libresilient-test: image: denoland/deno:debian-1.37.0 stage: test script: # preparations - apt update && apt-get install -y bsdextrautils - deno install --allow-read --allow-write # run the tests! - deno test --quiet --allow-read --importmap=./__tests__/importmap.json --coverage=./coverage/ --trace-ops # # sigh! we are loading the service-worker.js script once per each test, and Deno # does not allow us to do it nicely - so we are adding a '?' at the end of # the filename each time. # # this works but causes the coverage data to be generated as if these were actually # different files, so we need this little hack here to fix that - sed -i -r -e 's/service-worker\.js\?[0-9]+"/service-worker.js"/' coverage/*.json # convert coverage to cobertura XML by way of LCOV - deno coverage --lcov ./coverage/ > ./coverage/coverage.lcov - /usr/local/bin/lcov_cobertura coverage/coverage.lcov > coverage/coverage.xml # pretty-print some stats directly in the job log - deno coverage ./coverage/ | grep '^cover' | column -t -R 4,5 - egrep '^"' | tr '=' ' ' | awk '{ printf "%s %5.2f%%\n", $1, $2*100 }' - | sed -r -e 's/branch-rate/Branches/' -r -e 's/line-rate/Lines/' | column -t -R2 coverage: '/^Lines +[0-9]+\.[0-9]{2}%$/' artifacts: when: always reports: coverage_report: coverage_format: cobertura path: coverage/coverage.xml tags: - docker - linux stages: - test sast: stage: test tags: - docker - linux include: - template: Security/SAST.gitlab-ci.yml