> None: raise NotImplementedError def _post_to_outbox( self, as_actor: "Person", obj_id: str, activity: ObjectType, recipients: List[str], ) -> None: raise NotImplementedError def _undo_outbox(self, as_actor: "Person") -> None: raise NotImplementedError def _pre_process_from_inbox(self, as_actor: "Person") -> None: raise NotImplementedError def _process_from_inbox(self, as_actor: "Person") -> None: raise NotImplementedError def _undo_inbox(self, as_actor: "Person") -> None: raise NotImplementedError def process_from_inbox(self, as_actor: "Person") -> None: """Process the message posted to `as_actor` inbox.""" if BACKEND is None: raise UninitializedBackendError logger.debug(f"calling main process from inbox hook for {self}") actor = self.get_actor() # Check for Block activity if BACKEND.outbox_is_blocked(as_actor, actor.id): # TODO(tsileo): raise ActorBlockedError? logger.info( f"actor {actor!r} is blocked, dropping the received activity {self!r}" ) return if BACKEND.inbox_get_by_iri(as_actor, self.id): # The activity is already in the inbox logger.info(f"received duplicate activity {self}, dropping it") return try: self._pre_process_from_inbox(as_actor) logger.debug("called pre process from inbox hook") except NotImplementedError: logger.debug("pre process from inbox hook not implemented") BACKEND.inbox_new(as_actor, self) logger.info("activity {self!r} saved") try: self._process_from_inbox(as_actor) logger.debug("called process from inbox hook") except NotImplementedError: logger.debug("process from inbox hook not implemented") def post_to_outbox(self) -> None: if BACKEND is None: raise UninitializedBackendError logger.debug(f"calling main post to outbox hook for {self}") # Assign create a random ID obj_id = BACKEND.random_object_id() self.outbox_set_id(BACKEND.activity_url(obj_id), obj_id) try: self._pre_post_to_outbox() logger.debug(f"called pre post to outbox hook") except NotImplementedError: logger.debug("pre post to outbox hook not implemented") BACKEND.outbox_new(self.get_actor(), self) recipients = self.recipients() logger.info(f"recipients={recipients}") activity = clean_activity(self.to_dict()) try: self._post_to_outbox(self.get_actor(), obj_id, activity, recipients) logger.debug(f"called post to outbox hook") except NotImplementedError: logger.debug("post to outbox hook not implemented") payload = json.dumps(activity) for recp in recipients: logger.debug(f"posting to {recp}") BACKEND.post_to_remote_inbox(self.get_actor(), payload, recp) def _recipients(self) -> List[str]: return [] def recipients(self) -> List[str]: # noqa: C901 if BACKEND is None: raise UninitializedBackendError recipients = self._recipients() actor_id = self.get_actor().id out: List[str] = [] for recipient in recipients: # if recipient in PUBLIC_INSTANCES: # if recipient not in out: # out.append(str(recipient)) # continue if recipient in [actor_id, AS_PUBLIC, None]: continue if isinstance(recipient, Person): if recipient.id == actor_id: continue actor = recipient else: raw_actor = BACKEND.fetch_iri(recipient) if raw_actor["type"] == ActivityType.PERSON.value: actor = Person(**raw_actor) if actor.endpoints: shared_inbox = actor.endpoints.get("sharedInbox") if shared_inbox not in out: out.append(shared_inbox) continue if actor.inbox and actor.inbox not in out: out.append(actor.inbox) # Is the activity a `Collection`/`OrderedCollection`? elif raw_actor["type"] in [ ActivityType.COLLECTION.value, ActivityType.ORDERED_COLLECTION.value, ]: for item in parse_collection(raw_actor, fetcher=BACKEND.fetch_iri): if item in [actor_id, AS_PUBLIC]: continue try: col_actor = Person(**BACKEND.fetch_iri(item)) except UnexpectedActivityTypeError: logger.exception(f"failed to fetch actor {item!r}") if col_actor.endpoints: shared_inbox = col_actor.endpoints.get("sharedInbox") if shared_inbox not in out: out.append(shared_inbox) continue if col_actor.inbox and col_actor.inbox not in out: out.append(col_actor.inbox) else: raise BadActivityError(f"failed to parse {raw_actor!r}") return out def build_undo(self) -> "BaseActivity": raise NotImplementedError def build_delete(self) -> "BaseActivity": raise NotImplementedError class Person(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityType.PERSON OBJECT_REQUIRED = False ACTOR_REQUIRED = False class Block(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityType.BLOCK OBJECT_REQUIRED = True ACTOR_REQUIRED = True class Collection(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityType.COLLECTION