from random import * import math import argparse from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageOps from filters import * from strokesort import * import perlin from util import * no_cv = False export_path = "output/out.svg" draw_contours = True draw_hatch = True show_bitmap = False resolution = 1024 hatch_size = 16 contour_simplify = 2 try: import numpy as np import cv2 except: print("Cannot import numpy/openCV. Switching to NO_CV mode.") no_cv = True def find_edges(IM): print("finding edges...") if no_cv: #appmask(IM,[F_Blur]) appmask(IM,[F_SobelX,F_SobelY]) else: im = np.array(IM) im = cv2.GaussianBlur(im,(3,3),0) im = cv2.Canny(im,100,200) IM = Image.fromarray(im) return IM.point(lambda p: p > 128 and 255) def getdots(IM): print("getting contour points...") PX = IM.load() dots = [] w,h = IM.size for y in range(h-1): row = [] for x in range(1,w): if PX[x,y] == 255: if len(row) > 0: if x-row[-1][0] == row[-1][-1]+1: row[-1] = (row[-1][0],row[-1][-1]+1) else: row.append((x,0)) else: row.append((x,0)) dots.append(row) return dots def connectdots(dots): print("connecting contour points...") contours = [] for y in range(len(dots)): for x,v in dots[y]: if v > -1: if y == 0: contours.append([(x,y)]) else: closest = -1 cdist = 100 for x0,v0 in dots[y-1]: if abs(x0-x) < cdist: cdist = abs(x0-x) closest = x0 if cdist > 3: contours.append([(x,y)]) else: found = 0 for i in range(len(contours)): if contours[i][-1] == (closest,y-1): contours[i].append((x,y,)) found = 1 break if found == 0: contours.append([(x,y)]) for c in contours: if c[-1][1] < y-1 and len(c)<4: contours.remove(c) return contours def getcontours(IM,sc=2): print("generating contours...") IM = find_edges(IM) IM1 = IM.copy() IM2 = IM.rotate(-90,expand=True).transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) dots1 = getdots(IM1) contours1 = connectdots(dots1) dots2 = getdots(IM2) contours2 = connectdots(dots2) for i in range(len(contours2)): contours2[i] = [(c[1],c[0]) for c in contours2[i]] contours = contours1+contours2 for i in range(len(contours)): for j in range(len(contours)): if len(contours[i]) > 0 and len(contours[j])>0: if distsum(contours[j][0],contours[i][-1]) < 8: contours[i] = contours[i]+contours[j] contours[j] = [] for i in range(len(contours)): contours[i] = [contours[i][j] for j in range(0,len(contours[i]),8)] contours = [c for c in contours if len(c) > 1] for i in range(0,len(contours)): contours[i] = [(v[0]*sc,v[1]*sc) for v in contours[i]] for i in range(0,len(contours)): for j in range(0,len(contours[i])): contours[i][j] = int(contours[i][j][0]+10*perlin.noise(i*0.5,j*0.1,1)),int(contours[i][j][1]+10*perlin.noise(i*0.5,j*0.1,2)) return contours def hatch(IM,sc=16): print("hatching...") PX = IM.load() w,h = IM.size lg1 = [] lg2 = [] for x0 in range(w): for y0 in range(h): x = x0*sc y = y0*sc if PX[x0,y0] > 144: pass elif PX[x0,y0] > 64: lg1.append([(x,y+sc/4),(x+sc,y+sc/4)]) elif PX[x0,y0] > 16: lg1.append([(x,y+sc/4),(x+sc,y+sc/4)]) lg2.append([(x+sc,y),(x,y+sc)]) else: lg1.append([(x,y+sc/4),(x+sc,y+sc/4)]) lg1.append([(x,y+sc/2+sc/4),(x+sc,y+sc/2+sc/4)]) lg2.append([(x+sc,y),(x,y+sc)]) lines = [lg1,lg2] for k in range(0,len(lines)): for i in range(0,len(lines[k])): for j in range(0,len(lines[k])): if lines[k][i] != [] and lines[k][j] != []: if lines[k][i][-1] == lines[k][j][0]: lines[k][i] = lines[k][i]+lines[k][j][1:] lines[k][j] = [] lines[k] = [l for l in lines[k] if len(l) > 0] lines = lines[0]+lines[1] for i in range(0,len(lines)): for j in range(0,len(lines[i])): lines[i][j] = int(lines[i][j][0]+sc*perlin.noise(i*0.5,j*0.1,1)),int(lines[i][j][1]+sc*perlin.noise(i*0.5,j*0.1,2))-j return lines def sketch(path): IM = None possible = [path,"images/"+path,"images/"+path+".jpg","images/"+path+".png","images/"+path+".tif"] for p in possible: try: IM = break except FileNotFoundError: print("The Input File wasn't found. Check Path") exit(0) pass w,h = IM.size IM = IM.convert("L") IM=ImageOps.autocontrast(IM,10) lines = [] if draw_contours: lines += getcontours(IM.resize((resolution//contour_simplify,resolution//contour_simplify*h//w)),contour_simplify) if draw_hatch: lines += hatch(IM.resize((resolution//hatch_size,resolution//hatch_size*h//w)),hatch_size) lines = sortlines(lines) if show_bitmap: disp ="RGB",(resolution,resolution*h//w),(255,255,255)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(disp) for l in lines: draw.line(l,(0,0,0),5) f = open(export_path,'w') f.write(makesvg(lines)) f.close() print(len(lines),"strokes.") print("done.") return lines def makesvg(lines): print("generating svg file...") out = '' for l in lines: l = ",".join([str(p[0]*0.5)+","+str(p[1]*0.5) for p in l]) out += '\n' out += '' return out if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Convert image to vectorized line drawing for plotters.') parser.add_argument('-i','--input',dest='input_path', default='lenna',action='store',nargs='?',type=str, help='Input path') parser.add_argument('-o','--output',dest='output_path', default=export_path,action='store',nargs='?',type=str, help='Output path.') parser.add_argument('-b','--show_bitmap',dest='show_bitmap', const = not show_bitmap,default= show_bitmap,action='store_const', help="Display bitmap preview.") parser.add_argument('-nc','--no_contour',dest='no_contour', const = draw_contours,default= not draw_contours,action='store_const', help="Don't draw contours.") parser.add_argument('-nh','--no_hatch',dest='no_hatch', const = draw_hatch,default= not draw_hatch,action='store_const', help='Disable hatching.') parser.add_argument('--no_cv',dest='no_cv', const = not no_cv,default= no_cv,action='store_const', help="Don't use openCV.") parser.add_argument('--hatch_size',dest='hatch_size', default=hatch_size,action='store',nargs='?',type=int, help='Patch size of hatches. eg. 8, 16, 32') parser.add_argument('--contour_simplify',dest='contour_simplify', default=contour_simplify,action='store',nargs='?',type=int, help='Level of contour simplification. eg. 1, 2, 3') args = parser.parse_args() export_path = args.output_path draw_hatch = not args.no_hatch draw_contours = not args.no_contour hatch_size = args.hatch_size contour_simplify = args.contour_simplify show_bitmap = args.show_bitmap no_cv = args.no_cv sketch(args.input_path)