import { describe, it, beforeEach, beforeAll } from ""; import { assert, assertThrows, assertRejects, assertEquals, assertNotEquals } from ""; import { assertSpyCall, assertSpyCalls, spy, } from ""; // elements of a query and of a response const dohPktFrgs = { // === header section === // 16 bits of flags: // // ,-------------- 1-bit QR header field, 0 means "question", 1 - "response" // | ,------------ 4-bit OPCODE header field, we want 0 ("standard query") // | | ,--------- 1-bit AA header field, only relevant in response (1 means the response is authoritative) // | | |,-------- 1-bit TC header field, we want 0 signifying the message was not truncated // | | ||,------- 1-bit RD header field, we want 1 signifying we want recursive resolution // | | ||| // | | ||| ,------- 1-bit RA header field, only relevant in response (1 means recursion is available) // | | ||| | ,----- 3-bit Z header field, reserved for future use, always 0 // | | ||| | | ,- 4-bit RCODE header field, to be set to 0, and inspected in response for error codes // | |\ ||| | | /| // |/ \||| |/ \/ \ qflags: [0b00000001, 0b00000000], rflags: [0b10000001, 0b10000000], // === question section === // name: [8,95,100,110,115,108,105,110,107,9,114,101,115,105,108,105,101,110,116,2,105,115,0], type: [0,16], class: [0,1], // === answer section === // name pointer always starts with 0b11, and in our case it only makes sense // that offset is equal to 12 (i.e. first byte of the qustion section, right after the header) nameptr: [0b11000000, 12], ttl: [0,0,13,110], // some positive number // 1-byte length, followed by string response dnslink: [100,110,115,108,105,110,107,61], // the "dnslink=" string ipfs: [47,105,112,102,115,47], // the "/ipfs/" string https: [47,104,116,116,112,115,47], // the "/https/" string // https_addr1: [101,120,97,109,112,108,101,46,99,111,109,47,116,101,115,116], // https_addr2: [101,120,97,109,112,108,101,46,111,114,103], // QmiPFSiPFSiPFSiPFSiPFSiPFSiPFSiPFSiPFSiPFSiPFS ipfs_addr: [81,109,105,80,70,83,105,80,70,83,105,80,70,83,105,80,70,83,105,80,70,83,105,80,70,83,105,80,70,83,105,80,70,83,105,80,70,83,105,80,70,83,105,80,70,83], // === additional section === // this should be ignored when interpreting the response additional: [0,0,41,4,208,0,0,0,0,0,0] } /** * simple yet effective * * examples: * * - valid single question packet: * dohPacket([ * [0, 1], dohPktFrgs.qflags, [0, 1], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], *, dohPktFrgs.type, dohPktFrgs.class]) * * - valid single answer packet, with name repeated in full: * dohPacket([ * [0, 1], dohPktFrgs.rflags, [0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 0], [0, 0], *, dohPktFrgs.type, dohPktFrgs.class, *, dohPktFrgs.type, dohPktFrgs.class, dohPktFrgs.ttl, * [0, (dohPktFrgs.dnslink.length + dohPktFrgs.ipfs.length + dohPktFrgs.ipfs_addr.length + 1)], * [(dohPktFrgs.dnslink.length + dohPktFrgs.ipfs.length + dohPktFrgs.ipfs_addr.length)], * dohPktFrgs.dnslink, dohPktFrgs.ipfs, dohPktFrgs.ipfs_addr]) * * - valid single answer packet, with name pointed to: * dohPacket([ * [0, 1], dohPktFrgs.rflags, [0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 0], [0, 0], *, dohPktFrgs.type, dohPktFrgs.class, * dohPktFrgs.nameptr, dohPktFrgs.type, dohPktFrgs.class, dohPktFrgs.ttl, * [0, (dohPktFrgs.dnslink.length + dohPktFrgs.ipfs.length + dohPktFrgs.ipfs_addr.length + 1)], * [(dohPktFrgs.dnslink.length + dohPktFrgs.ipfs.length + dohPktFrgs.ipfs_addr.length)], * dohPktFrgs.dnslink, dohPktFrgs.ipfs, dohPktFrgs.ipfs_addr]) */ let dohPacket = (elements) => { // can't just elements.flat(), because that does not // flatten Uint8Arrays, and that's what we really care about return Uint8Array .from( elements .map((el)=>{ if (el.constructor === Uint8Array) { return Array.from(el) } else { return el } }) .flat()) } let decodeUrlDoHRequest = (request) => { return Uint8Array.from( Array.from( atob( request ) ).map(a => a.charCodeAt(0)) ) } beforeAll(async ()=>{ window.fetchResponse = [] window.resolvingFetch = (url, init) => { let response_data = null if (typeof window.fetchResponse[0] === 'object' && window.fetchResponse[0] != null) { response_data = JSON.stringify(window.fetchResponse[0]); } else if (typeof window.fetchResponse[0] === "function") { response_data = window.fetchResponse[0](url, init) } else { response_data = window.fetchResponse[0] } const response = new Response( new Blob( [response_data], {type: window.fetchResponse[1]} ), { status: 200, statusText: "OK", headers: { 'Last-Modified': 'TestingLastModifiedHeader' }, url: url }); return Promise.resolve(response); } /* * prototype of the plugin init object */ window.initPrototype = { name: 'dnslink-fetch' } }) /** * we need to do all of this before each test in order to reset the fetch() use counter * and make sure window.init is clean and not modified by previous tests */ beforeEach(()=>{ window.fetch = spy(window.resolvingFetch) window.fetchResponse = [ {test: "success"}, "application/json" ] window.init = { ...window.initPrototype } window.LR = { log: spy((component, ...items)=>{ console.debug(component + ' :: ', ...items) }) } }) describe('browser: dnslink-fetch plugin', async () => { window.LibResilientPluginConstructors = new Map() window.fetchResponse = [] window.resolvingFetch = null window.fetch = null await import("../../../lib/doh.js"); await import("../../../plugins/dnslink-fetch/index.js"); it("should register in LibResilientPluginConstructors", () => { assertEquals( LibResilientPluginConstructors.get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init).name, 'dnslink-fetch' ); }); it("should fail with bad config", () => { init = { name: 'dnslink-fetch', dohProvider: false } assertThrows( ()=>{ return