
412 wiersze
15 KiB

import {
} from "";
import {
} from "";
import {
} from "";
async function generateECDSAKeypair() {
return await crypto.subtle.generateKey({
name: "ECDSA",
namedCurve: "P-384"
["sign", "verify"]
async function getArmouredKey(key) {
return JSON.stringify(await crypto.subtle.exportKey('jwk', key))
function jwtize(str) {
return btoa(str)
.replace(/\//g, '_')
.replace(/\+/g, '-')
.replace(/=/g, '')
* k - keypair
* h - header
* p - payload
async function getSignature(k, h, p) {
// we need a TextEncoder
var tenc = new TextEncoder()
var tencoded = tenc.encode(h + '.' + p)
// prepare a signature
var sig = new Uint8Array(await crypto.subtle.sign(
name: "ECDSA",
hash: {name: "SHA-384"}
// prepare it for inclusion in a JWT
var sig = sig.reduce((str, cur)=>{return (str + String.fromCharCode(cur)) }, '')
return jwtize(sig)
beforeAll(async ()=>{
// our keypair
var keypair = await generateECDSAKeypair()
// ES384: ECDSA using P-384 and SHA-384
var header = jwtize('{"alg": "ES384"}')
var payload = jwtize('{"integrity": "sha256-eiMrFuthzteJuj8fPwUMyNQMb2SMW7VITmmt2oAxGj0="}')
// get a signature
var signature = await getSignature(keypair, header, payload)
// need to test with bad algo!
var noneHeader = jwtize('{"alg": "none"}')
// get an invalid signature
// an ECDSA signature for {alg: none} header makes zero sense
var noneSignature = await getSignature(keypair, noneHeader, payload)
// prepare stuff for invalid JWT JSON test
var invalidPayload = jwtize('not a valid JSON string')
// get an valid signature for invalid payload
var invalidPayloadSignature = await getSignature(keypair, header, invalidPayload)
// prepare stuff for JWT payload without integrity test
var noIntegrityPayload = jwtize('{"no": "integrity"}')
// get an valid signature for invalid payload
var noIntegrityPayloadSignature = await getSignature(keypair, header, noIntegrityPayload)
window.resolvingFetch = (url, init)=>{
var content = '{"test": "success"}'
var status = 200
var statusText = "OK"
if (url == '') {
content = header + '.' + payload + '.' + signature
// testing 404 not found on the integrity URL
} else if (url == '') {
content = '{"test": "fail"}'
status = 404
statusText = "Not Found"
// testing invalid base64-encoded data
} else if (url == '') {
// for this test to work correctly the length must be (n*4)+1
content = header + '.' + payload + '.' + 'badbase64'
// testing "alg: none" on the integrity JWT
} else if (url == '') {
content = noneHeader + '.' + payload + '.'
// testing bad signature on the integrity JWT
} else if (url == '') {
content = header + '.' + payload + '.' + noneSignature
// testing invalid payload
} else if (url == '') {
content = header + '.' + invalidPayload + '.' + invalidPayloadSignature
// testing payload without integrity data
} else if (url == '') {
content = header + '.' + noIntegrityPayload + '.' + noIntegrityPayloadSignature
return Promise.resolve(
new Response(
type: "application/json",
status: status,
statusText: statusText,
headers: {
'ETag': 'TestingETagHeader'
url: url
window.initPrototype = {
name: 'signed-integrity',
uses: [
name: 'resolve-all',
description: 'Resolves all',
version: '0.0.1',
fetch: null
integrity: {
"": "sha384-kn5dhxz4RpBmx7xC7Dmq2N43PclV9U/niyh+4Km7oz5W0FaWdz3Op+3K0Qxz8y3z"
//requireIntegrity: false, // default is false
publicKey: await crypto.subtle.exportKey('jwk', keypair.publicKey)
* we need to do all of this before each test in order to reset the fetch() use counter
* and make sure window.init is clean and not modified by previous tests
window.fetch = spy(window.resolvingFetch)
window.init = {
window.init.uses[0].fetch = window.fetch
describe('browser: signed-integrity plugin', async () => {
window.LibResilientPluginConstructors = new Map()
window.LR = {
log: (component, ...items)=>{
console.debug(component + ' :: ', ...items)
window.resolvingFetch = null
window.fetch = null
window.subtle = crypto.subtle
await import("../../../plugins/signed-integrity/index.js");
it("should register in LibResilientPluginConstructors", async () => {
.get('signed-integrity')(LR, init)
it("should throw an error when there aren't any wrapped plugins configured", () => {
init = {
name: 'signed-integrity',
uses: []
return LibResilientPluginConstructors.get('signed-integrity')(LR, init)
'Expected exactly one plugin to wrap, but 0 configured.'
it("should throw an error when there are more than one wrapped plugins configured", () => {
init = {
name: 'signed-integrity',
uses: ['plugin-one', 'plugin-two']
return LibResilientPluginConstructors.get('signed-integrity')(LR, init)
'Expected exactly one plugin to wrap, but 2 configured.'
