L.RangedMarker = L.Marker.extend({ options: { range: 1 }, initialize: function(latlng, options) { L.Marker.prototype.initialize.call(this, latlng, options); const updateIconSize = this.updateIconSize.bind(this); this.updateCallback = function() { updateIconSize(this); }; }, onAdd: function(map) { L.Marker.prototype.onAdd.call(this, map); map.on('zoomend', this.updateCallback); this.updateIconSize(map); }, onRemove: function(map) { map.off('zoomend', this.updateCallback); L.Marker.prototype.onRemove.call(this, map); }, updateIconSize: function(map) { let size = this._getSizeOnMap(map); this._icon.style.width = size + 'px'; this._icon.style.height = size + 'px'; }, _getSizeOnMap: function (map) { return this.options.range / this._getMetersPerPixel(map); }, _getMetersPerPixel: function(map) { var centerLatLng = map.getCenter(); // get map center var pointC = map.latLngToContainerPoint(centerLatLng); // convert to containerpoint (pixels) var pointX = L.point(pointC.x + 10, pointC.y); // add 10 pixels to x // convert containerpoints to latlng's var latLngX = map.containerPointToLatLng(pointX); return centerLatLng.distanceTo(latLngX) / 10; // calculate distance between c and x (latitude) } });