LibResilientPluginConstructors.get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) }, Error, 'dohProvider not confgured' ) init = { name: 'dnslink-fetch', dohMediaType: false } assertThrows( ()=>{ return LibResilientPluginConstructors.get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) }, Error, 'dohMediaType not confgured' ) init = { name: 'dnslink-fetch', dohMethod: false } assertThrows( ()=>{ return LibResilientPluginConstructors.get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) }, Error, 'dohMethod not confgured' ) }); it("should warn if dohMethod and dohMediaType are set such that dohMethod will be ignored", async () => { init = { name: 'dnslink-fetch', dohMethod: "POST", dohMediaType: "application/dns-json" } // this will fail. that's okay. try { await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); } catch (e) {} assertEquals( LR.log.calls[0].args[1], 'Warning: "POST" dohMethod is going to be ignored as dohMediaType is not "application/dns-message"' ) }); it("should fail if doh.js is not correctly loaded", async () => { let f = window.resolveEndpointsJSON window.resolveEndpointsJSON = undefined assertRejects( async ()=>{ return await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, 'resolveEndpointsJSON() is not defined, is doh.js loaded?' ) window.resolveEndpointsJSON = f f = window.resolveEndpointsBinary window.resolveEndpointsBinary = undefined assertRejects( async ()=>{ return await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, 'resolveEndpointsBinary() is not defined, is doh.js loaded?' ) window.resolveEndpointsBinary = f }) it("should attempt to load doh.js if importScripts() is available", async () => { window.importScripts = spy() // this will fail. that's okay. let plugin = LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) assertEquals( LR.log.calls[0].args[1], 'importing doh.js' ) assertEquals( window.importScripts.calls[0].args[0], "./lib/doh.js" ) }); it("should perform a fetch against the default dohProvider endpoint, with default settings", async () => { // this will fail after the fetch() is done // but we only care about the fetch() being done in this test try { await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); } catch (e) {} assertSpyCall( fetch, 0, { args: [ "", {"headers": {"accept": "application/json"}} ] }) }) it("should throw an error if the DoH JSON API response is not a valid JSON", async () => { window.fetchResponse = ["not-json", "text/plain"] assertRejects( async ()=>{ return await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, 'Unexpected token \'o\', "not-json" is not valid JSON' ) // technically, a quoted string parses as JSON window.fetchResponse = ["\"not-json\"", "text/plain"] assertRejects( async ()=>{ return await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, 'Response is not a valid JSON' ) }) it("should throw an error if the DoH JSON API response is does not have a Status field", async () => { window.fetchResponse = [{test: "success"}, "application/json"] assertRejects( async ()=>{ return await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, 'DNS request failure, status code: undefined' ) }) it("should throw an error if the DoH JSON API response has Status other than 0", async () => { window.fetchResponse = [{Status: 999}, "application/json"] assertRejects( async ()=>{ return await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, 'DNS request failure, status code: 999' ) }) it("should throw an error if the DoH JSON API response does not have an Answer field", async () => { window.fetchResponse = [{Status: 0}, "application/json"] assertRejects( async ()=>{ return await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, 'DNS response did not contain a valid Answer section' ) }) it("should throw an error if the DoH JSON API response's Answer field is not an object", async () => { window.fetchResponse = [{Status: 0, Answer: 'invalid'}, "application/json"] assertRejects( async ()=>{ return await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, 'DNS response did not contain a valid Answer section' ) }) it("should throw an error if the DoH JSON API response's Answer field is not an Array", async () => { window.fetchResponse = [{Status: 0, Answer: {}}, "application/json"] assertRejects( async ()=>{ return await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, 'DNS response did not contain a valid Answer section' ) }) it("should throw an error if the DoH JSON API response's Answer field does not contain TXT records", async () => { window.fetchResponse = [{Status: 0, Answer: ['aaa', 'bbb']}, "application/json"] assertRejects( async ()=>{ return await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, 'Answer section of the DNS response did not contain any TXT records' ) }) it("should throw an error if the DoH JSON API response's Answer elements do not contain valid endpoint data", async () => { window.fetchResponse = [{Status: 0, Answer: [{type: 16}, {type: 16}]}, "application/json"] assertRejects( async ()=>{ return await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, 'No TXT record contained http or https endpoint definition' ) }) it("should throw an error if the DoH JSON API response's Answer elements do not contain valid endpoints", async () => { window.fetchResponse = [{Status: 0, Answer: [{type: 16, data: 'aaa'}, {type: 16, data: 'bbb'}]}, "application/json"] assertRejects( async ()=>{ return await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, 'No TXT record contained http or https endpoint definition' ) }) it("should successfully resolve if the DoH JSON API response contains endpoint data", async () => { window.fetchResponse = [ {Status: 0, Answer: [ {type: 16, data: 'dnslink=/https/'}, {type: 16, data: 'dnslink=/http/'} ]}, "application/json" ] // this