import { describe, it, afterEach, beforeEach } from ""; import { assert, assertThrows, assertRejects, assertEquals } from ""; import { assertSpyCall, assertSpyCalls, spy, } from ""; beforeEach(()=>{ window.resolvingFetchSpy = spy(window.resolvingFetch) window.init = { name: 'basic-integrity', uses: [ { name: 'resolve-all', description: 'Resolves all', version: '0.0.1', fetch: window.resolvingFetchSpy } ], integrity: { "": "sha384-kn5dhxz4RpBmx7xC7Dmq2N43PclV9U/niyh+4Km7oz5W0FaWdz3Op+3K0Qxz8y3z" }, requireIntegrity: true } }) afterEach(()=>{ window.init = null window.resolvingFetchSpy = null }) describe('browser: basic-integrity plugin', async () => { window.LibResilientPluginConstructors = new Map() window.LR = { log: (component, ...items)=>{ console.debug(component + ' :: ', ...items) } } window.resolvingFetch = (url, init) => { return Promise.resolve( new Response( new Blob( [JSON.stringify({ test: "success" })], {type: "application/json"} ), { status: 200, statusText: "OK", headers: { 'ETag': 'TestingETagHeader' } } ) ) } window.resolvingFetchSpy = null await import("../../../plugins/basic-integrity/index.js"); it("should register in LibResilientPluginConstructors", async () => { assertEquals( LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('basic-integrity')(LR, init) .name, 'basic-integrity'); }); it("should throw an error when there aren't any wrapped plugins configured", async () => { init = { name: 'basic-integrity', uses: [] } assertThrows( () => { return LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('basic-integrity')(LR, init) .fetch('') }, Error, 'Expected exactly one plugin to wrap' ) }); it("should throw an error when there are more than one wrapped plugins configured", async () => { init = { name: 'basic-integrity', uses: [{ name: 'plugin-1' },{ name: 'plugin-2' }] } assertThrows( () => { return LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('basic-integrity')(LR, init) .fetch('') }, Error, 'Expected exactly one plugin to wrap' ) }); it("should return data from the wrapped plugin", async () => { const response = await LibResilientPluginConstructors.get('basic-integrity')(LR, init).fetch(''); assertSpyCalls(resolvingFetchSpy, 1); assertEquals(await response.json(), {test: "success"}) }); it("should provide the wrapped plugin with integrity data for a configured URL", async () => { const response = await LibResilientPluginConstructors.get('basic-integrity')(LR, init).fetch(''); assertSpyCall( resolvingFetchSpy, 0, { args: [ '', { integrity: init.integrity[''] }] }) assertEquals(await response.json(), {test: "success"}) }); it("should error out for an URL with no integrity data, when requireIntegrity is true", async () => { assertThrows( () => { return LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('basic-integrity')(LR, init) .fetch('') }, Error, 'Integrity data required but not provided for' ) assertSpyCalls(resolvingFetchSpy, 0) }); it("should return data from the wrapped plugin with no integrity data if requireIntegrity is false", async () => { init.integrity = {} init.requireIntegrity = false const response = await LibResilientPluginConstructors.get('basic-integrity')(LR, init).fetch(''); assertSpyCalls(resolvingFetchSpy, 1) assertSpyCall( resolvingFetchSpy, 0, { args: [ '', {} ] }) assertEquals(await response.json(), {test: "success"}) }); it("should return data from the wrapped plugin with no integrity data configured when requireIntegrity is true and integrity data is provided in Request() init data", async () => { init.integrity = {} const response = await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('basic-integrity')(LR, init) .fetch('', { integrity: "sha256-Aj9x0DWq9GUL1L8HibLCMa8YLKnV7IYAfpYurqrFwiQ=" }); assertSpyCalls(resolvingFetchSpy, 1) assertSpyCall( resolvingFetchSpy, 0, { args: [ '', { integrity: "sha256-Aj9x0DWq9GUL1L8HibLCMa8YLKnV7IYAfpYurqrFwiQ=" } ] }) assertEquals(await response.json(), {test: "success"}) }); it("should return data from the wrapped plugin with integrity data both configured and coming from Request() init", async () => { const response = await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('basic-integrity')(LR, init) .fetch('', { integrity: "sha256-Aj9x0DWq9GUL1L8HibLCMa8YLKnV7IYAfpYurqrFwiQ=" }); assertSpyCalls(resolvingFetchSpy, 1) assertSpyCall( resolvingFetchSpy, 0, { args: [ '', { integrity: "sha256-Aj9x0DWq9GUL1L8HibLCMa8YLKnV7IYAfpYurqrFwiQ= sha384-kn5dhxz4RpBmx7xC7Dmq2N43PclV9U/niyh+4Km7oz5W0FaWdz3Op+3K0Qxz8y3z" } ] }) assertEquals(await response.json(), {test: "success"}) }); // as per documentation, this plugin is not supposed to actualy *verify* integrity of fetched resources! it("should return data from the wrapped plugin even with incorrect integrity data provided", async () => { init.integrity = {} const response = await LibResilientPluginConstructors .get('basic-integrity')(LR, init) .fetch('', { integrity: "sha256-INCORRECTINCORRECTINCORRECTINCORRECTINCORRECT" }); assertSpyCalls(resolvingFetchSpy, 1) assertSpyCall( resolvingFetchSpy, 0, { args: [ '', { integrity: "sha256-INCORRECTINCORRECTINCORRECTINCORRECTINCORRECT" } ] }) assertEquals(await response.json(), {test: "success"}) }); })