const makeServiceWorkerEnv = require('service-worker-mock'); describe("plugin: gun-ipfs", () => { beforeEach(() => { Object.assign(global, makeServiceWorkerEnv()); jest.resetModules(); init = { name: 'gun-ipfs', gunPubkey: 'stub' } global.LibResilientPluginConstructors = new Map() LR = { log: jest.fn((component, ...items)=>{ console.debug(component + ' :: ', ...items) }) } global.Ipfs = { create: ()=>{ return Promise.resolve({ get: ()=>{ return { next: ()=>{ sourceUsed = true return Promise.resolve({ value: { path: 'some-ipfs-looking-address', content: { next: ()=>{ sourceUsed = !sourceUsed return Promise.resolve({ done: sourceUsed, value: Uint8Array.from( Array .from('{test: "success"}') .map( letter => letter.charCodeAt(0) ) ) }) } } } }) } } } }) } } self.Ipfs = global.Ipfs self.gunUser = jest.fn(()=>{ return { get: () => { return { get: ()=>{ return { once: (arg)=>{ arg(undefined) } } } } } } }) global.Gun = jest.fn((nodes)=>{ return { user: self.gunUser } }) }) test("it should register in LibResilientPlugins", () => { require("../../plugins/gun-ipfs.js"); expect(LibResilientPluginConstructors.get('gun-ipfs')(LR, init).name).toEqual('gun-ipfs'); }); test("IPFS setup should be initiated", async ()=>{ self.importScripts = jest.fn() require("../../plugins/gun-ipfs.js"); try { await LibResilientPluginConstructors.get('gun-ipfs')(LR, init).fetch('/test.json') } catch {} expect(self.importScripts).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, './lib/ipfs.js') }) test("Gun setup should be initiated", async ()=>{ self.importScripts = jest.fn() require("../../plugins/gun-ipfs.js"); try { await LibResilientPluginConstructors.get('gun-ipfs')(LR, init).fetch('/test.json') } catch {} expect(self.importScripts).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(2, "./lib/gun.js", "./lib/sea.js", "./lib/webrtc.js") }) test("fetching should error out for unpublished content", async ()=>{ require("../../plugins/gun-ipfs.js"); expect.assertions(1) try { await LibResilientPluginConstructors.get('gun-ipfs')(LR, init).fetch(self.location.origin + '/test.json') } catch(e) { expect(e).toEqual(new Error('IPFS address is undefined for: /test.json')) } }) test("fetching a path ending in / should instead fetch /index.html", async ()=>{ require("../../plugins/gun-ipfs.js"); expect.assertions(1) try { await LibResilientPluginConstructors.get('gun-ipfs')(LR, init).fetch(self.location.origin + '/test/') } catch(e) { expect(e).toEqual(new Error('IPFS address is undefined for: /test/index.html')) } }) test("content types should be guessed correctly when fetching", async ()=>{ require("../../plugins/gun-ipfs.js"); var gunipfsPlugin = LibResilientPluginConstructors.get('gun-ipfs')(LR, init) try { await gunipfsPlugin.fetch(self.location.origin + '/test/') } catch(e) {} expect(LR.log).toHaveBeenCalledWith('gun-ipfs', " +-- guessed contentType : text/html") LR.log.mockClear() try { await gunipfsPlugin.fetch(self.location.origin + '/test.htm') } catch(e) {} expect(LR.log).toHaveBeenCalledWith('gun-ipfs', " +-- guessed contentType : text/html") LR.log.mockClear() try { await gunipfsPlugin.fetch(self.location.origin + '/test.css') } catch(e) {} expect(LR.log).toHaveBeenCalledWith('gun-ipfs', " +-- guessed contentType : text/css") LR.log.mockClear() try { await gunipfsPlugin.fetch(self.location.origin + '/test.js') } catch(e) {} expect(LR.log).toHaveBeenCalledWith('gun-ipfs', " +-- guessed contentType : text/javascript") LR.log.mockClear() try { await gunipfsPlugin.fetch(self.location.origin + '/test.json') } catch(e) {} expect(LR.log).toHaveBeenCalledWith('gun-ipfs', " +-- guessed contentType : application/json") LR.log.mockClear() try { await gunipfsPlugin.fetch(self.location.origin + '/test.svg') } catch(e) {} expect(LR.log).toHaveBeenCalledWith('gun-ipfs', " +-- guessed contentType : image/svg+xml") LR.log.mockClear() try { await gunipfsPlugin.fetch(self.location.origin + '/test.ico') } catch(e) {} expect(LR.log).toHaveBeenCalledWith('gun-ipfs', " +-- guessed contentType : image/x-icon") }) test("fetching should work (stub!)", async ()=>{ self.gunUser = jest.fn(()=>{ return { get: () => { return { get: ()=>{ return { once: (arg)=>{ arg('some-ipfs-looking-address') } } } } } } }) require("../../plugins/gun-ipfs.js"); //await self.Ipfs.create() let response = await LibResilientPluginConstructors.get('gun-ipfs')(LR, init).fetch(self.location.origin + '/test.json') expect(response.body.type).toEqual('application/json') expect(String.fromCharCode.apply(null,[0])).toEqual('{test: "success"}') }) test("publishContent should error out if passed anything else than string or array of string", async ()=>{ require("../../plugins/gun-ipfs.js"); var gunipfsPlugin = LibResilientPluginConstructors.get('gun-ipfs')(LR, init) expect(()=>{ gunipfsPlugin.publish({ url: self.location.origin + '/test.json' }) }).toThrow('Handling a Response: not implemented yet') expect(()=>{ gunipfsPlugin.publish(true) }).toThrow('Only accepts: string, Array of string, Response.') expect(()=>{ gunipfsPlugin.publish([true, 5]) }).toThrow('Only accepts: string, Array of string, Response.') }) });