might fail after the fetch() is done // but we only care about the fetch() being done in this test try { await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); } catch(e) {} // 1 fetch to resolve DNSLink, // then 2 fetch requests to the two DNSLink-resolved endpoints assertSpyCalls(fetch, 3) assertSpyCall( fetch, 1, { args: [ "", {cache: 'reload'} ] }) assertSpyCall( fetch, 2, { args: [ "", {cache: 'reload'} ] }) }) it("should use the configured method when using DoH wire format", async () => { init = { name: "dnslink-fetch", dohMediaType: "application/dns-message", dohMethod: "GET" } // this will error out. that's okay try { await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); } catch(e) {} // we should be doing a GET assertEquals(fetch.calls[0].args[1].method, "GET") init = { name: "dnslink-fetch", dohMediaType: "application/dns-message", dohMethod: "POST" } // this will error out. that's okay try { await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); } catch(e) {} // we should be doing a POST assertEquals(fetch.calls[1].args[1].method, "POST") }) it("should error out when DoH wire format request method is other than GET or POST", async () => { init = { name: "dnslink-fetch", dohMediaType: "application/dns-message", dohMethod: "OPTIONS" } assertRejects( async ()=>{ return await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, 'dohMethod can only be "GET" or "POST", but is set to: OPTIONS' ) }) it("should set Accept, Content-Length, and Content-Type headers correctly when the DoH wire format", async () => { init = { name: "dnslink-fetch", dohMediaType: "application/dns-message", dohMethod: "GET" } // this will error out. that's okay try { await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); } catch(e) {} // we should have Accept set when doing a GET assertEquals( fetch.calls[0].args[1].headers['accept'], 'application/dns-message' ) init = { name: "dnslink-fetch", dohMediaType: "application/dns-message", dohMethod: "POST" } // this will error out. that's okay try { await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); } catch(e) {} // we should have Accept, Content-Length, and Content-Type set when doing a POST assertEquals( fetch.calls[1].args[1].headers['accept'], 'application/dns-message' ) assertEquals( fetch.calls[1].args[1].headers['content-type'], 'application/dns-message' ) assertEquals( fetch.calls[1].args[1].headers['content-length'], '39' ) }) it("should set the request data correctly when using the DoH wire format", async () => { init = { name: "dnslink-fetch", dohMediaType: "application/dns-message", dohMethod: "GET" } // DNS wire format query packet without the two random ID bytes at the start let qpacket = dohPacket([ dohPktFrgs.qflags, [0, 1], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0],, dohPktFrgs.type, dohPktFrgs.class ]) // this will error out. that's okay try { await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); } catch(e) {} assertEquals( // strip the actual query off of the URL, base64-decode it, // put it in an Uint8Array, and drop the first two bytes (which are randomly generated) decodeUrlDoHRequest( fetch.calls[0].args[0].split('?dns=')[1] ).slice(2), // comparing to a DoH wire format packet without the ID field qpacket ) init = { name: "dnslink-fetch", dohMediaType: "application/dns-message", dohMethod: "POST" } // this will error out. that's okay try { await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); } catch(e) {} assertEquals( // request body without the first two bytes of randomly generated ID field fetch.calls[1].args[1].body.slice(2), // comparing to a DoH wire format packet without the ID field qpacket ) }) it("should set the request ID field randomly when using the DoH wire format", async () => { init = { name: "dnslink-fetch", dohMediaType: "application/dns-message", dohMethod: "GET" } // this will error out. that's okay try { await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); } catch(e) {} // this will also error out, and that's fine try { await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); } catch(e) {} // this is not *entirely* repeatable, as there is a *slight* chance // that the random values will turn out the same. // // that probability is pretty small though. // it will hit us at somepoint, but it won't hit us very often assertNotEquals( // strip the actual query off of the URL, base64-decode it, // put it in an Uint8Array, and only use the first two butes (randomly generated request ID decodeUrlDoHRequest( fetch.calls[0].args[0].split('?dns=')[1] ).slice(0, 2), decodeUrlDoHRequest( fetch.calls[1].args[0].split('?dns=')[1] ).slice(0, 2), "ID values are randomly generated and should differ, although there is a tiny chance that they matched randomly." ) init = { name: "dnslink-fetch", dohMediaType: "application/dns-message", dohMethod: "POST" } // this will error out. that's okay try { await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); } catch(e) {} // this will also error out. that's okay try { await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); } catch(e) {} assertNotEquals( // request body without the first two bytes of randomly generated ID field fetch.calls[2].args[1].body.slice(0, 2), // comparing to a DoH wire format packet without the ID field fetch.calls[3].args[1].body.slice(0, 2), "ID values are randomly generated and should differ, although there is a tiny chance that they matched randomly." ) }) it("should generate a valid DoH wire format question packet", async () => { // valid question packet, without the first two ID bytes (which are randomly generated) let qpacket = dohPacket([ dohPktFrgs.qflags, [0, 1], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0],, dohPktFrgs.type, dohPktFrgs.class]) // we