OBJECT_REQUIRED = False ACTOR_REQUIRED = False class Image(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityType.IMAGE OBJECT_REQUIRED = False ACTOR_REQUIRED = False def _init(self, **kwargs): self._data.update(url=kwargs.pop("url")) def __repr__(self): return "Image({!r})".format(self._data.get("url")) class Follow(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityType.FOLLOW ALLOWED_OBJECT_TYPES = [ActivityType.PERSON] OBJECT_REQUIRED = True ACTOR_REQUIRED = True def _build_reply(self, reply_type: ActivityType) -> BaseActivity: if reply_type == ActivityType.ACCEPT: return Accept(actor=self.get_object().id, object=self.to_dict(embed=True)) raise ValueError(f"type {reply_type} is invalid for building a reply") def _recipients(self) -> List[str]: return [self.get_object().id] def _process_from_inbox(self, as_actor: "Person") -> None: """Receiving a Follow should trigger an Accept.""" if BACKEND is None: raise UninitializedBackendError accept = self.build_accept() accept.post_to_outbox() BACKEND.new_follower(as_actor, self) def _post_to_outbox( self, as_actor: "Person", obj_id: str, activity: ObjectType, recipients: List[str], ) -> None: # XXX The new_following event will be triggered by Accept pass def _undo_inbox(self, as_actor: "Person") -> None: if BACKEND is None: raise UninitializedBackendError BACKEND.undo_new_follower(as_actor, self) def _undo_outbox(self, as_actor: "Person") -> None: if BACKEND is None: raise UninitializedBackendError BACKEND.undo_new_following(as_actor, self) def build_accept(self) -> BaseActivity: return self._build_reply(ActivityType.ACCEPT) def build_undo(self) -> BaseActivity: return Undo(object=self.to_dict(embed=True), actor=self.get_actor().id) class Accept(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityType.ACCEPT ALLOWED_OBJECT_TYPES = [ActivityType.FOLLOW] OBJECT_REQUIRED = True ACTOR_REQUIRED = True def _recipients(self) -> List[str]: return [self.get_object().get_actor().id] def _pre_process_from_inbox(self, as_actor: "Person") -> None: # FIXME(tsileo): ensure the actor match the object actor pass def _process_from_inbox(self, as_actor: "Person") -> None: if BACKEND is None: raise UninitializedBackendError o = self.get_object() if isinstance(o, Follow): BACKEND.new_following(as_actor, o) class Undo(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityType.UNDO ALLOWED_OBJECT_TYPES = [ ActivityType.FOLLOW, ActivityType.LIKE, ActivityType.ANNOUNCE, ] OBJECT_REQUIRED = True ACTOR_REQUIRED = True def _recipients(self) -> List[str]: obj = self.get_object() if obj.ACTIVITY_TYPE == ActivityType.FOLLOW: return [obj.get_object().id] else: return [obj.get_object().get_actor().id] # TODO(tsileo): handle like and announce raise Exception("TODO") def _pre_process_from_inbox(self, as_actor: "Person") -> None: """Ensures an Undo activity comes from the same actor as the updated activity.""" obj = self.get_object() actor = self.get_actor() if actor.id != obj.get_actor().id: raise BadActivityError(f"{actor!r} cannot update {obj!r}") def _process_from_inbox(self, as_actor: "Person") -> None: obj = self.get_object() # FIXME(tsileo): move this to _undo_inbox impl # DB.inbox.update_one({'remote_id': obj.id}, {'$set': {'meta.undo': True}}) try: obj._undo_inbox(as_actor) except NotImplementedError: pass def _pre_post_to_outbox(self) -> None: """Ensures an Undo activity references an activity owned by the instance.""" if BACKEND is None: raise UninitializedBackendError if not BACKEND.is_from_outbox(self): raise NotFromOutboxError(f"object {self!r} is not owned by this instance") def _post_to_outbox( self, as_actor: "Person", obj_id: str, activity: ObjectType, recipients: List[str], ) -> None: logger.debug("processing undo to outbox") logger.debug("self={}".format(self)) obj = self.get_object() logger.debug("obj={}".format(obj)) # FIXME(tsileo): move this to _undo_inbox impl # DB.outbox.update_one({'remote_id': obj.id}, {'$set': {'meta.undo': True}}) try: obj._undo_outbox(as_actor) logger.debug(f"_undo_outbox called for {obj}") except NotImplementedError: logger.debug(f"_undo_outbox not implemented for {obj}") pass class Like(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityType.LIKE ALLOWED_OBJECT_TYPES = [ActivityType.NOTE] OBJECT_REQUIRED = True ACTOR_REQUIRED = True def _recipients(self) -> List[str]: return [self.get_object().get_actor().id] def _process_from_inbox(self, as_actor: "Person") -> None: if BACKEND is None: raise UninitializedBackendError BACKEND.inbox_like(as_actor, self) def _undo_inbox(self, as_actor: "Person") -> None: if BACKEND is None: raise UninitializedBackendError BACKEND.inbox_undo_like(as_actor, self) def _post_to_outbox( self, as_actor: "Person", obj_id: str, activity: ObjectType, recipients: List[str], ): if BACKEND is None: raise UninitializedBackendError BACKEND.outbox_like(as_actor, self) def _undo_outbox(self, as_actor: "Person") -> None: if BACKEND is None: raise UninitializedBackendError BACKEND.outbox_undo_like(as_actor, self) def build_undo(self) -> BaseActivity: return Undo( object=self.to_dict(embed=True, embed_object_id_only=True), actor=self.get_actor().id, ) class Announce(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityType.ANNOUNCE ALLOWED_OBJECT_TYPES = [ActivityType.NOTE] OBJECT_REQUIRED = True ACTOR_REQUIRED = True def _recipients(self) -> List[str]: recipients = [self.get_object().get_actor().id] for field in ["to", "cc"]: if field in self._data: recipients.extend(_to_list(self._data[field])) return list(set(recipients)) def _process_from_inbox(self, as_actor: "Person") -> None: # XXX(tsileo): Mastodon will try to send Announce for OStatus only acitivities which we cannot parse if isinstance(self._data["object"], str) and not self._data[ "object" ].startswith("http"): # TODO(tsileo): actually drop it without storing it and better logging, also move the check somewhere else logger.warn( f'received an Annouce referencing an OStatus notice ({self._data["object"]}), dropping the message' ) return BACKEND.inbox_announce(as_actor, self) def _undo_inbox(self, as_actor: "Person") -> None: if BACKEND is None: raise UninitializedBackendError BACKEND.inbox_undo_announce(as_actor, self) def _post_to_outbox( self, as_actor: "Person", obj_id: str, activity: ObjectType, recipients: List[str], ) -> None: BACKEND.outbox_announce(as_actor, self) def _undo_outbox(self, as_actor: "Person") -> None: if BACKEND is None: raise UninitializedBackendError BACKEND.outbox_undo_announce(as_actor, self) def build_undo(self) -> BaseActivity: return Undo(actor=self.get_actor().id, object=self.to_dict(embed=True)) class Delete(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityType.DELETE ALLOWED_OBJECT_TYPES = [ActivityType.NOTE, ActivityType.TOMBSTONE] OBJECT_REQUIRED = True def _get_actual_object(self) -> BaseActivity: if BACKEND is None: raise UninitializedBackendError # FIXME(tsileo): overrides get_object instead? obj = self.get_object() if obj.ACTIVITY_TYPE == ActivityType.TOMBSTONE: obj = parse_activity(BACKEND.fetch_iri(obj.id)) return obj def _recipients(self) -> List[str]: obj = self._get_actual_object() return obj._recipients() def _pre_process_from_inbox(self, as_actor: "Person") -> None: """Ensures a Delete activity comes from the same actor as the deleted activity.""" obj = self._get_actual_object() actor = self.get_actor() if actor.id != obj.get_actor().id: raise BadActivityError(f"{actor!r} cannot delete {obj!r}") def _process_from_inbox(self, as_actor: "Person") -> None: if BACKEND is None: raise UninitializedBackendError BACKEND.inbox_delete(as_actor, self) # FIXME(tsileo): handle the delete_threads here? def _pre_post_to_outbox(self) -> None: """Ensures the Delete activity references a activity from the outbox (i.e. owned by the instance).""" if BACKEND is None: raise UninitializedBackendError obj = self._get_actual_object() if not BACKEND.is_from_outbox(self): raise NotFromOutboxError( f'object {obj["id"]} is not owned by this instance' ) def _post_to_outbox( self, as_actor: "Person", obj_id: str, activity: ObjectType, recipients: List[str], ) -> None: if BACKEND is None: raise UninitializedBackendError BACKEND.outbox_delete(as_actor, self) class Update(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityType.UPDATE ALLOWED_OBJECT_TYPES = [ActivityType.NOTE, ActivityType.PERSON] OBJECT_REQUIRED = True ACTOR_REQUIRED = True def _pre_process_from_inbox(self, as_actor: "Person") -> None: """Ensures an Update activity comes from the same actor as the updated activity.""" obj = self.get_object() actor = self.get_actor() if actor.id != obj.get_actor().id: raise BadActivityError(f"{actor!r} cannot update {obj!r}") def _process_from_inbox(self, as_actor: "Person") -> None: if BACKEND is None: raise UninitializedBackendError BACKEND.inbox_update(as_actor, self) def _pre_post_to_outbox(self) -> None: if BACKEND is None: raise UninitializedBackendError if not BACKEND.is_from_outbox(self): raise NotFromOutboxError(f"object {self!r} is not owned