it("should throw an error if the configured public key is impossible to load", async () => {
var testInit = {
testInit.publicKey = 'NOTAKEY'
async ()=>{
return await LibResilientPluginConstructors.get('signed-integrity')(LR, testInit).fetch('')
'Unable to load the public key'
* we're only testing if signed-integrity plugin accepts that integrity data is set
* without pulling the .integrity file
* this will *not* result in the resource integrity *actually* being checked!
it("should fetch content when integrity data provided without trying to fetch the integrity data URL", async () => {
const response = await LibResilientPluginConstructors.get('signed-integrity')(LR, init).fetch('', {
integrity: "sha384-x4iqiH3PIPD51TibGEhTju/WhidcIEcnrpdklYEtIS87f96c4nLyj6CuwUp8kyOo"
assertEquals(await response.json(), {test: "success"})
assertSpyCalls(fetch, 1);
it("should fetch content when integrity data not provided, by also fetching the integrity data URL", async () => {
const response = await LibResilientPluginConstructors.get('signed-integrity')(LR, init).fetch('', {});
assertEquals(await response.json(), {test: "success"})
assertSpyCalls(fetch, 2)
// the integrity file fetch has to happen first
assertSpyCall(fetch, 0, {
args: ['']
// the content fetch needs to have integrity data available
assertSpyCall(fetch, 1, {
args: [
integrity: "sha256-eiMrFuthzteJuj8fPwUMyNQMb2SMW7VITmmt2oAxGj0=",
it("should fetch content when integrity data not provided, and integrity data URL 404s", async () => {
const response = await LibResilientPluginConstructors.get('signed-integrity')(LR, init).fetch('', {});
assertEquals(await response.json(), {test: "success"})
assertSpyCalls(fetch, 2)
// the integrity file fetch has to happen first
assertSpyCall(fetch, 0, {
args: ['']
// the content fetch needs to have integrity data available
assertSpyCall(fetch, 1, {
args: [
it("should refuse to fetch content when integrity data not provided and integrity data URL 404s, but requireIntegrity is set to true", async () => {
init.requireIntegrity = true
return LibResilientPluginConstructors.get('signed-integrity')(LR, init).fetch('', {})
'No integrity data available, though required.'
assertSpyCalls(fetch, 1)
assertSpyCall(fetch, 0, {
args: ['']
//expect(e.toString()).toMatch('No integrity data available, though required.')
it("should refuse to fetch content when integrity data not provided and integrity data URL is fetched, but JWT is invalid", async () => {
return LibResilientPluginConstructors.get('signed-integrity')(LR, init).fetch('', {})
'Invalid base64-encoded string!'
assertSpyCalls(fetch, 1)
assertSpyCall(fetch, 0, {
args: ['']
it("should refuse to fetch content when integrity data not provided and integrity data URL is fetched, but JWT uses alg: none", async () => {
return LibResilientPluginConstructors.get('signed-integrity')(LR, init).fetch('', {})
'JWT seems invalid (one or more sections are empty).'
assertSpyCalls(fetch, 1)
assertSpyCall(fetch, 0, {
args: ['']
it("should refuse to fetch content when integrity data not provided and integrity data URL is fetched, but JWT signature check fails", async () => {
return LibResilientPluginConstructors.get('signed-integrity')(LR, init).fetch('', {})
'JWT signature validation failed! Somebody might be doing something nasty!'
assertSpyCalls(fetch, 1)
assertSpyCall(fetch, 0, {
args: ['']
it("should refuse to fetch content when integrity data not provided and integrity data URL is fetched, but JWT payload is unparseable", async () => {
return LibResilientPluginConstructors.get('signed-integrity')(LR, init).fetch('', {})
'JWT payload parsing failed'
assertSpyCalls(fetch, 1)
assertSpyCall(fetch, 0, {
args: ['']
it("should refuse to fetch content when integrity data not provided and integrity data URL is fetched, but JWT payload does not contain integrity data", async () => {
return LibResilientPluginConstructors.get('signed-integrity')(LR, init).fetch('', {})
'JWT payload did not contain integrity data'
assertSpyCalls(fetch, 1)
assertSpyCall(fetch, 0, {
args: ['']
it("should fetch and verify content, when integrity data not provided, by fetching the integrity data URL and using integrity data from it", async () => {
const response = await LibResilientPluginConstructors.get('signed-integrity')(LR, init).fetch('', {});
assertEquals(await response.json(), {test: "success"})
assertSpyCalls(fetch, 2)
// the integrity file fetch has to happen first
assertSpyCall(fetch, 0, {
args: ['']
// the content fetch needs to have integrity data available
assertSpyCall(fetch, 1, {
args: [
integrity: "sha256-eiMrFuthzteJuj8fPwUMyNQMb2SMW7VITmmt2oAxGj0=",