want DoH wire format, GET method init = { name: "dnslink-fetch", dohMediaType: "application/dns-message", dohMethod: "GET" } // this will fail, that's okay try { await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); } catch(e) {} assertEquals( decodeUrlDoHRequest( fetch.calls[0].args[0].split('?dns=')[1] ).slice(2), qpacket ) // we want DoH wire format, GET method init = { name: "dnslink-fetch", dohMediaType: "application/dns-message", dohMethod: "POST" } // this will fail, that's okay try { await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); } catch(e) {} assertEquals( fetch.calls[1].args[1].body.slice(2), qpacket ) }) it("should throw an error if the DoH wire format response is not an application/dns-message media type", async () => { window.fetchResponse = ["not-dns-message", "text/plain"] init = { name: "dnslink-fetch", dohMediaType: "application/dns-message", dohMethod: "GET" } assertRejects( async ()=>{ return await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, 'Response Content-Type should be: application/dns-message; is: text/plain.' ) init = { name: "dnslink-fetch", dohMediaType: "application/dns-message", dohMethod: "POST" } assertRejects( async ()=>{ return await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, 'Response Content-Type should be: application/dns-message; is: text/plain.' ) }) it("should throw an error if a DoH wire format response's header is not correctly formatted ", async () => { init = { name: "dnslink-fetch", dohMediaType: "application/dns-message", dohMethod: "GET" } window.fetchResponse = [ "invalid", "application/dns-message"] assertRejects( async ()=>{ return await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, 'Invalid response: response cannot be shorter than request!' ) window.fetchResponse = [ (url)=>{ // take the request let response = decodeUrlDoHRequest( url.split('?dns=')[1] ) // modify the ID response[0] += 1 response[1] += 1 // now it is our response return response }, "application/dns-message" ] assertRejects( async ()=>{ return await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, 'Response ID does not match Request ID!' ) window.fetchResponse = [ (url)=>{ // take the request let response = decodeUrlDoHRequest( url.split('?dns=')[1] ) // modify the QR bit, needs to be 0b1xxxxxxx to indicate a response response[2] = 0b00000000 // now it is our response return response }, "application/dns-message" ] assertRejects( async ()=>{ return await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, 'Invalid response: QR bit does not indicate a response!' ) window.fetchResponse = [ (url)=>{ // take the request let response = decodeUrlDoHRequest( url.split('?dns=')[1] ) // modify the OPCODE flag, needs to be 0bx0000xxx in a valid response response[2] = 0b11010000 // now it is our response return response }, "application/dns-message" ] assertRejects( async ()=>{ return await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, 'Invalid response: OPCODE contains an unexpected value (should be zero)!' ) window.fetchResponse = [ (url)=>{ // take the request let response = decodeUrlDoHRequest( url.split('?dns=')[1] ) // modify the TC bit, needs to be 0bxxxxxx0x in a valid response we can handle response[2] = 0b10000010 // now it is our response return response }, "application/dns-message" ] assertRejects( async ()=>{ return await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, 'Invalid response: Got a truncated response. There is no reason for it, and we cannot handle it.' ) window.fetchResponse = [ (url)=>{ // take the request let response = decodeUrlDoHRequest( url.split('?dns=')[1] ) // modify the RD bit, needs to be 0bxxxxxxx1 in a valid response response[2] = 0b10000000 // now it is our response return response }, "application/dns-message" ] assertRejects( async ()=>{ return await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, 'Invalid response: Recursive resolution was requested but this is not reflected in response.' ) window.fetchResponse = [ (url)=>{ // take the request let response = decodeUrlDoHRequest( url.split('?dns=')[1] ) // response[2] needs to be valid for a response // we're taking this from a request, so we need to massage it response[2] = 0b10000001 // modify the Z field, needs to be 0bx000xxxx in a valid response response[3] = 0b11110000 // now it is our response return response }, "application/dns-message" ] assertRejects( async ()=>{ return await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, 'Invalid response: Response\'s Z field is not zeroed out!' ) window.fetchResponse = [ (url)=>{ // take the request let response = decodeUrlDoHRequest( url.split('?dns=')[1] ) // response[2] needs to be valid for a response // we're taking this from a request, so we need to massage it response[2] = 0b10000001 // modify the RCODE field, 1 means format error response[3] = 0b00000001 // now it is our response return response }, "application/dns-message" ] assertRejects( async ()=>{ return await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, 'Response\'s RCODE field indicates a format error!' ) window.fetchResponse = [ (url)=>{ // take the request let response = decodeUrlDoHRequest( url.split('?dns=')[1] ) // response[2] needs to be valid for a response // we're taking this from a request, so we need to massage it response[2] = 0b10000001 // modify the RCODE field, 2 means server failure response[3] = 0b00000010 // now it is our response return response }, "application/dns-message" ] assertRejects( async ()=>{ return await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, 'Response\'s RCODE field indicates a server failure!' ) window.fetchResponse = [ (url)=>{ // take the request let response = decodeUrlDoHRequest( url.split('?dns=')[1] ) // response[2] needs to be valid for a response // we're taking this from a request, so we need to massage it response[2] = 0b10000001 // modify the RCODE field, 3 means the name does not exist response[3] = 0b00000011 // now it is our response return response }, "application/dns-message" ] assertRejects( async ()=>{ return await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, 'Response\'s RCODE field indicates a the name does not exist!' ) window.fetchResponse = [ (url)=>{ // take the request let response = decodeUrlDoHRequest( url.split('?dns=')[1] ) // response[2] needs to be valid for a response // we're taking this from a request, so we need to massage it response[2] = 0b10000001 // modify the RCODE field, 4 means not implemented error response[3] = 0b00000100 // now it is our response return response }, "application/dns-message" ] assertRejects( async ()=>{ return await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, 'Response\'s RCODE field indicates a not implemented error!' ) window.fetchResponse = [ (url)=>{ // take the request let response = decodeUrlDoHRequest( url.split('?dns=')[1] ) // response[2] needs to be valid for a response // we're taking this from a request, so we need to massage it response[2] = 0b10000001 // modify the RCODE field, 5 means the request was refused response[3] = 0b00000101 // now it is our response return response }, "application/dns-message" ] assertRejects( async ()=>{ return await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, 'Response\'s RCODE field indicates the request was refused!' ) window.fetchResponse = [ (url)=>{ // take the request let response = decodeUrlDoHRequest( url.split('?dns=')[1] ) // response[2] needs to be valid for a response // we're taking this from a request, so we need to massage it response[2] = 0b10000001 // modify the RCODE field, any code > 5 is an error as well response[3] = 0b00001101 // now it is our response return response }, "application/dns-message" ] assertRejects( async ()=>{ return await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, 'Response\'s RCODE field indicates an error (code: 13)!' ) window.fetchResponse = [ (url)=>{ // take the request let response = decodeUrlDoHRequest( url.split('?dns=')[1] ) // response[2] needs to be valid for a response // we're taking this from a request, so we need to massage it response[2] = 0b10000001 // QDCOUNT needs to be 1 (we only asked one question) response[4] = 0 response[5] = 0 // now it is our response return response }, "application/dns-message" ] assertRejects( async ()=>{ return await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, 'Response\'s QDCOUNT is different than request\'s QDCOUNT (should be 1)!' ) window.fetchResponse = [ (url)=>{ // take the request let response = decodeUrlDoHRequest( url.split('?dns=')[1] ) // response[2] needs to be valid for a response // we're taking this from a request, so we need to massage it response[2] = 0b10000001 // ANCOUNT needs to be 1 or higher (we do want a response) response[6] = 0 response[7] = 0 // now it is our response return response }, "application/dns-message" ] assertRejects( async ()=>{ return await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, 'Response\'s ANCOUNT indicates no resource records received in response!' ) }) it("should throw an error if a DoH wire format response's question section is not correctly formatted", async () => { init = { name: "dnslink-fetch", dohMediaType: "application/dns-message", dohMethod: "GET" } window.fetchResponse = [ (url)=>{ // take the request let response = decodeUrlDoHRequest( url.split('?dns=')[1] ) // response[2] needs to be valid for a response // we're taking this from a request, so we need to massage it response[2] = 0b10000001 // ANCOUNT needs to be 1 or higher (we do want a response) response[6] = 0 response[7] = 1 // question section needs to be otherwise repeated one-to-one // so let's modify it in random ways response[14] += 5 response[17] -= 3 response[response.length - 3] += 2 response[response.length - 1] += 9 // now it is our response return response }, "application/dns-message" ] assertRejects( async ()=>{ return await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, 'Invalid response: QNAME, QTYPE, or QCLASS do not match between request and response.' ) }) it("should process a valid DoH wire format response to a GET request and use the alternative endpoint it contains", async () => { init = { name: "dnslink-fetch", dohMediaType: "application/dns-message", dohMethod: "GET" } window.fetchResponse = [ (url, reqinit)=>{ // after the DoH wire format request we need to handle also the request to the alternative endpoint if (url == "") { return JSON.stringify({test: "success"}) // this is handling the DoH wire format request } else { // take the request let request = decodeUrlDoHRequest( url.split('?dns=')[1] ) // response[2] needs to be valid for a response // we're taking this from a request, so we need to massage it request[2] = 0b10000001 // ANCOUNT needs to be 1 or higher (we do want a response) request[6] = 0 request[7] = 1 // responses start after the question section // so we can just bolt it directly to the request and call it a day, kind of let response = dohPacket([ request, ...response_data ]) // now it is our response return response } }, "application/dns-message" ] let response_data = [ // name, type, class, TTL, dohPktFrgs.type, dohPktFrgs.class, dohPktFrgs.ttl, // RDLENGTH [0, (dohPktFrgs.dnslink.length + dohPktFrgs.https.length + dohPktFrgs.https_addr1.length + 1)], // TXT RR length [(dohPktFrgs.dnslink.length + dohPktFrgs.https.length + dohPktFrgs.https_addr1.length)], // TXT RR: dnslink=/https/... dohPktFrgs.dnslink, dohPktFrgs.https, dohPktFrgs.https_addr1 ] // this should succeed await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); assertSpyCall(fetch, 1, {args: [ "", { cache: "reload", }] }) // now same, but with a name pointer instead of a full name in the response response_data = [ // pointer to the name in question part, type, class, TTL dohPktFrgs.nameptr, dohPktFrgs.type, dohPktFrgs.class, dohPktFrgs.ttl, // RDLENGTH [0, (dohPktFrgs.dnslink.length + dohPktFrgs.https.length + dohPktFrgs.https_addr1.length + 1)], // TXT RR length [(dohPktFrgs.dnslink.length + dohPktFrgs.https.length + dohPktFrgs.https_addr1.length)], // TXT RR: dnslink=/https/... dohPktFrgs.dnslink, dohPktFrgs.https, dohPktFrgs.https_addr1 ] // this should succeed await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); assertSpyCall(fetch, 3, {args: [ "", { cache: "reload", }] }) }) it("should process a valid DoH wire format response to a POST request and use the alternative endpoint it contains", async () => { init = { name: "dnslink-fetch", dohMediaType: "application/dns-message", dohMethod: "POST" } window.fetchResponse = [ (url, reqinit)=>{ // after the DoH wire format request we need to handle also the request to the alternative endpoint if (url == "") { return JSON.stringify({test: "success"}) // this is handling the DoH wire format request } else { // take the request body let request = reqinit.body // response[2] needs to be valid for a response // we're taking this from a request, so we need to massage it request[2] = 0b10000001 // ANCOUNT needs to be 1 or higher (we do want a response) request[6] = 0 request[7] = 1 // responses start after the question section // so we can just bolt it directly to the request and call it a day, kind of let response = dohPacket([ request, ...response_data ]) // now it is our response return response } }, "application/dns-message" ] let response_data = [ // name, type, class, TTL, dohPktFrgs.type, dohPktFrgs.class, dohPktFrgs.ttl, // RDLENGTH [0, (dohPktFrgs.dnslink.length + dohPktFrgs.https.length + dohPktFrgs.https_addr1.length + 1)], // TXT RR length [(dohPktFrgs.dnslink.length + dohPktFrgs.https.length + dohPktFrgs.https_addr1.length)], // TXT RR: dnslink=/https/... dohPktFrgs.dnslink, dohPktFrgs.https, dohPktFrgs.https_addr1 ] // this should succeed await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); assertSpyCall(fetch, 1, {args: [ "", { cache: "reload", }] }) // now same, but with a name pointer instead of a full name in the response response_data = [ // pointer to the name in question part, type, class, TTL dohPktFrgs.nameptr, dohPktFrgs.type, dohPktFrgs.class, dohPktFrgs.ttl, // RDLENGTH [0, (dohPktFrgs.dnslink.length + dohPktFrgs.https.length + dohPktFrgs.https_addr1.length + 1)], // TXT RR length [(dohPktFrgs.dnslink.length + dohPktFrgs.https.length + dohPktFrgs.https_addr1.length)], // TXT RR: dnslink=/https/... dohPktFrgs.dnslink, dohPktFrgs.https, dohPktFrgs.https_addr1 ] // this should succeed await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); assertSpyCall(fetch, 3, {args: [ "", { cache: "reload", }] }) }) it("should error out on invalid DoH wire format responses to a GET request", async () => { init = { name: "dnslink-fetch", dohMediaType: "application/dns-message", dohMethod: "GET" } window.fetchResponse = [ (url, reqinit)=>{ // after the DoH wire format request we need to handle also the request to the alternative endpoint if (url == "") { return JSON.stringify({test: "success"}) // this is handling the DoH wire format request } else { // take the request let request = decodeUrlDoHRequest( url.split('?dns=')[1] ) // response[2] needs to be valid for a response // we're taking this from a request, so we need to massage it request[2] = 0b10000001 // ANCOUNT needs to be 1 or higher (we do want a response) request[6] = 0 request[7] = 1 // responses start after the question section // so we can just bolt it directly to the request and call it a day, kind of let response = dohPacket([ request, ...response_data ]) // now it is our response return response } }, "application/dns-message" ] // invalid response: invalid pointer offset let response_data = [ // invalid nameptr, type, class, TTL dohPktFrgs.nameptr[0], dohPktFrgs.nameptr[1] + 5, dohPktFrgs.type, dohPktFrgs.class, dohPktFrgs.ttl, // RDLENGTH [0, (dohPktFrgs.dnslink.length + dohPktFrgs.https.length + dohPktFrgs.https_addr1.length + 1)], // TXT RR length [(dohPktFrgs.dnslink.length + dohPktFrgs.https.length + dohPktFrgs.https_addr1.length)], // TXT RR: dnslink=/https/... dohPktFrgs.dnslink, dohPktFrgs.https, dohPktFrgs.https_addr1 ] assertRejects( async ()=>{ await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, 'Invalid response: unexpected name pointer offset 17 (expected: 12)' ) // invalid response: wrong name let badname = [] badname[4] += 1 badname[5] += 1 response_data = [ // wrong name, type, class, TTL badname, dohPktFrgs.type, dohPktFrgs.class, dohPktFrgs.ttl, // RDLENGTH [0, (dohPktFrgs.dnslink.length + dohPktFrgs.https.length + dohPktFrgs.https_addr1.length + 1)], // TXT RR length [(dohPktFrgs.dnslink.length + dohPktFrgs.https.length + dohPktFrgs.https_addr1.length)], // TXT RR: dnslink=/https/... dohPktFrgs.dnslink, dohPktFrgs.https, dohPktFrgs.https_addr1 ] assertRejects( async ()=>{ await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, 'Invalid response: NAME in an answer does not match the QNAME from the request.' ) // invalid response: the first byte of the response has to start // with 0b11 (a name pointer) or 0b00 (a name) badname = [] badname[0] = badname[0] | 0b01000000; response_data = [ // bad byte name, type, class, TTL badname, dohPktFrgs.type, dohPktFrgs.class, dohPktFrgs.ttl, // RDLENGTH [0, (dohPktFrgs.dnslink.length + dohPktFrgs.https.length + dohPktFrgs.https_addr1.length + 1)], // TXT RR length [(dohPktFrgs.dnslink.length + dohPktFrgs.https.length + dohPktFrgs.https_addr1.length)], // TXT RR: dnslink=/https/... dohPktFrgs.dnslink, dohPktFrgs.https, dohPktFrgs.https_addr1 ] assertRejects( async ()=>{ await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, "Invalid response: answer's NAME starts with something else than 0b11 or 0b00." ) // invalid response: type not indicating a TXT record response_data = [ // name, invalid type, class, TTL, dohPktFrgs.type[0], dohPktFrgs.type[1] + 4, dohPktFrgs.class, dohPktFrgs.ttl, // RDLENGTH [0, (dohPktFrgs.dnslink.length + dohPktFrgs.https.length + dohPktFrgs.https_addr1.length + 1)], // TXT RR length [(dohPktFrgs.dnslink.length + dohPktFrgs.https.length + dohPktFrgs.https_addr1.length)], // TXT RR: dnslink=/https/... dohPktFrgs.dnslink, dohPktFrgs.https, dohPktFrgs.https_addr1 ] assertRejects( async ()=>{ await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, "No TXT record contained http or https endpoint definition" ) // invalid response: incorrect class response_data = [ // name, type, incorrect class, TTL, dohPktFrgs.type, dohPktFrgs.class[0], dohPktFrgs.class[1] + 10, dohPktFrgs.ttl, // RDLENGTH [0, (dohPktFrgs.dnslink.length + dohPktFrgs.https.length + dohPktFrgs.https_addr1.length + 1)], // TXT RR length [(dohPktFrgs.dnslink.length + dohPktFrgs.https.length + dohPktFrgs.https_addr1.length)], // TXT RR: dnslink=/https/... dohPktFrgs.dnslink, dohPktFrgs.https, dohPktFrgs.https_addr1 ] assertRejects( async ()=>{ await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, "Invalid response: unexpected CLASS: 11" ) // invalid response: RDLENGTH must not be zero response_data = [ // name, type, class, TTL, dohPktFrgs.type, dohPktFrgs.class, dohPktFrgs.ttl, // incorrect RDLENGTH [0, 0], // TXT RR length [(dohPktFrgs.dnslink.length + dohPktFrgs.https.length + dohPktFrgs.https_addr1.length)], // TXT RR: dnslink=/https/... dohPktFrgs.dnslink, dohPktFrgs.https, dohPktFrgs.https_addr1 ] assertRejects( async ()=>{ await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, "Invalid response: RDLENGTH is zero" ) // invalid response: RDLENGTH must be 1 higher than TXT RR length field response_data = [ // name, type, incorrect class, TTL, dohPktFrgs.type, dohPktFrgs.class, dohPktFrgs.ttl, // RDLENGTH [0, (dohPktFrgs.dnslink.length + dohPktFrgs.https.length + dohPktFrgs.https_addr1.length + 1)], // incorrect TXT RR length [(dohPktFrgs.dnslink.length + dohPktFrgs.https.length + dohPktFrgs.https_addr1.length + 1)], // TXT RR: dnslink=/https/... dohPktFrgs.dnslink, dohPktFrgs.https, dohPktFrgs.https_addr1 ] assertRejects( async ()=>{ await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, "Invalid response: RDLENGTH does not match TXT record length" ) }) it("should error out on invalid DoH wire format responses to a POST request", async () => { init = { name: "dnslink-fetch", dohMediaType: "application/dns-message", dohMethod: "POST" } window.fetchResponse = [ (url, reqinit)=>{ // after the DoH wire format request we need to handle also the request to the alternative endpoint if (url == "") { return JSON.stringify({test: "success"}) // this is handling the DoH wire format request } else { // take the request let request = reqinit.body // response[2] needs to be valid for a response // we're taking this from a request, so we need to massage it request[2] = 0b10000001 // ANCOUNT needs to be 1 or higher (we do want a response) request[6] = 0 request[7] = 1 // responses start after the question section // so we can just bolt it directly to the request and call it a day, kind of let response = dohPacket([ request, ...response_data ]) // now it is our response return response } }, "application/dns-message" ] // invalid response: invalid pointer offset let response_data = [ // invalid nameptr, type, class, TTL dohPktFrgs.nameptr[0], dohPktFrgs.nameptr[1] + 5, dohPktFrgs.type, dohPktFrgs.class, dohPktFrgs.ttl, // RDLENGTH [0, (dohPktFrgs.dnslink.length + dohPktFrgs.https.length + dohPktFrgs.https_addr1.length + 1)], // TXT RR length [(dohPktFrgs.dnslink.length + dohPktFrgs.https.length + dohPktFrgs.https_addr1.length)], // TXT RR: dnslink=/https/... dohPktFrgs.dnslink, dohPktFrgs.https, dohPktFrgs.https_addr1 ] assertRejects( async ()=>{ await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, 'Invalid response: unexpected name pointer offset 17 (expected: 12)' ) // invalid response: wrong name let badname = [] badname[4] += 1 badname[5] += 1 response_data = [ // wrong name, type, class, TTL badname, dohPktFrgs.type, dohPktFrgs.class, dohPktFrgs.ttl, // RDLENGTH [0, (dohPktFrgs.dnslink.length + dohPktFrgs.https.length + dohPktFrgs.https_addr1.length + 1)], // TXT RR length [(dohPktFrgs.dnslink.length + dohPktFrgs.https.length + dohPktFrgs.https_addr1.length)], // TXT RR: dnslink=/https/... dohPktFrgs.dnslink, dohPktFrgs.https, dohPktFrgs.https_addr1 ] assertRejects( async ()=>{ await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, 'Invalid response: NAME in an answer does not match the QNAME from the request.' ) // invalid response: the first byte of the response has to start // with 0b11 (a name pointer) or 0b00 (a name) badname = [] badname[0] = badname[0] | 0b01000000; response_data = [ // bad byte name, type, class, TTL badname, dohPktFrgs.type, dohPktFrgs.class, dohPktFrgs.ttl, // RDLENGTH [0, (dohPktFrgs.dnslink.length + dohPktFrgs.https.length + dohPktFrgs.https_addr1.length + 1)], // TXT RR length [(dohPktFrgs.dnslink.length + dohPktFrgs.https.length + dohPktFrgs.https_addr1.length)], // TXT RR: dnslink=/https/... dohPktFrgs.dnslink, dohPktFrgs.https, dohPktFrgs.https_addr1 ] assertRejects( async ()=>{ await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, "Invalid response: answer's NAME starts with something else than 0b11 or 0b00." ) // invalid response: type not indicating a TXT record response_data = [ // name, invalid type, class, TTL, dohPktFrgs.type[0], dohPktFrgs.type[1] + 4, dohPktFrgs.class, dohPktFrgs.ttl, // RDLENGTH [0, (dohPktFrgs.dnslink.length + dohPktFrgs.https.length + dohPktFrgs.https_addr1.length + 1)], // TXT RR length [(dohPktFrgs.dnslink.length + dohPktFrgs.https.length + dohPktFrgs.https_addr1.length)], // TXT RR: dnslink=/https/... dohPktFrgs.dnslink, dohPktFrgs.https, dohPktFrgs.https_addr1 ] assertRejects( async ()=>{ await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, "No TXT record contained http or https endpoint definition" ) // invalid response: incorrect class response_data = [ // name, type, incorrect class, TTL, dohPktFrgs.type, dohPktFrgs.class[0], dohPktFrgs.class[1] + 10, dohPktFrgs.ttl, // RDLENGTH [0, (dohPktFrgs.dnslink.length + dohPktFrgs.https.length + dohPktFrgs.https_addr1.length + 1)], // TXT RR length [(dohPktFrgs.dnslink.length + dohPktFrgs.https.length + dohPktFrgs.https_addr1.length)], // TXT RR: dnslink=/https/... dohPktFrgs.dnslink, dohPktFrgs.https, dohPktFrgs.https_addr1 ] assertRejects( async ()=>{ await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, "Invalid response: unexpected CLASS: 11" ) // invalid response: RDLENGTH must not be zero response_data = [ // name, type, class, TTL, dohPktFrgs.type, dohPktFrgs.class, dohPktFrgs.ttl, // incorrect RDLENGTH [0, 0], // TXT RR length [(dohPktFrgs.dnslink.length + dohPktFrgs.https.length + dohPktFrgs.https_addr1.length)], // TXT RR: dnslink=/https/... dohPktFrgs.dnslink, dohPktFrgs.https, dohPktFrgs.https_addr1 ] assertRejects( async ()=>{ await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, "Invalid response: RDLENGTH is zero" ) // invalid response: RDLENGTH must be 1 higher than TXT RR length field response_data = [ // name, type, incorrect class, TTL, dohPktFrgs.type, dohPktFrgs.class, dohPktFrgs.ttl, // RDLENGTH [0, (dohPktFrgs.dnslink.length + dohPktFrgs.https.length + dohPktFrgs.https_addr1.length + 1)], // incorrect TXT RR length [(dohPktFrgs.dnslink.length + dohPktFrgs.https.length + dohPktFrgs.https_addr1.length + 1)], // TXT RR: dnslink=/https/... dohPktFrgs.dnslink, dohPktFrgs.https, dohPktFrgs.https_addr1 ] assertRejects( async ()=>{ await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); }, Error, "Invalid response: RDLENGTH does not match TXT record length" ) }) it("should fetch the content, trying all DNSLink-resolved endpoints (if fewer or equal to concurrency setting)", async () => { window.fetchResponse = [ {Status: 0, Answer: [ {type: 16, data: 'dnslink=/https/'}, {type: 16, data: 'dnslink=/http/'} ]}, "application/json" ] const response = await LibResilientPluginConstructors.get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init).fetch(''); // 1 fetch to resolve DNSLink, // then 2 fetch requests to the two DNSLink-resolved endpoints assertSpyCalls(fetch, 3) assertEquals(await response.json(), window.fetchResponse[0]) assertSpyCall( fetch, 1, { args: [ "", {cache: 'reload'} ] }) assertSpyCall( fetch, 2, { args: [ "", {cache: 'reload'} ] }) }) it("should fetch the content, trying random endpoints out of all DNSLink-resolved endpoints (if more than concurrency setting)", async () => { init.concurrency = 3 window.fetchResponse = [ {Status: 0, Answer: [ {type: 16, data: 'dnslink=/https/'}, {type: 16, data: 'dnslink=/http/'}, {type: 16, data: 'dnslink=/https/'}, {type: 16, data: 'dnslink=/https/'} ]}, "application/json" ] const response = await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch(''); // 1 fetch to resolve DNSLink, // then 3 fetch requests to random three of the five DNSLink-resolved endpoints assertSpyCalls(fetch, 4) assertEquals(await response.json(), window.fetchResponse[0]) }) it("should pass the Request() init data to fetch() for all used endpoints", async () => { var initTest = { method: "GET", headers: new Headers({"x-stub": "STUB"}), mode: "mode-stub", credentials: "credentials-stub", cache: "cache-stub", referrer: "referrer-stub", // these are not implemented by service-worker-mock // redirect: undefined, integrity: undefined, cache: undefined } window.fetchResponse = [ {Status: 0, Answer: [ {type: 16, data: 'dnslink=/https/'}, {type: 16, data: 'dnslink=/http/'}, {type: 16, data: 'dnslink=/https/'} ]}, "application/json" ] const response = await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init) .fetch('', initTest); // 1 fetch to resolve DNSLink, // then 3 fetch requests to the three DNSLink-resolved endpoints assertSpyCalls(fetch, 4) assertEquals(await response.json(), window.fetchResponse[0]) assertSpyCall( fetch, 1, { args: [ "", initTest ] }) assertSpyCall( fetch, 2, { args: [ "", initTest ] }) assertSpyCall( fetch, 3, { args: [ "", initTest ] }) }) it("should set the LibResilient headers, setting X-LibResilient-ETag based on Last-Modified (if ETag is unavailable in the original response)", async () => { window.fetchResponse = [ {Status: 0, Answer: [ {type: 16, data: 'dnslink=/https/'}, {type: 16, data: 'dnslink=/http/'} ]}, "application/json"] const response = await LibResilientPluginConstructors.get('dnslink-fetch')(LR, init).fetch(''); // 1 fetch to resolve DNSLink, // then 3 fetch requests to the three DNSLink-resolved endpoints assertSpyCalls(fetch, 3) assertEquals(await response.json(), window.fetchResponse[0]) assert(response.headers.has('X-LibResilient-Method')) assert(response.headers.has('X-LibResilient-Etag')) assertEquals(response.headers.get('X-LibResilient-Method'), 'dnslink-fetch') assertEquals(response.headers.get('X-LibResilient-Etag'), 'TestingLastModifiedHeader') }); })