by this instance") def _post_to_outbox( self, as_actor: "Person", obj_id: str, activity: ObjectType, recipients: List[str], ) -> None: if BACKEND is None: raise UninitializedBackendError BACKEND.outbox_update(as_actor, self) class Create(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityType.CREATE ALLOWED_OBJECT_TYPES = [ActivityType.NOTE] OBJECT_REQUIRED = True ACTOR_REQUIRED = True def _outbox_set_id(self, uri: str, obj_id: str) -> None: self._data["object"]["id"] = uri + "/activity" if isinstance(self.ctx(), Note): try: print("SETTING ID") # FIXME(tsileo): use a weakref instead of ctx, and make it generic to every object (when # building things (and drop the set_ctx usage) self.ctx().id = self._data["object"]["id"] print(f"CTX {self.ctx()}") except NotImplementedError: pass # FIXME(tsileo): re-enable this # self._data["object"]["url"] = self.note_url(self) self.reset_object_cache() def _init(self, **kwargs): obj = self.get_object() if not obj.attributedTo: self._data["object"]["attributedTo"] = self.get_actor().id if not obj.published: if self.published: self._data["object"]["published"] = self.published else: now = datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0).isoformat() + "Z" self._data["published"] = now self._data["object"]["published"] = now def _recipients(self) -> List[str]: # TODO(tsileo): audience support? recipients = [] for field in ["to", "cc", "bto", "bcc"]: if field in self._data: recipients.extend(_to_list(self._data[field])) recipients.extend(self.get_object()._recipients()) return recipients def _process_from_inbox(self, as_actor: "Person") -> None: if BACKEND is None: raise UninitializedBackendError BACKEND.inbox_create(as_actor, self) def _post_to_outbox( self, as_actor: "Person", obj_id: str, activity: ObjectType, recipients: List[str], ) -> None: if BACKEND is None: raise UninitializedBackendError BACKEND.outbox_create(as_actor, self) class Tombstone(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityType.TOMBSTONE ACTOR_REQUIRED = False OBJECT_REQUIRED = False class Note(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityType.NOTE ACTOR_REQUIRED = True OBJECT_REQURIED = False def _init(self, **kwargs): print(self._data) # Remove the `actor` field as `attributedTo` is used for `Note` instead if "actor" in self._data: del (self._data["actor"]) if "sensitive" not in kwargs: self._data["sensitive"] = False def _recipients(self) -> List[str]: # TODO(tsileo): audience support? recipients: List[str] = [] # FIXME(tsileo): re-add support for the PUBLIC_INSTANCES # If the note is public, we publish it to the defined "public instances" # if AS_PUBLIC in self._data.get('to', []): # recipients.extend(PUBLIC_INSTANCES) # print('publishing to public instances') # print(recipients) for field in ["to", "cc", "bto", "bcc"]: if field in self._data: recipients.extend(_to_list(self._data[field])) return recipients def build_create(self) -> BaseActivity: """Wraps an activity in a Create activity.""" create_payload = { "object": self.to_dict(embed=True), "actor": self.attributedTo, } for field in ["published", "to", "bto", "cc", "bcc", "audience"]: if field in self._data: create_payload[field] = self._data[field] create = Create(**create_payload) create.set_ctx(self) return create def build_like(self) -> BaseActivity: return Like(object=self.id) def build_announce(self) -> BaseActivity: return Announce( object=self.id, to=[AS_PUBLIC], cc=[ self.follower_collection_id(self.get_actor()), self.attributedTo, ], # ABC published=datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0).isoformat() + "Z", ) def build_delete(self) -> BaseActivity: return Delete( actor=self.get_actor().id, object=Tombstone(id=self.id).to_dict(embed=True) ) def get_tombstone(self, deleted: Optional[str]) -> BaseActivity: return Tombstone( id=self.id, published=self.published, deleted=deleted, updated=deleted ) class Box(object): def __init__(self, actor: Person) -> None: self.actor = actor class Outbox(Box): def post(self, activity: BaseActivity) -> None: if activity.get_actor().id != self.actor.id: raise ValueError( f"{activity.get_actor()!r} cannot post into {self.actor!r} outbox" ) if activity.ACTIVITY_TYPE == ActivityType.NOTE: activity = activity.build_create() activity.post_to_outbox() def get(self, activity_iri: str) -> BaseActivity: pass def collection(self): # TODO(tsileo): figure out an API pass class Inbox(Box): def post(self, activity: BaseActivity) -> None: activity.process_from_inbox(self.actor)